A/N: I'd just like to take another moment and thank you all for your support. I couldn't have done this without you guys! Your reviews have all been so kind, and you all were so receptive to this story! I loved writing for you guys, and I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Keep your eyes out for the sequel, which should be coming relatively soon-ish (which means maybe a few months?)!

I listened to 'Until You Came Along' by JJ Heller, 'What You Wanted' by OneRepublic, & 'Back To You' by Twin Forks. Enjoy!

"Come on, Emma!" Killian called from downstairs. Emma hurriedly zipped up her suitcase and glanced around to make sure she wasn't missing anything else.

They were going to the beach for the weekend, staying with Mary, David, Regina and Robin in Mary's family's beach house. Emma and Killian had both been busy with work (especially Emma, with her new job, working for the local paper), so getting away was much needed.

"I'm coming!" Emma called back, dragging her suitcase to the stairs, then picking it up and carrying it down the steps. Killian was waiting for her in the foyer, a smile plastered on his face as soon as he saw Emma. She was wearing a bikini top and shorts, but apparently that was enough to make Killian nearly drool (Emma made a mental note of that).

"Well, look at you." He smirked.

"Oh, shut up. You've seen me naked, for God's sake." She smiled as he sauntered towards her. Emma giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

"Yes, I know, love," Killian murmured against the shell of her ear, "But, this is almost as good."

Emma closed her eyes at the rough sound of his voice, breathing in his scent, though it was vaguely masked by suntan lotion. She loved standing in his arms, knowing that no matter happened around them, she was safe.

"We better get going—they'll think we've been having sex this whole time." Emma giggled, moving her hands to his chest and shoving him away playfully.

"And is that such a bad thing?" Killian spoke with a grin, making Emma shake her head with a laugh.

"Come on." She giggled, grabbing her suitcase and tote, walking around him and out the door. Emma took one glance back to see him still standing there, a bit in awe at Emma. He was acting weird—even for him, Emma decided.

"What is up with you?" Emma giggled, opening the trunk and tossing her suitcase and beach tote in.

"Nothing, love. Just a little stressed, I suppose." Killian replied as he walked towards the car with his own suitcase.

Emma smiled and set her hands on his shoulders as he came close, giving them a gentle squeeze.

"We're going to the beach for three days." Emma smiled, "Believe me, all of that stress will be long gone. And, according to Mary, the house is pretty big."

"Oh?" Killian smiled. Emma still knew it wasn't quite right.

"Yeah. So, maybe you and I can spend some time alone this weekend." She teased, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.

"I'd like that, Swan." He grinned, tugging away and putting his suitcase into the trunk and closing it. He walked around to the driver's side, and Emma went to sit on the passenger side.

Killian looked rigid in his seat—something was definitely up. To help de-stress him, Emma reached across the console and took his hand, smiling up to him.

"This weekend will be absolutely amazing, Killian," She spoke more as a promise than a statement, "Whatever you're feeling right now is okay, you know."

"I know." Killian replied with a quick smile.

Emma tightened her grip on his hand, a silent way of telling him to just breathe.

After only an hour of driving, the two arrived at Mary's beach house. Killian had seemingly been okay, singing along with Emma to the radio as he drove. She still suspected something was up.

As they drove up, Emma pointed to the top of the house, where their friends were perched, up in the widow's deck. Emma waved to them, laughing as they watched their friends bolt.

"Ah, you made it!" Mary shrieked as the two got out of the car, hugging Emma tight.

"We did! We're so ready for a vacation!" Emma laughed, pulling away and hugging David, then Robin, and even Regina.

"Killian, you up for a run? Robin and I were just about to go." David grinned.

He looked to Emma, who nodded.

"Go have fun." She smiled, giggling when he pressed a kiss to her cheek and ran after his two friends.

"Boys." Regina scoffed, then smiled.

"Well, let's get all of your stuff into the house, and we can have a girl's talk!" Mary grinned, clapping her hands together and following Emma to the trunk.

