Just something I wrote because I'm a sucker for Soda x Cherry. This will probably only have 3 or 4 parts to it. I'd love feedback? :)

There was something inside of her that thought this was a good idea. No matter how many obvious reasons popped into her mind of why it was stupid, the power pushing her to go through with it was stronger than them all. It was almost a no brainer. Even with the possibility of a bad scenario, something going wrong, Cherry jumped into her little Stingray and drove to the East side of town. Her negative thoughts didn't affect her one bit. It didn't matter that it was nearly 10PM and the sky was dark, or that she had school tomorrow, or that there was a chance of her getting harassed due to the high tension around Tulsa lately.

She couldn't wrap her head around it. Ponyboy and Johnny had killed Bob. He was really gone and it wasn't something she was taking so well, as expected. There were moments when she forgot entirely about what had happened, but then something would remind her, like his sweater she had folded over her bed post. It used to be his class ring that sent her into a spiral of paralyzing nostalgia, but she forced herself to tuck it away deep in one of her drawers. She couldn't risk seeing it all the time, because sometimes it was too much for her to handle.

The drive-in was also something she tried to avoid. She skipped out on her friends every time they rallied up to go for a late movie. She hadn't been there since the night Bob died and she wasn't sure if she'd ever go back. There was too many memories from that night lingering in the air. She thought a lot about Ponyboy Curtis. He was a nice boy and that only made everything more complicated. She was heartbroken when she thought about Bob's death, but she felt it hard when she thought of Ponyboy and Johnny being hounded by him and his friends. They didn't ask for that. They weren't hurting anyone. She had been the one to initiate the conversation and, as kind as Ponyboy was, all she wanted was to go back and prevent it from happening. It was a lovely conversation, but it wasn't worth the repercussion.

Cherry Valance drove her car into the DX station and put it in park. She had been here plenty of times, just like every other girl at school. Sodapop Curtis really could draw in a crowd and he flirted with any girl willing, which was nice because it made you feel special for awhile. If someone that good looking was ready to flirt with you, how bad off could you be? He put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces and Cherry thought that was admirable. It might not have been any trouble for him, but it sure meant a bit to those girls that came through.

She had been itching to talk to him. Two days ago when she came to fill up her car with Marcia she asked him if he'd be around. He told her he was working late tonight and there usually wasn't much business at this time; if she wanted to chat, she was more than welcome to come by. So she was doing as he told her, because since Ponyboy went missing all she could think about was how it was her fault and she felt like it was her responsibility to say something about it. She knew as a family they were already facing problems and it wouldn't hurt her none to say a few words. Cherry thought she owed it, honestly.

Soda was behind the counter. The light was on and Cherry peered inside. It looked like he was reading through a magazine or something and he hadn't looked up when she pulled in. She hadn't doubted herself the whole ride here, but something was making her wonder as she sat in the parking lot. This can't hurt, she told herself. It can't hurt one bit.

Ding. The bell went off as Cherry stepped inside. That made Soda look up and he smiled when he saw it was her. He had remembered she asked to talk with him and it was getting so late that he was starting to believe she had forgotten herself. That or she bailed on the idea. Either way, it was something Soda was kinda looking forward to. It was a long shift and she sure was a pretty girl. He had a clue what she wanted to speak about since he got the gist of her involvement in this mess. But it was to him that had him confused.

"Hi," he said, cracking that charming grin. Cherry smiled too, closed mouth. She couldn't deny that he was a total doll and even as level-headed as she was, she wasn't immune to attractive boys and their aura. There was something about Sodapop, though. A little better than the rest.

"Hi, I hope you don't mind me stopping by," Cherry said as she made her way towards the counter. Soda was standing behind it, letting her come to him. She stopped in front and chewed on the side of her lip as he stared at her. They were both a little nervous in such attractive company.

"Don't mind at all. What can I do ya for?" he asked.

"Well, I was just," Cherry began, but she realized she hadn't practiced what she was going to say. She had a vague plan and a notion she was supposed to say something, but finding the right words to express what she truly meant was difficult. She didn't want to make an already bad situation worse. "I came to talk about Ponyboy. I guess I wanted to say I'm sorry and I hope y'all are doing okay." And she didn't only mean him and Darry, she meant all of them. She meant Two-Bit, and Soda's friends Steve, and even Dallas Winston.

"We're just worried 'bout him and Johnny," Soda said. "Thanks."

Cherry felt like that was her cue to leave, but something was stopping her. Something wasn't letting her turn towards the exit and instead the pair stood still and stared at each other. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was like they could both read each others' expression – pained. There was a lot to say and a lot to think about, but it was like neither knew where to begin. It was a big old mess they were thrown in the middle of and just because they didn't play key parts, it didn't mean they weren't equally affected. Soda being a sensitive soul was worried sick over Ponyboy. Cherry lost Bob Sheldon forever. These were both harsh realities.

"I know it won't make much difference, but I am sorry about Bob. And I know Johnny was only protecting Ponyboy. I'm glad Ponyboy didn't get hurt."

"He did get hurt."

