Chapter Three: True Reality

Tigress was acting out of character for herself. Normally when she and Po went to the village she would be walking silently behind or next to him. Her eagle gaze watching every shadow as if an intruder would spring out, yet this was a dream and she could do whatever she wanted. So, today she was actually skipping alongside Po with a big smile. "Ah Tigress, are you okay?" Po asked with a worried gaze. He had never seen Tigress skip before and on rare occasions he did see her smile. Still this was just plain not normal.

"I am fine Po, I never felt better," Tigress said letting out a laugh. It was true since she was dreaming and Po was with her it felt like she could do anything now. She wouldn't have to care what people thought for she would just wake up in reality but the sad part was Po would be dead. That part made her heart break for she loved spending time with Po. Yet once she woke up she would be alone with the other members of the Five and Shifu again. No more cooked meals, no more pranks or jokes. Or anymore of Po's village stories or getting to spar with him, Tigress stopped skipping and a frown came to her face. Why did Po have to die? It wasn't fair, why didn't he stay in the jail where he would have been safe? I lost him once to that cannon and he came back only to lose him to a blade. Well at least I have Dream Po and nothing will ruin this dream for I decide what happens, Tigress stated.

"Ti, are you sure you are okay?" Po asked again. He knew something was up but what exactly he had no clue.
"I assure you Po I am fine, now let's go see your dad," Tigress said taking his paw. She smiled happily for she never realized how happy Po made her. Maybe the old saying was true you never know how good something is when you no longer have it. Ever since she lost him to Shen, Tigress slowly began to realize maybe she was in love with Po. It did make some sense how happy he made her, learning her favorite meals and being there for her whether she wanted him or not. Po always had her back and tried to be her friend. Yet did that mean he liked her? Should she ask Dream Po or will he just say what she wanted him to say? Dreams were very confusing things but still it couldn't hurt to ask. "Hey Po, you know I like you right?" she asked feeling nervous.

"I know Ti, I like you too," Po said.

"No Po I mean I think I like you more than a friend," she told him trying to get the courage to say those three words to him.

"What do you mean Tigress?" he asked cocking his head to the side looking confused. Before she could open her mouth Mr. Ping came rushing out.

"Stop bandits!" he yelled waving his frying pan in the air as a few wolves ran away with a bag of gold.

"Dad, come on Ti it is Hero Time!" Po shouted and raced after the bandits. Tigress nodded and followed Po towards the bandits. Po knocked one wolf into a wall as Tigress lunged at another. There were five wolves total but Tigress and Po could take them easily. Her fist connected with one wolf's jaw knocking him to the ground. Po kicked another wolf in the stomach causing the wolf to let out a yelp. Yet one wolf slipped past Po and revealed a dagger, and then the wolf headed for Tigress. She was too busy fighting of another wolf she didn't notice the unsuspecting threat coming towards her. Po did, his eyes widened as he raced towards Tigress. "Tigress behind you!" he yelled. Tigress and the wolf with the dagger turned around as Po tackled the wolf to the ground. She watched in horror as they both fought for the knife until she heard a sickening groan. Yet, it didn't come from the wolf but from Po. The wolf was knocked out but Po rolled away the dagger sticking in his side.

"PO!" Tigress yelled scrambling over to her. The other members of the Five came for they heard there was a disturbance. Crane and Monkey tied up the other bandits while Mantis went to get Shifu and Viper ran off to fetch a healer for Po. Tigress held Po close to her trying not to move him too much for fear he would only lose more blood.

"Ti-Tigress," Po whispered his eyes getting dimmer.

"Shush Po don't speak, you will be okay. Viper went to get a healer and you will be just fine I promise," she whispered. She managed to pull the dagger out and Mr. Ping gave her a rag to stop the bleeding but it was doing no good. Tears stained Mr. Ping's face for he knew what was happening. His son was dying and he couldn't do anything to save him.

