Thank you guys for being patient with me. I have been under the weather and so have my boys so updating had to take a backseat. I want to thank you all for the love and support and i hope you enjoy this chapter. It didn't turn out at all the way I thought it would but I think you will enjoy it. Once again I don't own glee and if I did I would slap every writer and RIB just saying. Love you all and stay blessed.

Mercedes glanced at herself in the mirror. She knew she needed to look her absolute best. As the tailor finished pinning her dress, Santana walked into the room.

"Ok Cedes, everything is set. Once this dress is done, you have to head right to the venue. You are performing right after intermission. I cannot believe the Grammy's are a week away." Mercedes nodded, she was glad to be so busy. That meant she didn't have to deal with Sam's constant questions. She knew she loved him and wanted to make things work. She just didn't know how to take that leap of faith that everything would be ok on the other side. She couldn't bear to be hurt the way she had before.

She glanced at her purse and looked at the Walgreens bag. She had been walking around with the pregnancy test and her engagement ring for a week now. She thought back to when Sam had given her both.

One week earlier.

Mercedes walked into her hotel room with Santana and Brittany on her tail. Blaine and Kurt had been gone a week but promised to make a trip back up for the Grammy's. Sam on the other hand had returned to Ohio just to gather his things. Now he was staying in the abandoned guest room aka Santana's room. Mercedes thought it best to keep some distance between them so she could think. Not that he made it easy.

She smiled seeing him sitting on the couch. He hopped up and pulled her into a hug, something she had started to not hate so much. Santana smiled shaking her head.

"You act like she went off to war Trouty. She was gone what? 12 hours?"

Ignoring Santana, Sam pulled Mercedes into her room and smiled. "I got you something. Well two things actually."

Sam pulled out a bag and handed it to her. "I was at the drug store and bought this for you. There were a lot of different kinds but the Pharmacist said this was the best one to get the best results."

Mercedes glanced at the bag and pulled out the pregnancy test. She was already a week late and fear had crept in, but seeing that test made things worse for her. It made her realize that all this was real. Before she could speak Sam got down in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"Before you test, I need to ask you to reconsider being my wife. I know I screwed up. I know I ruined us by not being honest with you but I love you. I love you more than anything or anyone. If you are pregnant, or if you aren't I want to be with you."

"Sam, I-"

He shook his head. "I don't want an answer now. I want you to think about it. Pray on it and get back to me. When you are ready."

Sam stood pulling Mercedes up with him and placing the box in her hands. "I love you so much Mercedes, and I told you I would do whatever I have to, to get you back. I did it twice before and I can do it again."

He kissed her cheek then walked out of the room leaving her to ponder her feelings and wonder if she was ready to know what the test results would be. She wasn't.

Mercedes was snapped out of her daze by Santana. "Cedes what is going on you have been distracted all week. Is it the Grammy's are you worried you won't win?"

Mercedes looked down to the tailor. "Vicky can Santana and I have a minute?"

"Sure. I have your measurements. If you take off the dress I can have it ready for you by tomorrow."

"Oh ok great."

Mercedes undressed and put her clothes back on. She stepped out of the dressing room and sighed looking at Santana.

"San I need you to do something for me. I just I can't do it alone."

Santana walked over to her. "Cedes you are scaring me."

Mercedes went to her purse and pulled out the ring box and drug store bag. "I have been walking around with these two in my purse for a week. Sam asked me to marry him again."

"I gathered that from the ring box, but what's in the bag?"

"A pregnancy test. I know I should take it with Sam but I can't. He says I run when things get hard well what is gonna happen if I am pregnant? I can't outrun a baby. Sam says he wants to be with me regardless what the test says. But how can I know he wants me and only me when he was with her?"

Santana walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Oh sweetie you know I love you so much, but you have lost your damn mind. First of all Sam gave up everything to be with you again. Even if that means he sleeps in the guest room alone. He loves you and I know you love him. So do yourself a favor and marry the boy. As for being pregnant, I personally hope you are. Do you know how adorable a child of you and guppy face would be? I could get top dollar for a baby like that."

Mercedes pushed Santana away and shook her head. "You will not still my baby."

Santana held up the pregnancy test. "Even though I know you should be doing this with Trouty, I need to know."

"You need to know? I need to know. I have to know. Before the Grammys."

"And what about Sam?"

Mercedes sighed taking the ring out of the box. She forgot how perfect it was for her. "I love my husband to be."

Mercedes slipped the ring back on her finger and walked into the restroom with Santana. After following the instructions she held Santana's hand and waited a full three minutes before she could look at the test. She sighed looking at Santana. "It's now or never."

"Whatever happens, whatever the test says? Please just know, you and Sam need to stop banging like rabbits because it is very distracting."


"No! We heard what goes on in that room. You two need help. With yo freaky selves. Though he has improved your range with the notes you have been hitting."

