Stephanie held the brat's hand in a death grip.

The entire ride was made to make talking impossible. Zooming up faster than should be legally possible, and then letting go and letting gravity to the rest. Every time she slowed enough to catch her breath, it would start up again before she had the chance to curse everything that Damian has ever even touched. She had done drops like this since she started the superhero business. But she never had been jerked up and down to such heights ever before. It was terrifying. She screamed loud enough to make Black Canary cover her ears.

Damian, on the other hand, was laughing hysterically the whole time. She squeezed his hand, hard, kind of hoping to break something.

Could they die on that death-trap? The bar was tightly secured, which meant there was no escape, but also that they wouldn't fall loose. Still, every creaking noise (which there were plenty of) absolutely terrified her. Each drop made her stomach fly up to her throat. She was ready to kill that little son of a-

The ride slowed to a stop.

She kept breathing, letting it slow and even out. The ride came to a complete stop, their feet solidly resting against the metal platform. Damian's laughter was even louder without the wind taking it away from him. The rest of the people were just as breathless and wild-eyed as Steph, laughing out of the adrenaline release.

"You totally fell for it!" He laughed harder. The blonde woman clicked a button, releasing the latches so they could push the lap bars up and get out.

As soon as she pushed away the lap bar, she turned and smacked the Robin. Not enough to really hurt him, just as a reaction from the anger. "You're such an ass! I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"No killing," he said, his eyes alight with entertainment. "Father would not approve of that, would he?"

She growled. He was going to give her a heart attack one of these days. But still, he was smiling. And that was a nice change of pace. Even if he was a maniac laughing at Steph's suffering. But he was acting like an obnoxious little brother, and that was something he never got to do. Which meant she could be the annoying big sister she always dreamed of becoming.

As soon as they were up out of their seats, she shakily walked away. Not waiting to check on him. He followed after her, of course. Probably wanted to laugh at her even more. But she would win this battle of wits with the one thing the little nerd didn't understand: emotions.

"You are such a girl, Brown!" He cackled away, trotting after her. "Oh no, he must be scared, I'll hold his hand to make it better! Ha!"

When she didn't respond, he slowed down on his evil laughter. The kid was walking right into her trap. The next part was to seal his fate.

He was indignant at her lack of response. "It's no fun if you're going to be all quiet."

The two of them past the tilt-a-whirl and big swing. There were plenty of people in face paint around them, looking goofy and a little eerie. He still followed her, grumpy now that she ruined his fun.

Finally, she stopped in an empty space. She turned to him, willing herself to start crying. Her vision blurred and she flushed with the effort. In case his heartstrings hadn't been tugged yet, her lip quivered into a pout. She was an ugly crier, of course, but that only helped her case.

His expression faded from irritation to terror. His dark eyes grew to the size of CDs. He even stepped back a few steps. As if he could run away.

"S-stop crying, Brown! I did nothing to induce this!"

She sniffed loudly, wiping her nose with her wrist. "I-hic-was so scared! And you tricked me!"

"I did no such thing!"

"Yes, you did!" She turned away dramatically, letting out a loud sob. "You hurt me, Damian!"

He seemed even more terrified as he shakily said, "I-I was pulling a prank. Must you be so emotional?!"

Ha. Breaking point.

She faced him yet again, sniffling and continuing to cry. "It wasn't funny! And you better apologize for it!"

"What? You can't possibly-!" He scoffed before analyzing her expression. The tips of his ears were turning red as he stared at his shoes. "...I'm sorry, Brown. I didn't mean-"

The moment was too perfect. Who would have guessed the little assassin had a soul? And all it took was a little bit of sisterly crying to draw it out. Truly it was her god-given talent. Beyond the whole ass-kicking thing.

"Will you... eat some junk food with me?" She asked, her voice brokenly hopeful. Cassandra would die after hearing about this.

He nodded, surprised at the chance of redemption. Still, he played it cool. He ran his hand through his pointy hair and said, "Fine. But only if you stop crying."

"Thanks!" She laughed, wiping her eyes. "Good to know that trick works on you."

Before he could stop and take back what he said, she took his hand and dragged him forward, laughing. Oh, payback was sweet. And the deep-fried twinkies would be even sweeter.