A/N: Hi, there. This story can be treated as individual oneshots. I hope you guys enjoy reading it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Chapter 1: The first baby step in getting to know you

Mask. Check. Sunglasses. Check. Beanies. Check. Furihata nodded in approval at the image he was looking at in the mirror. With a swift pull of the zipper upwards, the mousy teenager gave a final look to check his appearance. No one. No one should be able to recognize him like this. Although the goal was that, he couldn't help but imagine himself as a pervert going to a convenience store to buy adult magazines. He had never done it but with his current appearance, anyone would misunderstand but for him, misunderstanding was the outcome he wanted.

Nobody should know that he was actually going to a date with a secret boyfriend that nobody knew about. Technically, everybody knew his boyfriend. Who wouldn't know Akashi Seijuurou, for goodness sake? If anything, he was the one that shouldn't be together with Akashi at all. His background was below average and it was a miracle that he was even dating the Rakuzan's captain.

Him dating Akashi was by pure mistake. On one fateful valentine day, he had accidentally given the chocolate he had bought with his allowance to the wrong person. He had meant to give it to the girl he had a crush on who just gave him a glance and walked away when he had bowed his head down to muster courage to talk to her. It only took shut eyes, the "will you go out with me?" line and the happened to be in Tokyo Emperor to stand in front of him by coincidence for him to get his first date with Akashi. It was a terrifying experience. A complete unforgettable terror. After the first, came the second, the third… and now he just routinely went on a date with Akashi every Saturday night. They hadn't gone past the first base (he thanked god for that) and Akashi hadn't pushed the matter any further. This would be their third months together and it was surprising how Akashi hadn't broken off with him yet for being ignorant of their relationship status.

Furihata pocketed both of his hands, heading towards the cinema that had been reserved just for their date at 1 am. The front door was closed so he had to turn around to enter from the back. The moment he was inside, knowing that it was just the two of them, he discarded his disguise to lessen the awkwardness. On the second level next to the escalator, a red haired man in casual black turtleneck sweater waited for him and he greeted with respect.

"Seijuurou-san", he nodded.

"Kouki", Akashi replied, then silence. This was another unnerving thing that happened. They never talked to each other and yet, they went out for a movie every weekend. Furihata wondered why he was still wasting time with a man when he could go steady with a woman. A girl.

"Seijuurou-san" "Kouki", they spoke suddenly.

"Eh, you can speak first, Seijuuro-san", Furihata scratched his head.

"Kouki, it had been three months since we started seeing each other".

"Ah, yeah…" Furihata wondered if Akashi would be dumping him right then and there. He was feeling rather positive and his future didn't look bleak. Maybe dating him was boring after all.

"It is about time that I properly indulge you, don't you think so?"

Furihata wasn't even listening when he nodded. "Ah, yeah, I believe that would be the best", he agreed but when the words came jumbling back into his mind, he sputtered. "What?"

"I am happy that you think the same way as I do", Akashi said the moment they sat down on the premium seat. Furihata felt his body trembled in fear. He couldn't say no. Akashi, even without having to say anything, was a threatening existence. All he could do was just stared at the screen, trying to forget the deal he had sealed with the devil.

Thirty minutes into the movie, he almost fainted from the eyes that were indecently looking at him. He felt terrified but he pretended like he was focusing on the movie instead. It was going well until Akashi suddenly leaned and captured his lips. Furihata settled with a shocked yelp and shut his eyes (in fear) when he was suddenly pushed onto his back.

'What is he doing? What is he doing?' the mantra went on in his head but when his lower lip was nibbled on, he couldn't help but part his mouth. Akashi took advantage of this and deepened his kiss. Furihata suddenly felt helpless and breathless. The way Akashi stuck his tongue in to taste the inside of Furihata's own sent pleasure vibrating down his spine. As if it wasn't enough, the said captain deepened the kiss even more, slightly tugging his hair, eliciting the moans that Furihata had been trying so hard to hold back. His hands didn't forget to travel underneath Furihata's shirt and his abdomen was being pressed against teasingly in the right places, sending more shivers down his spine. Furihata tilted his head to give Akashi better access but even with a messed up head, that previous action rang an alarm to which his consciousness prevailed.

