The Legend of Zelda: The Hero's Twilight, a 'Legend of Zelda' fanfic by Tsunami Storm
Chapter 10
"Is- is that you, Link?!" Uli gasped as the two heroes rode into Ordon on their respective mounts. Twilight had tears in his eyes as he looked at the faces of his adopted family, a heartfelt apology on his lips.
"It is! You're home! You've come back to us!" The woman laughed, waiting for the boy to dismount and then nearly tackling him in a hug. The teen was surprised at the embrace, considering what had happened the last time he was here.
"I'm so, so sorry, Link." The young mother sobbed into his shoulder as she clung to him. "I don't know what came over us. I knew in my heart that you were still our hero inside of that wolf form, but I couldn't stop myself from-" She trailed off, but Time got the message.
"That would be Deathsword's magic." He answered, causing both of them to look at him. "That's the other reason I played the Song of Storms. Not only does it bring rain to put out fires, the rain has a healing ability to remove curses. I knew that you still trusted Link in your heart, but your mind was clouded by the dark magic."
Uli nodded, stepping aside as the kids ran up and tackled their hero's legs, causing him to gasp in surprise. Time just smiled. Your birth parents may no longer be with you, Link, but you are not without family in this world. He thought gently at his descendant, knowing that the young man could hear him. As a response, Twilight closed his eyes and smiled, a single tear running down his cheek.
"Hey, there's my young hero!" An uproarious laugh sounded from behind them, causing both Links to whirl around. Behind them stood another hero of the Resistance, the swordsman Rusl and his young son Colin. Grasping his friend's forearm- as was their method of greeting- Rusl pulled Twilight into a hug and pounded him on the back. Twilight beamed and returned the gesture. He had missed the man that had become like an adoptive father to him.
"I've heard what's been happening in Hyrule." The man frowned, suddenly serious. "And also what you've been doing to stop it. I couldn't be more proud of you, Link." He grinned again, causing Twilight to blush.
"I know the feeling." Time chuckled, offering his hand to Rusl, who shook it almost reverently. "It is an honor to be in your presence, Hero of Time. Or, should I say, 'Your Majesty'?" The Ordonian swordsman grinned.
Time laughed. "You can just call me 'Link' or 'Time'. I haven't been royalty for over seven hundred years."
"Modest as well as courageous." Rusl smiled in approval. "No wonder you were so respected by your soldiers."
Time chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Twilight noticed he did that a lot when he was embarrassed. In fact, he did it too- unconsciously mirroring his ancestor.
"Too bad our militia today doesn't have the same discipline." Rusl growled again. "I've seen the forces of darkness in my scouting trips into the desert. As it stands now, Hyrule's army doesn't stand a chance. They may act proud as roosters, but when it comes down to it, they run around like Cuccos without their heads. Leaderless and scared like sheep."
"Maybe it's time those sheep had a capable shepherd." Twilight grinned, looking to his teacher. "Or at least a herding dog to keep them in line and whip 'em into shape."
"Hey!" Time squawked indignantly. "I'm not a sheepdog! Or any dog for that matter!"
Twilight laughed. "That was a joke, Time." But you've gotta admit that you like barking orders. He added mentally with a wink.
"Oh, I see." Time chuckled back, ruffling his favorite student's hair. "Well played, kid! Well played. Your wit is surprisingly sharp, considering your modest childhood."
Twilight looked down and blushed. He'd never really had the opportunity to read much in Ordon, and the books he did manage to get his hands on were mostly about agriculture, animals and the occasional cookbook.
"You and your sister definitely got that from my Zelda." Time laughed. "She was always surprising me with her boldness and quick tongue. Though, your sister is a bit more reserved." Then he suddenly straightened up and grinned. "I think it's high time that Hyrule's lost prince returned home. And her militia could definitely use a capable captain to lead them. Of course, I'll have to ask the Princess for permission, but I'm fairly confident of her answer."
