You could be a hero – heroes do what's right…

Years later, after Alfred, Lovino, and Natalya graduated from high school and college, they all got their dream jobs and their dream lives with only a few down sides. They kept in contact of course, and they always got together for holidays and birthdays and the like.

Lovino ended up owning a chain of Italian restaurants and worked as a chef at one in America so that he wouldn't have to move away from the country where his friends lived. He married Antonio and they adopted two children (a boy and a girl). They also ended up living in a mansion with a tomato garden in the backyard.

Natalya got married to Toris Laurinaitis, who had been crushing on her for years before he got the courage to ask her out. She ended up being a stay-at-home mom to her three children (two boys and a girl) as she couldn't find a job that suited her slightly violent tendencies. Sometimes she went to schools as a motivational speaker, that didn't happen very often.

And Alfred? Alfred actually ended up marrying Natalya's brother, Ivan, and became a policeman like he always wanted. He and Ivan only adopted one kid (a boy). At one point, he even became the President of the United States and became well known for his speeches against bullying.

You might save a life…

Alfred, Lovino, and Natalya's stories were all told in the form of a book about Alfred's reign as President and his life before then. This led to people also learning of Arthur Kirkland. The trio had no problem giving a biography about their lives. They truly believed that it would help save lives if children and teens learned their stories.

And it did.

People from all over the world read about Alfred F. Jones, who brought the United States into a Golden Age. They learned about his two best friends, Lovino and Natalya, and how they suffered before Alfred told them that they mattered. There was one quote from Alfred in the book that saved so many lives and gave so many people hope:

"You were put on this earth for a reason. No one is truly worthless in this life. Whatever God or supernatural being you believe in, they put you on this world so that you can make a difference. Look at your family. How would they act if you died? Look at your friends. What about them? Even the people you don't even talk to would be sad if you died. You can make a difference. Show the people who hurt you that you aren't just how they make you out to be. Stand up for yourself. Show them who you really are."

You could join the fight…

Alfred inspired people to try and help others more. It seemed that there were less and less suicides out there as Alfred inspired more people with his story and Lovino's story and Natalya's story and Arthur's story. He even inspired people to join in the fight of stopping suicides and showing people that they matter.

There was less bullying in the world as people stood up for everyone else. There were still lots of people dying and getting hurt, but people made more of an attempt to stop staring at the sidelines. Natalya had said before: "Don't be scared to talk to someone and help them. If you do, then you will inspire others to help as well. Then what will others be able to do? If you stop people from bullying, they can't do much unless they want trouble. If you call them police on a man or woman or both abusing a child, then what can they do when the police arrest them? Stand up, and stop being scared."

Their popularity went on for years, and even as they grew old and died, and as their children followed in their footsteps, people still remembered them. They made history. They showed the world that you didn't have to have superpowers to be a hero. In fact, Lovino had once said: "Power corrupts. And when you are corrupted, you only think of yourself. Be selfless, but care about yourself as well. Don't try to gain all the time, think of everyone else and then think of the things that you want. If you have too much power, then you might not think about what's good for others."

Alfred, Lovino, and Natalya all made a difference. They saved lives. Their stories were the most well known stories and the most beautiful ones hundreds of years later. They were remembered. Just as former empires were remembered, just as the men and woman who made a stand for their rights were remembered, just as war veterans were remembered. They were all remembered as the people who showed everyone that they had a purpose in life. Sometimes their stories may have seemed small, but in the end, they really were amazing.

For what's right, for what's right…

Thank you to everyone who read this story and thank you sparklybutterfly42 for reviewing on every single on of my chapter! I really appreciate it. I know that the ending is cheesy and impossible, but I liked it.