Hey guys, thought this would be a good last chapter, however I intend to add more on to follow how their trials and tribulations go after leaving Mystic Falls. Those who want to continue can and those who don't can finish the story here. I've had some confused comments about Stefan's body. Let me be clear that Stefan hasn't become a woman. His body looks the exact same, it's just that he also has a female reproductive system inside near his prostate. Even when he was pregnant with Vida, the only change was that his stomach looked bloated, that's all. As to the concerns over his personality changes, something like this would change him and I wanted to show that such a dramatic change in someone's body and self image is going to knock them for six. He will always be the same guy but he's learning the balance again. Returning him to who he was before wouldn't be real. It's his personal journey of self discovery now.

I've always tried to write their relationship equally. I don't believe that Damon is stronger and Stefan a weakling. Both are independent and change each other. That's a relationship in real life. Damon is weaker in a lot of ways – his inability not to let his feelings take over his actions and just how much his love for Stefan rules his brain (just like Delena in the show). Stefan has never rolled over and simply been submissive. He's fought the changes and then accepted them and that is real strength. He's began to question his own actions and the effects on his relationships and that's personal growth. Add to this the fact that they are parents and you'll never get the two original characters we started with this story again. I hope this helps explain their current behaviours better.

Hope you've enjoyed the journey.;-)

Chapter 60 BF

"Let him go." Damon warned Klaus vehemently. "Now."

"Relax mate. I know what I'm doing." Klaus advised, releasing his hold on Stefan's body as Stefan continued to stare, under his thrall.

"Don't you dare." Damon growled and Klaus gave a short chuckle and took a step back.

"Sit." He said to Stefan. "Listen to what I am offering you and believe that I mean it."

Stefan sat down robotically and blinked himself back to awareness. He frowned and looked at Damon full of betrayal. Damon paled and sat down too. Klaus looked from one to the other.

"There has been enough drama in this house in the last month to last for a thousand years." Klaus strolled around the room nonchalantly, pouring himself a bourbon.

"How could you do this?!" Stefan hissed at Damon in accusation.

"Just listen to what he has to say, little blood machine." Damon said weakly and full of remorse.

"Indeed. Stefan." Klaus called upon his attention and Stefan looked over obediently thanks to the compulsion. "Damon didn't bring me here Stefan. I brought him home."

"What?" Stefan frowned.

"I didn't think you'd appreciate him falling off the wagon into an open crate of whisky. Especially not with a baby on your hands now." Klaus tutted at Damon and smirked. "Not very good father like behaviour."

"From the guy who's daddy tried to kill him all his life. How the hell would you know?" Damon hit back, smirking just as evilly as Klaus.

"Why are you here?" Stefan growled at Klaus.

"Listen." Klaus said and Stefan's face returned to blank again as Damon swallowed nervously. "I am here to help you brother. You don't have to leave and learn the ancient art of mind over body. I doubt you'd have the patience quite frankly and seeking successful lessons from a group of young wolves is a little ambitious. You'd find more luck heading to Asia for that and locking yourself in a temple for a few years."

"What are doing?!" Damon stood up, fearful that Stefan would take his advice.

"Relax Damon." Klaus said flippantly. "Do I have to compel you to sit and listen too?"

Damon studied Stefan's face and sat back down.

"I've harmed you." Klaus said and stopped right in front of Stefan. "I've damaged you in more ways than I can count, but believe me when I say to you that you are and always will be a brother to me. You can make your own mind up about whether you will ever feel that way for me in future, as you will make your own mind up about many things, including your predicament here."

Damon exhaled and gripped the cushions on the sofa.

"I can compel your body never to release your eggs. You will never have to have another child." Klaus knelt down and looked at Stefan earnestly. "I can do this for you without any recourse, without any hidden agenda, as I will do for any of you who ask this of me."

"Why?" Stefan managed to speak.

"Because you are my family and you will be vulnerable, not just to my enemies, but to your own. You want to live a new life? I can give that to you brother."

Stefan was speechless. Klaus stood up again and exhaled.

"If you want to go and leave your family here, I will ensure they are safe until you return."

"I think I got it, thanks." Damon snapped indignantly.

"Really?" Klaus looked to him. "You think you're going to avoid a heat simply because your mate isn't around?"

Damon frowned and opened his mouth as Stefan looked to him in surprise.

"You share a soul. Without Stefan, you'll have a mania. It'll make you a danger to your child. I've seen it happen in packs."