Twilight nodded, then- bidding a fond 'farewell' to his surrogate family- he mounted his steed and raced out to Hyrule Field after Time.
Uli turned to the others gathered there, her face a mask of shock. "Our Link is a prince?!"
By some divine design, Zelda herself was standing just outside the doors to the castle, enjoying the gentle, scented breeze as it blew playfully through the gardens, rustling the hem of her gown. She looked up in surprise as two horses and their riders trotted up. Time flexed the reins in a certain signal, and his Epona sank into a perfect equine bow before the young royal. Not about to be outdone, Twilight's horse mirrored her actions- surprising her rider that she knew how to do that.
"Link." Zelda breathed with a smile. "You've returned to us. And I am truly honored to finally meet you in person, Hero of Time."
Time smiled back solemnly and nodded. "The honor is mine, Your Highness. I'm just glad to play a part in reuniting your family."
"Our family." Zelda insisted. "You are just as much a part of it as we two are."
"Very well, my Lady. Our family." Time answered humbly, his blue eyes sparkling with pride. His distant granddaughter was just as much of a wise ruler as his queen had been. "If I may be so bold, you remind me so much of my Zelda. You are truly a shining beacon of hope in this darkening world."
Zelda turned a little pink at that and smiled shyly at her slippers. When she looked back up, she noticed that both heroes were arrayed in gleaming armor. Time wore his old armor that he'd worn as Twilight's ghostly teacher- minus the three-pronged helmet- and the young prince wore his Magic Armor. Though for some reason it didn't seem to be depleting any Rupees at the moment. Guess it's just fancy ceremonial armor now.* Twilight thought to himself as he shrugged mentally. Time had other concerns on his mind.
[* It actually draws on his magic now.]
"My Lady, what did you mean when you said, 'Finally meet (me) in person'?" He asked, and Zelda smiled. "Ever since I can remember, I've seen you around Hyrule in your other form, protecting people like a golden guardian wolf. And you were the one who saved my brother's life from that barbaric fiend. And mine." She added as an afterthought. "You've always been around, watching over my ancestors- your descendants. I've just never seen your true form until now." She smiled wider- endless, wordless thanks shining in her dark blue eyes.
Understanding dawned on the reborn Hero, and he dismounted from Epona and knelt before his distant granddaughter in a knightly gesture- giving her right hand a gentle, chaste kiss. Twilight dismounted as well, moving to stand at his sister's side.
When Time had stood to his feet, a sudden burst of inspiration struck the young princess. Turning to her twin, she asked quietly, "Brother, may I borrow your blade? Hyrule is in desperate need of a strong commander to lead her soldiers. And here before us stands a noble and valiant knight who is willing and able to shoulder the task."
Twilight grinned at his sister and rolled his eyes at her choice of words, but then he nodded and drew the Gilded Sword from its sheath on his back and presented it to the princess- kneeling on one knee as he did so.
Zelda reverently took the blade by its handle and held it skyward, then lowered it slowly to gently touch both of Time's shoulder-plates- he having knelt on one knee again and put a hand over his chest-plate. "In the name of Hylia, Din, Farore and Nayru, and in the name of all that is good in this blessed land of Hyrule, I dub thee Sir Link, Commander of the forces of the kingdom. May your guidance lead us to victory over the forces of darkness."
"Thank you, my Lady." Time bowed as he stood tall once again. "Now let us hope I can prepare our troops in time before it's too late for Hyrule."
"I'll help too." Twilight volunteered resolutely, kneeling respectfully before his current ruler and old teacher-turned-commander.
"As will I." A new voice announced, and both heroes looked up to see that Zelda had vanished. In her place stood a young man clad in blue armor and bore the Sheikah symbol on his chest.
Time's jaw dropped. "Sheik?!"
The young man raised a partially-bandaged hand in greeting and grinned. "Long time no see, Link. Told you we'd meet again."