"Ti, I want…you to…be the…Dragon…Warrior," Po said holding her paw.

"No Po, don't say that I am not losing you again!" Tigress shouted.

"What…do you…mean…again?" Po asked unsure as to what she was talking about.

"This is a dream Po, my dream in reality you died in Gongmen City saving us all from Shen. I lost you there but I won't lose you in my own dream. I will save you any minute now Viper will come with a healer and you will be saved," she told him. She looked down the way to where Viper left but the snake did not return and Po was growing weaker. "Come on this is my dream what is taking so long!" Tigress demanded as she fought tears.

"Ti, this isn't a dream this is real, you need to wake up," Po said his voice getting softer and softer.

"No Po, please don't leave me again. I don't want to wake up and see you gone. I miss you, I need you Po, please stay, stay with me!" Tigress begged the tears falling.

"Tigress, wake up, wake up," Po kept saying like he didn't hear her. Tigress felt herself shaking and held onto Po for dear life.

"No I won't wake up I won't live in a world where you are not with me. I am sorry Po I wanted to tell you that I think I am in love with you," she cried as she held him. But Po didn't respond for he was dead and Tigress's world went dark.

"Tigress, wake up please wake up," begged a voice. Tigress awoke to see her friends' faces looming over her.

"Po," she whispered.

"I am right here," Po whispered showing his face to her.

"Po, Po!" Tigress cried pouncing on him knocking the wind out of him. "You're not dead please let this be real please don't let this be a dream," she begged hugging him tighter.

"Ti, please let go I hear my ribs breaking," Po pleaded. She loosened her grip but was still hugging him. Crane's mouth was wide open as was Mantis and Monkey's.

"I had a dream where you died and then one where you lived. I couldn't tell which was real or not and then you died again. Please say this is real I can't stand to go to sleep and see you dead again," Tigress said firmly.

"Easy Ti, I am not dead remember we defeated Shen and you pulled me out of the harbor, I um hugged you and the gang all cheered they was fireworks and now we are going home," Po told her trying to loosen her grip on his shoulders.

"So, this is actually happening?" Tigress asked.

"Yeah I mean you had a nightmare and we couldn't wake you up for a few hours so finally I took a chance and shook you and well it worked for you woke up," Po said. Tigress only nodded and felt at ease for it all came back to her just as Po said.

"Alright now that Tigress is alright we need to get back to sleep we will be home by tomorrow," Shifu said revealed to see his daughter was okay. The others nodded and went back to their sleeping places. Once Po moved away from Tigress, she grabbed him and held him close to her.

"Stay with me," she said. She was scared once she closed her eyes then he would disappear again.

"Okay Ti, I am right here," Po said gently wrapping his arms around her. She nestled into his chest and fell asleep praying he would still be here when she woke up again. The next morning Tigress awoke and found Po's arms still around her and she smiled. This was not a dream this was real. They arrived at the Jade Palace as Po went to go see his dad and they celebrated their victory over Shen with a feast. Still night came again and Tigress had to tell Po those three words she couldn't tell Dream Po. "Night Ti," Po said smiling. He hoped she was feeling better now but still worried for she seemed pretty freaked. The bruises along his rib cage proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"Po I need to tell you something," Tigress said going up to him.

"What is it Tigress?" he asked looking at her with concern.

"When I had my dream it made me realize something," she said.

"What?" he asked.

"This," she said pulling him to her and kissing him. His eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around her. She broke away whispering in his ear, "I love you Po".

Po felt like the luckiest guy in all of China. "I love you Tigress," Po whispered back.

"I am still scared can you stay in my room tonight?" she asked gently.

"For as long as you want my beautiful Tigress," Po said and she led him to her room. He stayed with her all night and every night since not because Tigress was afraid but because two hearts became one and they didn't want to be separated again.

The End

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this story and please review. I didn't know how to end it so I hope everyone liked my ending. Till next time.