"You're lying!" Damon growled.

"I wish I was. You're already feeling the vibration of increasing irritability aren't you? Why else would you seek out a bottle and leave your mate here when you're both clearly in pain."

"So you're a relationship counsellor now?" Damon mocked. "Sorry, a hypnotist."

"If I hadn't compelled you to follow me back here, you would be too drunk to be part of this conversation Damon."

Stefan looked at Damon and sighed a breath of relief that Damon hadn't conspired with Klaus to ambush him. He'd been compelled too.

"What is this conversation and why are you involved?" Stefan squinted at Klaus. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I am the cause of your problem. The spell that did this to you was created to end me, but I can fix some of it."

"Because that's what you do isn't it? You don't like someone, you change them - compel them to be useful to you. You're a broken record." Stefan hissed angrily.

"Not this time brother." Klaus said quietly. "I knew you wouldn't trust anything I said and that is why I had to compel you to listen and believe what I am saying. I will block whatever you don't want to happen inside of your body for you and I will do this only if you ask me."

"And we're supposed to believe that?" Damon mocked.

"Stefan will."

"Because you compelled him to!"

"No, not simply because of that." Klaus searched Stefan's eyes and Stefan felt his body deflate at the sincerity of his expression. "Let me help."

"I don't need your help." Stefan said with conviction.

Damon sat silently listening.

Anxiety, hope, longing.

Stefan looked to Damon as he felt his emotions.

"You'd rather leave your family than take back the power?" Klaus asked and Damon closed his eyes.

"You'll control my body again." Stefan struggled to sound as confident as Damon bowed his head and stared at his hands. "Just like before."

"No. You will. Elizabeth has suggested that I compel her to have a trigger inside that means when she wants to use it to block her ovulating, then she can use it herself. All she has to do is activate it."

"Activate it how?" Stefan frowned.

"Like keeping your switch on or turning it off while feeding. Like switching your humanity on and off again. It'll be at your own will." Klaus took a seat but leaned forward to demonstrate how serious he was.

Stefan studied him chewing his lip. Could something like that work?

"And if you choose to have a child again, I will ensure it survives and that you feel no pain."

"And what will you get out of this?" Stefan huffed.

"Some small redemption." Klaus gave a half hearted smile.

"And Beth's approval, right?" Damon guessed.

"Perhaps." Klaus admitted.

"What about the other mates?" Stefan asked.

"If they ask for my assistance, I won't turn them away. They are after all, my kin and whatever makes you all stronger, makes me stronger."

"The stronger we are and less vulnerable to everyone who wants to kill you, the better." Damon wagered.

Silence fell between them as Stefan considered the possibility of Klaus's suggestion working.

"If I didn't want a heat…"

"Unfortunately that is a part of your health Stefan. If we were to shut off your heats, then the part of your body that us alive would suffer complications." Klaus said and Stefan closed his eyes and sighed disappointedly. "But, you don't have to fear a heat anymore when you can ensure neither of you will be harmed by new life. A heat is supposed to be something wonderful."

Stefan opened his eyes again.

"So, the heats would still come, but no more children?" Damon asked and Klaus nodded.

A pang of hope filled Damon's chest and channelled to Stefan. Stefan swallowed and gave a small nod.

"Ok." Stefan took a shaky breath. "I want the trigger."

Klaus gave a confident smile and moved over to him, kneeling again to catch Stefan's eyes. Damon watched with his heart in his mouth, studying Klaus closely for any deception.

"Open your mind to me." Klaus whispered and widen his pupils. "Your body is under your control Stefan. When you are in heat, you will choose if you want to make life or not. You will simply make the decision to trigger a block to your reproductive system. When you choose to make life, you will simply decide to trigger a release instead."

Damon watched Stefan's expression change gradually to one of relaxation and he sat forward entranced by it. Simply by giving Stefan this ability, his whole body had begun to unwind from all of the fear and anxiety being fertile had caused.

Klaus sat back as Stefan blinked and exhaled as though fatigued.

Stefan? How do you feel?

Damon channelled and Stefan looked at him a little dazed.

"Tired." Stefan said.

"He may sleep for a period as his body adjusts." Klaus advised and stood up. "Already his smell is different. Can't you smell it?"

Damon moved to Stefan and inhaled deeply, licking Stefan's cheek as he yawned. Stefan still smelled good, hell he always smelled good but there was a subtle difference. He didn't smell as sweet.