"How?" was all the flummoxed Hero of Time could manage to say.
"The same way you saved Termina, old friend. Masks. I'm- borrowing the princess' body, with her permission. Just like I did back then." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Hyrule needs her leaders now more than ever. And I can keep the princess safe while she's hiding in plain sight."
"Why would she need to hide?" Twilight mused aloud. "Ganondorf's followers are after me and Time, not her."
"Yes, but there is a second goal those fiends are after. In addition to resurrecting their Master, what is the one thing Ganondorf keeps coming back for?"
Twilight shrugged, but Time gasped. "The Triforce!"
Sheik nodded. "Exactly. He craves nothing less than true power and dominion over all of Hyrule. So the bearers of the forces of Courage and Wisdom must be kept safe at all costs. For- if Ganon succeeds- he will blanket this land in eternal darkness from which nothing can escape. All will fall before the Demon King." He answered grimly. Turning to Twilight, he added, "I know you want to help- and the goddesses know Hyrule needs all the help it can get right now- but you must exercise caution. Hyrule cannot afford to lose you. Either of you." He charged them emphatically, and the two Heroes nodded solemnly- knowing full well the gravity of the situation.
"Heh. Look who you're talking to, Sheik." Time chuckled suddenly. "We're two chosen champions of Farore. We're not goin' down without a fight. If it's war Ganondorf wants, then it's war he'll get!
-Some time later-
Time threw a stack of spear-poles into the crowd of recruits before him, and all of them caught their mock-weapons. Including one new recruit that insisted on wearing their helmet and uniform at all times.
Time: "Let's get down to business,
To defeat the dead!
Did they send me daughters,
When I asked for men?
You're saddest bunch I ever met,
But you can bet before we're through:
Mister, I'll- make a man- out of you." He grabbed the front of Ilia's mail shirt, glaring at her.
Time: "Tranquil as a forest,
But on fire within." He conjured Din's Fire at these words, thoroughly impressing the recruits.
"Once you find your center,
You are sure to win!
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot,
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make a man out of you!"
Soldier 1: "I'm never gonna catch my breath-"
Soldier 2: "Say goodbye to those who knew me!"
Soldier 3: "Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym!"
Twilight: "Jeez, Time, you got 'em scared to death!"
Ilia: "Hope he doesn't see right through me!"
Soldier 1: "Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "We must be swift as a coursing river!"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the force of a great typhoon!"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!
Time is racing toward us,
'Til the Hordes arrive.
Heed my every order,
And you might survive!
You're unsuited for the rage of war,
So pack up, go home, you're through.
How could I make a man out of you?"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "We must be swift as a coursing river!"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the force of a great typhoon!"
Soldiers: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!"
All: "Be a man!"
Time: "We must be swift as a coursing river!"
All: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the force of a great typhoon!"
All: "Be a man!"
Time: "With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!"
-Another time-skip after the training montage-
Thus the training passed, with Time preparing Hyrule's army in record time. He was surprised to be joined by Ashei, who was a descendant of the knights that he'd trained in life. All of his techniques had been passed down through each generation, from father to each child- whether sons or daughters. Given her previous experience, she was promoted through the ranks fairly quickly.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, Twilight was appointed head of the cavalry and would train the horses to bite and kick anything that didn't look human, Zoran or Goron. He trained both the Eponas as well, as he knew that mares could be just as fierce as stallions in battle. Briefly he wondered if he should train the horses to spare wolves, but then shook his head. He'd never assume his wolf form again. That power was lost to him now.
But Time might- He thought pensively, deciding to train the horses after all. The last thing he wanted was for Time to get hurt by 'friendly fire'.
Sheik led the infantry and would also be their main scout for when the time came to battle. Time himself would lead the archers, as well as the other groups as the Commander.
As the days passed, messengers from the other two races in Hyrule came to the palace, pledging their support when the time came for war. Zelda and the two heroes were grateful for any help they could get, as the Gorons and Zoras would be major assets.
