Hi everyone ! Here I let you the 3rd chapter ! I know I should keep preparing my exams, but I can't help it, I wanted to write the next chapter xDD So I did, I hope you will appreciate !
Like usual it's my dear friend who corrected the chapter ! I thanks her again for her amazing work :)

Enjoy !

The confession didn't surprise Law in the least. Quite the contrary actually. He realized he'd almost been expecting something along the lines. He lost count of the number of nights he'd lain awake, searching for a plausible explanation, and a smart man like him knew the Red Arrows accident and Eustass' sudden predicament had something to do with each other. He stared at the other man sternly, his fingers mechanically bringing the cup of cooling coffee to his lips.

"So you saved this baby from the collapsing building. A random baby." The fact that the child wasn't related to Eustass became clearer in Law's mind and he quickly silenced the small burst of relief.

To normal people, Eustass' actions would be seen as those of a hero. He sacrificed his safety to protect the baby, even while chased by the Marines. He saved an innocent life from certain death. But Law wasn't like the others. He was the pessimistic kind, the sort who mostly saw the glass half empty. This was not to be the exception to the rule.

"You are a selfish man, mister Eustass. You let her parents die in horrible circumstances and saved her without thinking of the consequences of your actions. Imagine for one second that I hadn't been your neighbour. What would you have done then? Better yet, what will you tell her when she's older and she starts asking questions? Will you calmly explain to her that you chose to let her family and more than three hundred people die in agony but not her, simply because she was a baby girl? Only because of your repulsive love of little girls?" Law's tone was dry and he spoke in a matter-of-fact-way which Eustass didn't like in the least.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Eustass jumped to his feet, sending the chair toppling over to the floor with a loud thud, and violently banged his fist against the table. "I don't like little girls! I'm not a pedophile or whatever the fuck you're imagining!" His eyes were murderous and if looks could kill, Law would have been choking on his own blood right about then.

"Inviting little girls in your own home and offering them lollipops? That's not the stereotypical behaviour of a child abuser at all, I'm sure." Law met Eustass' glare evenly, his sarcasm making it abundantly clear that he wasn't intimidated by the other man.

"What?! You don't even know me! I was just being nice to them! I didn't touch these girls! That's fucking sick!"

"So explain to me why you were staring daggers after me when I took them to my garden? Looked like you were angry because I took away your dinner."

"Shut up! I was pissed off because you said I was the devil himself!"

"And you're not?" Law took another sip from his cup, his calm completely unrattled by the other's rage. It only served to add more fuel to Eustass' already blazing inferno.

"Yes! I mean, no! I didn't do anything to any kids! You're getting on my nerves Trafalgar!"

"The door of my home is still open you know."

