A few weeks later...
Wendy slammed the locker door and swung her messenger bag over her shoulder. She gave a large sigh as she headed over to the second to final class of the day, chemistry...ugh. She slouched in her walk, that class was the worst. And she did in fact mean the worst! Not only was the teacher super inappropriate and boring, she was suck in the class with the bitch that nearly gave her a black eye. Wendy would have broken her nose in returned, and was close to doing it too if it wasn't for Romeo. That was the only good thing about this class, that Romeo was her lab partner. She felt an arm weigh on her shoulders, she glanced up to she a large goofy grin of the brown haired teen.
"What's up blue? Why so down?"
"Cause Mr. Adams is here..." she moped. "I don't want to go to class today..."
"Well you know we could always ditch...?" he said raising his voice a bit as a suggestion. Wendy just rolled her eyes and gave a sarcastic 'haha'. Both knew they couldn't do that. Or rather Wendy couldn't do that. Cause well, Romeo, although getting decent grades, he didn't have a perfect record or was almost being scouted by three universities for potently winning a full/part ride scholarship. He was proud of her for reaching so high academically, but now she can't risk having any faults on her record if she wanted to go to college. She knew that... no offense to her brother or her sister n law, but they don't exactly have the funds to pay for a school outside of the state, city, or country. Her safest bet for affordable education was good old Magnolia University out in the city.
"You know we can't do that." she answered in disappointment.
"Yeah I know, but we can always dream right?" he joked as they stepped in the class and took their seats. "So you haven't heard from the check-collector?"
"Who? Oh that old hag. No, after Natsu gave her a pretty descent settlement payment, she was willing to sign the papers and let me off the hook. Strange, out of every family I've lived with, she was the one who happen to care about me the least. I thought old people would love kids."
"You're adopted?" laughed a high pitch voice of annoyance behind her. And thus the battle began...
Juvia laid in her bed with her face buried in her pillow, and her soft sheets gently hugging her curves. Waking up in the afternoon is always the best feeling. She haven't slept this well in ages, of course she was always out on a midnight shift thanks to Natsu taking time off to help out with Wendy and Sting. This night was the best night for her, even better than the night she slept for 36 hours straight several weeks ago.
She sat in the tub, her head back on the tile walls and eyes closed as she let the ice cold water from the shower prick her pale skin. She was done with everything. She was so done she didn't even take off her cloths before she got in. Done with her job, done with her stupidity, done with everyone else's advice, and done with Gray. It's not like it's his fault, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to right to walk away from this, it's just as much his choice as it is hers. And she was going to do it. She could't take care of a child, how could she? She would never be home, and there was always a chance of her dying on the job, so she can have someone at home who relayed on her anyway. She didn't need anyone, nor did she want anyone. Her "family" taught her that much before she left that hell hole.
Her best friend Lisanna was just on the other side of the door not knowing what to do. Juvia wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, and all she does is cry and lose interest in living. In all her years in daycare, she knows that this is how delinquents were created, she feared for the child's safety, that is if Juvia chooses to keep it. She wouldn't be a bad person if she didn't, it's completely her body, but there is a psychological damage that occurs in some woman that Juvia may not be able to handle. The white haired woman felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see a dark haired man with sad black eyes.
"How is she?" Gajeel asked.
"Oh just great. She is in there celebrating with a bubble bath you idiot, I thought that was obvious."
"Didn't think of you as the sarcastic type."
"Well what do you want to hear? That she is killing herself over this? That abortion is her only choice for her?"
Gajeel sighed and shoved her aside. Lis might be her best friend, but Gajeel knew her better than anyone in the world. He lived with her shitty family, he took her out of there himself and they helped themselves forced open the door with a strong bang, startling the bluenette. Her wide brown eyes shot up.
"Gajeel, what are you-?"
"What's going on here Lockser?" he asked harshly. "And I want the truth, none of this 'I am under the weather' bullshit."
Juvia's shock gazed turned into angered and defensive. She sat back up and gzed in front of her not giving him a the privilege of her eye contact. "It's non of your business, Juvia wishes for you to leave."
"Well Gajeel is gonna stay and is gonna get fucking answers out of you." He turned the knob switching off the water. "Fucking turn it off" he mumbled.
She glared up as she folded her arms. She loved him of course, but she would handle this. She will. She has too. "Based off your tone it sounds like you already know."
"Know what?"
"That-..." her voice slightly cracked. Her facial features fell softer. "You know um...this." She gestured in disgust at her abdomen.
"This? What's this?" Gajeel mocked her in anger. A glowing rage and disappointment in his gut. The self hate of her condition...it was...it was...
