GargWorld Chapter 2
By Jake Denton ([email protected])

PREVIOUSLY on Gargoyles:

"I don't know anything!" Xanatos answered, his voice giving away his rage and his concern for his family's well being. Castaway sneered at him contemptuously. "I highly doubt that is true, sir. People have seen gargoyles coming to and from this castle many, many, many times. I suggest you start telling me the truth." He cocked the trigger. "Unless you want to see your wife's brains littering the floor."

"No!" Xanatos cried, furiously. Fox looked petrified. Castaway smirked sarcastically, and was about to blow Fox's head off, when suddenly everything stopped. Fox. Xanatos. His Quarrymen. Everything. It was as if everyone had suddenly become mimes. Only Castaway himself could move. What in the hell--?

Castaway's astonishment increased when a green-skinned woman dressed in a fancy red outfit, sporting a possibly royal crown, appeared out of nowhere. She looked at the situation taking place, glanced at the frozen Fox and Xanatos, who were standing there, looking terrified. Took in the sight of the frozen Quarrymen, all of whom were standing cockily, like they were god or something. Then, last but not least, her gaze fixed on Castaway, the instigator of this unholy raid. Before the Quarryman leader could open his mouth to interrogate whom the fuck she was, she spoke first, a low tone that slowly rose higher with each word of the spell she was placing upon him.

"Evil human trying to succeed
in hurting those in my highest creed.
Misguided human trying to fool
everyone into hating gargoyles true.
Attack you have made on my daughter and grandson
so now I send thee away, to a place of no sun.

Twisted soul and mind of hate
go thee now to a place of fate.
For in the dark shadows, you will find
a world that threatens your mind,
with beings and creatures so galore
that you hate deeply and more.

Alternate world and entrapped reality
No humans present here, only winged nationality.
May you learn true humility in your lesson.
And return with peace everlasting."

Castaway was baffled by the sudden cloud of smoke that illuminated the entire room. Somehow, the wispy veils shone through the entire surrounding areas, even though it shouldn't have. Why was it so bright in here? The room, to his perspective, seemed to have evaporated into a cloudy lightshow within which bright colors danced all around him. Castaway tried to resist it, to shield his eyes from the brightness, but it was futile. He couldn't even do that.

The lights played almost in tune as he suddenly felt sleepy.


He awoke.

Gasping, trying to suck in air, trying to blink away the colors, the bright, funky colors that had swarmed over his vision, Castaway opened his eyes and found himself lying on his back in some tree branch. What in the...?

Castaway sat up, and that's when he saw it. The large beefy gargoyle, bigger then even Goliath, with bronzed skin, large blonde hair, and a double set of horns that swept back over his crest like a pterodactyl. Castaway looked up at him, and his hand began itching for that Quarryhammer, but, alas, it wasn't there! Castaway searched his pockets frantically. Here was a monster, and he
didn't have a weapon to kill it! Or did he?!

Castaway searched for his gun while the buffed gargoyle watched him, almost amusedly, his arms crossed, an expression of great sarcasm etched on his face. When the human realized his gun was missing as well, the gargoyle spoke.

"I am Morocco. And you are?"

-- GargWorld, Part 1.

Castaway fumed as he lay, helplessly, on his cot, the gauze bandage on his forehead taking care of his headache, but making him feel fussed over, like a child, as well. He was surrounded by monsters with no quarrymen and no weapons to destroy every one of them. How on earth had this happened?! This was madness!

As he glided back from patrol, settling down inside the treehouse, Morocco saw the human sitting on his cot, arms crossed over his chest, seemingly lost in thought. The creature seemed to be pissed about something, and the leader knew not what, but he decided to try and talk to the human. Attempt to cheer him up. His wings folded around his bulky frame as he stepped lightly over to Castaway's bed. "Good day, sir," The kind gargoyle greeted warmly.