Eustass scowled, knowing he'd lost that battle but unwilling to end the confrontation just yet. Finally, with an angry grunt, he turned and left the kitchen without another word. Law chose to remain seated, calmly finishing his coffee until a little alarm beeped, sign that the baby bottle was ready. He rinsed his empty cup and left it on the sink counter to dry while he took the baby bottle, making sure to test its temperature before pronouncing it ready for his princess. . He walked slowly to his living room, half expecting to see Eustass there but there was no sign of him and Law couldn't remember hearing any doors opening or closing. 'Weird'. Deciding his princess was far more important than his creepy guest, he took the baby carefully from the enormous play pen he bought, then moved to sit on the couch, bringing the bottle to her pink lips. She gave a happy gurgle to show her appreciation before beginning her morning feast. His eyes roamed over her face lovingly and he remembered the little princess will be five months soon. He planned to buy her some new toys, though he doubted anything could take the place of her favourite teddy. Unfortunately while he lost himself in thoughts about gifts, his mind strayed and he ended up thinking of Eustass once more. Was it wise to let him live in his house? With the baby? Yes, the monster was brutal, violent, rude, stupid and Law was sure he could go on listing his flaws but was afraid he'd be there all day, yet despite all that he couldn't forget the vision of a gentle Eustass playing with the baby girl. Not to mention, Law had exams soon and he couldn't take her with him. He sighed in resignation. Perhaps he had no choice but trust Eustass, though the idea filled him with dread. Meanwhile, the girl finished her meal and began squirming in Law's arms, demanding for her teddy. He kissed her forehead then gave her the plushy. He let her back in the play pen, a small smile stretching on his lips when she immediately forgot about him and concentrated on her toys. Now he had to clean the house, a ritual he usually underwent every morning and evening. He allowed himself to be swept by his deep thoughts again as he vacuumed around the play pen. So Law conceded to letting Eustass live in his house but there was no way he would let that wild animal disturb his daily lifestyle. He had only three rooms upstairs: his office, his bathroom and his bedroom which he shared with the girl. Where was he even to put Eustass? The answer hit him like a bolt of ingenuity from on high while cleaning the toilet with bleach. He grinned, pleased with himself. He practically skipped down the stairs and started searching for the red-head. After looking all over his house and found nobody, except for the girl who was hugging the teddy to her chest tightly, he stepped outside in his front garden. Eustass was sitting on the grass, clearly still fuming while smoking in an attempt to calm his fragile nerves.

"Mister Eustass, care to stop polluting my well-kept grass with your tobacco and follow me? I have something to show you. Hurry now." He clapped his hands, knowing the bigger man would find it highly irritating.

Said man muttered something under his breath, too low for Law to understand, but he rightly guessed it was some sort of vulgar insult at his address. Law was quite amused to see this terrifying man obey him, albeit still muttering, so he went back to the living room to take the baby only to return back to the garden. He could tell Eustass was wondering why it was necessary for him to follow but before he had a chance to voice his questions, Law walked towards an old door and opened it. Eustass hadn't even noticed it before. The door opened to reveal a dark space before Law took a step inside to flip a lamp to life. Eustass saw it was a dusty abandoned room with one small window in the right corner, so dirty it was impossible to see through. Law was smiling triumphantly and Eustass had a very bad feeling about this...

"Mister Eustass, welcome to your new room. There's a couch for you to sleep on, a little table for your daily needs and even some old books, which I guess will be useless for someone who is illiterate. There's also some old stuff, papers and a broken motorcycle which belonged to my dad. I do hope you'll appreciate my accepting you to live under my roof."

Eustass didn't know how to react. Naturally, he hadn't expected Law to let him live for free in his home but he was disappointed to be rejected and confined in that garage, like he had the plague. The fact that he would be far from the baby didn't surprise him. Law had made it perfectly clear he didn't trust him around her though his thoughts as to why were absurd. He scratched the back of his neck, buying himself a few seconds before answering.

"Well... Thanks." 'I think', but he didn't speak that last part.

"I know I'm a saint for not kicking your moronic ass in the street. You may come in for lunch. See you." He disappeared quickly before Eustass had time to even open his mouth, let alone say anything on the subject.

The tall man let loose a defeated huff of air. He entered the room and immediately went into a fit of coughing after inhaled the thick dust, courtesy of weeks of neglect. He opened the door and the grimy window wide to let the fresh air in. The couch was old and looked uncomfortable as fuck, nothing like the one he'd slept on the previous night. When Eustass sat down he felt like he was sitting on rocks. He wasn't exactly a light man and he wondered if the couch would break under his weight. He quickly stood up and glanced at it, half expecting it to crumble right there and then, noticing it had once been red but was now grey due to all the settled dust. Then his eyes glanced to the motorcycle and he studied it in silence for a brief moment. He didn't recognize the brand. It looked ancient and he doubted the engine would ever start again. It was a monster of a machine and he guess it had once been white, but it was hard to tell under all that rust. He decided to take a closer look later, if he found the time.