"It's working." Damon said in amazement and Stefan pushed him away from him and stood up.

Klaus and Damon stood silently as Stefan moved to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a drink. They waited impatiently. Stefan ignored them in his task and took a long sip as he relished the taste. He closed his eyes and focussed on his body, feeling the calmness inside. He'd been starting to feel as though he had insects under his skin and a strange sense of urgency. Now, he felt relaxed and in control.

He opened his eyes again to see two sets of anxious eyes on him and he smirked and took another sip.

"How do you feel?" Klaus ventured.

Stefan refilled his glass while Klaus waited for a response.

"Stefan." Damon urged.

"Good." Stefan said and looked at them again. "I feel good."

Damon exhaled in relief.


He channelled and moved to embrace him when Stefan shot him a glare of warning and he stopped in his tracks.

I'm mad as hell at you. Don't even try.

Damon swallowed and stood, deflating. Klaus looked from one to the other.

"Well, now you're back on even ground. I'll leave you to it." Klaus said and turned to leave.

"Wait." Stefan said commandingly. "I don't owe you anything for this. All you've done is given me back the control that was mine before the spell."

"With a few benefits." Klaus nodded.

"I owe you nothing." Stefan growled slightly and Klaus gave a nod and clenched his jaw.

"Thank you." Damon said quietly to him and Klaus nodded again and left without another comment.

Stefan exhaled as the door closed behind him and Damon looked to him, aching to touch him.

"So you ran off to a bar?" Stefan looked at him angrily. "Not only did you make enough noise to have her screaming, you left me to deal with all of this shit as usual. Then you come back here with him and let him compel me?"

"I didn't have a choice." Damon defended weakly. "You were going to leave me."

"So you thought you'd find a way to force me?" Stefan slammed his glass down and Damon swallowed.

"I wouldn't have let him force you."


"No it's not!" Damon shouted back just as angrily.

Stefan shook his head and Damon huffed.

"Old habits die hard." Stefan commented.

"We can have the middle now. Now you're in control." Damon said.

"No I'm not!" Stefan shouted. "I only have this because he interfered."

"What the hell do you want Stefan? You don't have to have my kids anymore ok? You don't have to worry. What the hell more do you want?" Damon sat down annoyed.

"I want you to see me like you did before." He said and Damon frowned in confusion. "You're different since this happened. You treat me like I'm breakable, like I'm weaker."

"No I don't." Damon frowned further.

"You do." Stefan stated. "And I feel like I am."

"You know what? My body changed too Stefan and you don't hear me whining about it! You think I like walking around feeling like it's my responsibility to make sure you and Vida are fed and safe and comfortable? That I have to fend off other guys coming and stealing you from me?"

Stefan blinked in surprise.

"I feel like everyone around us wants you and I have to be ready to fight for you constantly." Damon explained a little calmer. "I never feel relaxed."

"I can look after myself." Stefan said quietly.

"I know that, but my head just…it floods me with this stuff." Damon sighed.

"Mine floods me with needing you to protect me. I fight the need to have you claim me over and over to make sure that you'll stay."

"This isn't us Stefan." Damon shook his head. "This is leftover wolf crap."

"Wolf crap that we don't understand. How could we? The only wolf we've ever really known is Tyler."

"And he's a douche."

"We need to learn how to be us again." Stefan sat down.

"How?" Damon asked defeated.

"We go stay with the wolves a while and learn how to balance our werewolf aspects to ourselves." Stefan suggested and Damon looked at him thoughtfully. "I think we need to do this. Of course we can't be who we were before, because we aren't. It's as simple as that. We've changed. Now we're wolf too and we've been trying to pretend that it hasn't changed anything but our ability to have children. There's so much more to this change than that."

Damon gave a nod of agreement.

"We've been lost in the focus of my body going into heat, we've overlooked all the other new feelings and changes." Stefan added.

"Together?" Damon ventured and Stefan gave a small smile and nodded.


Damon beamed in relief.

"But, I still want to try Nisha's methods."

"But you have a trigger now." Damon said confused.

"I want to feel like I am involved in my control, not just given the remote by Klaus."


"And I want us to try her methods for my first heat."

"What will that change?" Damon frowned, unsure.

"I want to see if we can get through it without sex."

"What?" Damon snorted.

"I want to see if we can control our animal brains - if we can keep a human focus, because if we can then we know we will still be able to look after Vida and not get lost in each other."

