Hey, peeps! I made an update on the chappie (AND STILL AM) and are making plenty more one-shots for your eyeballs pleasure! (IDK that sounds gross sorry) Also, the scene is inspired by this AMAZING short anime, "Say I love You" Check it out on Crunchyroll!

Here is teh link for the second ep. in which its in at the end (watch the first tho) say-i-love-you/episode-2-fried-chicken-flavored-613751

And the artist who did the cover art is by Ipodger on tumblr! Great art, checks it out! (and yes I photoshopped it a bit to fit the story. I just can't help myself! Nerp.)

UPDATE: I'm continuing this after a long hiatus. Check in every 1-2 weeks for a good 'n long new chappie.

So R & R ma peeps! I loves'em :D


"You guys are so stupid!" Marceline laughs, doubling over. She holds her chest as her body wracks with joy. Keila falls out of her chair and onto the floor in chuckles.

Guy pouts but smiles nonetheless. Bongo taps out a beat on the cluttered table with a grin, shaking his head. The group of friends are at the biggest party of the year, and basically are the center of it all.

Marceline walks off shaking her head at her goofy friends and makes her way through the tight crowd to get some drinks like a pro. Plenty of girls look her over as she makes her way through with a lusty stare. Heck it's flattery, in the rocker's eyes.

Of course, even more guys give her what she called, 'that stare' where they bit their lip and stand a bit taller, showing more of their muscles. She pushes her way not forcefully, but with experience, moves with the crowd. A guy she passes that's in her philosophy class rubs the stubble on his face and gives her the once up and down.

She glances at him, and gives her usual flirtatious wink and slight smile. He literally swoons over her after that, eyes getting a dreamy look.

She used to keep her hands up to her chest when she was new to the scene, trying not to touch anyone in any way more than necessary. But with the practice and bouts of confidence, she strides over, feeling plenty of stray hands over her body in quick touches.

Her mind flashes back to once where a guy got too handsy and grabbed her butt. She froze and all of his friends high-fived him for getting closer really than anyone else. Then before he could say anything else, he was knocked out cold on the floor, nose bleeding freely. She smirks to herself when she remembered them all staring like idiots.

"Don't you ever touch me like that and expect not to get little closer to death" She spits and turns back around, hair flying over her shoulder. Everyone cheers and the frat boys carry their KO'd friend out embarrassed.

However, she doesn't do anything of the sort. Of course, plenty of girls and guys would die to sleep with her, or even a kiss. But Marceline's always kept to herself, and yeah, sung songs about plenty of dirty things, but never even kissed someone in public. But that's about to change, whether she knows it or not.

She grabs a beer for an already drunk Guy, a ginger ale for Keila and Bongo, and a cherry soda for herself. Another thing: The queen never gets drunk. Ever. It's quite a feat, much to everyone's distain.

She's never touched a drop. There are so many theories and rumors to her secrets and quirks, but no one really knows the answer, even her closest friends.

She makes her way back with more half glances and winks in between. The table is in the corner, and is probably the only not crowded part of the house. Guy shoots her a grin; his pupils are already dilated and he goes for the beer.

Marceline holds it back uncertainly and hands him water from a nearby table, dropping off the alcohol. "Calm down man. You so can't hold your beer. You're already drunk!" Guy goes to protest but Keila makes him drink the water.

Bongo tells another story about him waking up in a coffee shop at 7 in the morning with a guy in a zebra costume and no shirt, but she doesn't pay attention. It's a fun night, but Marceline Abadeer just isn't feeling it.

Keila, as her all-time best friend, immediately notes her distance. "Hey, you okay?" Marceline nods and manages a smile, which isn't hard around the cheerful girl. "Yeah, I'm just gonna get some air."

Marceline downs some more of the soda and makes her way back through the crowd. Her gray eyes, through the caresses and deep stares, are caught by a flash of pink going down the hall. Intrigue takes the better of her and she follows, taking a while to catch up.

When she makes it to the corridor, there's nothing except a few stragglers making out of drunk as fuck, passed out on the floor. No pink.

