Hi people. I haven't written anything in AGES! So please be nice. If there is any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know and I will fix them. Especially names and titles of people/places.

Disclaimer: this is a fan fiction. Author dose not know the original manga or anime.



Now let the story begin!


A 5 year old Naruto was wandering around an alley near the orphanage where he used to stay. Yes the term 'used' to because a week ago the 'old lady' who was in charge of the place had kicked him out when she found him in the kitchen in the middle of the night. He didn't know what he did wrong, all he was doing was looking for something to eat. The lady had caught him sitting on the floor with a few pieces of bread, and she had gotten angry at him. Honestly he knew it wasn't wrong because he had hear of a few of the older kids saying that they've gotten hungry in the middle of the night and have gone to get things to eat, and have gotten caught. So little Naruto didn't know it was wrong. The lady had told him that since he knew how to look for his own food he didn't have to stay in the orphanage and that he could go look after himself.

That was a few days ago or weeks the little boy had lost count of the amount of time he had spent out of the orphanage. Now he was trying to stay out of sight as much as possible. This was especially because on the first night after being kicked out of the orphanage he was openly wandering around the streets and had mistakenly wandered too far. Too far being all the way to the red light district. As Naruto was searching the bins for something to eat, a group of drunk ninja passed by and recognized the kyuubi container. In their drunken stupor they started beating the poor boy. This went on for quite a while until some patrolling jounin came up to see watch all the commotion was about. By this time Naruto was unrecognizable, so one of the jounin whisked him off to the hospital and the others arrested the drunken chunnin.

Unfortunately, by the time the jounin had reached the hospital Naruto was almost fully healed and was conscious. The nurse who was in charge of him wiped away the blood from his face promptly dropped him out of her lap and told him 'the hospital does not treat monsters so get out!' not wanting to anger anyone else Naruto quickly bolted from the room and out of the hospital.

There were a few similar incidents to the first night, even during the day, and by now the hospital staff had come to realize who he was. So the last two times a ninja had picked him up and headed for the hospital or the 'dreaded white walled house' as the child had called it, he managed to sneak away from the ninja kind enough to take him to be treated, assuming that he wasn't recognized by his would be rescuers.

It was now mid-afternoon and Naruto was looking through the bins savaging for something to eat. He did not notice the two figures that had come to stand right next to him.

"Naruto what are you doing out here?" asked Hizuren voice full of concern. Naruto nearly fell into the bin that he had climbed up to. The smaller figure gently caught the small child and cradled him in his arms.
"JIJI!" little Naruto cried when he realized who had him, clinging on to the old Hokage the little boy started sobbing.
"Shhh." The old man tried to sooth the child in his arms, rubbing small circles on his back. Looking at his companion, "Jiraiya I think we should head back to my office." The old kage said with a voice laced with venom. Jiraiya just nodded and placed a hand on his sensei's shoulder before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.


Jiraiya was visibly seething with rage. After the little blonde had fallen asleep crying into the old man's robes, Jiraiya was planning out ways to find a torture the people who put the little gaki through whatever it is he went through. 'Shit he looks bad. You can see his ribs poking out from his chest, and you don't need to pick him up to tell he is under fed! Just looking at him and you can tell he is under weight.' Jiraiya thought angrily, 'It looks like he was also being beaten. I expected the shunning and maybe even being socially exiled. But this?! This is ridiculous! Heck I should have taken him with me!' Jiraiya was blaming himself for the way things had turned out now.

"Jiraiya." Hizuren said brining his student out of his thoughts. The old Kage was now sitting on the couch in his office with the little blonde lying next to him, head rested on his lap, "I think it's time Tsunade met her godson don't you think?"
Jiraiya's eyes widened, "You mean she hasn't been back?!"
"Yes" the old Kage replied tiredly, "though it appears that she thinks he is dead."
Jiraiya scoffed, "And please tell me, WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE THINK THAT?!" he shouted the last part of his sentence causing Naruto whimper in his sleep.
Hizuren glared at his student who looked away apologetically. "It seems that someone had informed the medical staff that Kushina-chan and her child died during the attack."

