Chapter 1
Clara P.O.V.
It was mid December. Four months had passed since I arrived at the Phantomhive Manor. A lot has happened since then. I learnt of Sebastian's secret under unfortunate circumstances, and as a result, I too am like him - a demon. Only Sebastian, the young master and I know of our true nature.
I had stayed at the manor after being accepted into their odd little 'family'. I had promised to protect the master and his home, along with Sebastian and the others, in return for their hospitality.
Master Ciel had just celebrated his birthday a few days ago, and everyone was now getting into the Christmas spirit. Mey-rin, Finny and I had decorated the halls to the highest possible standards, not without incident, leading to Sebastian having to finish it off. Overall, the young master seemed to approve.
I had just collected some logs for the fire in the kitchen, and was on my way to deliver them. Bard passed me in the corridor, his face was black, and all I could really make out was his grin. I pushed the kitchen door open with my hip as my hands were full. Sebastian was there, putting out a fire and cleaning up with superhuman speed. I stood and watched him in awe. Well, I know he is a demon, and this is much work is nothing to him, but he still amazed me. After setting down the wood, I approached a counter with a number of bowls with different mixtures in.
Clara- 'What are you making?'
Sebastian stopped what he was doing and walked over to me.
Sebastian- 'Chocolate éclairs.'
He dipped his finger in some chocolate sauce.
Sebastian- 'You want to try some?'
He moved his slender chocolate covered finger towards my mouth, and I tasted it.
Clara- 'It's delicious.'
I smiled up at him. I noticed a bowl of cream by the chocolate. I scooped a bit up with my finger and went to let Sebastian taste it, only to wipe it on his cheek, giggling. He glared at me, wickedly.
Clara- 'I-I'm sorry. Here, let me get that.'
I got on my tiptoes and leaned towards his face. I gently licked the cream from his porcelain cheek. Standing back, I saw he was grinning mischievously.
Sebastian- 'Just like a cat, my lady.'
Getting more chocolate on his finger, he drew a line down my neck from my ear to my breast. Slowly working his way up from the bottom, he licked the chocolate off my skin, making his way up to my ear. I let out a little moan as he nibbled the lobe.
We were suddenly interrupted by the sound of plates smashing. We both turned toward the noise to see Mey-rin standing in the doorway. Her face was bright red, broken plates surrounded her feet.
Mey-rin- 'U-uhhh... Mr Sebastian sir, the, um, master sent for you.'
Sebastian- 'I see. I'll be on my way then.'
Not knowing where to look, Mey-rin started picking up the shards in a hurry.
Clara- 'Here, let me help.'
We picked up the mess in silence.
It was 3 o'clock and it had already started to get dark outside. Master Ciel had been called to London on business that morning, and Sebastian had accompanied him. It was time to tend to the horses. Outside it had started to snow heavily. Putting a shawl over my head, I stepped outside, snow crunching under my feet. As I was replenishing they hay, I could feel someone watching me. I looked around in all directions, but couldn't see anyone. I thought nothing else of it and returned indoors.
Throughout the day, as I got on with my daily tasks, I kept feeling like I was being watched. Maybe I was just being paranoid. After finishing my work, I returned to my room. I removed my shoes and sat on the edge of my bed. It was getting late, and the other servants had already gone to bed. Wondering what to do with myself, I started brushing my hair as I no longer needed to sleep. I noticed a strange smell filling the room, and felt an unfamiliar presence outside my door. Feeling a little dazed, I got up and crept to the door. Turning the handle slowly, I realised it had been locked from the outside. In my drowsy state, I began to panic, weakly pulling at the door handle. I dropped to the floor, my knees suddenly unable to hold my weight. The presence had disappeared from the other side of the door. I was about to pass out when someone knocked on the door.
Sebastian- 'Clara? Are you there?'
Clara- 'Se-Sebastian?'
I fell against the door in an attempt to let him know to come in. I heard a key turn in the lock and in he came, as I forced myself out of the way of the door. As soon as he saw me on the floor, he picked my up.
Clara- 'What are you doing back so soon?'
Sebastian- 'There was a change in circumstances. What.. happened?'
I told him everything that had happened as he carried me to his room.