This is my first story on this site, and I'm just figuring things out so please be nice.

Unbetaed, cause I'm lazy. I have one I just had this planed as a test story for this site and will only update if asked. My spelling sucks so please if it is important tell me and I will fix it other wise it will stay the same. This also my first attempt at any thing even close to or resembling a lemon. Constructive criticism welcome. The story will be in Sasuke's POV unless stated otherwise.

I had nothing to live for. I had taken my revenge, I had severed all ties. I was alone. I looked at the trees as I passed looking for one I knew was here.


It was a tree with scorch marks all over one side. Looking up to the canopy above me with my sharigan, I saw what I had been looking for. Charka laden vines. They lay unmoving above me in the trees.

This is the end I had chosen for myself. Even now with nothing left my pride would not let me take my own life any other way.

These vines where a failed experiment of Orochimaru's. They had a consciousness of their own. They could think, and they could hunt.

They inject you with a poison that triggered a genjutsu, all you know after that is a world that is straight out of your deepest dreams, but at the same time they feed off your charka. Slowly killing you, while giving you the best dream imaginable. One you don't want to leave.

I had been caught once. For three dream world days I was in a world where I still had my family, my team and my home. I hadn't wanted to wake up. When I was pulled from the vines grasp I clung to the dream, unwilling to believe it wasn't real. The others in my troop at the time where the same.

The vines had a way of making somethings not perfect, somethings you wish you could change. Just enough to make you believe it was real. Life after all is not perfect.

I could hear the vines perking up the closer in the forest I got. I took my sword out of my belt and the vines recoiled. I stabbed the ground, embedding the blade deeply. The vines relaxed.

The further in I walked the bolder the vines became. They dropped down to hang to the side of my path, reaching out to me, but they didn't try to stop me. I could tell they knew what I was here for. The others in my troop had all done the same thing.

They had become addicted to the drug of the vines, the peace they offered. Eventually they had all come back to this place, back to the dream. Now I was no different. But it wasn't the dream I wanted. It was the peaceful -painless- death that I craved.

Finally after walking for what seemed an eternity or two, I decided I had gone far enough. I was far enough in the forest that no one in their right mind would follow me.

I held out my arms an the vines wasted no time in descending on me. They wrapped all around me, slick with god only knows what. I didn't even flinch when the vine at the back extended sharp teeth into my skin.
I felt a cold begin to flow through me at the point it bit me. I raced all thought-out my body, numbing me, making my limbs unresponsive. I felt as heavy as lead but the vines had no problem lifting me into the canopy, or slithering under my clothes and ripping them to shreds.

I could still feel their slick bodies running over my numb skin. This is how they hunted. They not only invade your mind but your body. When your body accepts them, or cant fight back any more, then you mind is not far behind.

I could already feel my body responding to them. I felt one finger sized vine prod at my entrance. When it was met with no resistance from me it entered.

I remembered this part. The more willing you where the more the drug worked. I knew I could still fight back if I wanted to. I had fought till my body had given out, and succumbed to the pleasure the vines could give. This time I had nothing to fight for. No reason to resist.

The slick vine move easily in and out, making my breath hitch as it brushed the sensitive spot inside me. I didn't resist as another vine joined the first and began a scissoring motion. But I did tense as a third entered me.

I remember pain at this point but it didn't happen this time. The drug coupled with what ever slicked the vines made sure it was painless. The vines didn't rush, they took their time making sure I was not only not resisting but enjoying it as well.

By now I was panting harshly, pleasure running up my spine in waves. I could already feel the drain on my charka, my life force. I didn't care. This is what I wanted, what I came here for.

The pleasure suddenly spiked causing me to cry out. All three vines inside of me had decided to take a stab at my sweet spot at the same time. The pleasure was now coming in tidal waves, washing over me and pulling me under. I felt the three vines flatten themselves against my walls and another vine press against my thoroughly stretched entrance.

Still panting harshly I was unprepared for what happened next. The large vine pushed into me so fast the smaller ones didn't have the chance to get out of the way. I gasped as I was nearly torn in half by the large invasion.

Still the drug did its job. It turned all pain into pleasure before I could really register it as painful. The vine still let me adjust to the large size before starting up a steady but harsh rhythm.

I almost wished I could move so I could buck my hips back. Almost. I was so close already that the vine that wrapped around my length was nearly unnecessary, and only brought me to climax that mush faster.

The vines wrapped around my mouth as I was unable to keep from nearly screaming my release. My body tensed spasmodically as my orgasm shot through me like lightning. If I could move I would have slumped as I started coming down from my high.

I could feel the drain on my charka increase, and fell myself falling into a deep sleep. As I fell deeper and deeper I think I saw a flash of gold and orange. But it was gone in the next instant when I finally closed my eyes for the last time.