This idea had been really bugging me and I had decided to pour it out from my head to make some rooms for my study subjects.


Cold wind swirled the night's peaceful cloak, whispering of the oncoming dark clouds that loomed over the horizon ominously, carrying the brewing storm that will soon hit the city. Light pitter patter of rains began to shower down, washing away the dirt and debris, cleaning the earth of its filth as the grieving sky was shield away by the dark murderous clouds from the prying and judgmental eyes of hypocrite humans. Lightning rumbled in warning, waiting for the right moment to strike the sky's enemies and the mist began to slip in through the shadow, misguiding others through the mazes of illusionary world, twisting the unsuspecting human's mind gleefully as the bright sun was not present to shoo it away.

Lounging on his crisp yet comfortable sofa lazily, a man in his early twenties blew out the smoke of his cigarette and his piercing amber eyes glanced toward the window, the gentle drizzle washing the smooth surface with the sky's tears.

A frown formed on his face as he felt the distinct tugging at his chest, his heart being held tightly by heavy chains of dread, squeezed snugly until he felt it would burst. He had been feeling this sensation for the last few days and really wanted to know what it meant but he couldn't even make a head or a tail of it because every time he tried to make sense of it, the sensation vanished, like it was never there. It irked him and his already short fuse began to shorten even more. It kept on telling him to search for the sky but why should he search for it when the sky is still up there, unless it had fallen somewhere and the apocalypse had arrived. The rain didn't help at all, with the oncoming storm that is brewing; it made him on edge, filled with anticipation and nerves that made him jittery and wary of everything.

Running a calloused hand through his bright crimson hair, he let out a frustrated sigh, biting down on the nub of his cigarette to alleviate some of his irritation. He ignored his blonde haired best friend's worried cursory glance, knowing his jittery attitude is also making the bartender skittish. Shoving his fisted hands in the pocket of his black jeans, the red head leaned against the arm of the sofa, mind drifting away and his legs propped up at the other end of the sofa.

Across the bar, a man who is also in his early twenties glanced toward his best friend with worries filled honey eyes. His chin length blonde hair swayed slightly when he moved faintly while cleaning some of the wine glass to ease off his nervousness. His friend's jittery attitude didn't go unnoticed by his attentive and sharp eyes. It was instantly registered on his radar the moment the red head got whatever foreboding message he always got when something big would happen. He knew, whatever that is making Mikoto this skittish, it has to be something big, if not destructive. He hoped the red head would find it in himself to share it with him, he really wanted to help and would rather be prepared for whatever disaster that will soon hit them.

Feeling light buzzing of his phone, the blonde fished out his phone from the back pocket of his blue jeans. He gave the screen a quick glance, already knowing who it is and swiped on the screen to answer it.

"Izumo speaking" He answered the call, wondering slightly why the brunet on the other line hadn't blasted him with a bubbly babble of a greeting like he usually did every time that airhead called him. "Ah! Izu. Sorry to disturb you ummm….." Izumo raised a defined eyebrow at Tatara's nervous tone, finding the brunet very out of character.

"What did you do this time?" He asked with an exasperated tone, knowing the brunet had done something stupid. Again.

A sheepish laugh was his only answer and he let out a warning growl, his pent up nerves for the last few days began to rise. "No! I didn't do anything! I swear on my camera that I didn't do anything stupid this time!" Tatara spoke hurriedly, trying to placate the aggravated blonde.

"Talk" The word was spoken through gritted teeth, coated with thick venom that made the receiver shivers in fear.

" !" Tatara explained very fast and Izumo wondered if the brunet had even stopped to take a breath through his babbles.

Letting out an infuriated sigh, he shot the curious yet amused Mikoto a glare, showing how worn out he is. "Speak slowly Tatara and breath"

Tatara took in a long breath, trying not to get on Izumo's frazzled nerve further more. "Umm, do you still remember Tuna-Fish, my baby cousin by 13 years, the one that I introduced to you two years ago?" The brunet asked nervously.