She sighs for some reason and goes to go back outside. Under the cool moon and also crowded lawn, she looks up at the stars. Her feet carry her through the groups of people grinding over each other and she ultimately decides to go home. Glancing back at the house a couple blocks away, she texts Keila : Don't get drunk. Imma go home tonight and get some shut eye. Also to get my head in the mojo. Have fun and See ya at the concert tomorrow –Marcy

She sends it and quickly types up another under the dim streetlight after an afterthought. P.s.: Make sure Guy drinks no more beer and gets some more water in him. Can't play if hung over :P- Marcy

She continues to walk along the pathway, kicking some rubble from under her shoe. Her phone bleeps and she see's Keila has texed back. Gotcha. Stay safe. Feel better Marcy, cause you seem down. Love ya- Keke

Marceline shoves her hands in her back pockets. It's about 11pm at night. Her brain for some reason drives her to the local mini mart. "I feel like some ice cream and a movie. Yeah." She says to herself and buys pint of Mint Cherry Chocolate Chip. Her eyes wander through the place and she grabs a hand-held basket to fill with some popcorn, and some more candy. Any parent would have a heart attack if they saw her now. She smiles to herself at the thought and goes in the small line to be rung up.

However, going through an aisle, she passes a girl sitting crossed legged on the floor with a tear stained face. Curiosity gets the best of her like always as she pretends to look through the chips nearby as she listens to her.

Her voice is soft and gentle, retaining a perfection of grammar. Her intelligence shows through bright when she mutters to herself frantically, "Glib globbit, please pick up!"

"Doesn't like to curse… hmmm" Marceline thinks at the sound of her made up curse words and grabs a bag of pretzels. The girl presses a few buttons before picking up the phone and bringing it to her ear. "Finn? I-I need you to come to the s-store now! I-I can't leave and-"A dial tone interrupts her, stating how her voice message is finished. She holds her face in her hands, pink book bag by her side.

Marceline looks at her with the chance given. She has light pink hair, nicely done so that it fits. For her at least. Hot pink jacket and white jeans with guess what? Pink flats. "This girl really loves pink" She mutters and catches a glimpse of her face when she looks up at the ceiling.

Beautiful, is all she can think. Not like other girls or guys, who are hot, or sexy. Beautiful, and pure. Her cheeks are lightly dotted with freckles and her eyes, bright blue, like the ocean. The girl catches her staring and shut inwardly curses. Forcing herself to walk over like it was planned and crouches down, she says, "Hey, you okay? I heard you talking on the phone and sounding kinda depressed."

"Her eyes are better up close. I could get lost in them forever" she thinks while the other girl looks shyly at the ground. The silence is so long, that she finally thinks she isn't going to reply, but right when she's about to get up, she barely hears a mumble. "It's nothing…"

Marceline gives a lopsided smile and gets on the floor with her, crossing her legs also. The rocker is naturally tall, at a 5'10, so sitting she still wasn't eye level with her. "Well, if I asked, then it must be something to me." She states, setting her things to the side. Blue eyes watch her oddly.

"It's personal" She says then. Marceline leans forward to look into her eyes.

"I'm a stranger. You can't get any more impersonal than that."

"It... it's a long story and I don't want to waste your time. You most likely have someplace to be."

Marceline continues to smile, scooting a bit closer. Their knees are touching. "I just left a party to go home and eat ice cream. I've got nothing to do and plenty of time to waste." A thought occurs to her.

"I don't really know you and if you could even help anyway." The pink girl finishes, looking blankly up at the chips above her head. Marceline sticks out her hand.

"Well, let's get to know each other. Then maybe I could help. I'm Marceline Abadeer."

The girl stares at it for a while. Slowly she takes it and says with a small smile, "I'm Bonnibel Beckman."

Marceline shakes it and thinks, her heart beating a bit faster, "Her hand is soft and warm…" Bonnibel pulls her hand away even slower, letting it linger before putting it back in her lap. Marceline clears her throat.

"So I go to the university with a musical studies as my major and business management as my minor. And…" She rubs her chin for more to tell about herself. "I like the color red for eating and for wearing. I'm in a band with my best friends in the whole world. I'm a party animal, but don't drink or do drugs. And I hate the sun too."