Jiraiya thought for a little while thinking how that sort of new would have affected his already emotionally unstable team mate. 'Wait how would medical staff know if Kushina was pregnant? … unless… it must have been someone on the inside…' eyes widening at the sudden realization the sannin looked to his teacher 'someone wanted to keep Tsunade AWAY from Naruto…'
"I see you've come to the same conclusion as I have." Hizuren said eyes never leaving the young boy who was starting to stir in his sleep.
"But who?" Jiraiya said in a low tone.
"I have an idea, but, I want you to find Tsunade first."
"Fine. But when I get back we'll be taking the bastards down together."

Jiraiya had moved from his position from next to the two on the couch and over to the window overlooking the village. A frown etched into his usually happy face, he was still mentally berating himself over what had happened to little Naruto.

Hizuren sent a knowing look to his student, "Don't blame yourself, Jiraiya. Whatever happened, the fault lies with me." The old Kage said in a sad voice, stroking the child's head, which was now rested on his lap. They were seated on a couch in the Kage's office. Jiraiya was now leaning against the wall next to the window.
"I should have taken him with me." Jiraiya said sadly.
"Perhaps." The old man said, looking at the sleeping child, "Though it would have effected your work."
"Old man, please don't make excuses up for me. As his godfather I should have been here to make sure something like this didn't happen." The large man growled.
"If you put things like that Jiraiya, then my fault is larger. As the Hokage I should have been aware that this was happening and stopped this as soon as he was being mistreated." The old man said. Jiraiya just looked out of the window and said nothing, he knew they were both at fault and couldn't do anything to change what had happened. 'All we can do is pick up the pieces and do whatever is in our power to make sure it does not happen again.' The white haired man thought bitterly. The two men sat in silence for a few more minutes, until Naruto's whimpers broke the silence. The old Hokage placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and he relaxed.

After a few more minutes, Naruto started to slowly wake up. Blinking the child rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked up towards the ceiling, or at Hizuren since his head was still in the old man's lap. "Good morning Ji-chan" chirped little Naruto.
Hizuren chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair, "It's night time Naruto. How about we go get dinner and you can tell me why you were all by yourself today."
Jiraiya feeling annoyed that he was being ignored cleared his throat. The two on the couch looked at the sannin.
"Jiji, who is that weird old man?" asked an innocent Naruto, suspicious eyes not leaving the frog sannin.
A vein on his temple bulged at the 'weird old man' comment, but Jiraiya said nothing and waited for Hizuren to introduce him. Hizuren chuckled and patted Naruto's head, "That 'weird old man' is called Jiraiya, and he is also your godfather Naruto."
Naruto scrunched up his face, "He is my father? Then why hasn't he been around before this?" this made Jiraiya flinch.
"No, he is not your father. A godfather is a man who is supposed to look after you if something happens to your real parents. But I had Jiraiya do some work that only VERY strong ninjas can do so he has been away for a while." Hizuren tried to explain and Jiraiya glared at the older man.
Naruto looked thoughtful and looked at the 'weird old man' with wide eyes, "You are a ninja?"
Jiraiya nodded and smiled at the boy. Naruto beamed back at Jiraiya and asked, "Are you really strong?"
"You bet cha' gaki." Jiraiya now had a goofy grin on his face, he was happy that the child wasn't looking at him suspiciously anymore.
"Can you teach me how to be a ninja?!" asked Naruto. However, as soon as he asked that question, his stomach gave a loud growl. Both old men laughed. Hizuren picked up the boy and said, "the first step to becoming a strong ninja is eating healthy. How about we go and get dinner now, and you can tell me why you were out in the streets today. After that then you can grill Jiraiya all about ninjas, alright Naruto?" Hizuren said smiling at the boy.


What do you think? Let me know please. Will also try to re-write my other story and as a heads up updates WILL be slow.