Disclaimer: Um…I don't own Inu-Yasha or When Harry Met Sally… Tomoe: If I did own Inu-Yasha I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, I would be adding OAVs to the series and I would've killed off Kikyo…the first time she died… I'm confusing myself, just read n_n

Fantasy Girl: Well. Hi, this is our first Inu-Yasha fanfic and of course we have to make it Alternate Universe so if the characters get OOC we have a reason. Lol

Tomoe: But they're not going to get OOC.

Inu-Yasha: Feh.

Tomoe: Quiet you! We hold all the power over you!

Fantasy Girl: Bwahahahaha.

Tomoe: In case none of you are familiar with our work… *looks around* You must've been livin' under a rock for the last…um…however long it's been since we joined

Fantasy Girl: Tomoe, stop acting like we're popular ^^; Only Vale and Vince are.

Tomoe: Yeah…I know! What evil friends they are! But HAH! We got to the Inu-Yasha section before they did! HaHa! Hah! And double HAH!

Fantasy Girl: Yeah. Double "hah" usually is HaHa

Tomoe: …shut up.

When Inu-Yasha Met Kagome…
Chapter One
Fantasy Girl (Saturn Angels)
Tomoe (Saturn Angels)

"Bye mom. Dad, Souta," Kagome said as she hugged her family members, "I'll call you when I get to New York."

"My baby's growing up," her mother said as she grabbed the tissue box and began blowing her nose.

"It's not like I'm never going to come back…" Kagome said as she sweatdropped, "I'll come back during holidays, I'll write. And I'll definitely be coming back here to see Souta's graduation!" she said as she grabbed her brother around the neck, almost in a headlock.

"If I graduate," he mumbled incoherent to all but his sister, "Yeah you have fun. And don't you need to go and pick that guy you'll be traveling with up? I mean you're already five minutes late."

"I don't like you traveling with a guy Kagom-" Her father started but was interrupted by Kagome slamming the door after yelling a, 'Sorry dad, but I'm late!'

Kagome opened the door to her car, all her luggage was already either in the trunk and back seat or on the roof of the car. She started the engine and began driving towards the University of Chicago. She was supposed to have left ten minutes early not five minutes late. She scolded herself mentally as she drove; she passed the gates of the school and spotted her friend Amanda. She slowed to a stop as she saw Amanda and a man, presumably Inu-Yasha, practically eating each others faces as they played tonsil hockey.

She cleared her throat.

Nothing, just the continuous kissing that was beginning to nauseate her. She cleared her throat twice as loud as before and finally the couple broke off to see who was interrupting them.

"Oh! Hi, Kagome," Amanda said sweetly with an apologetic smile. "Kagome meet Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha this is Kagome!"

There was a quick silence, which Kagome immediately broke, "Wanna drive the first shift?"

"Feh. You're there already, I'll let you drive," he said and picked up his bag from the floor.

"The back's open," Kagome said forcing a smile.

Inu-Yasha and Amanda headed to the back of the car, Inu-Yasha opened the trunk and all but threw his bag into place.

"Call me," Amanda said when he closed the trunk.

"I'll call you when I get there," Inu-Yasha responded as he made his way to the front seat.

"Call me on the road," Amanda all but begged.

Just when they were about to meet in another hockey tournament Kagome's arm accidentally fell against the horn.

"Whoops! Sorry!" Kagome said with a smile.

Inu-Yasha rolled his amber eyes upwards and gave Amanda a brief kiss, "I miss you already." Kagome heard his obvious lie and sweatdropped when Amanda responded by saying, 'I miss you more.'

Once again the slip of the hand. The horn blared through the air and the couple broke apart again.

"I'll see you around." Inu-Yasha said as he opened the door to the front seat and stepped in. Kagome took this as her cue to begin driving away, she looked in the rear-view mirror to see Amanda waving madly at the retreating car.

"You should wave good-bye," she said as she looked at Inu-Yasha.

He shrugged and it was silent, again Kagome feeling uncomfortable decided to inform him on how the drive was going to work, "The drive's a total of eighteen hours, so I figured we could break it into three hour shifts, six for each person. Or alternatively we could break it down by… mileage…" Kagome began trailing off as he rummaged through some of the bags in the back seat and pulled out some grapes.

"Um…there's a, uh, map on the visor that's marked to show where we can change shifts…" Kagome continued.

Inu-Yasha opened the window to spit out the seeds that the grapes had.

Not even offering her any! Not that she liked to eat between meals anyway…but it would be nice to have been asked nonetheless is she wanted any.

"Feh," he said then spit on some seeds, "Why don't you tell me the story of your life." It wasn't even a question just sort of a command.

"Story of my life?" Kagome asked surprised that someone like Inu-Yasha would be interested in the story of her life.

"Well we have eighteen hours til we reach New York," he reasoned as he spit out some more seeds.

Kagome rolled her eyes, "The story of my life wouldn't even get us out of Chicago."

'I don't doubt that,' Inu-Yasha thought dryly as he ate another grape.

"Nothing's happened to me yet. That's why I'm going to New York," Kagome continued.

