Kate was ready for a relationship with him and she was determined to make it happen tonight

As Lanie and Esposito were doing God knows what, Kate just sat there playing with the hem of Castle's boxers.

Castle not knowing what to do put his hand on Kate's and looked her in the eyes and said "Kate what are you doing?"

She gave him this innocent look (like a child) and replied "Nothing".

Then she stuck her hand inside his boxers resting her hand on his thigh.

Castle let out this sort of squeal/moan.

Kate giggled a little.

It made her feel so good, that he reacted the way he did.

Castle said to her in a low voice "Kateā€¦"

But before he could speak any further Kate put her finger to his lip and said "I want to and I know you want to, too."

He look at her and said "But Kate, I don't think you realize what you're doing, I refuse to take advantage of you when you're drunk."

Kate then took her hand out of his boxers sat on his lap and whispered in his ear "Well it's a good thing I'm not drunk then"

Castle just stared at this wonderful being on his lap and said "Well that is a good thing then"

Kate got of his lap and said "You want a drink of water or something?"

Castle nodded his head and asked "Kate why aren't you drinking?"

"Well I had a drink or two but I didn't want to get drunk because I have lunch plans with my dad tomorrow and I don't think it would go to well if I met up with him with a very bad hangover." Kate answered.

As she gave Castle his water Lanie and Javier walked out.

Javi had this bright smile and said "Sorry it took so long, but someone insisted on me licking of the toothpaste"

Lanie's cheeks turned bright red and he smacked while saying "Javi!"

Kate and Castle laughed and Javier and Lanie sat down to continue there truth or dare game.