
When Belle pulled Rumplstiltskin out of Regina's hospital room he continued with his banter insisting he needed his son. But Belle interrupted him, "Yes. I agree with you. You do need your son. And he's right here. Growing inside of me."

Rumple was at a loss for words. The last thing he expected was to ever have another child. Over the next few months Belle convinced him they had started a new life together and he dropped his insistence over bring Baelfire back.

Elsa and Anna decided to stay in Storybrooke awhile. The two along with Regina rekindled their lost forgotten friendship and with their redemption, Graham forgave Regina and even Rumple for what once occurred. Anna and Graham found they really liked it there now that they were together. And Elsa..well, Elsa found she really liked Ruby. Elsa was slowly learning how to touch people again, and by people I mean Ruby.

Snow White ultimately became delighted with the idea of being a grandmother again and even James fell on board once he knew what Regina was having.

Regina and Emma had a quaint but beautiful wedding by the forest of Storybrooke before Regina started showing. They invited a very select group of people although the townsfolk became like paparazzi that they had to keep away.

When the moment of delivery came it was a joyous occasion anxiously awaited by both women. When they finally placed the baby in Regina's arms, who was delirious with happiness she looked to Emma, "What shall we name her?"

Emma smiled at her wife, knowing all along what her name should be, "Danielle."

Hi Everyone! I really hope you enjoyed the conclusion of this story. I may have become a bit of a cheese-ball at the end but I couldn't help myself. I really had to put on the brakes because I could have kept writing and writing away. I enjoyed this experience so much as my first fanfiction. I may write a part two or another story who knows? THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for reading this story, for all of your excellent reviews, for following the story and making it your favorite. I would love to hear from you anytime!

I would like to give you guys the links to my children's story which I self-published but I honestly don't know if I'm allowed to do that through this website. Nor do I want to get in trouble because it is a children's story and the OUAT fanfic isn't exactly PG as you all know. lol Let me know what you think! I will definitely try to find out and re-edit this page by adding links if it's ok. Thank you again! I am so grateful to each and every one of you. You guys have motivated me and really encouraged this dream of mine. XOXO