Disclaimer: All rights belong to Veronica Roth! I own Nothing!

~Chapter 1~


"Hey Tris?" Christina asked me shaking me from my sleep. "Grrrrrrrrrr what do you want?!" I didn't mean to snap at her; she was my best friend after all. But lately, I've been a teeny impatient- especially when my sleep was jeopardized. "Sorry Miss GrouchyPants! Just wanted to see if you had any... supplies. I got my period today and ran out last month and forgot to get more." "Really? Miss GrouchyPants? That's the best you could do?" I asked quite grouchy indeed as I pulled out my bin with my stuff from under my cot. I handed it to her. "Oh Tris you are a lifesaver! Thanks! I mean it's so chuck-full it looks like you haven't touched it in months!" She laughed. I didn't. Up until now I didn't realize that I didn't touch the bin for months- I had missed my last two periods. Oh no. Was there any possibility I could be pregnant? Oh no. Yes there was. About two months ago,I lost my virginity to my Tobias, but that one time couldn't get me pregnant, could it? This could not be happening! I am only 16! And Tobias was only 18! Not to mention I had Dauntless initiation for seven more months. Initiation that involved serums and physical fighting. Worry filled my mind, worry for myself, Tobias, and the possible baby growing inside me at this very moment. "Tris? Tris! Earth to Tris! You okay?" Christina asked with a nervous look on her face. Her voice snapped me out of my internal panic attack. "Oh! Yeah. I'm fine," I responded, but I knew I couldn't keep this up for long, seeing as though Christina was a former Candor. She eyed me suspiciously but miraculously dropped the issue as she took what she needed and placed the bin under my cot again. "I gotta go, but do you have any idea where Four is?" "Um I think he's practicing his knife-throwing," Christina responded with a sceptical tone . "Thanks Chris. See you later." I assumed she said goodbye but after she told me where Tobias was, I knew I had to bet to him asap. He had to know, but not now. Thankfully, Christina was right. Tobias was helping some of the Dauntless-horns with target practice. To blend in, I picked up three knives of my own and threw them all in the middle circle, so close to each other, it was hard to tell which one(s) hit the bullseye. "Good job Initiate! You've got skill," Tobias called in his Instructor Four voice. "Thanks, I learn from the best! "I yelled back. I smiled, so did he, and I nearly forgot why by I was there. "C'mon Tris! Pull it together!" I reprimanded myself. He came over a minute later. "Can I come over? Later tonight? It's really important." "Of course! You don't have to ask! You know that!" He said with a face that looked completely indifferent to the normal person, but I knew he was suppressing a smile. The fact that Tobias was so layed back really helped me to relax. God knows I needed to desperately now. Initiation dragged on that day, like I knew it would, until I could finally go to Tobias' dorm at 11:30. One knock. Two knocks. He answered. Well, here goes nothing.