A/N: I don't own Hetalia. I just play with it. Anyway, if you have a particular nation you want to see in this fanfiction, please PM me or comment. On to the story!

The Fear of a Nation

Year: 2094

This meeting was not quite like any other that had every been called before. That's because it concerned EVERYBODY. Everyone, from Japan to Austria to even Mexico was deeply afraid.

America, obviously, was afraid too, but good luck getting him to admit it.

Germany cleared his throat. "I'm sure everyone's heard our situation, but I'll just repeat it so we're all on the same page: an American, a Japanese, and a Czech scientist collaborated to create a machine that makes our worst fears tangible in a reality all our own in hopes of finding a way to conquer those fears. We will ALL have our turns with this machine. There are no exceptions, substitutions, or postpones. Clear?"

Britain raised his hand. "How exactly does this all work?"

"You're aware of those virtual- reality games?" Germany inquired. All the nations nodded their heads yes. "It works much on that principle. Your mind will be transported to a reality where it is you, your abilities, and your worst fears. There will be one stage of this. The machine will not be turned off until you have conquered your fears." "When will this start?" Mexico asked. "It begins next Sunday. Russia will be going first." The other nations shifted or glanced at each other nervously. "You will not know when you are going or the order of events until it is your turn. Not even I am privy to that information," Germany finished regretfully.

"Germany-san, could you clarify what "worst fear" entails?" Japan requested carefully. "They said it would be a myth or legend from our culture, like a movie or urban legend, or a personal fear we have from our past experiences," Germany said. America and Japan both visibly paled. England could tell America was imagining a Slender- Man scenario or perhaps a Paranormal Activity type thing. He wondered what would happen when his turn came along. What about France? Or Russia? Germany? What could they possibly be afraid of?

England's stomach churned uncomfortably. What could be in store for them all? And how would they be affected when it was all over? "Russia, report here at nine a.m. Appoint someone to take over your day to day duties and leave your pipe at home." Russia made a disgruntled noise at the order to leave home the pipe, but verbalized no objections. "What happens if we fail?" Yao asked.

"You don't fail, Yao. You complete the task, or you die. This test is
designed to assist natural selection. If you cannot control yourself and your fears, you will be deemed unfit to be the personification of a nation. What happens after that, I don't know. But I can guess."

A/N: Thank you to The Goliath Beetle for commenting on my other fanfic God of Gods. There are some nations that will definitely be in this fic, but again, please please comment if you have one you really want to see.