"Too bad my people are all but extinct." Sheik sighed one evening after training. "The Sheikah were fierce warriors, no matter their age. Our young children fought just as well as our most seasoned veterans."
"They aren't extinct." Zelda answered, surprising her 'tenant'. "Impaz had a granddaughter that lives in the castle in honor of her distant ancestor Impa. Your mother."
"But- I had no siblings." Sheik protested disbelievingly. "And I died before I even had a girlfriend, much less a wife or children."
"Well, maybe she's not a direct descendant of Impa, but the blood of the Sheikah runs through her veins. And her eyes." Zelda laughed nervously. "It's a bit unsettling at first, but one grows accustomed to it."
Sheik chuckled too. "I guess red eyes can be unnerving at times, but it's wonderful to hear that a remnant of my people still exists! I'd thought I was the last one!"
Zelda smiled at that, extremely happy for the boy's ghost that had become her friend.
-That night-
"I have a question, though." Sheik asked some time later after the moon had risen. "Why did your thoughts falter when you remembered Impaz' granddaughter?"
Zelda looked down sadly. "Because I remembered her disability. She's a mute from birth and cannot speak, though she knows sign language and can write very well in all the known languages. She's remarkably intelligent and in peak physical condition, except for her vocal cords. She's very pretty too. Long red hair to match her ruby eyes, and a delicate frame like mine- though she's strong too. And she's quite possibly the kindest girl you'll ever meet, if a bit strong-willed."
"You respect her." Sheik observed, surprised, and Zelda nodded. "More than that. I admire her. She knows absolutely everything about the Sheikah, and even wears the blue earring that certifies her as one of her tribe's warriors. She's earned it, too. She performs the final fitness test every day to keep her skills razor sharp."
"She sounds like a formidable ally." Sheik mused, and Zelda nodded again. "What is her name?"
"Shekia." [Sheh-key-yah] Zelda answered. "Apparently her late parents named her after you, kinda. Just as her grandmother was named for Impa."
"A beautiful name." Sheik nodded his approval. "I'd like to meet this young woman someday."
Zelda smiled. "I'll introduce you-"
Sheik cut her off. "She'll think you've gone mad. It's best if not everybody knows that I am now a ghost trapped within a mask." Maybe it's better that I remain in the shadows. He added to himself thoughtfully.
Zelda nodded, seeing the wisdom in the young man's words, though she hadn't heard the last part that he'd kept to himself. It's a secret to everybody. She thought absently as she removed Sheik's mask and dressed into her nightgown for the night.
That night, Zelda turned over in her bed- fast asleep and oblivious to the goings-on of the castle at midnight. Which was a blessing in disguise for one soul. A star in the skies over Hyrule grew brighter in intensity as the world below slept, shining in the princess' window as she rested- illuminating a single chest in her chambers. The chest where she stored Sheik's mask. An ethereal mist cloaked the room and something like a ghostly hand reached out of the mist and unlocked the chest, lifting the antique Mask of Truth out of the bottom and closing it gently.
The mask rose up into the air and began to spin, slowly growing in size and elongating. Soon it was no longer recognizable as a mask, but had taken the form of a young man in his late teens. The boy's eyes were closed and his blond hair framed his face nicely as it fell after spinning so fast. The boy was wearing a blue body suit reminiscent of the clothes that Sheik usually wore, but these were slightly different. For one thing, this suit seemed to be made of an extremely light yet durable metal- almost like a skin-tight suit of armor. His usual collar and bandages were missing, however.
The young warrior opened his eyes to a surprising sight. Three impossibly beautiful women stood before him, and he immediately dropped to one knee in respect. These were the golden goddesses of the Triforce: Farore, Din and Nayru.
