Disclaimer: I own the storyline, Klim, and Klime. That's all. Sonic and Tails and Robotnik and Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles (you get my drift) are owned by Sega.

On with the next chapter!

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"You're history! This ends now!" Kat shouted.

Shortly after shouting, he charged towards me, frying pan at ready. Just before he reached me, I thrust out my spear, attempting to have him run into it. Instead, he smashed it away with his frying pan and kicked me hard with a follow-up attack.

Lynx jumped in with a running slash to Kat, but Kat managed to sidestep it and counter with his frying pan. Lynx managed to block, and then countered once more. I recovered from the kick to see Lynx strike a blow on Kat. Kat winced a bit, but didn't seem too badly injured because he smashed Lynx across the face with his frying pan very shortly after. While Kat was busy with Lynx, I thought of a new attack I could try and I charged forward at Kat. As I got closer to him, I thrust my spear underneath him and then threw him upwards into the air. While he was in the air, I jumped up after him, grabbed him, and then fell down to the ground on top of him. My attack worked, for the most part, but after doing it I realized that I could've made it even better had I used my spear to drive him into the ground. But still, I couldn't do that to my friend, Kit Kat! I was surprised I was attacking him even now!

Shortly after nailing him to the ground, he kicked me off of him and got back onto his feet, only to be dealt a blow from Lynx's sword from behind. I had to admit, Lynx and I were becoming a good team.

Just after Lynx attacked, I followed up with an uppercut smash with my spear. Unbelievably, Kat managed to block it with his pan at the last second, and then he dashed off to the side to get out of the pincer attack Lynx and I had formed. However, now he was no longer between the Elemus and us.

"Get the machine!" I yelled to Lynx. "I'll finish him off!"

"Klim, be careful!" Lynx shouted as he ran towards the machine. Kat dashed after him, but I dashed into his path and stopped him by pointing my spear at him.

"I won't let you do that," I stated, repeating Kat's words from earlier. "I think you were right, this DOES end now."

I dashed forward at Kat and tried to guess how he was going to dodge. I guessed to the right, and at the last second, hooked my attack to the side. However, he jumped and nailed me with his yo-yo as he went over me. My body was beginning to hurt all over...I didn't know how much longer I was going to last. As I turned around, I saw Kat spinning his yo-yo. He was looking at...Lynx! Suddenly, he threw the yo-yo, which looked very much like a bola at the moment, towards Lynx, who was flying around the Elemus, dodging machine gun bursts. If that yo-yo string tangled up his tails...

I threw my spear toward the flying yo-yo, and watched as it coiled around my weapon. The spear flew and struck the back wall. I turned to see Kat pull out his frying pan. However, I was screwed. That spear was my only weapon, as well as my only defense. Kat sort of smiled as he slowly approached me.

I looked around for any other options. No spears, swords, or big machine guns were lying anywhere, and I'm sure that if I ran to get my spear Kat would get me before I got half way...or worse, he'd go after Lynx.

Looking up, I saw a possible move. The light, hanging about ten feet below the ceiling with two thin metal bars connecting it to ceiling. I didn't know if they'd hold my weight, but I had no other move.

Jumping up, I managed to grab hold of the light and swing myself up onto it. Kat was startled by my move, and only watched as I climbed up.

It was holding! I was up...and it looked like my plan was going to work.

"Hah! Can't get me now!" I called back down. Suddenly I heard a crack, and before I could react, the light came crashing down, unfortunately with me on it. Fortunately, though, it landed on Kat.

"Ouch..." I moaned as I opened my eyes. The room, much to my surprise, was still light and clear as day. Looking up, I saw that there were several other lights around the room. Heh, fancy that.

I struggled to get back onto my feet. I checked myself over for wounds and found that I had a nasty cut on my back that was bleeding pretty badly. The rest of my body didn't feel quite well, either. I ached all over.

After getting up, I turned to look at Kat. He seemed to be out cold.

"Phew!" I stated as I turned to look at my spear. It was still embedded in the far wall. I walked over to it as fast as I could, and, with some difficulty, wretched it out of the wall.

I shifted my gaze to the Elemus. Lynx was still flying around it, but he looked like he was getting tired. Two of the five guns were already destroyed, and yet another got sliced apart by Lynx as I watched. There were only two left, but they weren't letting Lynx have a moment's rest. Constantly bombarded with machine gun fire, Lynx looked like he was using every aerial evasive maneuver he could think of to avoid the deadly projectiles.

I wasn't in any shape to help Lynx out. I spent my strength on Kat, and I had hardly anything left. However...I did have one shot.

Aiming the best I could, I threw my spear forward at one of the guns. It flew through the air like a golden ray of light. It finally came down, and struck right through the barrel of a machine gun, causing a dazzling display of sparks to emit from the weapon. A few seconds later, it exploded, and my spear flew a little ways and, with a clang, fell to the ground. I fell shortly after, with only the sound of the last machine gun's fire echoing in my mind.

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... (For once I cannot think of what to put here. My apologies.)