Izumo withheld a snort at that. Of course he remembered the young boy, the boy is an angel directly sent from heaven. The last time he saw the brunet boy, he is the epitome of cuteness with wide doe golden brown eyes that sparkle with innocence and happiness, a heart shaped face that have baby face clung stubbornly to the cheeks, a cute button nose, smooth and flawless milky pale skin like the finest china doll, a tuft of gravity defying hazel brown hair that is as soft as finely made flowing silk and a fulllips to complete his look.

Izumo would bet his bar that the boy could easily have everyone wrapped around his little finger with one of his sweet smile and would grow to be quite the looker.

"Of course I remember Tsuna-kun. You had been flaunting about him for the whole months before his due date of spending summer vacation with your family. I still remember you shoving your phone in my face just to show a picture of him"

Izumo chuckled at the fond memories he, Tatara and Mikoto had spent with Tsuna that summer vacation two years ago. It had been one of his treasured moments where he could see Mikoto hold no fear of controlling his power and smiled in such carefree way every time Tsuna did something endearing, like he had never been burdened with the title as the King.

"Ah. Sorry about that. I was too excited to meet Tuna-fish again" Tatara apologized, sounding very embarrassed.

Izumo leaned against his bar, glancing at Mikoto, who he knew was swept away by the fond memories they shared about the little brunet. For some reason even unknown to Mikoto, Tsuna's presence always calmed the raging turmoil of power inside Mikoto, as if taming it with his smile and chased away Mikoto's fear of losing himself.

Making himself comfortable, Izumo decided to continue with the matter at hand. He knew Tatara wouldn't just bring something up for no reason and he would like to know how the airhead's cousin had been doing.

"So, what's wrong with Tsuna-kun? Would he be staying over for vacations?" The blonde asked curiously, feeling slightly giddy at the thought of meeting the sweet angel again.

As if a switch being flipped, the cheerful light hearted mode vanished, leaving nothing but grim sadness hanging in the still air. Feeling the sudden shift of mode, Izumo felt his stomach churn in unease, knowing something had happened to make the usually bubbly brunet this quiet.

"Tatara" His voice is laced with worry for his friend, wanting to know what had happened so he could help. He heard Tatara suck in a shaky breath and let out a frigid one.

"My aunty, Nana, and her husband's family….they all died…..I-They all died-slaughtered….Tsuna's family….all of them were murdered"

Izumo's blood run cold at the new. He knew how well loved Tsuna is by his family and how the little angel really cared and loved all of them. He knew the boy would be miserable to lose all of them. Gulping faintly, he tried to water his suddenly parched throat.

"H-How about Tsuna-kun?" The bartender asked hesitantly, fearing something horrible had happened to the boy. He heard Tatara's choked sobs, and he dreads to hear the news.

"H-He's broken Izu….Tsuna is broken… h-he was forced to see all of them slain…one by one by the assassins as he was held hostage to keep…his family in control….Oh God Izu! I can't imagine how he felt!"

Damn fucking shit. If he ever came across those shitty scumbags, they better had written their wills because they wouldn't be able to see any sunlight anymore and he would make those motherfuckers pay. Pay for what they had inflicted upon a fucking six years old boy! Forcing someone that young to see their family's death because of him… a very terrible crime committed.

Clutching his fist tightly, Izumo grind his teeth, jaws clenched in pure anger. Mikoto, who had heard the whole thing, barely contained his raging Aura, it fought against his hold, wanting to turn those bastards to ashes. Striding toward the slacken blonde, Mikoto snatched the phone before Izumo broke it in his uncontrollable fit of anger.

"Where is he" The red head hissed his demand, growling with barely concealed rage.