"Can we please look at the test and just ignore the fact you listen to me have sex."

"I am not the only one. Britts, Kurt and Blaine did it too. What it was hot as hell. Loud as hell and freaky as hell but hot too."

As the limo pulled up to the venue, Mercedes smiled gripping Sam's hand in her left and Santana's in her right. Kurt placed his hands over both sets and Blaine did the same as they all took in what was about to happen. Santana smiled.

"First Britts and I will go, then Blaine and Kurt and finally you two will make your grand appearance. I am so proud of you Cedes."

Santana hugged her before stepping out in an all-Black skintight long mermaid gown. Brittany followed suit wearing a short black Skirt with a suit and tie. They waved happily at the Camera as Armani clad Kurt and Blaine stepped out after them. Sam reached for the door but Mercedes stopped him. "Whatever happens in there Sam, just know that I wouldn't want anyone else sharing this with me. Having you on my arm, having you be mine is all I ever wanted."

Sam smiled widely. "This is the happiest I have been in a long time. I love you so much, and I am so proud of you. This is your night. Enjoy it. And after you win, which you will. We will go celebrate and actually have a honeymoon, Mrs. Evans."

Mercedes gave him a chaste kiss as he opened the door. Cameras went off as Sam stepped out decked in Armani like the guys and reached for Mercedes hand. Stepping out of the car in a floor length red form hugging gown, she waved as they followed the trail down the red carpet. Stopping at their first interview of the night they came upon, Ryan Seacrest and Giuluana Ranci. Mercedes smiled as they took her hand in theirs.

"Ok everyone." Ryan stated. "On the red carpet right now with Giuliana is the woman of the night. Everyone who is anyone is wondering is Ms. Mercedes Jones. Will sweep the Grammy's as a newcomer as Adele did."

Giuliana smiled at Ryan. "That's right Ryan, but wait if the rumors are true you aren't Ms. Jones anymore."

Mercedes bit her lip looking over at Sam. "The rumors are true, Sam and I had a small ceremony over the weekend. Just close family and friends."

Giuliana squealed. "Can I see the rings?"

Mercedes held up her hand showing the purple diamond now accompanied by a wedding band.

"And this must be the man who stole your heart."

Mercedes beamed. "This is my long time high school boyfriend and new Husband Sam Evans."

"Well work it girl because he is gorgeous. So Mr. Evans, Sam how proud of Mercedes are you?"

"I am so proud. She is amazing and I look at everything she has accomplished and done and it just takes me back to high school when we were talking about her winning her first Grammy. Tonight the dream I believe will come true."

"Seems like you married your number one fan Mercedes."

"Number one fan, best friend, better half. He is my everything I can't imagine life without him."

Mercedes glowed the entire walk to her seat. Interview after interview everyone could see just how in love the newly married couple was. Sam gripped her hand as the show began. He knew this was it for her. Her validation that she made it was happening tonight. All she wanted was one. One Grammy to show that she, Mercedes Jones then now Evans was the cream rising to the top.

As the first category for Mercedes was announced, she felt like time stood still. Hearing her name in a group of equally talented new comers just validated that even if she didn't win. Even if she walked away without a Grammy, she still got nominated. Thinking back to a week ago, when she was in the bathroom with Santana. She never imagined she could feel so happy winning or losing.

One week earlier back in the bathroom.

Mercedes went to glance down at the test and Santana stopped her.

"Wait I can't do this. All I can think is if this was Britt, I wouldn't want grouper mouth finding out with her. I would want too. We can't look at this test. You have to wrap it up and let's go home, find Sam and you two look at it together."

Mercedes glanced at Santana. "I cannot believe you. I never thought in a million years that we would be friends, let alone I would look at you like my sister. Now you the biggest bitch in high school is actually thinking about others. Putting others first. You are so amazing and I am just blessed to have you in my life."

Santana smiled widely bringing Mercedes into a hug. "I never thought so either. I couldn't stand your ass. But I can't imagine life without you Cedes. Now grab a paper towel and hide that test before I look at it."

Mercedes did as she was asked and covered the test resisting the urge to look. She couldn't lie and say that wasn't the longest ride back to their hotel ever. Mercedes ran into the living room calling for Sam and he walked in looking concerned.

"Cedes what's wrong."

She ran up to him. "Yes. I will marry you I will be yours I love you."

Sam pulled her into his arms. "I love you so much. So you took the test?"

"Yes but I don't know the answer. My sister felt it was best to find out with you."

Sam looked up at Santana and mouthed "Thank you" as Mercedes pulled out the test. Before she uncovered it Sam stopped her.

"Wait. Marry me."

Mercedes looked up to him. "I already said I would baby."

