Title: Softly Drinking

Author: Evil_Little_Dog

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: This is a derivative work, and, as such, I make absolutely no money writing this. Darn the luck.

Summary: Even quenching your thirst is different in this century.

Notes: From Comment_Fic.

Steve accepted the soft drink, taking an eager swallow. He wrinkled his nose, peering at the glass, then at Tony.


"I thought you said this was a Coke."

"It is. I mean, it's whatever formula they're using now, and." Tony shrugged, then his eyes widened. "Oh. Oh! Yeah, you'd be used to something totally different, wouldn't you?"

"What?" Natasha asked, looking around the table.

"Coca Cola got it's name from the coca powder - cocaine - which was part of the original recipe," Bruce explained.

"Cocaine was part of Coca Cola's original recipe? No wonder my Nana smacked my hands when I tried to drink her stash," Clint said musingly.

"They don't make 'em like they used to, Cap." Tony shook his head in disappointment.
