Dean Winchester hated blind dates, no seriously like it was the most detested thing in his world. In his honest opinion, he would say it was more excruciating than the three hour lecture given by his monotonous professor three times a week, and that nearly made his ears bleed. Going on a bad date when you'd met the person, and hadn't really gotten to know them well enough, well that was just a hazard of dating. However, being forced into spending time with someone you'd never laid eyes on, because you have a pushy and somewhat overbearing mother figure, well that was something completely different.

"At least Sammy will be there...eventually." he kept repeating to himself and hoped it would do the job of keeping him calm enough to not make a fool of himself, or Ellen. He pushed the last button through the hole of his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair giving it one final look before heading out.

Dean slid behind the wheel of his most favored possession, the purr of the engine bringing him a small dose of inner peace he never managed to claim elsewhere. He cranked the radio up when "Nothing Else Matters" began to play through the speakers. There was something intoxicating about the riff of the guitar even before the lyrics started. When the chorus began he found himself singing along, it wasn't the hardcore headbanging kind of jam but he nodded with the beat. When he pulled up to the address given to him, he smiled and thought even if it was the blind date from hell they were off to a good start.

A bell dinged as he entered the door under the sign that read "Trixter Bakery." Once inside he was assaulted with what he assumed had to be the smell of heaven. He pushed past the couple leaving and made his way toward the counter.

"Looks like we got ourselves a virgin Cassie." The short man yelled toward an open door into what Dean had to assume was the baking area. He wasn't usually the kind of man who argued with anyone in the foodservice industry, let alone someone who could potentially be located between him and pie, but that was of course before he was ill-labeled so loudly.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Dean asked with the least amount of pissed off that he could manage.

"Just that you're a newbie, I haven't seen you in here before." The shorter man was twisting his head around trying to take in the whole view. Dean had been oggled before so it wasn't necessarily a new experience, but no one had ever been so blatant about it. The dude might as well have told him to turn around and shake it.

"I don't say this often man, but my eyes are up here!" Dean chuckled at himself and the shorter man managed to look up...eventually.

"Sorry just enjoying the view, what can I get for ya?" The man said as he lifted his arms to infer innocence where clearly there was none.

"I'm actually supposed to meet someone here, I don't know anything about him other than his last name, the fact that he's supposedly adorable, and we are going out for a bit and meeting up with our brother's for an even more awkward double blind date." he quickly realized he probably shouldn't have just poured that information out like that, but his nerves and genuine distaste for the event to come, had him a little disoriented.

"Oh you're Winchester? Looks like it's your lucky day, Gabriel Novak at your blind dating service!" The man reached his hand out before spilling his name, so Dean politely took it, and did everything he could, to tell himself this wasn't actually happening.

Dean knew that Ellen would kill him if he didn't at least try to be polite and accommodate the other man, so he slapped on his cheesiest smile and relayed his name back to Gabriel. They left immediately after that, partially because Dean didn't think he could resist ordering something if they didn't, and partly because he reasoned the quicker it started the quicker it could be over.

He walked toward the Impala and instinctively a genuine smile spread across his face, until he opened the door, and Gabriel spoke. "We can take my ride, it's a little more… efficient, and I don't mind driving."

Everything inside Dean was telling him to end the date right then and there, no matter how bad the lashing from the Roadhouse owner would be, but instead he found himself agreeing to the ludicrous suggestion. When he saw what Gabe had referred to as a "ride" he nearly choked. It was more of a moped than motorcycle, it was a damn vespa… Dean Winchester riding on a freaking in hell's name had his life come to this.

When they arrived at the theater Gabriel told Dean he could pick the movie, and he suggested the action flick and was met with an odd look and an "Are you sure?" to which he said he would be fine with anything, it didn't matter. Because who in the world tells you that you can pick and then questions your decision like you don't know your own damn mind.

Dean was a little broody, he didn't mean to be but so far he's got nothing pleasant to say about the man, other than the fact that he worked at a bakery, which would usually be a fairly good quality, but surrounded by all the other… Gabrielness, it didn't seem that important. By the time they made it to their seats he was almost certain his date had managed to buy out the entire candy counter.