"No this weekend. We can fly your family and mines down here with Artie, Tina, mike and Quinn and Puck and we can get married this Saturday. I have spent more than enough time without you as my wife. So no matter if we are pregnant or not I want to make you my wife before you win your first of many Grammy."

Mercedes bit her lip and closed her eyes. "I can't think of a better way to walk the red carpet then to have you as my husband."

Santana squealed reaching for her phone. Wow we have less than four days to get this done. So I need you guys to look at that test right now before I make these phone calls."

Mercedes nodded looking at Sam. "On the count of three. One. Two. Three!"

Back to Present.

"And the winner for best newcomer artist is. Mercedes Jones Evans. This is Mercedes first nomination and first win."

Still in her thoughts Sam had to gently shake her to. "Baby you won. Mercedes you won."

Mercedes stared at him for half a second taking in what he said. "I won?"

He pulled her up hugging her, as Santana, Britt, Kurt and Blaine followed suit. Tears fell from her eyes as she walked to the stage. Grabbing her award and hugging the presenters, she bit her lip trying not to cry.

"Oh my God. I can't believe this. I am still in shock I have no idea what to do. I have wanted this since I was a little girl. This is a dream come true thank you guys so much for this honor. To the other nominees it was a privilege to be in this category with you. I want to thank Sony records for taking a chance on me when no one would. My producers and managers. My family who has supported me all the way. To Kurt and Blaine, Brittany. My publicist and sister Santana. To Finn. I miss you every day. To my husband Sam who shared this dream with me back in high school. I love you. To my fans to all of you I know I have to go but I have to say this to all of you dreamers out there it doesn't matter what you look like if you are black or white big or small you can do whatever you set your mind too. Just believe in yourself. Thank you."

Mercedes wiped her tears as she was lead off the stage. The rest of the night went by in a teary blur as she swept all of her categories. Taking home her final award for the night with song of the year. She pulled everyone on the stage with her. Wanting them to share in her joy. As they said their goodbyes to the endless faces of celebrities and news crew, Sam escorted his wife to their hotel room.

She walked into the bedroom and gasped at the sight. There was a trail of rose pedals that lead to the candle filled bathtub. On the bed was congratulations spelled out in flowers and a small box. The nightstand had chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling apple cider chilling in an ice bucket. She turned to him.

"When. How?" tears streamed down her face. Sam walked closer to her wiping her eyes. "I knew you were going to win. So I bought all this stuff and texted the bellhop to set it up on our way home. I want to take care of my Grammy sweeping wife. I am so proud of you. Of everything you have accomplished and everything you will. He licked his lips pulled her closer. "You are the love of my life Mrs. Evans and I am going to treat you as such, for the rest of your life so get used to it."

"Well if we are celebrating then we need to celebrate you too."


Mercedes walked over to the night stand and opened the drawer. "You remember back in high school when you submitted my video on YouTube? Well I found these drawings you were doing and I have a friend who knew of someone looking for an artist for this little company called Marvel. They loved your work and want to meet with you next week."

Sam stared at the paper in front of him. No one had ever believed in him as much as she did and he swore he was hearing things when she said Marvel.

"Marvel? As in Marvel?"

"Avengers, Captain America, so on and so forth yes. You love to draw and comics. Before the modeling and you are so amazing at it. I want us to have it all not just me."

"Just when I think I can't love you anymore."

Sam pulled her to him pushing her against the wall. Taking her lips to his, he unzipped the back of her dress making her step out of it. She pulled at his tie as his jacket fell from his shoulders. Removing his shirt she kissed him hungrily as he took his pants off. Ripping her panties off while he kicked his boxers off he lifted her against the wall and entered her in one swift motion.

Both letting out a moan, Sam began to move slowly within her as she gripped the back of his neck moaning and hissing loudly.

"God Sam harder please baby."

Sam complied pushing her slightly harder against the door. "You like that Mrs. Evans? You like it when your husband gives it to you?"

Mercedes threw her head back in pure pleasure. She got so turned on when he called her Mrs. Evans.

"I love it baby." Was all she could make out because she was beginning to unravel. She felt the tightness in her abdomen and knew she was close. Feeling Sam increase in speed she knew it was only a matter of time before he came too. She wrapped her legs tighter around him taking him in as deep as he could go. Before she knew it she was singing the scales Sam had come to love and he felt himself come undone. As they rode their orgasm panting in each other's necks. There was a knock on the door.

"Go away Santana."

Mercedes said breathlessly. Santana laughed through the door.

"Ok I am all for celebrating the wonderful win here guys but damn couldn't you have waited until we got into our room? What are you doing in there anyways? He already knocked you up, is he trying to give you twins?"

Mercedes smiled rolling her eyes. "Good night Tana."

She unwrapped her legs from around Sam's back and smiled. "We really need to find a place of our own…but until then I was thinking we could do round two in the jet tub?"

Sam smiled widely. "Race you there!"