Summary: Being thrown out of house Harry has no choice but to look for any living relative that he still has. When he finds out that he has a lord of his parent's last friend that can take him in, he jumps in head on... maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to do

Spoilers: If you don't know the Harry Potter books or movies, go read and watch them!

Beta: Arel o imladris, Riddle-Snape

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor any of the characters from the books or movies, they belong to J. K. Rowling. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Pairings in this chapter: none

Warnings in this chapter: adoption

Nr words in this chapter: 732






Harry looked at the letter in his hands. His first letter ever from Sirius. Sure he had a Godfather, but didn't he have any other family? It wasn't like Sirius could take him in any time soon…

"What is that on your hands, boy? Not another slip for me to sign, is it?" his Uncle asked as Harry approached him.

Harry shook his head.

"No, it's my Godfather's… you might have heard of him; Sirius Black the mass murderer." Harry stated before putting his luggage in the car's trunk. It was funny to watch his Uncle go deep purple. "He likes to keep tabs on me and all that," He added before sitting down on the backseat.

Uncle Vernon entered the car.

"If he's your Godfather why doesn't he take you in? Most likely he doesn't like you at all." Dudley taunted from his place by Harry's side.

Harry glared at him.

"Did the part of him being a mass murderer don't get into you? He's a fugitive convict. There's no way he can take me in." Harry argued. "But he sure as hell can come and check in on me if I go too long without letters…" he added conspiratorially.

As one the three Dursleys all tensed. Harry looked out the window in silence. Now that he thought about it… Why hadn't Lupin take him in? It couldn't just be because of the werewolf thing…

"That's it! I'm not going to take a boy in with the danger or murderer suddenly entering my house out of nowhere!" Uncle Vernon suddenly hissed and stopped the car and pulled Harry, his trunk and owl out of the car before driving away.

Harry scratched the back of his head. At least the man could have left him next to a bus station or something… Harry sighed and took his wand out. He had no other choice, did he now? Without doing any magic Harry pointed his wand out and hoped it worked. Luckily it did and in no time Harry was inside the bus going to Diagon Alley.

"So, Neville, what happened this time?" Stan asked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, using the name Harry had used the first time around.

"My Uncle kicked me out… again." He answered truthfully.

"Why did he do that?"

"Because he hates magic." Harry replied looking out the window.

Stan knocked on the window of Ernie, the driver.

"Stop at Gringotts instead, Ernie." He said to the driver before turning to Harry again, who was looking back confused. "Goblins can do you a blood test, there must be some blood magical family still alive. Every pureblood family is connected in some way so… and your father was a pureblood."

Harry blushed and nodded thankfully.


Harry grabbed the parchment as his blood moved forming lines and the lines forming letters, which turned into words.

Birth Name:

Harry James Potter

Birth Date:

31 July 1980

Blood Status:


Creature Status:

Human, Wizard






James Charlus Potter, Lily Rose Potter – née Evans


Sirius Orion Black, Alice Mary Longbottom – née Bell

Soul parent:

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Magical mentor:

Sirius Orion Black

Family Lord:

Fenrir Liam Greyback (Greyback / Lupin), Honoria Rolanda Pettigrew (Pettigrew), Sirius Orion Black (Black / Potter), Tom Marvolo Riddle (Gaunt / Peverell / Riddle / Slytherin)


– – –


Black, Gaunt, Greyback, Pettigrew, Peverell, Potter, Riddle, Slytherin



Harry hummed. So Sirius was out. His Godmother was a Longbottom, but Neville lived with his Gran which meant that his Godmother was most likely dead. Tom Riddle – aka Lord Voldemort - was also out of the picture. Peter Pettigrew's family was also a family that he would never be able to trust, even if the woman was nothing like Wormtail. So that left with Fenrir Greyback. Harry had never heard of him… and he was the Lupins Family Lord. Surely Moony's Family Lord couldn't be a bad person, right?

The goblin picked the parchment and started to look it up.

"Which of your Lords do you desire me to contact?" the goblin asked.

Harry took a deep breath. He sure hoped he was making the right choice.


The goblin's eyes twinkled as he nodded and left the room. Harry wondered if he had made the wrong choice…