Bonnibel just stares at her and she nervously laughs, adding in at the end for reasons unknown, "I… Sometimes I just like to go outside and lie on the ground, and look at the stars or the clouds. No one knows why, even I don't. It's just…" She rubs her neck and looks at her hands. "Whenever I'm stressed or life isn't going right, it calms me. Stars let me know where I am and Clouds tell me the direction I need to go in, and how to react. Especially on windy days, because that's when they tell me how fast I need to go."

She meets her inquisitive blue eyes and laughs awkwardly again. "You must think I'm a weirdo. For rambling on and telling you the last part. I don't know why I did." Bonnibel slowly answers, voice no longer nervous, "No I don't. You're just interesting Marceline. Very interesting."

She clears her throat in way so adorable to Marceline and says, "Well, I also go to the University. I major in biological sciences and minor in psychological sciences; so you can say I really like science." Marceline holds back a laugh which makes the other girl smile. "I love the color pink for eating and also for wearing. I share room with my best friend Lady, and my other friends and I go out on what they call 'adventures' which always end pretty funny. I'm the definition of a nerd, but aren't really shy and antisocial as I should be."

Bonnibel smiles wider at the girl for maintaining her unofficial prompt exactly. "And I hate people who're straight and close minded to everything." The two sit silence for a moment and as expected, Bonnibel adds not meeting eye contact, "Every Friday night… I…" She pauses, hesitant, but continues.

"Every Friday night, no matter where I am, I find a way to go outside and lie down and look for planes. Since there's an airport near, I always find some, and I… send them love. You know? It's like, I don't know whose inside and what they're dealing with in their lives, but I send them it because we don't have enough today and everyone needs it. I like to think that they somehow feel it and go somewhere and do the same to someone else. Pay it forward in a way." Bonnibel meets her eyes for a moment before looking down. "No one I've explained it to gets it. I can't really explain it well enough for it to make perfect sense."

Marceline stares at her before smiling, because she understands it in an odd way. They're quiet and a small intercom announces all last shoppers have ten minutes before the store closes. Marceline mutters quietly, "I get it in a weird way. You're just like giving them a feeling of brief happiness, you know? To know someone cares. It's probably the nicest thing to say or show someone, especially a complete stranger, 'Hey, I'm glad you're here, alive. I'll try my hardest to not hurt you and to make you smile."

Bonnibel's face, no longer hot from crying, turns a bit red and she smiles, a real smile. She practically beams at Marceline, a real smile that shows her white teeth. Marceline smiles back a goofy smile and leans forward. "You wanna tell me now?" Bonnibel's smile dims away and the other girl feels slight sadness to see it go.

She checks her phone to see a blank screen, and then sighs dejectedly. Her voice wavers when she asks, "Can you go check outside under a street lamp? Tell me if you see anyone." Marceline nods, leaving her things with the girl in the isle and goes outside for a moment.

Eyes scouring the dark street, she sees nothing, but eventually a dim light flickers on, the light of a lighter. The fire briefly exposes a man deep in his forties with dark eyes and stubble on his chin. His features are pointed and very intimidating alone. Marceline goes back to Bonnibel with a new realization.

"You're being stalked or something? There's some guy out there smoking with a black coat and hat." Bonnibel's eyes start to water and she shuts them again, bringing her legs up to her chest. Marceline crouches down next to her, closer than she was sitting before. The girl nods and tears run down her cheeks. "Globbit!" She somewhat curses to herself and Marceline sits awkwardly. Without thinking, she pulls her into a hug and Bonnibel buries her face into her shoulder.

Despite the depressing circumstances, she can't help but feel her heart beat a bit faster when she hugs the girl. It feels good and her hair smells of strawberries. However, her muffled sniffs bring her out of her thoughts.