"I'm glad he didn't end up dead, alright?" Cherry said, frustration creeping into her voice. She was really trying hard. She wasn't mad at Sodapop. She was mad that Bob was greatly to blame for his own death, and facing that fact made her feel guilty for mourning him, especially when she had to look at Soda who was waiting on any news about Ponyboy. When she recognized the aftermath of Bob's drunken actions, and how two young kids were mixed up in it without asking, it turned her stomach. Nothing good ever came from Socs versus Greasers.

Soda realized he was talking to Cherry Valance – the girl with the dead Soc boyfriend. He knew it was Bob looking for a fight, wanting to jump someone on the East side, rough them up a bit. But he was still a person and regardless of the circumstances, someone was going to miss him. In this case it was Cherry. Soda hated the fact he didn't know where Ponyboy was, but at least he wasn't dead. Cherry knew where Bob was and she had no hope. She didn't cause this and Soda was sure she blamed herself a little.

"How're you holdin' up, anyway?" Soda asked after some silence. It took Cherry by surprise.

"You don't have to worry about that, Sodapop," she replied, avoiding the question, thinking it wrong to express her feelings to him considering who he was and what happened. She folded her arms across her chest.

"I'm askin' to make sure you're ok," Soda said. "Y'know it ain't your fault, what happened."

"I wish I could believe that. It'd make sleeping a whole lot easier. Anyway." She held her head in shame, knowing she should take Soda's words but she could only refuse them. He was wrong. She had a bigger part in this than she wanted to admit. If she had only stayed with Bob, if she had only ignored them after Dallas left, if she had only walked herself home...

There was too many opportunities and she missed them all. For what? Because Ponyboy was nice and interesting, and she didn't think talking to him would cause so much trouble, and she thought it shouldn't have. Why was it a problem in the first place? Because she was a Soc, on the cheerleading team, dating Bob Sheldon. And Ponyboy Curtis was a Greaser, a next-in-line hoodlum. She couldn't blame Ponyboy, or Johnny, or even Two-Bit for entertaining the idea. But she could blame herself, because somehow it felt like she should have known better. Somehow she felt she should have been able to predict this was going to happen, and she hadn't, and it did.

Cherry then did something she didn't think she would do. She reached out and held Soda's hand, giving it a squeeze and then holding onto it somewhat tightly. "I hope Ponyboy turns up soon and I mean that."

There wasn't an ounce of Soda that thought she didn't mean that. He could fully see her sincerity. He wished there was something he could tell her – something that showed he was a bit concerned for her, but she didn't have much else to lose. Sure, she was friendly with Ponyboy, but she wasn't anywhere near really knowing him. Bob was dead. What else was left?

"I hope everything works out for you, Cherry," Soda said.

Cherry didn't have the energy to debate with him. She couldn't tell him that she was the last person she wanted him to hope that for. Instead she took it with a sweet smile, acknowledging his unbelievable kindness. She did deserve something. After all, none of this was a walk in the park for her either. She was going through a very rocky patch and just trying to keep her head above water seemed near impossible. She didn't like how it was Soda who was offering her a bit of support, but she really needed it from someone, and it seemed arguing with him over it would only make everything more tense.

"Thank you," she said. She couldn't help it, but a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. She caught it midway, pulling her hand back from Soda. She hadn't even realized she was beginning to cry, but it happened so often lately it was like second nature. Though mostly it was when she was alone, because it didn't seem anyone understood or cared when she cried. She didn't have anyone to run to, not anymore, and she was feeling it. She was feeling lost.

"'Course," Soda said. He didn't say anything about the tear he saw. He pretended it didn't happen so not to embarrass her. "Nobody's mad at ya."

"I hope not," Cherry replied. She didn't believe him about that, either. She could only hope no one hated her for the mistakes she made. Maybe she took it too far and, hell, she did jeopardize Ponyboy and Johnny, and it wasn't a shock that Bob and Randy went circling back. But all she could wonder about was what she had been thinking? It was clear she hadn't. Cherry knew things could get rough, but she didn't think deadly for a second, and she was kicking herself now. "You'll call when Ponyboy comes home, won't you?" she pleaded. Soda nodded. Cherry wrote down her number on his arm in pen for him to mark down somewhere else later.

Soda liked the touch of her hand holding onto him. She was real dainty and delicate, and her carefulness showed when she handled him and wrote. She let the pen glide softly opposed to pressing into his skin and it nearly tickled. He smiled to himself. This was the kind of girl who deserved a bit better than Bob. He thought everything she had done was out of good intention. If she thought about it, she'd have to know talking to Ponyboy was not only a risk to him but to her too, which is why Soda was convinced it didn't cross either of their minds. It was all innocent.

"You can call me if there's anything else going on, too," Cherry added. She handed the pen back to Soda and he took it. He left his sleeve rolled up, exposing her number in black ink. He didn't think he'd get asked about it. Normally if the gang saw they'd harp on him about whom the girl was, what she looked like, and so on. But things had changed and stuff like that didn't seem important anymore.

Cherry prayed Soda would call her.

They smiled at each other before Cherry left for the parking lot. Once she turned around she didn't look back and tried to keep her focus on her car and off of Sodapop Curtis. She got behind the wheel and sighed. Something about him made her feel a lot better. While she was driving home she couldn't help but feel the tiredness ache in her bones. She was thinking she'd be able to fall asleep tonight. She was thinking she could dream of something other than Bob with a knife wound to him.