"Do you think Killian's been acting weird lately?" Emma asked as she opened it and grabbed her suitcase.

"Why?" Mary replied, her brows furrowed, "I mean, I haven't seen him often enough lately to really tell you."

"I don't know, he just seems… Different? He was acting almost overly playful earlier, then his mood changed like that," Emma replied, snapping her fingers, "I'm just worried, that's all."

"I mean, is it possible that he's still upset about his brother?" Regina asked as the three girls walked up the steps to the home.

"I suppose, but… I don't know, I feel like there's something he isn't telling me." Emma replied, smiling a little as she walked into the house.

It was a lot larger than she thought, and she was going in with some pretty hefty expectations, the way Mary had described it. It was decorated just as one would expect a beach house to be—there were seashells in jars on bookshelves, a plethora of sea-related books in between those, an old surfboard hanging over the foyer, the list went on.

"This is quite the house, Mary." Emma breathed as they walked up the stairs, still glancing around and taking everything in.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing." Mary grinned, leading Emma and Regina to the room Emma and Killian were spending the weekend in.

"Aww, this is perfect." Emma smiled at the simple room. There was a single bed (perfect) with a nightstand, along with a wardrobe. The window overlooked the backside of the home, and Emma could hear the waves crashing just outside.

"Good." Mary grinned, setting their things down, "Now, let's make some tea and chit-chat!"

The three girls laughed, following Mary back downstairs to the kitchen.

Later that evening, once the boys were all showered and cleaned up, the group went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant that overlooked the water. Emma couldn't help but notice that Killian was still not quite acting like himself.

It wasn't until that night, sitting around the campfire, that she was able to ask what was wrong.

"Killian?" She asked, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Yes, love?"

"Are you sure you're alright? I feel like… you've been off the past few days, and especially today."

"Off?" He repeated.

"Yeah… I mean, like, earlier—you were being playful and sweet and teasing, then moments later, you seemed… upset." Emma noted, "Did I do something?"

"Of course not, Emma." He replied, glancing to their friends before looking back to her, "Can we... can we talk about this in private?"

"Sure." Emma nodded as Killian rose to his feet, "We'll be right back, okay?"

"Everything okay?" David asked.

"Yep." Emma replied softly, looking to Killian.

He held a hand out for her that she took, following him into the house. He led her up the stairs and into their room, gently shutting the door behind himself.

"Please tell me what's going on." Emma pleaded.

Killian offered a tight smile before taking Emma's hands in his.

"I'm sorry, Emma, for the way I've been acting lately. I just… I don't know how to deal with all of this," He gestured to himself and Emma, "I'm afraid… afraid that I'll lose you like I lose everyone I love. So, I've been both trying to keep you at arms' length, then over-compensating for not giving you the attention you deserve. I'm broken, Emma, and I don't know if I can be fixed."

Emma offered a small smile, brushing his hair back a little and lodging her hand at the nape of his neck.

"You don't have to apologize—I'm not going anywhere. Not without you, Killian. You aren't broken too badly. I think, with time, you'll heal. Things like this don't heal overnight—it'll take time." Emma reminded him, "But, I will always be right here to help you pick up the pieces. I'll help fix you."

Killian smiled down at her, their eyes meeting only for a few moments before they were closed, their lips crashing over each other. The kiss was desperate, longing, making Emma's heart ache. Killian was still so broken over the loved ones he'd lost, no matter how long ago they'd been lost. It was only natural for him to believe he'd lose Emma, too.

But, lucky for him, Emma Swan would never, ever give up that easily. She knew she'd fight tooth and nail to stay by Killian's side, and he'd do the same for her. Emma would transcend anything to stay forever in his embrace.

"I love you, so much, Emma Swan." He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I love you, too, Killian." Emma smiled, nuzzling her nose against his.

"Don't ever let go." Killian spoke softly, "Please."

"How could I?" Emma murmured, taking a few steps back so the backs of her knees were touching the bed.

"I'm so sorry, Emma."

