Ponyboy's Sick Day

Ponyboy's POV:

"Come on it's time for school!" Sodapop grinned down at me. I groaned, hearing Two-Bit drive me all the way to school was enough to drive me insane, and today, I just wasn't feeling up for it.

"Pony, are you okay?" I dared to turn over on my side to look at him. Soda stared at me concern plastered all over his brown eyes that pivoted between mine as if searching them for something.

"Yeah I'm fine Soda" I smirked at him reassuringly, I swear he's going to give himself an aneurysm worrying about me liked that, and I hated seeing him so concerned.

Soda left the room to get ready for the DX and I started to get ready for school. The minute I sat straight up my head felt like it was being pounded with a mallet. I grabbed the sides of my head and groaned. I'd just pop a few aspirins before I left, hopefully that would get rid of whatever this was. I threw a white T-shirt on and some ripped jeans.

I walked downstairs to see Darry on his way out, a plate of food on the table sat waiting for me, was I that late? The leftover bacon scent made my stomach churn, I decided I'd ignore it.

"Hey little buddy, you better be on your way out soon or Two-Bit's gonna throw a fit" Darry looked me in the eyes and his expression turned from playful to curious. "everything alright Ponyboy?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied holding my side in an attempt to look like I just casually had my hand on my hip. I guess Darry's question proved what a success that was.

"Alright... I'll see you tonight" and with that Darry was out the door. Maybe I wasn't good at looking casual, but I guess I was a heck of a lot better lying. I made my way out the door grabbing a water and throwing my breakfast in the trash can outside so no one inside would see it later. Two-bit honked the horn. LOUDLY. I grabbed the side of my head almost out the door when I remembered my aspirins. I took 3 and put 8 in my bag for later. Two-bit started the car laughing.

"Hope you've conditioned in track" He cackled. He wouldn't. Despite my thoughts the car took off, not at full driving speed but fast enough that you have to put in good effort to catch up. He opened the door for me as I sprinted catching up. I grabbed the handle and hoisted myself in practically choking as my lungs begged for air. Two-Bit's smile ceased and he looked at me confused.

"Jeez kid, I didn't know you were so outta shape or I woulda just let you get in"

"I ain't outta shape Two-Bit" I snapped. I'd been working real hard, my 100 meter dash was at 12 seconds and I was racking my brain trying to figure out why I could hardly catch up with Two-Bit's car which was only about a 100 yard sprint. I leaned my head against the window, it was so cold and it felt good on my aching head. I closed my eyes enjoying my few seconds of relief.

"Look kid, I ain't a doctor but you ain't lookin' so good. I don't care if I'm late… I can still drive you bac-"

"I'm fine Two-Bit, just please, don't worry about me" I begged my eyes still closed. I hated attention like that. If I was sick I'd be home. I just had something that didn't agree with me last night. Yeah, Soda's food coloring must have screwed with my stomach. As for my head, I get those all the time… It was nothing new.

"Alright kid but Darry'll skin me if he-"

"There's nothing wrong Two-Bit alright! Darry wont skin you because there's nothing wrong!" I was on the verge of an all out shouting match. I wasn't going to let everyone worry- OW my head. I shouldn't have shouted. I winced, pulling my head away from the window and making circles with my fingers around my temples. Two-Bit sighed, he knew he'd never win with the whole 'taking me home' argument, finally he wasn't gonna bother.

"I'm fine I swear," I sighed reassuring him after catching another concerned look waiting for another episode. "but if you don't watch the road instead of me we are going to have bigger problems." He looked away watching the road while looking at me every 2 minutes or so until we arrived at the school.