The handsome young gent

Caught in between two women

But only loves one

Married to his one true love

The other dies in his arms

She left her daughter

And went out into the world

She's a working girl

Who still had to sell her hair

To pay her daughter's keepers

The stars light his path

His life is lived righteously

Chasing down one man

And his suicidal jump

A penance for his failure

Her mother is gone

Taken in by a stranger

She grows up lovely

Wed to a barricade boy

She gets her happy ending

Neglectful parents

Who also cheat patrons

Of their roadside inn

He always wants more money

And she dies alone in jail

Falsely imprisoned

He spends his whole life running

From the unjust law

Father, mayor, and solider

He is just trying to live

A street-wise orphan

Though he does have both parents

Don't overlook kids

Cause little people are brave

Even in the face of death

On her own she walks

Knowing he'll never love her

The way she loves him

She stands strong through everything

The rain is her only friend

He's untouchable

The proud, self-righteous martyr

A blond Adonis

Sacrificing everything

So that the earth can be free