'Still too soon!' he internally squeaked, his two hands giving Akashi a light push on his chest. Akashi parted with a string of saliva lining as the evidence of their kiss. Make out. Deep kiss. Whatever one called the session was. With his eyes still lidded, the Seirin player covered his red face with his arms, trying to hide his embarrassment from Akashi.

"I… I'm not ready yet", he muttered quietly. Akashi raised an eyebrow and sighed. "When will you be mentally prepared to do anything with me then?"

Furihata blinked. Just now, Akashi sounded like a child sulking because he couldn't get his toy. He unknowingly smiled but removed it as soon as Akashi's face came into his view once again.

"I will give you a week. That's all. So you better be prepared". Even though it was said with a poker face, the tension in the words were not concealed. Suddenly, Furihata found himself in a predicament. Suddenly he had wished he could reverse the time where he could decline Akashi's advances.

"hata-kun. Furihata-kun!" SMACK. Furihata rubbed the back of his head that was throbbing in pain. "Kuroko", Furihata nodded but jumped when his back was slapped harshly by one Kagami Taiga.

"Stop daydreaming! Focus on the game". Kagami reminded him. Oh, the game with a neighboring school. What had made him lose focus, he wondered. Oh, that's right. The kiss he had shared with Akashi in the cinema. Once the thought occurred to him, he couldn't stop feeling flustered and the whole quarter, he was dribbling the ball while his thought was fully occupied by the kiss. On the next quarter, he was benched but it was for the better. Riko didn't look too pleased with his behavior today. The moment she sat next to him, he quivered while thinking his death was near.

"Furihata, what's on your mind that you can't pay attention to the game?" asked Riko, her focus on the court unwavering.

"Um, I … Eh, it's a personal matter, coach".

"Then sort your feelings out", Riko deadpanned, "or you won't be able to play if you are emotionally unstable".

Furihata lowered his head, agreeing that the coach was right. At this rate, he would definitely sacrificed his team and he didn't want to cause them any trouble. But Akashi was a different matter entirely. He wouldn't be able to come out with anything if he tried to figure things out alone. He didn't even know what he was supposed to figure out with so many mysteries surrounding Akashi and his relationship with Akashi. He turned to Riko for an advice, carefully choosing his word as he spoke.

"Coach, is it okay if I ask you one thing?"

Riko glanced at him at the corner of her eyes.

"That's very rare, Furihata-kun. You seeking my advice. Shoot!" she said, grinding her teeth at the end of her sentence.

"Eh… Um, you see…" consulting Riko sounded like a bad idea to him now but he pushed forward with it seeing that he was the one who went to her for a word of wisdom or two. "I am seeing someone".

"That's good".

"It's been three months and we are still stuck on the first base…" at this, Riko whipped her head to face him with shocked expression, mouth gaping and eyes rounded comically.

"Three months and still nothing? Furihata-kun, are you that much of a coward?"

"Eh, no, no, I'm not… Maybe? But last week, that person said that things need to… move forward".

"Isn't that a good thing, Furihata-kun? So, what's holding you back?"

"A … A lot of things (that I dare not mention)", Furihata mumbled.

"Didn't the two of you do anything after she gave you the green light?"

"Uh, technically we… we ki-kissed", Furihata couldn't stop the blush.

"Then, what's bothering you? No, no. More like, how do you feel about it?" asked Riko.

"The thing is… this person is… is many things that I am not. The gap between us is too much. Heck, I don't even know this person too well. On our date, we don't even talk and all I can feel is fear towards this person".

"When you kissed, do you still feel fear?"

"That…" Furihata couldn't deny that he only felt pleasure. Warmth that he had never known was touched and it did made his heart rate beat faster. If Akashi was really cold, then why he only emanated unexplained warmth?

"Furihata-kun, sometimes, it is better if you take the initiative to know her better. Maybe, by having physical interaction, it will make it easier for you and your girlfriend to get along".

