A/N: Written for the Too Many Cooks Challenge, go check out my partner, queen-sheep! She starts off the drabbles. Prompt: Slap

Hermione Granger was so excited to be in Hogsmeade, thousands of miles away from her school. The Salem's Witches Institution was doing a tour of all the famous Wizarding Schools in the country, and Hogwarts was their last stop.

Knowing that it was going to be a Hogsmeade weekend, their Headmistress, Professor Armanis, had let her students out to wander about the little town.

Looking around, she noticed that two boys, a red head and a raven haired kid with a scar, were staring at them all. Taking a deep breath, Hermione gathered all her courage and walked up to them, determined to make some friends.

"Hello," she said as politely as she could, "We're from the Salem Witches Instituition."

The boys were unresponsive.

She slightly rolled her eyes, trying not to seem rude. "You know, in America? Massachusetts, to be exact?" she said in her best British accent. Though she had been born in England, she was raised in the United States.

Again, neither boy said anything.

"Oh, how terribly rude of me! I'm Hermione Granger," she said again, this time putting her hand out. When it looked like neither one would shake it, she put her arm down and did her best to keep a smile plastered to her face.

The raven haired boy looked like he was about to say something, when Hermione's eyes widened at what she saw and she reacted in an instant.


"Um, sorry," the brunette said, retracting her hand from the red head's face, where a dead spider and a red head hand print could be seen.

Both boys looked surprised, well, they had a reason to be. It wasn't everyday a stranger slapped someone for almost know reason, besides to kill a spider. Hermione felt like she needed to work on what to do and say when meeting new people.