"Ok, so tantric stuff then." Damon gave a weak smile as he felt his stomach churn.

"If we can trust ourselves then we will know we're really in control." Stefan said pointedly and Damon gave another weak smile. "You can do it Damon."

"Peace of cake."

"Listen to me." Stefan moved to him and sat beside him. "You're as strong as I am and we can get through it without losing our heads ok?"

Damon sighed but nodded.


"Ok." Stefan gave a small smile and squeezed his shoulder.

Now that they'd made up their minds, they finished packing for New York and ordered their removal services. In Stefan's absence they'd won the auction for the house they'd wanted, easily and now it was really happening. Stefan called Anne and Michael while Damon collected some supplies for going to the wolves until after Stefan's heat had been tested.

Anne and Michael were having similar conversations about their own fertility and were interested in Klaus's offer of compulsion triggers. Monique and Karl on the other hand, were eager to try another heat and try again for another child. At least if it wasn't the one year annual heat, then they wouldn't have to worry about multiple foetus issues. According to Nisha, normal, regular heats were like any ovulation cycle in human females, mostly resulting in singular eggs being fertilised.

Anne took over with the task of getting their belongings into their new house and dealing with lawyers whilst they were with the wolves and Stefan looked around the empty bedroom, feeling hopeful and happy for the first time in weeks. Everything was going to be an adjustment but he felt ready for it finally. He felt strong again.

Vida gave an angry growl and Stefan raised his eyebrows and went into the nursery to find her biting Damon's arm as he tried to strap her into her car seat. He chuckled in surprise and Damon huffed and pulled back from her.

"She bit you?"

"Hell right she did." Damon frowned annoyed and licked his arm.

Vida scowled, her veins appearing and Stefan shook his head in wonder. She was grumpy and pissed.

"Never seen her angry before." Stefan moved to her and knelt to adjust her straps.

"She knows we're leaving for somewhere new I reckon."

She gave an unhappy sound as Stefan loosened the straps a little and reached her hands out towards him. He took her little hands and kissed them.

"We're going on a trip angel. Don't be afraid." He lulled and she squirmed unhappily.

He lifted the handle of her car seat and they moved down to the lounge to find an emotional Nathan waiting. He stood up as they descended the stairs.

"You ready?" He asked and Damon took the car seat from Stefan and moved around him to put her into the car.

"Yeah." Stefan smiled. "Are you going to be ok?"

"In this palace?" Nathan joked, looking around. "Yeah. Will you?"

"Yeah." Stefan smiled confidently. "I think we will."

"Typical, I find my pack and you leave to join another." Nathan jested but Stefan could tell he was a little serious.

Stefan squeezed his shoulder sympathetically.

"You'll always be family. We just need to figure out who we are again. I'll call."

Nathan pulled him forward into a tight hug and Stefan relaxed against him.

"Be happy." Nathan mumbled and Stefan gave him a squeeze. "If you need me anytime, just call me."

"I will." Stefan gave him a pat on the back and broke away, looking around. "Look after the place."

Nathan smiled and Stefan left to go to the car. Damon was chastising Vida for biting him again and Stefan chuckled and leaned on the side of the car, looking in.

"Biting is rude." Damon waved a finger at her and she screamed out unhappily.

"Think our angel is becoming a madam?" Stefan joked and Damon huffed and closed the rear door.

"She's too like me, is the problem." He frowned.

"Yeah, she's going to be a handful."

Damon pulled Stefan in by his waist and kissed him sharply, growling under his breath.

"Just enough of a handful." He whispered seductively.

"Hmmn." Stefan pushed him off and towards the passenger side.

Damon opened his mouth to complain and Stefan pushed him again.

"I'm driving today stud." Stefan grinned and Damon huffed but got around the other side begrudgingly.

Nathan came to the front door and waved and Stefan gave him a quick nod and stepped inside, turning the ignition on.

"Where to now driver?" Damon jested and Stefan looked behind to make sure Vida was ok.

She was sucking her fingers, now calm and he looked ahead as he drove out of the driveway.

"The Grill."


"Going away party."

"Tell me you're kidding." Damon scowled and Stefan quirked an eyebrow and chuckled.

"With balloons and decorations." Stefan teased and Damon groaned.

"Kill me now."

"And some of Rick's finest bourbon."

Damon smirked and sat back relaxing.

"It better be." He said and Stefan chuckled again.