"I was… I work at the local bakery/ candy shop, The Candy Kingdom. It gets busy from its location, but this man would keep coming in every day for almost two months. For a while I just thought he had a horrible sweet tooth, but one time he looked at me… in a way that really wasn't friendly." Marceline scoffs and asks into the head of pink hair, "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

She sniffs again and finishes, "That only occurred to me yesterday. I left my shift as usual today, thinking about telling my boss, Tree Trunks. I started to feel someone behind me and the guy… he kept following. I walked a little faster, thinking he was going somewhere, but he followed me the whole way! So I ran into here around 8 and he's been waiting outside the whole time. I've tried calling someone I know for help, but no one's picking up!"

Marceline pulls back and stands up. Bonnibel wipes her face and mumbles, "I'm such an idiot when it comes to certain things." Marceline just bites her lip and looks at her and picks up her bag, leaving for a corner of the store.

Bonnibel sighs dejectedly believing the girl had got her things and left. However, when cool hand presents itself to her minutes later she drops the theory. Marceline offers a lopsided smile and Bonnibel takes it, getting up. "I just went to go pay for my stuff. Let's go." It wasn't a question. The taller girl leans down, grabs her pink book bag, sliding it over her shoulder and makes her way outside. Right in front of the door, Bonnibel visibly stiffens. Marceline reaches down, and grips her hand, making a warm flush come over her cheeks.

"Just trust me…" she says in a whisper and opens the door to the chilly night air. Bonnibel bites her lip again, heart beating faster than before from the contact and lets her lead her outside.

The man immediately notices the pink haired girl and drops the cigarette, stomping it out under his foot. He begins to make his way over until her notices the other girl next to her. They seem to be talking. He steps forward with a frown, realizing the other one was making his task harder to accomplish. It's only when he's right in front of them that he notes their interlocked hands.

What? The taller girl has long straight black hair, going down to her waist, a dark coat somewhat open to expose a red plaid shirt, and black ripped jeans with red high tops. Everything about her screams rebel.

The smaller girl however, that is his target. And she is just getting in the way.

Marceline pretends to not notice the man and after receiving which direction the girl's house is in, leads the way. Bonnibel noticeably is nervous and jumpy the whole time. Still, as they round another corner, the man continues to follow in the shadows. She bends down and whispers in her ear, "You cold?"

Bonnibel shakes her head, but her body shivers as a gust of wind blows over. Marceline stops and slide off her coat, letting the girl put it on. Bonnibel's face blazes red at this and nothing more is said. The man scoffs at the display of affection and follows closer. "They really can't be in a relationship… can they?" He says to himself.

They make their way toward the campus, crossing over the quiet grounds. Marceline risks a glance over her shoulder and sees the man only twenty feet away, back hunched low. Bonnibel sees this also and tenses up even more, walking stiffly. Near the middle of the center field, Marceline whispers, "Where's your dorm?"

Bonnibel says back, looking up at her briefly, "I live in the apartments." Marceline rolls her eyes and says quieter squeezing her hand, "Hey I'm supposed to be your girlfriend remember? What's your room number? I'm only gonna drop you off. You trust me right?"

Bonnibel's throat goes dry for the thought of it and then remembers it's a trick to make the man leave. "Apartment 2a" Marceline glances back one last time before she lets go of her hand. Immediately after though, she wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, making it easier to keep pace. Bonnibel can't get the blush to drop off her face with Marceline's arm around her, being so close.

They reach the door and she pulls out the key. Fumbling with it, Marceline looks over her shoulder and spots the man bluntly fed up with his secretive games, walking out in the open, under the dim lamplight. Bonnibel's breathe catches and she drops the key. Marceline says to her low enough that he can't hear, "Okay, I'm going get this creep to leave you alone. See ya later sometime Bonnibel. It'd be nice"

She bends down and puts the key in the lock and opens the door for her. The pink haired girl goes to walk inside and away from the nerve wracking situation when Marceline out of nowhere pulls extremely close by the arms, pretending to whisper in her ear. Then Marceline presses her lips on her softly, still holding her close.

Marceline feels the girl go rigid in her arms from the sudden contact, but lightly sigh. Bonnibel on the other hand feels her always active mind go blank. She can't describe the overwhelming feeling that raises and spreads throughout her whole body, making her suddenly warm, but enjoys it nonetheless.