"You have been granted your life anew, Sheikah warrior." Farore spoke to him with a small smile. "Din restored your vessel, Nayru your mind, and I your life. It pleased us to bring you from the Veil and place you in this world. you may do with your new life as you wish, but it would please us greatly if you would use your skills to aid my Chosen Ones in their quest."
"I have sent a vision to the young ruler as well, requesting her aid." Nayru added quietly, being more reserved than her energetic sisters.
"You shall have my Power as well." Din put in. "Though in a far more subtle form. Ever since the reincarnation of Demise seized my sacred Force, it has been bound to his line and shall remain so into eternity."
"As will our two pieces of Courage and Wisdom. Mine shall always manifest within the reincarnation of the Hero's Spirit, and Nayru's Force will ever be reborn within the blood of Hylia." Farore spoke again.
Sheik nodded in understanding, inwardly debating whether to ask the three deities a question.
"You fear to ask us something?" Nayru noticed, sensing the question within the young man's mind.
"Uh, yes. Don't take this the wrong way, and I don't mean to offend, but who exactly is the spirit of the Fierce Deity's mask?" Sheik asked, taking a better look at his restored form and smiling in gratitude to the goddesses.
Din scowled, but her sisters both gained tears in their eyes and looked down at their bare feet.
"Our fallen brother." The Goddess of Power imparted. "Well, we are not technically related, but he is family all the same. He went down to the mortal plane for his own reasons and was corrupted by the spirit of a demon. They each caused so much calamity and destruction that they were eventually sealed into masks. The demon's spirit was defeated by Farore's Hero in Termina, and our brother's fallen soul was cleansed when he united with the pure spirit of your friend." Din smiled then. "Perhaps that is why Farore likes him so much, and why she granted his wish to stay for all this time."*
[* I know this isn't canon to the manga, but I think this is a pretty unique idea, and I like it. So I'm keepin' it!]
"The Hero of Time has served us well, both in his lifetime and with training his protege." Nayru put in quietly, still saddened from the memory of their brother's fate. "He even freed our brother from corruption and restored his will."
Sheik gasped. "Does that mean that your brother will return to the heavens? Will the mask vanish without a trace?"
"No. I shall remain and help out when I can." A fourth voice sounded, and Sheik whirled to face the speaker behind him. The deity appeared as a man in his early twenties, but with silver-white hair and a double-helix greatsword strapped to his back. He also appeared to be much taller than his sisters, standing at a dizzying nine feet. "But I shall need a body to wear my mask. My old one was destroyed when I was sealed away with Majora. Just my face was left, and even that was tainted."
"Couldn't you just make another one? I mean, you are a god." Sheik asked, but the being shook his head. "Not my strongest suit. Lady Hylia and my sisters are better with creating things."
Suddenly an epiphany struck Sheik. "You weren't always a god, were you? You were a Hylian once. The original Hero. The one on whom all the other Chosen Heroes are based."
The being looked surprised that the boy figured it out, but then he relaxed and nodded. "Yes. I am the original Spirit of the Hero. Majora was influenced by Demise's magic and turned me into a demon, hence the markings I had on my face. But now that your friend Time- healed me, in a way- those marks are gone, as you can likely see." He smiled wryly, pointing to his face, now unmarked as he had said. However, he still wore the light-blue tunic, breastplate, leggings, boots and hat of his Oni form.
"Cannot have you confusing me with your Heroes, now can we?" He smiled. "I once had a crimson cape too, but I know not what became of it." He broke off, thoughtful.
"Maybe it was lost in the Great Battle, after Her Grace created Skyloft." Sheik suggested, and the first Hero looked thoughtful. "Perhaps. That is unfortunate, though. It was a gift from Hylia herself when I became her knight."
Sheik raised his eyebrows, but then shrugged. In any case, it was long gone by now. A thought occurred to him then. "When did you- become-" Sheik mumbled, not exactly sure how to phrase his question.