"This is this, Gajeel! And it's not like I can keep it!"
"It's an it now!? A FUCKING IT!?" He boomed. His heart rate bummed up and out of his chest pumping his blood all to his face, and the vain on his forehead look like they were trying to stop a traffic jam. He couldn't believe the words out of her mouth. She was hateful and hurt and confused, so he shouldn't be angry at her but everything was... "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW OFFENSIVE YOU SOUND TO ME!? PREGNANCY IS NOT A 'THIS' JUVIA! IT'S A CONDITION THAT DELIVERS A PERSON INTO THE WORLD! A FUCKING PERSON JUVIA! NOT AN IT, A PERSON!"
The bluenette stopped and stared at him with glassy eyes and absorbed his facial expression. Her eyes glided around the redness under his tan face, and how small beads of sweat began to pool. Her face drained and a lump in her throat. Offensive? It was her body, she could choose how she lived it. She opened her mouth to make her argument and stopped again. He was crying?
"Look," he started "I love you Juvia. God I fucking love you so much, and if you want to have an abortion, I'll support you." he swallowed hard. "Fuck but I love my kid man. I... can't describe it but that little bastard has something on me that you won't know until you want to love that person inside of you. If...if Levy didn't want Rouge, I would want to know 'cause she is allowed to choose to not be a mom, but that means I have the right to choose to be a dad, and I wanted to be one and now I am...Gray has the right to know so he can choose too."
She continued to cry after that knowing he was right, and he carried her to the room and had Lisanna change her into a pair of sweats and put her to sleep. Her emotional exhaustion lead Juvia to sleep for 36 hours straight. A rough cold hand glided over her thigh and down her leg sending a rush of chills running up her abdominal and into her chest. She let out a sharp inhale and turned her head over to meet greedy black eyes.
"Hey." Gray whispered.
"Hey..." she groaned. "What are you doing?"
Gray grinned wider and pushed his nose in his the crook of her neck. "I got hungry..." he hummed into her skin with a low chuckle. He pressed his lips on her skin and began to make a trail, Juvia squirmed. She twitched her let over his body pulling him loser an taking in breaths of air to numb her craving core.
"N-no..." she gasped "G-ahhhagray! N-not now..."
"Why not?" He teased "I won't hurt the baby I promise."
"Hey, thanks for meeting me." Juvia smiled as she stood up. Gray smiled at her telling her it was no problem and greeted her with a peck on the cheek. The two sat down at the table in their usual bar.
"So what's all this about?" he asked in a bit of a concern. He haven't heard from her in a week, he was starting to think that maybe she was getting a little over their...what ever it is they were.
"Oh um, it's um... I just needed to talk to you." The waitress came by quickly and Gray just held up two fingers signalling two beers. She smiled kindly and held up her hand to stop. "Oh no, excuse me!" she called out. The waitress stopped and turned around. "I will jut have a water, not a beer please."
Gray rose a brow. It's not like they always drink because of their field of work, but when they went out they drank either scotch, hammered beers down, or take shots and well...have fun, like Dave and Busters or play on his PS4 until they passed out. It was a bit of a thing they developed when they began the 'thing' they were developing. "You aright? No Angry Orchard or Mangoli-ale? Is everything okay?"
"Well um no...not for a while." She muttered, her hand nervously rubbed her arm. "Um... Gray what are we?" she blurted.
"Um...well...we are...something?"
"Okay...um... Better question, where do your stand on having kids?"
Gray blinked again. "Um, it is a better question on which I have a better idea on things, but, Juvia why-"
"Answer the question." she interrupted eagerly.
"oh...kay. Well... I love kids, and I wan to have them some day, just not now..you know?"
"Okay..." she took a deep breath "So Juvia is doing this..."
"Juvia what the hell is wrong with you, what's going on?!"
"Juvia is getting an abortion."
"You were the father."
"Juvia knows you wont hurt the baby! It's just that she's getting big and we have to be careful, and we are also late to meet Lucy and Natsu at the store to get the room ready for the baby."
Gray gave a huge sigh rolling his eyes as he caved in. "Fine." He pushed himself off and took off the smooth sheets revealing her in his boxers and tank top with a slight lump on her belly. "Let's go then snowflake."
"Ugh, what did Juvia say about calling me that?"
"Uuuhhh that it was adorable and it's something I only am allowed to do when we are alone so I don't sound like little bitch in front of flame for brains and you still have the appearance of a strong independent woman in front of the girls?"
"...alright sure." she smiled as she got off the the bed.
