WEIRDO BLABBS: Hello, everyone! here! It's been a few weeks since I last wrote something on FanFiction and lately, I've been into a kind of sad mood. What's more, when I read the latest chapters of Fairy Tail, I couldn't believe my eyes when *gasp* Juvia and Gray had a close-to-love-story side chapter! I was really saddened. Why must Hiro Mashima-sensei not see GraLu? WHY?! So here, you go! I wrote a break-up story for GraLu. Hm…

SUMMARY: The couple thought they would actually last forever—at least, Lucy did. She thought Gray was the one who she would eventually wake up to in the morning and cuddle with at night. But now, she laughs at herself for thinking that in the first place…

DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, I don't own Fairy Tail. If I did, it would be less of Fairy Tail and more of GraLu FLUFF! Now won't we all like that? *evil grin*


Right off the bat, it had been a secret relationship: neither of them wanted the rest of the guild to know that they had this secret connection. Thus, whenever there were special events like Valentines, birthdays or the anniversary they never had, they had to celebrate it far away where no one would know them.

So naturally, when they broke up because they could no longer spend any time together—let alone, communicate—the rest of the guild didn't know. They continued to live their happy, love-filled lives with no knowledge of the sudden heartbreak.

The couple thought they would actually last forever—at least, Lucy did. She thought Gray was the one who she would eventually wake up to in the morning and cuddle with at night. But now, she laughs at herself for thinking that in the first place; see, he seemed to be enjoying himself in the company of Juvia.

Two weeks into the silent break-up when both had mentally told each other 'This isn't going to work', Lucy was still pained. Sure, she saw Gray everyday at the guild and had every opportunity to talk to him but, come on! The moment even his shadow registers in her eyes, she would casually walk away.

Today was no different, Lucy saw Gray and Juvia walking side-by-side, and though she and Levy were enjoying a book together the celestial mage excused herself and gladly left the guild. Now, she was alone with her heart weeping in her chest but a sad smile plastered on her face.

Hey, Gray, tell me, do you think it could have worked out if we tried?

Lucy stopped mid-step and she stared at the clear blue waters of the river beside the road. It was twilight now, and the sun reflected beautifully in the water as it set over Magnolia. The blonde turned to face the silent stream and sat on the edge of the canal.

What went wrong in their relationship?

Well, it started when they got so busy with individual missions that they never really met. Couple it up with Juvia always on Gray's tail, even coming with him to missions, and Lucy just thought there was something wrong. The ice mage was silent all the while though and whenever they met he doesn't really say anything that hinted of a break up; so Lucy continued her own life. Missions with Natsu, included. Of course, Gray didn't oppose the idea either. After all, going the way things had always gone was their safest choice to keep their relationship a secret. If they started to go on missions together, everyone will think something was up.

Eventually, Lucy got used to not having Gray around; and Gray got used to not visiting Lucy at her home. And whenever they did meet, there were no more stolen kisses and hugs, no more teasing and sweet words; sometimes, they never talk at all but just sit beside each other silently. It came to the point that there was no spark anymore, and whenever they saw each other, Lucy would feel extreme anxiety.

But she missed him—oh, how she missed him. She missed the way he smelled like cigarettes; the way he would press his knuckle on her crown; the way his eyes drooped when he smiled; the way he would call out to her in a deep voice, almost a whisper.

Lucy looked at her reflection in the water, feeling her eyes sting a bit. Was it her fault? Was it his?

There was a movement beside Lucy, and when she looked she almost froze: Gray had positioned himself beside her, sitting down in the most casual way, almost as if it was the most natural thing to do. He didn't seem the least bit bothered; she wondered if he knew of her sentiments at all.

"Hey..." he greeted, not looking at her.

"Hello," she greeted back, not looking at him either.

"So... Uhm... How are things?" she asked.

"Fine... I just got back from a job..."


"You?" he asked, clearing his throat.

"Well, you know..." she answered nervously. Then, out of desperation, asked, "Are you happy?"


"With Juvia, I mean," she said, trying hard to fight back a whimper. She hoped he would deny that there was a relationship between them.

It took a while for Gray to reply, "I guess..."

She forced a smile, "I'm glad..."

Not really; but what was there to say?

Hey, Gray, tell me, do you think it could have worked out if we tried?

"What about you? Things between you and Natsu going fine?"

"Oh, no—There's nothing going between me and Natsu!"

A small silence passed between the two.

"Oh... I thought you and him—"

"Well, no..." she chuckled.

"Oh... Okay." Was that regret she hears? Or was that her desperate plea to be loved by him playing tricks on her?



"We're... friends, right?"

"Of course... What makes you think we're not?"

Lucy breathed in deeply.

"I just thought... You know..."

Another small silence passed before Gray stood up and spoke, "Well, I got to go now, Lucy..."


Lucy waited until he was out of earshot to release her tears. A flood of saltwater flowed from the girl's eyes. From the bottom of her heart, she did love him. But seeing him just brought her pain.

Why? Why couldn't they fight for it? Why was only she suffering?

Was he even thinking about them at all?

She missed him so much, did he miss her, too?

She had so much to tell him but it seemed it would be impossible, improper to tell him now.

This was the end... the end of the love story that never was.

The girl let out all her tears before wiping her tired, red eyes and standing up. She looked at the direction the ice mage went.

Hey, Gray, tell me, do you think it could have worked out if we tried?

R && R, everyone! I'm totally open for comments, suggestions, and violent reactions!


Please support my collab fanfiction with WolfieAnne, The Last Celestial Mage, and maybe my other FT fanfictions: Another Shot at Love, Good Taste, and Starstruck!.