Hero smiled in what could be considered a fond way. "Lady Hylia did it. After sending Skyloft heavenward- and knowing that there was no way to save me- she chose the only possible course of action left to her, since she could not bear to be parted from me, or her beloved Hyrule. And, honestly, I felt the same way about her- though I was always too bashful to admit it aloud. She made me like her, a deity who would be endlessly reincarnated throughout the ages as a mortal when Hyrule was in danger. Although, sometimes we mix it up a bit, and the Hero of Twilight being the crown prince in this era is an example." The god chuckled, smirking a bit when he thought of the unique, platonic bond of love between the blood of his Goddess and the spirit of the Hero that his most recent incarnation felt.
Sheik chuckled too. "Won't Zelda be surprised when she wakes up, now that I have my own body." He grinned, changing the subject when he saw that Hero wouldn't be saying any more on the matter.
The golden goddesses giggled and Hero smiled wider. "You can explain things to her, and tell her attendants that you will be her guardian in the way that Impa was to the Zelda of Hyrule's Golden Age."
Sheik nodded, then bowed to each of the goddesses and the Hero of Heroes in gratitude, and the Fierce Deity gave him a mask. It resembled Time's old Oni mask, but the red and blue markings were gone.
"Give this to Time and explain things to him. He is the only mortal with the strength of heart to wield my full power. It shall be a bit restrained, but he shall be able to use it to the fullest extent without worry of losing his sanity. That was always his greatest fear when he donned my old mask." He explained, and Sheik nodded, promising to pass on the message.
"And now, we shall take our leave." Din smiled at her sisters and brother, who nodded and closed their eyes, all of them suddenly appearing to be gilded in pure gold. "Farewell, son of the Sheikah." The First Hero smiled, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. Then Sheik had to shield his eyes from the light that enveloped the four deities, and- when he finally opened his eyes- the light, the four beings and the ethereal mist were all gone.
Sheik put the Fierce Deity's mask in the same chest that had stored his own, then borrowed a pillow and blanket from Zelda's bureau, falling peacefully asleep just as his head touched the pillow.
Gasp! Sheik started awake as he heard the sharp intake of breath and stood to his feet before the young ruler, donning a disarming smile to reassure the princess of his good intentions. Then- in a moment of mischief- he winked. Zelda's shocked expression slowly transformed into a beaming smile of excitement, and Sheik nodded solemnly.
At that moment, one of Zelda's personal guard ran in- sword drawn and alert for danger. "Princess, I heard your gasp. Is all well?" He asked sharply, leveling his blade at Sheik.
"Yes, Captain. Sheik is a very old, close friend, and my personal attendant just as Impa was to my ancestor long ago. He has my complete trust, and his skill speaks for itself." She answered, causing the young warrior to gape at her. How had she known that was his directive from the gods? He hadn't had a chance to explain yet! As if in answer, Zelda mirrored his wink from earlier, continuing their little game.
She must've heard us. Dreams can sometimes tap into the Spiritual Realm, or maybe Lady Nayru told her.
"Forgive me, Your Highness. I- was not informed of his appointment." The captain bowed humbly, sheathing his blade.
Zelda shook her head. "The fault is mine, Captain. It was an impromptu decision. I should have informed you before making my choice." She answered contritely, but treated Sheik to another wink while the captain was not looking.
"Just as long as you are sure of his intentions, Your Majesty. We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened during the Civil War." He warned both of them, causing Zelda to gasp at his implication and Sheik to frown.
"Rest assured, my good man, you have nothing to fear from me." Sheik answered solemnly. "The design of the crimson tear on my scarf is a constant reminder of our bloody history. We will never make that terrible mistake again. My loyalties are to Hyrule, to the great deities, and to Zelda and her family. My people learned that lesson all too well."
Seeming satisfied with Sheik's sincerity, the captain of the guard nodded, then bowed and excused himself from the room- letting the young Sheikah follow him out so Zelda could dress for the day.
