Leo's pov
Busted. All the way down from Jason's inside pocket I couldn't see Piper's eyes as she faced Jason, but I bet they are screaming you're dead!
"He's around huh?" She said.
"Umm...maybe closer than I thought." Jason said. Afterwards he proceeded with a weak laugh. The look on Piper's face showed that she wasn't in the mood. She looked pissed. Piper hates to be lied to and that was no secret. Jason saw that he wasn't changing the angry look Piper was giving him.
"Hold on. Piper, before you get upset."
"Too late." Piper said.
"Just let me explain-"
"Explain what, Jason? Are you going to explain why you just lied to my face? Why your taking Leo to gods know where without telling me? Because I would just love to hear an explanation."
"Uh, Piper." I said. She looked down at me. I was gonna say something to lighten the mood, but Piper's furious eyes told me that it wasn't a good idea.
"Get out of there." Piper picked me up from the pocket. "And you! You were just going to leave the apartment without telling me?" For once in my life, I was at a lost for words. Piper was just so scary.
"Leave Leo alone. All he just wanted was to go out and get some fresh air." Jason said. Piper put me down to the ground. I was on the floor, looking up at two giants arguing, which made me feel a lot smaller then I alrighty was. Plus watching a couple fight is just awkward.
"What do mean some fresh air?"
"I mean going outside. Leo's been cooped up in this apartment for months. If you ask me, I think its about time he went outside."
"Outside! Jason, Leo is practically the size of a doll if not smaller. If some sort of trouble was to break out, he couldn't defend himself. If something was to happen-"
"Well I won't let anything happen, I mean come on, how can you even doubt my ability to keep Leo safe."
"This isn't about you, Jason, this about Leo's safety. Sometimes you just have to make things all about you, don't ya!?
"Woah woah, hold up, I don't make things all about me, miss controlling!"
I tired of this, Watching my friends argue like this was upsetting, and looking up these two gigantic human beings was making me queasy. I began to speak. "Guys." They didn't respond, didn't even look down. They just continued their argument.
"Miss controlling!? How in hades am I controlling!?"
"Guys." I tried again.
"Your controlling because all you do is dictate Leo's life, you always have to be looking over him every second of everyday, always carrying him around like a chihuahua. Oh I'm Piper and I know what's best all the time!"
"Come on guys, thats enough!" I yelled this time. They didn't even flinch.
"Well excuse me for looking out for him and actually helping him out unlike you."
"What do mean? I help Leo out all the time."
"Since when!? I have never seen you do anything but chill. I've carried him place to place around the apartment so he doesn't have to walk, I've fed him, chopping food so they can be eatable, I've been there every single time he had a nightmare!"
"I've been there when he had nightmares."
"Yeah once! And I've actually done something about them. I'd hold him close and sleep with him, what have you done!?" There was some silence, then Piper continued. "Nothing. Thats right, thats the answer! Nothing, Jason Grace! I've been acting as guardian so when I say that I know what's best, I know whats best!"
"No! You think you know best. Your stubborn Piper. You can't even see that you're suffocating him." Piper shifted her feet, making it take a step forward. It was where I was so I quickly moved out of the way. Did she just forget that that I was? She didn't even respond when I yelled. It was like I wasn't even there.
"I care for Leo, Jason and I'm going to protect him and I don't need your criticism."
"Piper come on, can we just stop, call it a night and go to bed." I said.
"Leo just shut up! Just shut up! I pissed at you most all!" Piper snapped. Not only did it surprise me, but also Jason. His mouth was left open.
This time Piper some how heard me and looked down. She looked less piss, but the hurt and anger were still swimming around in her eyes. The look of I had enough! Was plainly there.
"Piper..." Jason began.
"No Grace. Don't you dare tell me to calm down. Leo is weak right now. Outside is dangerous. You were going to put Leo in harms way. Plus its night. What if you some how lose him, it'd be harder for you to find him. There are so many reasons why two are being idiots."
"...I'm stepping out." Jason said. As soon as Jason opened the door I wanted to yell after him. Please don't leave me with her! Jason was out the door. He slammed the door behind him, making me that he was gone, leaving only the giantess and the doll.
Piper just stared at the closed door. I couldn't see her face, but strangely I could sense that felt guilt or at least something close to that nature. Another beat.
"Piper." She didn't look at me as she talked.
"Don't, Leo." She passes a glance at me then walks to her room. "Just don't."
Like that, she too was gone. I left all alone. Damn it. What did I do.