

It lies not in our power to love or hate,
For will in us is overruled by fate.
When two are stripped, long ere the course begin,
We wish that one should lose, the other win;
And one especially do we affect
Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:
The reason no man knows; let it suffice
What we behold is censured by our eyes.
Where both deliberate, the love is slight:
Who ever loved, that loved not at first sight?

- Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander


The bicycle slows to a halt in front of an impressive gate. Gloved hands release the handles so Takao could turn his body around. "We're here, Shin-chan."

Midorima gets out of the rear cart, hitching up his bag on one shoulder while keeping hold of the Cancer's lucky item – a bright red parasol – with his free hand. He rings the doorbell and waits for the help to open the gate while Takao dislodges the cart from his bike.

"Welcome back, young master," comes the customary greeting and Midorima replies with a nod which doubles as a dismissal.

Takao leans his bike against a pillar as he and Midorima push the rickshaw inside. Swiping his hands together in mimicry of dusting them off, Takao stares up at Midorima. "Are you really really not going to join us?"

"Sorry, but I told you I can't get out of this family affair," Midorima says, plaintive.

"But it's movie night~" Takao whines.

"I don't particularly recall the last one to have gone well," Midorima drily replies, pulling a sheepish expression from Takao. "In any case," he continues as they cover up the rickshaw with the usual tarp to keep it clean and relatively protected from the fickle February weather. "Have fun."

Takao doesn't bother hiding his disappointment, petulantly sticking out his lips in an exaggerated pout. "Then you'd better give me a damn good goodbye kiss to last me 'til Monday."

A blush colors Midorima's face and he clears his throat to cover up his embarrassment. "Seriously, Takao…" Despite his muttering, Midorima leans in close and plants a quick but firm kiss on Takao's waiting lips.

"Mmm." Takao smiles sweetly, the sparkle in his eyes reflecting the flushed face of his partner. "Thanks, Shin-chan. I'll be going ahead now."

Nodding stiffly, Midorima walks Takao back out the gate. "Bye, then," he says as Takao kicks off the bicycle stand and hops on his ride.

"I'll call you later!" Takao waves off with a peace sign, pedaling away.

As Takao's figure grows smaller in the distance, Midorima retreats into his home. His heart is still beating in a frenzy and he takes a series of steadying breaths. Despite all the weeks that have passed, he still isn't used to this mutual exchange of affection that they have established between them.

"That's what boyfriends do, Shin-chan!" Takao had laughed at him when he first expressed that thought. He then made a point by holding tight to Midorima's hand as they wandered aimlessly around the mall.

It feels nice, though.

Midorima takes off his shoes at the entryway and proceeds to his room, passing by his younger sister in the living room. The curtains are drawn wide open. She sends a teasing grin his way but doesn't comment.


"Captain, we're heading out!" Kagami calls, putting on his varsity jacket.

"Okay. See you, Monday!"


Kuroko walks behind Kagami, fishing for his phone which has begun vibrating to announce a new message. "Momoi-san is at the flower shop," he announces, closing his phone once his reply finishes sending.

"It's just her, right?" Kagami confirms, looking sideways at Kuroko.

"Maybe Aomine-kun is there," Kuroko states, slightly teasing. "You know how inseparable they are."


The shorter teen merely blinks at him. "I don't see the problem if Aomine-kun decides to tag along to movie night at the last minute."

"But – Takao–"

"Oh? Are you ashamed of your blooming relationship with Takao-kun?" Kuroko asks, half-joking. "My, my… And after that whole speech you made, too."

"S-Shut up." Kagami blushes. "I'm not ashamed. It's just – the teasing – er." They pause at the end of the sidewalk, the blinking red light telling them not to cross. "I mean, if it comes from you, I can handle it but Aomine–" He makes a face as if he'd just swallowed a sour lemon. "I don't want to start a brawl in my living room."

Wearing a quirk of a smile, Kuroko replies, "Then I'll do my best to dissuade Aomine-kun should the matter arise."


"It'll only be a matter of time before people find out, anyway," Kuroko continues as they cross at the green light. "With Momoi-san joining us and all."

Kagami grouses even further, narrowing his eyes at Kuroko. "So that's why you invited her."

"Not really."


"I can't believe you set me up to go stag at what is obviously a couples' movie night," Himuro accuses, pointing a fork in Kagami's direction as they unpack the delivery pizza and pasta.

"I didn't invite you over in the first place," Kagami complains, folding up the paper bags so they can serve as trash holders later on. "You invited yourself over because you needed a place to crash."

"You are going to regret saying that to my face," Himuro states with a dangerous air about him.

"More importantly, why are we watching a horror movie?" Kuroko pipes up to diffuse the brewing animosity. He holds up the DVD case, brows slightly furrowed.

"Because everything else in the movie theaters is a sappy love story," Takao answers from the kitchen.

