After A Gunshot: The Serious Side Chapter 4
By Jake Denton ([email protected])

WARNING: Contains Angst.

NOTE: Takes place in the episode "Deadly Force" and takes place from Broadway's POV, before he discovers Elisa's still alive.


I sit up, tears streaming down my face, as I stare the city below me. Far beneath me, too far down to see me up here crying, people are going about their normal lives. Going to their homes, or their jobs, or just going wherever. It's another normal night for the humans of Manhattan while in a morgue, Elisa's corpse lies, cold and unreachable, on a stone slab. And it's completely my fault. My foolishness that sent her to the morgue.

I make myself sick right now.

The first human friend that we have made in this new world, and I kill her, all while playing a fantasy detective like a hatchling. What is WRONG with me? I know that Elisa's death was my fault, and I grieve, my shoulders shaking as I break into an array of sobs. What would the clan say? What would Goliath do, when he found out what I'd done? It scares me to think of what the aftermath of my wrongful actions will be. Banishment from the clan, at the very least, and death at the very most. I don't want to die. Not like this. Not so soon after Elisa did. It's all my fault.

~Elisa... I'm so sorry...~

What could I say to Goliath? What could anyone say? Elisa... she would never visit again. We would never have a friendly chat, or a evening just hanging out, ever again, without that dark cloud forming over our heads, short but loving memories of a fine policewoman, whom was now reduced to a cold, dead corpse. The memories would be shot because we had known her too long. She had been our friend for just a couple of months. We never got to really develop a deep friendship with Elisa, and we never would. Because of me.

I stare, miserable, at the full moon. The bright light in the blackened night sky that seemed to smile down at me. I hesitated, and then I smiled back at it, no heart behind my smile. Just pain, and misery. When I had first awakened after a thousand years, I thought that my new life in Manhattan would be a fresh start. No fears, no misery, unlike the days in Scotland. Elisa's acquaintance with us was supposed to seal the deal.

But then I had shot her, and now she was gone forever.

I had once sucked our clan back into the days of agony, of heartache. It was just like those hard days of Viking attacks and human rejections. I look away from the moon, all sadness flowing now. I bury my face in my arms, and cut loose. I needed to cry. For my folly. For Elisa's death.

I just want to die.

So, any opinions? They can either be emailed to me at [email protected] or they can be left in the review box at It's up to you guys. Both positive and negative responses are expected, so don't be afraid to tell me what you really think. Ciao!

Jake Denton.