He raised an eyebrow, "So something can happen to you?" She nodded, so he asked, "Like what?"

"Like…" she thought for a moment, "I'm going to journalism school to become a reporter."

"So you can write about stuff that happens to other people?" Inu-Yasha said uninterested.

"….Well, I guess you could look at it that way…" She'd never thought of it that way, but now that she thought about it…it sort of made sense.

"Suppose nothing happens to you," Inu-Yasha continued, "Suppose you never meet anybody, you never become anything, and finally you die one of those New York deaths where nobody notices for two weeks until the smell of decay drifts into the hallway."

Kagome stared at him disgusted, who would ever think of things like that? She grabbed the grapes and threw them to the chaos that was the backseat.

"Wench!" Inu-Yasha said as he stared at the backseat knowing it was all but hopeless to try and look for them again in that mess.

Kagome continued their conversation as if nothing had happened, "Amanda mentioned you had a dark side."

"That's what drew her to me." Inu-Yasha said smugly.

'Egotistical.' her mind accused but instead she said out loud, "Your dark side drew Amanda to you?" she asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at him skeptically.

"Why? Don't you have a dark side?" then he thought better of his statement, "No, you're probably one of those cheerful bitches who dots their "i"'s with little hearts."

"I have just as much of a dark side a the next person!" Kagome said angrily.

"Feh. Whenever I buy a book," she scoffed at this as if she couldn't imagine him knowing how to read, he chose to ignore it for now, "I always read the last page first so I'll know how it ends in case I die before I finish reading it. That's a dark side."

"That doesn't mean you're deep or anything!" Kagome said furrowing her eyebrows, "Okay. Basically, yes, I'm a happy person! And I don' see anything wrong with that!"

"Feh, of course you don't. You're too busy being happy, do you ever think about death?"

"Yes!" Kagome answered irritably, this guy was getting on her nerves!

"Sure, fleeting moments. I think about death all the time."

"And you think this makes you a better person?" Kagome asked sarcastically as she looked at the silver-haired boy.

"I'm just saying when the ships sinks, I'll be prepared and you won't be, you wench."

Kagome growled some and muttered something under her breath, "You know what? I don't know how Amanda can stand you!"

"I don't hear her complaining in bed," he answered nonchalantly.

"You're sick!" Kagome said and for a while nothing more was said between them.

A few hours later, after the sunset, Kagome and Inu-Yasha had somehow found themselves in a conversation about Casablanca.

"You're wrong!" Kagome said angrily.

"No, you're wrong." Inu-Yasha bit back.

"You're wrong!" Kagome accused again.

"He wants her to leave! That's why he puts her on the plane!"

"She didn't want to stay!"

"Of course she wants to stay, wench, wouldn't you rather be with Humphrey Bogart then that other guy?"

"I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in Casablanca with a guy who runs a bar, excuse me if I sound snobbish, that's just the way I feel about the situation!"

"You'd rather be in a passionless marriage-"

"And be the first lady of Czechoslovakia," put in Kagome.

"-then go with a man you had the greatest sex of your life with, just because he owns a bar and that is all he does." Inu-Yasha said unbelievably as he drove up to a small restaurant.

After a while of thinking Kagome nodded, "Yes," she answered then continued at the way he looked incredulously at her, "and so would any woman in her right mind! All women are very practical."

"Oi, I get it. You've never had great sex."

"I have too!"

"Stop lying, bitch."

"And would you please stop with the rude names?" Kagome asked frustrated at where the conversation was going, which was nowhere…and pretty fast at that.

"After you pay for the food, wench." He responded with a superior little smirk.



End Chapter One
To be continued…we think.

Fantasy Girl: well? How was it? ^^; yeah I know. You probably don't like it and are gonna flame us and we'll take down the story and be all embarrassed then Vale or Vince will input a story in this category and you'll all love it… *rambles on*

Tomoe: Fantasy Girl, you're scaring the readers off.

F.G.: Oh. Sorry! Come back! Come back! *runs after them*

Tomoe: *sighs* Well, I tried not to be too OOC, *shrugs*, this is what you get from watching 'When Harry Met Sally…' three times until Inu-Yasha came on, on Adult Swim AND THEN watched the Inu-Yasha DVD in Japanese with subtitles to see the major differences, then stayed up until 5 A.M. reading Inu-Yasha/Kagome fanfiction.

F.G.: And you said I was rambling.

Tomoe: … *shrugs* yeah, well anyway! For those who actually read this, if any, then umm…please review? And I'll do something nice for you! n_n…I dunno what yet…but umm…maybe I'll get the next chapter up fast if you ask for it? n_n

F.G.: Tomoe, stop acting as if you're the only author writing this fic.

Tomoe: ^^; whatever F.G. Now! PLEASE! Please, please, please, please, please, please, review and I'll, um,*looks around*, sell Inu-Yasha to you?

Inu: What?! Wench get away! What're you gonna do with that sledge ham-

Tomoe: ^_^ pwease review. Shout-out list'll be in the next chapter! ^_^; if any people review at all…