Tatara gulped nervously, never having heard Mikoto being this angry. He cleared his throat and answered his King's demand. "He is in the Shizume hospital right now. His room number is H27-"

Mikoto throw the phone over his shoulder and Izumo caught it with ease. He ended the call with a curt 'We'll be there' and hurriedly followed his old friend, nodding at Saruhiko and Misaki, whom had just entered the establishment. The two teens blinked, glancing at each other in question. But seeing the grim look on both men's face had stopped them from questioning them. They could only watch as their King and Second in Command disappears into the darkness with the heavy rain concealing their figures.

Mikoto stormed into the hospital lobby, scowling at everyone and everything that stood in his way. Izumo couldn't find it in himself to apologize toward any of them, following his King just half a step behind him. The red haired male comes into a halt in front of a door, staring at the metal plate that has H27 carved into it.

Reaching out, he twisted the cold handle, pushing the door to the private room open. What greeted him made his blood run cold yet boil with rage at the same time. Mikoto unconsciously gritted his teeth, furrowing his eyebrows and balled his hands into a tight fist.

There, lying on the pristine white bed is the boy whom had calmed down the raging inferno inside him with only his presence alone. The boy have a tuft of spiky and gravity defying hazel brown hair, that laid flat on the mattress, as if it had lost the hope to reach out for the sky like it used to. Pale skin peeked out from under the bandages that had almost covered every parts of the six years old frail body. Full lip has a healing cut on it and a roll of bandage were secured around his throat but Mikoto could easily see the distinct purplish hand print under the thin gauze. His eyelids are closed but his eyebrows kept on furrowing and twitching, as if he is in a deep bloody nightmare, which could probably be the truth.

The boy looked far smaller than he should, swamped by thick white blanket and machines were hooked to his frail body, IV drips and blood were inserted into his thin arm. A breathing mask covered the lower half of his face as the heart monitor beeped occasionally, comforting them that the brunet is indeed alive.

Tatara sat to the brunet's right holding the child's small hand firmly but gently. His face is serious, lips in a thin line, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. Izumo pushed pass Mikoto, having lost his patience standing behind Mikoto. His reaction is the same as Mikoto but he managed to rein it in and make his way to the only bed in the room.

Slumping into the empty chair by Tatara's left; he stared at the child's pale face, heart beating erratically. "Tsuna…" He breathed out the name shakily. His left hand landed on the brunet's cold cheek, caressing it gently, as if the slightest force could make him crack and shatter into millions of tiny pieces.

Mikoto stood near Tsuna's head, opposite of Tatara and Izumo. His amber eyes dark and shadowed by the ominous need to mutilate someone, preferably those assassins and he set his lips into a thin line. The HOMRA leader placed his clenched fist near the far smaller hand, unfurling his calloused fingers and wrapped it around the pale appendage tenderly.

The lashing inferno of rage eased down when his skin come in contact with the brunet's cold skin, as if the all accepting sky had consoled the raging storm.

The thought made his eyes widened slightly. Damn shit. This is what his gut had been trying to tell him, warning him and wanting him to stop it from happening. And he had not done anything to stop it.

The Red King closed his eyes, shame fueling him up to the brim and he slowly let go of the brunet's hand. Mikoto leaned down and pressed his chapped lips to the young sky's forehead.

He made a vow at that moment, an internal vow that he will keep with his own soul. He will always be the turbulent storm that attacked nonstop, protecting the grieving sky at the moment of his weakest. He will burn brightly, fending off all the shadow and darkness, even if he burn too brightly and his power would soon consume him, he will always protect his sky, even if it was at the cost of his life

The timeline is a year before Anna joined HOMRA. She is older than Tsuna by a year and would be a sister figure to him, so no romance for them. Saru is still loyal to HOMRA and Misaki would not be as moody and angry in the canon. Tatara is Tsuna's cousin from Nana's side, they have too much similarity to be ignored. To me anyway.

The current age

Tsuna: 6

Tatara: 19

Mikoto: 20

Izumo: 21

Misaki & Saru: 15/16 (dunno their real age)

Leave a review on your way out. I want to know how you guys think of it before continuing it.