Her hands move up to grip her shirt lightly, pressing her lips into her harder. Marceline smiles, a large goofy grin into the kiss, heart fluttering harder than ever before. She never wants the moment to end, even if it has only lasted mere seconds. Who would've thought, a stranger of all people, would be able to make her feel this way?

The taller girl pulls back after a few seconds after feeling the message was caught across, still relishing about how soft Bonnibel's lips were. She throws her a smile before shoving her bare hands into her pockets and walking away.

Bonnibel stands there for a moment before smiling uncontrollably and walking into the house with her things. She takes one last look out her window and sees the girl stop by the man, him being only a few inches taller, barely. Marceline is tall.

Marceline examines his face and says blankly,"Why're you following my girl?" Of course it's a lie that they are together, but it feels right to say anyway. Nice to say Bonnibel is hers.

He sucks in a breath and spits in the ground, revealing a hidden switchblade from his back pocket. "I don't have time for this and these fucking games! I spent months getting her alone and you bitch just come out of nowhere and fuck over everything."

Bonnibel feels a presence behind her and sees a Lady with a weird look on her face. "Did I just see you kiss a girl?" Bonnibel feels her face heat up again and says, "Yeah. She… it's a long story. But this guy's been following me and she's talking to him now. Marceline." Lady looks out the window and gasps. "Oh my god he has a knife!"

Bonnibel's heart beats fast as she panics, fingers gripping the sill tightly. "Oh my god, Marceline.", she breathes and everything happens so quickly it takes the pair a minute to process it.

Marceline sees the 5 inch blade in the moonlight and her heart races. She wasn't expecting this. He goes to jab her in the face but she ducks, curving around to kick him in his junk. "SHIT!" he curses under his breath, holding his gut for a second. She takes the moment to step back and punch him in a heavy uppercut. Her fist becomes horribly numb in the chilly air, and hurts after the impact, but the man receives the worst of it.

He accidentally bites his tongue and blood spills a bit out of his mouth as his body falls to the ground. Marceline takes one last glance at the apartments and holds him by his collar. "If you ever go near her again, I promise to make sure your eyes don't open again. Ever" She says and drops him in the wet grass, stomping off in the direction of her own home, heart racing faster than before.

She takes one last glance over her shoulder at the apartment with a small smile, then trudges back. It's only when she reaches the edge of campus that she realizes: she gave Bonnibel her bags. But right after, with a laugh and a kick in her step, she also realizes: she doesn't care. Load a little lighter, she skips the rest of the way home.

Lady closes her mouth and watches silently as the man lies on the ground, still not moving except for the occasional loud moan and holding his jaw. Bonnibel sits by the window as he slowly gets up and after one last look at the house, stumbles away.

"Who is Marceline?" Lady inquires after awhile, walking into the kitchen with bags she realizes then that aren't 're Marceline's. Did she leave them for her on purpose? Bonnibel bites her lip at the thought. She really doesn't know that much about her, when she thinks about it. "She goes here. I'm going to try and find her tomorrow." Lady shoots her a glance.

"I met her in a mini mart. Those bags of junk food are her anyway." Bonnibel cringes after realizing how bad that sounds. "Bonnibel, do you even know anything about her?" She sighs, with a hand on her hip, looking over the ice cream with a smirk.

"I know that she hates the sun, loves the color red, in her foods and in her clothing and in is in a band with her friends. When she kissed me…" Bonnibel looks off into the distance, trying to find the right words. "It felt right, you know? I've kissed boys before and it was okay but it was different with her. I don't know how to explain it right, but I think I have a crush. Or whatever it's called. Ugh."

Lady looks at her best friend, who's never talked about crushes and sappy feelings before without immediately changing the subject after. She doesn't know about this Marceline, but whoever she is, she must be something if she caught Bonnibel Beckman's eye.

"Okay you sap. Time for bed anyway, It's like 1am." Bonnibel gives a sleepy nod and sees a plane fly above the campus. She quickly closes her eyes and sends her love, but keeps a little for herself. She just might need it for once.

Chapter 1: Hellos and Goodbyes