At least he had roughly two hours of uninterrupted silence coming, or so he thought. That was until he realized Gabe had no respect for movie theater rules, and continued to talk throughout the entire film. It had gotten so bad that he'd literally just stopped answering him, because it only seemed to inspire him to ramble even more. This was officially his worst blind date, and he'd had several really bad experiences. Why would Ellen even think he'd want a guy like Gabriel? If he was honest, it kinda hurt that she thought this was the kind of man that he would be attracted to. I mean it wasn't like the dude was unattractive or anything just not his type at all, and his personality was too… obnoxious and irritating.

Across town things started off a little better for their siblings…

Sam Winchester liked blind dates, it wasn't like he was gung ho or anything, but he loved meeting new people, and if Ellen thought there was a chance this guy could be someone important to him one day, well then who was he to disagree. The man might end up being his soul mate or something, if such a thing existed. He was rushed having left his first day of work a little later than he expected, so he quickly decided on wearing a beanie to hide the untamed locks.

Sam walked from his new apartment to the bakery which was just a few blocks away, he was surprised Dean hadn't dragged him inside already, there was little his brother wouldn't do for baked goods. When he stepped through the door it looked pretty busy, not in the way that said overcrowded, just successful. He made his way to the counter as he heard a deep voice booming from the back.

"Just a moment please."

Sam smiled as he waited, the smells were a little overwhelming, he tried really hard not to take in a lot of unnecessary calories. Soon a dark haired man slipped through the door and came to stand behind the register. He shook the flour off his apron the best he could before greeting his would be customer.

"Welcome to Trixter Bakery, How can I help you?" he said it with little enthusiasm but Sam could imagine it getting old after a full day of the same phrase.

"Hi, I'm sorry if this seems odd but I'm here to meet someone for a blind date. My name is Sam Winchester, and I was hoping you could help me find who I'm looking for?" he asked and somewhat hoped he didn't look like a complete idiot.

Recognition lit in the other man's eyes as he spoke. "OH! You must be looking for me. I'm Castiel Novak. Hello Sam, it's very nice to meet you."

Sam sent his most genuine smile back at the other man, he was relatively attractive but not quite what he was expecting. Ellen had said his date would be a little loud and a tad obnoxious at times but underneath all the sass he was a good man with a good heart. Sam had seen none of the outlandish personality he'd been warned about, he thought it might be due to the nerves or the wish to make a good impression.

"I am so sorry, but can you give me just a few minutes? We normally close up at 6, but I'm a bit behind today because Gabriel left a little earlier than usual."

"Sure man, take your time. I'll just have take a seat over there and wait for you." Sam smiled pointing at the booth in the corner.

"Hold on, here have a piece of pie while I close up.. Apple okay?" He said smiling. Sam really didn't want to turn him down, but he also really didn't want dessert before dinner. He accepted out of politeness, but even when he tasted how good it was he wouldn't let himself eat more than half the piece.

After the last customer was politely shoved through the door, the dark haired man held up one finger and went toward the back. He emerged just a few minutes later and when Sam looked up from his phone he quickly noticed the change in Castiel's appearance. He was no longer wearing the flour soaked apron and he'd cleaned himself up quite nicely, even the smudge of chocolate was removed from his face.

"Was the pie okay?" Castiel said before he got close enough to see half the piece still sitting untouched on the plate. He stepped back looking slightly confused but shook it off.

"Yes, it was delicious I just usually prefer my dessert after dinner." Sam said quickly and assumed it was enough to explain away the uneaten pastry.

Castiel's face turned a little red, and that was precisely the moment he realized he'd been spending far too much time with Gabriel, the innocent Winchester man hadn't even meant anything by it, but you couldn't tell that to the heat warming his cheeks.

"Again, I'm sorry you had to wait so long. Are you ready to go?" He asked as Sam turned his phone off and put it in his pocket.

"Yes of course, I was thinking we'd take in the art exhibit down the street at the new gallery, or if you'd rather I think the fair is in town, we could hang out there?" Sam was hesitant to mention the fair, but the last thing he wanted to do was to be so pushy with his own taste that he ignored what his date would enjoy, so he had two fairly diverse options and hoped that would be enough.

"Oh umm either is fine, but I'd very much like to see the Jackson Pollock exhibit as well, he's one of my most favorite American artists." Castiel replied with a slight eagerness in his voice. Sam couldn't help but laugh at that. So what if this guy wasn't what he normally went for, Ellen had to have seen something there, and he wasn't going to question it.