Furihata nodded. Some people were born to understand better if they feel with all their senses. Maybe Akashi was one of them. Did that make him alike to Kise Ryouta though? He scraped the thought from his head. Kise-kun was touchy-feely but his action was more for gaining attention. If Akashi-kun had to be touchy-feely too, he would rather have him did that with his subconscious mind.

'Or it would be seriously annoying. And plus, that doesn't suit his image at all'.

"So have you sorted anything at all, Furihata-kun?" Riko flashed her brightest smile.

"Um, I think I have sorted some of it".

"Then, get back on the court!"

Akashi had decided that this weekend's date was to be a special one. After all, tonight was a reserved night and due to his proper orientation, he didn't feel right if they suddenly jumped into intercourse. Of course he would like too but he adored and respected Furihata even if it's just a little and he didn't want to scare Furihata who currently looked like he was about to collapse from his own nervousness.

"Your beverage orders, sirs", said the waiter, placing a cup of latte in front of Akashi and a mug of chocolate drink in front of Furihata. Akashi sipped his latte while giving Furihata a once over. The other boy was wearing the same black jacket he had on every date, a cap and sunglasses. Wouldn't he feel stuffy wearing those during the day in the humid month of May? Even though there was air conditioner inside, it still didn't look comfortable to Akashi. Furihata was also fidgeting a lot in his seat, his eyes never stopped looking suspiciously at everything that moved. It was their first date under the sun and already, the Seirin player was regretting it.

"Kouki, drink your hot chocolate". Furihata let out a surprised squeak and after regaining his composure, he picked up the mug and blew at the surface before sipping slowly.

"Your complexion is pale. Why are you nervous?" asked Akashi in a demanding tone.

"U…Um because we are still in Tokyo and… and we could have run into my friends", said Furihata nervously.

"Would you prefer if you come to Kyoto instead?"

"Eh, I don't have money to travel there at all… And it is very far".

Tokyo and Kyoto… It hit Furihata like a brick when he realized how far of a distance between the two prefectures were. A word of apology slipped his tongue and he felt bad for making Akashi traveled all the way to Tokyo to see him than dating someone in the same area where they could be together all the time. Akashi wasn't expecting the apology and with a slight confusion, albeit composed, he asked.

"Why are you apologizing, Kouki?"

"Seijuurou-san, I… I'm sorry for making you come all the way here".

"You don't have to apologize, Kouki. I come here on my own free will", said Akashi.

"Even so, I feel bad. I… I mean for everything up until now", Furihata said.

"Kouki, I see you on my own free will. I know that the letter and the confession were not meant for me but I still demand that you see me every weekend like what you are doing now. I am the one causing you trouble. You have my apology".

"Eh?" Furihata's eyes widened. Akashi knew? Then why was he still with him?

"Nothing slips my eyes, Kouki. I am not dim. If anything, I can read people's thought and actions easily".

"But if Seijuurou-san knew, you don't have to force yourself to be in a relationship with me".

"Kouki", Akashi firmly called his name, his gaze locking with Furihata's own. The sunglasses was blocking him from the brown eyes behind it and it irked Akashi very much. Akashi leaned forward, reached out for the sunglasses and snapped it into half but not once was he letting go of Furihata's gaze.

"I don't need a reason to see you. Be with me. My words are absolute".

"But I don't know you that well", Furihata argued.

"Take your time knowing me. Fall in love little by little until you are a part of me".

Furihata chuckled. "Seijuurou-san is surprisingly cheesy".

"Then, I will surprise you with more details in the future", Akashi smirked.

"P…Please take care of me", Furihata looked away to hide his embarrassment when he realized that there was a future that Akashi was hoping to have with him in the picture. Akashi leaned back and relaxed. For now he would just enjoy the view of a humble basketball player – a very, very cute one.

It was like their wedding night. There was only tenseness that he couldn't explain and it made Furihata, who was in his bathrobe to want to just pack and leave. He glanced sideways to where Akashi was, slightly nervous to see Akashi with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Furihata had also caught glimpse of Akashi's body. Sure, Akashi was a man like him too but with all the muscles built and curved at the right places, his own body couldn't even compare. Furihata had also showered and while waiting for Akashi to be done with his, he had taken a long time to think everything over. He was still debating whether to pursue with the episode or to just abandon everything and ran when Akashi finished with his shower, standing still in the position he was currently at. Furihata was even more on the edge when Akashi suddenly sat next to him.

