To Robyn Clase- I'll try my best! :D

To Awesome as Annabeth- DOES THE CYCLOPS IN YOUR CLASS LIKE PEANUT BUTTER? And I have loads of OTPS, that's so unfair! I wasn't really going to annoy her… just say hello, because I'm lovely like that :P Does 'trouble' equal 'mental institute'? :3 Aphrodite's kids don't really get involved though, do they? They just kinda sit to the side styling their hair. I'm Divergent too! With… every faction apparently… is that good or bad? But the highest were Abnegation and Dauntless! That's good, right? What is it with sarcastic people on here? First Elmlea, then you- I'm being cornered here! There's only so much sarcasm I can use! :P And I'd totally resurrect Voldemort! More Piper- OK, I'll see what I can do. I've got the stupidest amount of writer's block at the moment…

To chipmunksarecool- first, yes they definitely are, I love your name! Second, thank you so much! I'll do my best to continue, but as you might have read above, I've got big writer's block (so unfair…) Thank you again!

"Annabeth, stop fretting. It's not good for my nephew." Piper examined a sandwich carefully and, satisfied that there wasn't any meat, she took a huge bite. "'It 'n' e' 'om'hin'." Annabeth frowned at her. Piper stared at her in disbelief, her shoulders slouching. "I said," She directed a stern look at her best friend, "Sit down and eat something."

"I'm not hungry."

"Pfft." Piper threw the crusts at Annabeth, who caught them with demigod reflexes. "Right, what's the matter? You're no fun anymore." Annabeth crumbled the crusts in her hands, the fragments of bread pattering quietly to the floor. "I just vacuumed." Piper huffed.

"Whatever." Annabeth waved it away irritably, continuing her pacing. Piper pursed her lips and drew her phone from her pocket.

"I wonder what Percy would say to hear you're stressing out…"

"Don't!" Annabeth whirled around, her eyes fuming and promising murder. "Don't ring him!"

"What's happened then?" Piper set the phone on the table, placing her hand next to it. Annabeth's eyes narrowed dangerously and Piper made to get the phone again, her hand hovering over the cell.

Sighing, Annabeth collapsed into the armchair nearby, her head in her hand.

"I thought something was wrong." She started. "I… talked to Mom about it and… and…"

"And what?" Piper pressed. "He's OK, right?"

"Well, yeah. Mostly. It's just… he's…" Annabeth exhaled again, running her hands through her curls. Piper caught a glimpse of her stormy grey eyes, seeing the concern stirring the fierce colour. "He's autistic."

"So?" Annabeth looked away. "You're not getting rid of him, are you?" Piper sat up straighter. "Percy would be heart-broken!"

"Of course I'm not getting rid of him!" Annabeth snapped. "I just…" Her anger faded and her shoulders drooped in defeat, "don't know what to do…"

"Have you told Percy?" Piper questioned softly after a minute. Annabeth shook her head. "The baby will be fine, Annabeth. He's got you as his mother." Annabeth raised a quizzical look at her. "And Percy's there whenever you want to hit something." The daughter of Athena gave a soft laugh that was part sob. Piper threw her phone and it landed with a bounce on the sofa within arm's reach of Annabeth. "Ring him."

"I can't tell him over the phone."

"Ring him and meet him then." Annabeth watched the phone, chewing her lip, as though it would rear up and bite her head off. Eventually, she grudgingly picked the phone up and punched in Percy's number.


"No, it's me."

"Oh." She heard Percy's smile in his tone. "Are you OK, Wise-Girl?"

"I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" He was suddenly urgent and she could envision him gripping his phone anxiously.

"Face to face. Where are you?"

"At home. Annabeth-"

"I'll be there in ten."

"But-" Annabeth cut off, tossing the phone aside and dropping her head in her hands.

"Annabeth, it'll be OK." Piper pushed herself up from her seat. "Percy will understand."

She had to drag Annabeth out forcibly by the arm and literally threw her into the shotgun seat. "Put your belt on and get it together. You've got some explaining to do."

Piper sat with Tobias and Max while Annabeth talked to Percy in the kitchen.

"Why is Mommy upset?" Tobias asked, getting up for the millionth time. Piper grabbed his arm and made him sit down again, much to his disapproval. He was insistent on trying to figure out what was going on, but Piper was under strict instructions to not let these two out of her sight.

"It's grown-up stuff, Tobias." He made a face.

"I hate grown-up stuff." Max nodded in agreement, but he more focused on playing a miniaturised version of Whack-A-Mole. Courtesy of Leo Valdez.

Piper had been right. Percy did understand, of course he would. He was probably the most understandable person here.

But he knew sod all about autism and went right on the case of researching it. Unfortunately, Annabeth had beat him to it, but he still got points for trying.

"Is baby OK?" Max asked distractedly, flattening a mole with the small mallet.

"He will be, don't worry."

"Why you upset then, Mommy?" Annabeth hesitated, a pause long enough to make Max look up from his game.

"It's just… the baby might be a little different."

"Daddy said different was good." Max smiled, like there wasn't anything to worry about save hitting moles in the face.

Don't forget to vote on the poll! I close it tomorrow evening! :D