Castaway let his expression of hatred be his answer. "Fuck off, soulless child of Satan!"

Morocco looked slightly pissed, not at all used to humans and even less accustomed to being insulted in such a hostile manner. "See here, human, I have saved your life. If I were a "child of Satan", would I have stooped to such a good-hearted act?" His eyes flared. "Why don't YOU just relax?"

Castaway said, silent longings for his trusty hammer rushing through his mind. If he had his weapons here, the gargoyle would not have lived long enough to be talking to him right here and right now. Castaway knew he was stuck in a bad situation, and he hated it. All he had tried to do was save humanity from those monsters back in Manhattan. Why was he banished here? He hadn't done anything wrong. At least, not in his eyes.

That got him thinking, and it was then that he realized. What the hell had he been doing?! He ruined his happy life, trying to annihilate those "demons", and it cost him his brother and sister! He had committed countless acts of violence against others, and had tried to kill innocent civilians on more then one occasion. At this point, Castaway realized what he truly was. A crazed maniac who was so fixated on hate, he had lost the good in his soul.

"SHIT!" Castaway's mind screamed. He now knew he was crazy. He was wrong, and twisted in his desire for revenge, which, right now, seemed fruitless and without merit. This revelation was too much for his fractured mind to handle, and he looked at Morocco, suddenly seeing him in a new light. What had he been thinking? Gargoyles weren't beasts, after all. They were actually mankind's salvation. Guardians for humanity in times of danger.



Morocco stared at the human for a while, feeling slightly confused. The human had cursed at him angrily, and then suddenly started staring into space, a crazed grin on his face. To Morocco, the expression on the human's face was similar to Morrison's whenever the gargoyle ate spicy beans that gave him gas.

Was that what was wrong with Castaway? Was he just having a private fart?

Morocco wondered. Perhaps the human was just constipated, judging from the silly grin on his face. He sat there, a huge smile on his face for some odd reason. The expression chilled Morocco to the bone. He decided to glide off for a while.

Gliding through the treetops, Morocco spotted Morrison, coming in along his side, and slowed down to let his friend catch up. "How's the human?" was Morrison's inquiry upon reaching him. "The human is fine. He is just relishing a gas release," Morocco answered, gazing attentively at the blonde man who, for some odd reason, was now glaring at them balefully, like he was
debating. Very curious...


Castaway awoke, the glare of the bright moon blinding him. He blinked rapidly for a few seconds, trying to get the painful glare out of his eyes. When he could see again, the Quarryman got out of bed, stretching his arms, as he yawned. The day's sleep had done well for him. Castaway never felt more refreshed.

That was when he noticed the small note in his hand. It was a small piece of paper, the kind that came from a small notepad. He opened it, curious, and read it. When he saw what was written, he raised an eyebrow.



There was no signature. No name at the bottom. Who was his secret admirer? He had no idea, but Castaway wanted to find out. He would go to this mountain and get this thing settled. His ribs groaned as he got out of his cot, and climbed down the ladder nailed into the tree.


Night came just as Castaway, panting, trying to regain his breath, finally reached the mountain's top. He figured that since his mysterious new friend hadn't arrived yet, he could see from up here when he/she showed up.

He hoped it was Alvarez. Although he normally hated gargoyles, which included her, his bigotry was on operation stand-by mode, and hoping to god that it was Alvarez, who was the only female he had seen here, was better then the other possible alternative. If it was a male that wanted to meet him here, he knew he would be sick to his stomach.

Sudden movement!

It was only a quick flash of wings, splurged against the hillside, but Castaway caught it, and waited patiently. He hadn't seen who it was, exactly, but they would be here soon. His thoughts were curtailed by the sound of wings, and he looked up expectantly.

When he saw who it was, the blood drained from his face, and he screamed. He couldn't take it. This was too much. Of all the gargoyles to send him a mushy letter, why did it have to be MORRISON?!

"Hey lover!"


To Be Continued.