The art display was fairly small, it was nice to spend time with someone who knew something about it. Castiel seemed more knowledgeable than even Sam on the topic, so there wasn't any lull in conversation. He couldn't help but feel that Castiel wasn't being himself, or was trying to be less himself in hopes to impress him, which was completely unnecessary, but he let it go. He figured eventually Castiel would loosen up and maybe show that crazy side he'd been waiting for.

They took a taxi to the Roadhouse because Sam had walked to the bakery and Castiel's bike was in the shop being worked on. Sam figured it would be fine, Dean would have the Impala there and if he needed to, they could catch a ride home with their brothers when the date was over.

Sam and Castiel were the first to reach the Roadhouse

"I'm going to go to the restroom I'll meet you back at the bar?" Castiel asked and Sam quickly agreed.

Ellen was waiting for him when he took a seat. She was serving someone else and couldn't talk, so she smiled and raised an eyebrow, but he just sent her back a look of confusion.

"Hey Josie and the Pussycats, you got enough margarita mix back there to fill up a bathtub? After the date I've suffered through, I would appreciate the ability to drown myself in one." Sam heard the man beside him say, and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. His date wasn't that bad, but it wasn't really anything to write home about either, so he could certainly empathize with the other man.

"Not letting you anywhere near my bathroom Gabriel, but I'll fix you up a large gulp version." Jo responded with a smile.

That fact alone peaked Sam's curiosity, the stranger had nicknamed Jo something other than..well. Jo, and it was somewhat sexist at that, but she'd not seemed bothered by it at all. Joanna Harvelle was not one to be messed with or teased, the local boys would all tell you that she'd just as soon stab you as look at ya most of the time. She didn't take kindly to unwanted advances, and all advances not made by her were considered unwanted.

"Thanks buttercup, I'll be over there in the booth waiting for Broody Mc Brooderson also known as my date." He turned and swayed across the floor leaving Sam no time to say anything. He knew that it wasn't polite to start a conversation with a handsome stranger while you're with someone, but the man was incredibly alluring.

Ellen caught his attention shortly after he watched Gabriel sit down in the booth, she grabbed his hand across the bar and patted it with her own.

"I'm usually never wrong about these things, it was so bad you can't even sit next to him?" She said clearly confused.

"Huh? No, I mean it wasn't horrible, but nothing really significant either..he's in the bathroom, he'll be here shortly." Sam replied looking just a little crestfallen.

"Son I have no idea who's in the bathroom but your date is right there." She said motioning her finger toward Gabriel right about the time Dean sat down across for him.

"What? Sam was clearly more than a little bewildered by the situation.

"Oh I see what's happened here, we better go save them from one another. This will not end well." Ellen laughed as she pulled Sam along behind her.

"I am not sure how you fools managed this but you got things ass backward. Gabriel, meet SAM Winchester, your actual date."

"Oh Thank God." Dean had tried to keep his mouth shut but the words flew out quickly. Both of the men at the table were instantly relieved. That's when he noticed Gabriel was quieter than he'd been the entire night, and when he looked up his brother was somewhat entranced by the guy. He cleared his throat snapping them both back to reality.

"Wait a minute if short sack, I mean stack here is for Sammy then where's the dude I was supposed to be on a date with?" Dean asked toward Ellen figuring she would be most likely to answer because his moose of a brother was hypnotized.

"I believe that would be me." Said a husky deep voice behind him. He slid out of the booth and stood before turning around. Immediately he was face to face with what had to be one of the most gorgeous sets of blue eyes he'd ever seen. Blue was probably the most simplistic way to describe them but it was the first thought that came to mind.

"Hey, umm I'm Dean." This time his hand shot out like a reflex, not an obligation. The other man's hand slid into his with a firm grip and he had to mentally scold himself for staring at the long slender fingers.

"I'm Castiel. It's a pleasure."

"Cas, please tell me you don't kiss on the first date, because if you made out with Sammy it's going to be a weird story to explain to our grandchildren." He says with the cockiest smile he can manage,

"I don't kiss on the first date...usually" Castiel replied looking just as taken by him.

"My work here is done" Ellen smiled as she worked her way back toward the bar.