"No, please stop saying that." Emma replied, her tone firmer, "You have nothing to apologize for. You're hurt. But, lucky for you, that's what I'm here for. The pieces may be falling away, but I'm always a half-step behind you, picking them up and putting them back where they're supposed to go."

"I shouldn't burden you with that."

"It's not. I do it because I love seeing you smile." Emma replied, smiling when one broke out on Killian's lips, "Just like that."

"What would I do without my Swan?" Killian asked, shaking his head lightly.

"I have faith you'd be just fine." Emma whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before tugging out of his arms and flopping onto the bed. He followed, lying beside her.

"We are spending the weekend at the beach, and here I am, bringing it down." Killian sighed, closing his eyes.

"Far from." Emma smiled, "Besides, we'll have all day tomorrow to spend out there. I love our 'just us' time."

Killian smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She scooted up a little to gently move Killian's head onto her chest, making him smile.

"Your heartbeat."

"Yeah, what about it?" Emma asked.

"It's beautiful."

"It's just a heartbeat." Emma smiled.

"It also means you're alive." Killian whispered, making Emma's smile disappear.

"That it does." Emma sighed, running her fingers through his hair, "I need a happier subject, Kill."

Killian chuckled and turned over so his chin was resting on her chest, his eyes meeting hers. He maneuvered himself so he was straddled on top of her, his hands beside her head.

"Better, love?" He grinned.

"There's the Killian I know and tolerate."

"Tolerate?" He smirked.

"Okay, I might love him a lot." Emma giggled, shrieking as he started pressing kisses all over her face. His stubble scratched at her sensitive skin, making her face scrunch up.

"Killian!" She laughed as he continued to kiss her face, laughter bubbling from his lips as well.

"I can't help myself, love. You are my world, and it is my duty to cherish it." He smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips before continuing down her neck. Emma continued to squirm under him, giggles still erupting from her lips.

"Killian, stop!" She laughed, finally reaching up and shoving him away. He fell at her side, laughing.

"Oh, Emma."

"Don't 'Oh, Emma' me." She giggled, giving him a playful nudge, "I love you so, so much."

"Do you?"

"I do. I'd scream it from the tops of rooftops—which, I will have you know, a year ago, I would not have even considered that."

"I wouldn't have either. But, this is a new year, love, a fresh start." Killian spoke with a mischievous smile as he sat up.

"What?" Emma smiled back, shrieking as he grabbed her hand and pulled her from the bed. He hurried up the stairs to the widow's deck, making Emma laugh.

"You're going to make me scream it from the rooftops, now, aren't you?" Emma smiled to him, pressing her hands on his chest.

"Yes." He smiled, leaning over the edge and calling down to David, "Dave, Robin, I'd get your phones ready—my darling Swan has something to say."

Their friends all laughed, the girls even going to stand by their guys to watch.

"Come on, Emma, you can do it!" Mary teased.

Emma rolled her eyes at the boys who had taken their phones from their pockets and pointed them up to the deck.

"You are such an idiot."

"But, I'm your favorite idiot, right?" Killian smiled, "You said you'd do it, Swan. Hold to your words."

She cleared her throat before leaning back and yelling at the top of her lungs.

"I am in love with Killian Jones!" She yelled into the night sky, making her and her friends laugh.

Killian tugged her close, and she could feel his laughter roaring in his chest. He rocked back and forth with her, and when she looked up, he had the biggest smile on his lips. Emma hadn't seen him ever smile that wide.

"Your turn." She teased, gently punching his chest.

"My turn? Okay." He grinned, breaking from her and closing his eyes before shouting to the stars his love for Emma.

"I am in love with Emma Swan!" He cried out, laughing as Emma (and their friends) cheered.

Emma fell back into his arms, giggling uncontrollably. She loved him with every single fiber of her being, no matter how rough his edges could be. And now, she knew he loved her the same way.

Both Emma and Killian were more than aware that their love was everything short of perfect. It was going to be difficult, it was going to take a lot of determination to love each other. But, that would not stop either of them from loving each other to the ends of the world.