Just outside of Zelda's chambers, the older soldier turned to the reborn ninja. "I know that Zelda trusts you, but you'll forgive me if some of us don't, at least not right away. You did just appear out of nowhere." The captain told Sheik. "If you give us any reason to think that you might hurt our princess, rest assured that even with your skill, we will not hesitate to take you down."
Sheik nodded. "I have no doubts on that score, Captain. Your loyalty is commendable. But you will find that my intentions are true and honorable. I want nothing more than to be accepted by everyone in Hyrule as a friend and protector of the Royal Family. And that includes the prince and the 'new' commander." He added with a mischievous smirk.
The captain nodded. "I couldn't believe it when he told us who he was, but when he and the prince showed us his Hidden Skills, I knew he was the real deal. He really is the Hero of Time, returned to this world." He breathed, still wonder-struck.
"Yeah, he's something else." Sheik smiled, rolling his eyes as he recalled the Hero he'd known. He'd always been noble, but there was always this mysterious gleam in his blue eyes. Almost as if he were up to something. That gleam of childlike enthusiasm had not disappeared with his death, and the last true Sheikah had seen it still in his blue eyes after his resurrection.
"Do you have any idea why he's here?" The captain asked, and Sheik cocked his head. "Probably for the same reason the goddesses brought me to this age, to deal with this new threat and protect Hyrule and her people. Time could also be here to train Twilight in magic, since that's one thing Ganondorf's known for and the prince doesn't really know much about it."
"G-Ganondorf?" The captain stammered. "B-but- he's dead!"
"I know. But his forces are trying to resurrect him by using the blood of the hero- whichever one they can get their claws on." Sheik growled an answer, and the captain groaned. Now they would have to deal with that madman too?
"I expect Link will insist on fighting him by himself, if Ganon truly returns. They're both kinda stubborn that way." Sheik chuckled. "He feels it's his duty as a Chosen Hero, carrying on the First Hero's final quest to stop Demise."
"The Hero of Heroes-" The captain breathed. "The one handpicked by Hylia herself. It's his spirit that is reborn in the never-ending cycle. Just as a part of goddess Hylia is always within Princess Zelda."
Sheik nodded. "You know your history. I'm impressed. Not everyone puts stock in those ancient legends anymore."
"True, but there are still those who believe the truth." The captain reciprocated with his own nod. "Miss Shekia, for instance."
Sheik raised an eyebrow at this, then smiled. This Shekia was sounding more and more interesting by the day. I'll have to introduce myself to her sometime. She sounds like an amazing young woman.
Suddenly the young woman in question walked up, a suspicious look on her face, her eyes clearly asking, 'Are you boys talking about me?' Sheik smiled in surprise as she approached them, finding Zelda's words to be quite accurate. She truly was a beautiful young woman. And he could tell she had a kind heart.
When both of their eyes met- crimson to ruby- a spark jumped between the two souls, almost like an electrical charge. Sheik bowed to the young Sheikah lady in a formal greeting, making her blush slightly in response. She looked down shyly and fiddled with her red dress, a perfect match for her ruby eyes and scarlet hair.
"Lady Shekia, it's nice to see you." The captain bowed to the new arrival, who smiled back at him. "We were just discussing the old legends of Hyrule, specifically those surrounding the Hero."
Shekia nodded, signing something to the man in Hylian sign language. "Oh, forgive my manners. This young man is Sheik, the royal bodyguard and attendant. According to him, he is the last survivor of the Sheikah clan. But that was before he'd heard of you, milady."
Shekia gasped in surprise, then studied the young warrior before her with renewed interest. Sheik stood stock-still while she analyzed him, not knowing what he was supposed to do. After a few minutes, she straightened up before him and pointed to her blue earring in her left ear, then to Sheik's that he wore in his own ear. Sheik smiled in acknowledgement. "Yes. I have one too. It testifies that I too passed the final test of all Sheikah warriors, though I only did it once. From what I have been told, you train yourself with that test every day. Is that right?"
