Chapter 6

(Snowys PoV)

I had always wonder why I was called a night fury. But now I knew. Staring into the eyes of the two black dragons which stood before me. "You.." I gasped. "Your night furys!" They looked at each other dumbfounded. "Snowy here, is an albino night fury" said valka. "Snowy, meet toothless and my son hiccup". "Son?" I was unaware that valka even had a son. Wait, how could her son be a dragon? Valka explained to me the unusual story of hiccup. And I turned to net toothless. "Odins beard, your tail" I said looking at the prosthetic tail wing. " hiccup, made it for me" he stuttered. "It's amazing" I sighed. Toothless gave a sort of embarrassed giggle.

(Hiccups PoV)

Ever since the defeat of the red death things had just been getting weirder and weirder. I had become a night fury by being cursed by a witch. We go to find the witch and end up being captured by my long lost mother. Who happens to be a dragon whisperer and own a white albino night fury. Wow just wow. I was snapped out of my dream when I saw the look on toothless's face. Snowy was talking to valka, see was explaining things to her. Toothless was watching happily as he gave a contempt sigh. "Toothless, you ok?" I whispered to him. "I think...I think I'm... In love" said toothless with a deep sigh, staring at the white angel in front of him. I grinned playfully at him. "Perhaps we should talk to the king" snowy suggested. "Good idea" said valka. She guided us back even further, as toothless plucked up the courage to speak to snowy.

(Hiccups PoV)

Below us was a gorge covered in ice. I stared at the gigantic dragon inside. Like snowy it was white in colour, but had a reddish tinge on certain parts. "This is the heart of the nest" said valka. "Home to the great bewilderbeast". "Every nest has its queen, but this is the king!". Valka was right, it was at least two times larger than the red death. "With his icey breath, he covered our sanctuary". Valka pointed to the ceiling covered in ice. "He has and will protect all of us". Valka whistled to the dragon and he open his bright blue eyes. He stood up shaking snow off of him. As he began to walk over to us, toothless and snowys dragon instincts kicked in, and they bowed. Valka did too. The beast rose its head from the abyss. Staring at us deep in the eyes.

(The bewilderbeasts PoV)

Valka had called me from my sleep so I knew it must of been important. I got up and stretched as a sheet of fresh snow fell from me. But as I approached her I was surprised to see snowy and two other night furys, both black in colour. "Great king" said valka bowing before me. "We request your assistance". "Go on" I said as I puff of ice came out from me. It coated valkas hair, she chuckled and wiped it off. "This night fury, as bizarre as it seems, has been cursed by a witch". She pointed to the dark grey, yellow eyed night fury who gave me a nervous smile. "He is actually a human, and just so happens to be my son" she said. "Wow" I said trying to take this in. "Greetings son of valka" I smiled. "Hi" he said rather nervously. "What we want to ask is, how do you think we can solve this curse?" Said valka. "Well" I said. "If the witch has made the mistake of turning you into a night fury, then use that as your advantage". "Fight back!". "Can't you help us fight?" Said snowy. "After all, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my own kind". The other dragon smiled at this. "Snowy, you know very well I cannot leave the nest unless there is a great distress". "But valka" I said turning to her. "If you find yourself in great trouble, call my name, and I will come". Valka smiled and nodded. And with that I went back to my sleep in the icey abyss.

(Stormflys PoV)

The smell of hiccup was very strong. I sucked in breaths using up my energy. The land around me was dull and covered in autumn trees. I came to an abrupt stop. I gasped as I saw a gigantic ice spikes that looked sharper then my tail. It looked dangerous and mysterious. But the smell was guiding me that way. "What on earth has hiccup been up to" I mumbled to myself. As I got closer I heard dragons voices and could just make out an opening. I tucked in my wings and dived, but as soon as I entered I came to a grinding halt as a tornado of dragons flew past me. "A...nest" I breathed. It was like no other nest I had seen. "Excuse me, did a boy named hiccup pass through here?" I tried to talk to a random dragon. But with the cacophony it was hard to even think straight.

(Toothless's PoV)

"So how long have you lived here?" I asked snowy, she actually seemed kind. of...interested in me. "Oh, all my life really" she said. "Valka rescued me when I was only a baby". "This place is amazing" I sighed. "Yeah, it sure is" she said gazing at the hoards of dragons, flying majestically. A nadder landed just in front of us. It looked tired and out of breath, and had something tied to each foot. It turned around and screeched in alarm. "Don't be afraid" said hiccup. "We won't hurt you". "Your night furys!" She screamed. "Wait" she said looking me straight in the eye. "Your..your...toothless!" She said joyfully. "Oh...yes" I said rather taken aback. "Where's hiccup?" She asked. "I have a very important message from astrid. "Astrid?!" Said hiccup steeping foreword. As I explained to the nadder what was going on valka untied the objects from her feet.

(Hiccups PoV)

I stared down at the burned coat which the nadder had been carrying. Now it could never fit me. I wondered how astrid had felt when she saw that. I was such a fool, to of left her. Valka handed me the other item. It was a note. With both excitement and dread, I began to unfold it and read.

Dear hiccup

If you are reading this then you are alive. I knew it. When I found that burned coat, I thought you had gone forever. I mourned for days. And I wasn't the only one. The usually busy berk was quite for some time after your 'death'. Your father has been mourning you. He has accepted that he was wrong. He misses you. I miss you. I love you. When gobber said he saw two night furys in the plaza, he said that one of them was toothless. Don't ask me about the other one. But I knew if toothless was alive then you would be too. So I sent stormfly here, to find you. Come back hiccup. I promise if you do then you will not be treated the way you were. You will be treated as a hero.



I put down the letter, with tears in my eyes. I had never forgotten astrid. And she had never forgotten me. It showed me how much of a fool I was. "Valka" I said turning to my mother. "You can put the witch on hold". "I need to go back to berk to see astrid and my dad". "And he needs to see you".