After a couple of minutes the two were off in the car on their way to town. Gray's apartment was in the city close to work, as was Juvia's place. Unlike Natsu and Lucy, they enjoyed living closer to everything, while Natsu and Lucy live slightly out to the country side, not too far out like crazy people, but just enough to have distant neighbors and killer house parties without having to call the cops. Gray began to slow down as they approached the high school there Wendy and her friends went to. "Dang, I haven't been here in years! I can't believe how old we are now." He muttered
"Coming to this Fairy Tail High must have been better than Phantom probably would have been happier, at least Gajeel and I grew to be tougher than you guys that's for sure. No offense!"
"Hey! Well offense taken. This school is great, good programs, councilors, teams-"
"-Lots of girl fights out in front of the campus"
"Fights what? No, not on campus at least."
"And what's that?"
Gray glanced over to the school to see a group of teens from 14 to 18 all huddled in a circle chanting and screaming. At one point he thought he saw Romeo and Chelia pop in and out. And where there was a Romeo and Chelia, there was a Wendy. "Damn it." He began to pull over. If he didn't he would one, have an earful of a pregnant Lucy lecturing him like an annoying mom, Natsu would threaten to kick his ass, and not to mention that he would have a guilt in his stomach of not doing anything about it. "Wait here." He said in a sigh as he took out his badge.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Look for Wendy, then we go."
He walked up to the kids and began flashing his badge. "MPD." he called out. "Break it up! Break it up!" Slowly and fearfully, the kids began to break apart and gave room to the center of the circle. Bit by bit there were less and less students crowding around what looked like an argument. Only few kids stood in his way from a familiar long haired bluenette and a random girl he's never seen before.
"Fuckin' bitch! What'cha gonna do!? Is the little scholar star gonna hit me again? Is that what you're gonna do?!"
Wendy stood still hugging her books tightly and hiding under her bangs. Her body shaking in anger and her jaw clenched so tightly that it looked like she was was going to snap it. Gray took a small step, but held back. She needed to stick up for herself and she needed to learn how to handle this. Wendy already got let go easy because of her great and nearly perfect record, but the second time might not be so easy for her. Who ever this chick was, wanted something from her, she wanted Wendy to fail.
Wendy turned away, trying to tune out her and the rest of her peers who chanted for them to get into a fight. The girl was in her face, only letting an inch be the distance between them. Wendy couldn't get in any more trouble, she had a lot riding on her, possibly future scholarships, trying to land a spot in her tech team senior year, and not to mention to avoiding death-by-Lucy.
"Stop it..." she growled. "Please give me space."
"Or what?" she threaten and gave a shove hard enough to push the books out of Wendy's hands. Gray took another step forward but flecked trying to hold himself back. He needed to watch her pan this out on her own.
Wendy stood tall and held her chin high, her blue orbs glared with a look so cold they could shoot ice. "I am giving you one last chance!" she announced firmly. "Leave me alone!"
"Shit.." Muttered Gray.
Lucy inspected a couple matching sailor baby outfits for Sting, and her future baby, while Natsu was out in the toy section with him. From seven isle down she can hear them running around and playing with Nerf Guns. Sigh, when will he learn to be an adult. That reminded her, she needed to buy battle front before they left the store.
"Luuuuuucy!" a voice called out with steps following. "Lucy-Lucy Lucy! He's gonna kill me!" He laughed as he ran down to hide behind his wife. A small toddler was screaming and running right behind with a water gun that was twice his body size pointed up as high as he could make it go up. "Your child is evil Lucy!"
"Calm down Natsu." she laughed as she swooped up the toddler and aimed it at her husband. "GET HIM STING GET HIM!"
"AHHHHHH" screamed the toddler as he squirted the gun. It was one of the moments that someone needed to take a picture of and make a tumblr "goals' post about.
Riiiiiiing Riiiiiing
Lucy placed the child down giving a rather large grunt. Her belly was starting to get in the way of things like bending down, bending over, laying down... a lot of things. Natsu opened his arms and had the child penguin walked his way over to him. Lucy took out her phone and glanced at the photo ID to see a picture of Gray in his old hockey uniform out on the ice with a black eye. That picture dated back before Sting came around when the gang went to the Ice skating ring and teach Wendy how to skate. He ended up getting into a friendly match with some other hockey players that was a bit aggressive. It was weird, this guy who was like a brother to him for so many years is now becoming a parent just like she is. It's incredible. They were all growing up and becoming adults. Like real adults. And adults who are showing up late to fix up a baby room. She swiped the screen to answer.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Wendy got into another fight."