"Kouki", Akashi said in a low tone. Furihata couldn't stop the blush from coming and it spread to his ears. Just a change in the tone and Akashi had rendered him mortified beyond speech. Akashi saw his silence as an opening and the Rakuzan captain reached out to caress Furihata's cheek. Furihata shut his eyes tightly and he was surprised that Akashi's touch was actually pleasant.

"Kouki, look at me", Akashi said, tilting the other boy's chin. Furihata opened his eyes slightly and a long discomfort moan escaped his lips when Akashi suddenly kissed him on the lips. Furihata subconsciously parted his mouth and Akashi probed deeper to leave the boy breathless. With tongue heavily exploring, he pushed Furihata down without parting their lips and Akashi took a slight pleasure in cutting Furihata's need to breathe a little. He licked the boy's lips and tugged Furihata's head to the side to nape on the exposed neck. Akashi did one thing that any lover would do in his position; he left his mark on Furihata to repel any insects that dared to even look at his 'Kouki'.

"Nggghhh", Furihata moaned slightly. In fact, with his heart drumming so fast against his chest, he felt like he would die just from being kissed and marked. Did he take the right step to be involved with Akashi? What would his teammates say if they found out about his scandalous relationship?

"Kouki, I don't have a second thought about you and you shouldn't about me", Akashi whispered in his ears.

"I- I don't know what I should do, Seijuurou-san", Furihata muttered but Akashi was having none of his confusion moment. The captain locked their lips once again, his finger tracing Furihata's hardened member.

"For now, just focus on me", said Akashi once he let go of Furihata's lips. Akashi wrapped his fingers around Furihata's cock, sliding his grasp up and down. He watched carefully Furihata's pleasured face – a trail of hot shimmering tear slid down the cheeks when Akashi fondled with both the length and Furihata's ball.

"Mine… So cute, Kouki", he whispered in a low tone once again. Furihata didn't want to be the only one feeling the pleasure as it would be unfair to Akashi. His hand sneaked underneath Akashi's towel, grabbed the half erected members and started to do the same movement Akashi was doing to him. The pace steadily increased, both grunting and moaning as they rubbed each other to oblivion.

Akashi could tell Furihata was nearing his climax when the hot member throbbed painfully and he too was already nearing his own when he pressed his lips against Kouki's own and stuck his tongue in. Let them die if they had too, he thought as he rejected the oxygen they needed- dying together like this would probably turned to be a bliss for the both of them. Then, Furihata came, his abdomen curling as he shoot the load out. Akashi followed soon after, in which he collapsed on Furihata's side from the climax, panting to get his breath back.

Furihata looked at him dazedly. He had never felt like he was going to die for real but for some reason, he didn't mind dying if Akashi was there. The notion came as a surprised to him. Another realization before even sorting out his feeling – he had a lot of homework to do about Akashi and himself. He pressed his forehead on Akashi's shoulder.

"I… I will think about this later", he whispered quietly before falling asleep.

"You look happy today, Furihata-kun", Kiyoshi complimented, "did something good happen during the weekend?"

Furihata gave him a small smile. "I wonder", he answered to Kiyoshi. Akashi had been good to him after the little activity they had on Saturday night and he even got a short repeat when he woke up the next morning. Then, they had breakfast at the hotel and parted ways at eleven in the morning since Akashi had to return to Kyoto for his team's evening practice. It had been good and he was satisfied.

"I bet something did happen with his girlfriend", Riko smirked knowingly.

"Coach, it's… yeah maybe", he couldn't deny the truth.

"You have a girlfriend? Why didn't I know about this?" Hyuuga rushed over to join the group. He was angry that the junior had scored a date earlier than him. Furihata didn't let anything slip and he just smiled. After all, Akashi Seijuurou is his dirty little secret, his and only his alone.