Shekia blushed again, but nodded as well. Then, without warning, she dropped to her knees and bowed prostrate before her namesake- somehow figuring out who he really was. Sheik took a step back in surprise, but then smiled softly and held out his hand to help the girl to her feet again. "There's no need for that, Miss Shekia. I am just like the Hero of Time in that respect, in that I was resurrected in this time to combat the forces of darkness. He doesn't want any special recognition because of his title, and nor do I. We're just here to help." He explained, and Shekia rose to her feet again. Though she still kept her eyes downcast.
"You're- you're the Sheik? The one from Hyrule's Future that Never Was?" The captain gasped, but Sheik shook his head. "Well, yes and no. Yes, I'm from Hyrule's Golden Age- but no, I'm not from an alternate timeline. Somehow I remember all of those events, but I was never needed to shield the Princess of Destiny in this timeline. My mother Impa still kept my mask, though. And it and the legend was eventually passed down through the Royal Family as one of their secret treasures. It's- hard to explain." He finished, looking to the side at nothing in particular as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"The goddesses restored your human form and brought you to this time. Your spirit is no longer bound to a mask. You are truly alive once more." Shekia signed to him in the ancient Sheikah sign language, and Sheik nodded, surprised and impressed that she was fluent in that lost language as well. I guess she must've learned it from her grandmother Impaz. Sheik mused to himself.
Suddenly, Shekia got an excited gleam in her ruby eyes, and she met Sheik's gaze very deliberately and jerked her head, silently asking him to follow her. Confused but intrigued, Sheik walked with her to the courtyard of the castle, and from there out to the eastern portion of Hyrule Field where Time and Twilight were busy drilling the troops and preparing them for the inevitable battle. The two heroes looked over in curiosity, but soon returned to their drills. They knew that Sheik wouldn't make too much of a mess. Plus it wasn't really any of their concern.
Shekia bowed to Sheik again, though this time in the fashion of the ancient Sheikah warriors. Realizing what the bow meant, Sheik mirrored her actions, then jumped backwards several feet and drew a few of his throwing knives. This brave young woman was about to test him with the final trial of the Sheikah tribe and would also demonstrate her own skill to prove herself to the reborn warrior. Neither one dared make a move for what seemed an eternity, then- with a small nod from both of them in unison- the test began.
-Amidst the test-
Time watched the Sheikah battle it out with awe and fond recognition, recalling vividly the time when Impa had put him through this exact same test many years ago when he was still a child. Briefly, he wondered if he would still be able to pass their final test, but then shook his head. He'd taken that test as a child, and now he was a grown, nineteen-year-old man. The same age as his protege and descendant. He laughed quietly at the Goddesses' sense of humor for a moment, then returned his attention to the men under his command.
Hylia, I hope they'll be ready. Time prayed fervently, watching one soldier in particular as they battled one of their comrades in the training exercise. That one had never once removed their helmet, and Link was a bit concerned. They fought almost like- Time shook his head. She would never do something as reckless as that, would she? He knew that his Zelda would have, but not her. She just wasn't suited for battle.
Boy, was he wrong.
End of Chapter 10
WHEW! Another long chapter. Sorry about that! I just couldn't stop, it was too interesting!
Yeah, that's just a random idea that popped into my head. I have no idea who the Fierce Deity's mask is really supposed to be. But I wanted to make him a good guy and not a demon, dangit!
And Shekia is an OC. If you've ever seen the anime 'Fairy Tail', just picture Erza with ruby eyes and in a red dress.
Yay! Ordon 'family' reunion! I'm totally a sucker for happy endings- and plot twists- so you had to have seen that coming, right? XD
Oh, and I borrowed a song from Mulan again. Do not own, and the usual yadda-yadda. All credit to the wonderful people at Disney for that one.
Well, I think that's everything. See you next chapter!
God Bless!
Tsunami Storm