I do not own Inu-Yasha, but I own Kyoshi, Runi, Hyato, Synjo, and Amaliya.

Title: The Next Generation... Way to go, Inuyasha!

Author: Rumi-Chan

Chapter 1

Inuyasha breathed the morning air with anticipation. Kagome was expecting another pup. It had been a few years since they had been together, and together they had a son by the name of Synjo. Miroku was there as well. Sango was also expecting a child. Together the father and the father-to-be stood outside, pacing like there was no tomorrow. At long last Kaede-Baba came out, looking very exhausted, said, "You two may come in now." Before you knew it, Inuyasha and Miroku were inside. Kaede-Baba led Miroku to the other room in which Sango was in, while Inuyasha made timid steps towards the futon on which his Kagome lay. Kagome saw Inuyasha coming nearer and said faintly, "Inuyasha..." Inuyasha rushed to Kagome and kneeled beside her. Kagome pointed to the small bundle in her arms, "Look." Inuyasha took a peek at the little creature in his mate's hands. What he saw surprised him. "Kagome, the pup is- is- is a full..." His words trailed off. Kagome finished for him, "The pup is a full demon." Inuyasha was thrilled, "My son is a pure demon! My son is a pure demon!" "Uh, Inuyasha?" "Eh?" "Whoever told you that it was a he?"

~*~*~*~ Miroku approached his wife with great apprehension. Was the delivery a success? Is Sango still alive? Was the child a boy or a girl? "Miroku," a voice said, "Miroku are you there?" "Sango! Are you alright?" In an instant he was at his wife's side. His eyes widened at the tiny bundle in front of him. "Can I hold it?" Sango rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Of course you can hold her! She is your daughter, you know!" "Her," Miroku repeated in surprise, "but I thought it was a boy?!" Sango chuckled, "It's a girl." Miroku frowned, "No way. There is no way that my child is a girl!" Sango repeated firmly, "I'm telling you, it's a girl!" Miroku peeked into the bundle, "Oh my! You're right Sango! He's definitely a girl!" ~*~*~*~ Inuyasha was stunned. "You mean that my daughter is a pure bred demon!" Kagome laughed lightly, "She has a name you know. It's Kyoshi." ~*~*~*~ Thirteen- year- old Shippou, twelve-year-old Rin, Sesshomaru, and one-year-old Synjo were waiting outside by the forest. Shippou on the other hand, was getting antsy, "I wonder how Kagome is doing?" Synjo crawled into Rin's lap, expecting to be held. As for Sesshomaru, he was just being the strong and silent Sesshomaru he is.


That was the first chappie?! What did you think? Was it good, ne? Anyway, this is my first fic, so do not flame me! Reviews would be loved and appreciated! I know that this first chapter was kind of short, but I promise you, it will get longer! JA NE!

`*})i({*~ Rumi-Chan ~*})i({*~