Brothers, Portraits, and Messages A/NNote from the Author.I just received the following review. Story: Brothers, Portraits, and MessagesChapter: 12. Chapter 12From: Viv (Guest) -Viv:come on the next chapter will be awsome and ur putting it off! your a pile of s***!This review was UNFAIR and UNCALLED FOR!I WILL BE MOVING! I am going to be OFF LINE soon, which means NO COMPUTER Until I am moved into either an apartment or house! The only device I might have will be my IPAD. And I cannot update stories REFRAME FROM FLAMING a person! It is uncouth and hurtful.I will update when I can.( AJ

Thank you for apologizing [Viv] that means a lot. I am going to say this to everyone out there. PLEASE DON'T FLAME A PERSON'S CHARACTER, and I mean the person who wrote the story. They work hard to bring you a story that they worked on. Give a constructive review, what you liked about the story, what you didn't, and make suggestions on improvement. If you find that the author's work isn't for you, you have the choice of not reading it. If you love them, then tell them. Sometimes though LIFE outside of Fanfic can get in the way. I have 20 days left until I move. And I am feverishly trying to get the story prepared between packing, sorting, donating, and throwing out junk. And we have yet to begin painting to cut costs on renovations yet to be done. Luckily, those will be done AFTER we leave.

I don't want to post the story only to find that I can't post the rest because of the move. So, I hope to be posting it some time in July once I am back up and running. Hopefully, it will not be that long. My daughter and I leave for Beaverton, Oregon on July 2nd. And I have to pack up my computer on the day before. It's tough leaving my friends behind and the community I've been a part of for 18 years. I've lived in Virgina for 28 years. Longer than I lived in my home state of Nebraska. I am going to miss everyone. But I am also looking forward to starting a new life elsewhere. And once I am back on line, I can visit with old friends, and start working on stories again.