"Well it is Valentine's season," Momoi comments from beside him, a bright blush still burning on her cheeks at Himuro's remark. She and Takao are busy with dishing out ice and drinks for the entire party. She should've brought Aomine but, for once, the guy refused and headed home instead. Something about an important live stream for Horikata Mai's fans that he absolutely cannot miss. Momoi sighs. How typical.

"And this has 'Valentine' in the title so it should do," Kagami grins.

"There is also a creepy man with a pickaxe on the cover," Kuroko points out.

"I've seen this one when I was in America." Himuro takes the case from Kuroko and heads over to the DVD player to load it. "You guys are gonna love it."


The suspenseful background music rises to a crescendo, ending in a thunderous clap and the reveal of another bloody victim. A shrill cry pierces the room as the viewers flinch away from the screen.

"Momoi-san, it's okay."

"…That wasn't me." Momoi looks around to find Takao with his knees folded to his chest. The Shutoku player is hiding behind the arm that Kagami is resting over his knees; only his eyes are visible, peeking at the screen with great trepidation.

"Takao, seriously, it's not even that scary," Kagami mutters even though his brave front is betrayed by the tremors in his voice.

"I know but the suspense!" Takao's reply is muffled as he tries his earnest to squeeze even closer to Kagami.

"Just sit on his lap," Himuro calls over, chewing on his pizza. "It will be less embarrassing for the rest of us."

As Kagami snaps something about Himuro minding his own business, Momoi gets the metaphorical light bulb switching on over her head. She tries to focus back on the movie but her curious mind leads her eyes back on the couple occupying the couch with her. She did wonder why Kuroko chose the single seat and had her sit between him and his light… Kuroko...

The teen has his hands full with a bowl of half-eaten pasta, shaking slightly as the screen goes over the details of the dead body. He blinks and sits back a little when the scene changes, then his gaze ever so slightly shifts towards the couch.

Momoi knows she's been caught staring and abashedly looks down at her drink.


Movie night ends with Kuroko gallantly escorting Momoi outside as both Himuro and Takao have brought overnight bags with them.

Wrapping a wool scarf around her neck, Momoi walks side-by-side with Kuroko along the brightly-lit pavement. "Thank you for inviting me," she says as a means to break the silence.

"Did you enjoy the movie? It was... a little too scary than what I had in mind," Kuroko replies, amiable.

Momoi nods. "It's alright. A little something to shake things up is never bad but..." She looks away, her genial tone hushed. "I'm guessing that's not the only reason you invited me?"

This time of the night, the traffic has slowed from the rush hour commuters dying to get home. Kuroko lets the static speak for a few moments until they find themselves in the middle of an empty sidewalk. He squares his shoulders and bows deeply before his former team manager. "I'm sorry, Momoi-san. It was a moment of weakness and I... I didn't think I could get through this by myself. I needed someone strong."

Hearing that, Momoi's expression softens. She steps up and puts a comforting hand on Kuoko's arm. "I've always liked you for your honesty, Kuroko-kun. But really, those two, I never would've thought."

"You can't always predict everything," Kuroko teases good-naturedly as he straightens up. The mood around him is noticeably lighter.

Momoi indulges him with a grin. "Wait til I tell Dai-chan~"

"Ah, don't do that," Kuroko says once the both of them resume walking. "Kagami-kun is very shy..."

"How dull," Momoi complains. They cross the street and she turns around, looking Kuroko in the eyes. "But you're okay, right?"

"I am."


"I'm done with the shower!" Takao announces, walking out in his pajamas with his overnight bag slung over one shoulder. A door to his right opens and Himuro peeks out.

"I need to be up at eight tomorrow for a university tour," Himuro states – or threatens, more like. "If you two keep me up with whatever shenanigans your hormones put you up to I swear–"

"Tatsuya, seriously," Kagami cuts in, coming up with his own towel and change of clothes in hand. "We're not going to do anything."

Himuro's visible eye narrows in distrust.

"Not much, anyway," Takao adds after a beat of silence. Kagami blushes beet red, making choking sounds while Himuro just slaps a hand to his face. "Here."

Pulling back his palm, Himuro gets handed a packet of ear plugs. "What."

"It's my lucky item for the day," Takao explains, grinning too gleefully to be sane. "Shin-chan said to always keep it on hand but you look like you'll be needing it more than I do."

"For goodness' sake," Kagami grumbles, brows knitted together as he stomps away. "I am out of here."

When the door to the bathroom slams shut, Himuro chucks the package back at Takao who catches it easily. "You morons are good for each other."

Takao beams.

"But I still think you're a bad influence."

Chuckling, Takao keeps the ear plugs back inside his bag. "Well, you called this one. No take backs."

"You can keep him," Himuro retorts, retreating into his room with the slightest grin. "Good night."



A/N: And we are done~! Thank you so very much for staying with this little story of mine~ I fell asleep on my Kuroko body pillow while resting my eyes before doing a final beta eheh... I think that's a good sign :) See you next time!