For the next three days Law barely saw Eustass and when he did, it was only because the guy sought food. In all honesty, he felt rather bored and perhaps a tiny bit disappointed, though he firmly denied that last part even to himself. He'd assumed the other man would do something idiotic and give him a reason to start a confrontation, certain stupidity was as necessary to his existence as oxygen, but no. Eustass had been on his best behaviour. He stayed in the garage all day long, doing God knew what. Sunday arrived and Law was vacuuming the stairs when he peaked at his watch and realized it was nearly 7:35 pm. "I should take a shower". He managed to climb a total of two stairs before he realised something else which had completely escaped him, even though he was a clean maniac. Shock, anger and disgust all washed over him in quick succession, halting his advance completely. He forgot the vacuum on the stairs and stormed to the garage, leaving the girl securely in her play pen, and rapped his knuckles furiously against Eustass' new door. The man in question opened, his confusion clear for all to see. His puzzlement didn't ease when he saw Law practically ready to charge him, especially since he had no idea what he could have possibly done in the last three day for this sort of open hostility. Heck, he'd been a model citizen which was pretty damn impressive for him.

"Mister Eustass! Answer one question if you please. How many days have you spent in my house?" He was really furious and Eustass answered automatically, disarmed by the unexpected force of Law's emotions.

"I don't know, this night will be the fifth I think."

"And do you honestly not see any problem here?!"

"No...because you accepted me a-" Eustass was confused, something which didn't happen to him an awful lot and he didn't much care for it.

"No! No! No! You're missing my point altogether! It's been five fucking days since you moved in with me and during that stretch of time I graciously allowed you to enter my kitchen and even sit on my couch. Still don't see where this is going?" The other man shook his head, too perplexed to say anything. "Well you're about to. I don't remember seeing you take a shower one fucking time!" The brunet pinched the bridge of his own nose, collecting his breath for a second, before reaching to pull on Eustass' ear, like an admonishing mother "You are absolutely disgusting! Up until this point I thought you were an animal but now I realize you're even worse, since even an animal would have some sort of understanding as regards to basic hygiene. Come and take a shower quickly before I really lose my temper and kick you out!" He was already in the process of pushing Eustass towards the bathroom, his anger giving him the strength to move a man nearly twice his size. The red-head didn't protest, being far too busy attempting to hide his laugh by biting his lower lip. "You dirty pig! You better start getting in the habit of cleaning up every day because I don't want a pig to live here!" He pushed Eustass inside the bathroom. "Take everything you need, shampoo, razor, I don't know, but when you get out from there I want you to smell as good as my red roses! And be quick! I want to take my shower too." He slammed the door and a moment later Eustass heard the sound of the vacuum.

Seriously, Law couldn't believe how repulsive that guy was. He, the clean maniac, took two showers a day, after cleaning the house. It was like a ritual for him. It was important for him to feel clean. The very thought of staying one entire day without bathing was making him feel ill, but five days... A horrible shiver went down his spine. His rage began to calm slowly when he heard the sound of the shower running. He listened to the calming pitter-patter of the water droplets hitting the immaculate shower floor and took a deep breath. When his thoughts began to function somewhat normally again he had this sudden feeling he forgot to tell Eustass about something... He couldn't remember what, but the nagging feeling was there. Meanwhile, Eustass finally allowed himself to laugh but not loud enough for Trafalgar to hear. He bent over with the force of it and felt his stomach clench. Actually, Eustass didn't stay in that stupid garage all day. He went to town without telling his host. He went to his best friend's house, to talk about business and stuff like that, and took showers there. He had plans to make which Law didn't need to know about yet... But that wasn't the reason why he didn't tell Law about going to town. He kept his mouth shut because if he knew about Eustass' friend he would kick him out, finding justification for his actions without burdening his precious conscience. Eustass wouldn't be able to stay near the baby... Seeing the brunet blow his shit over trivial things was just a hilarious bonus. He wiped away the tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes and undressed. Once in the shower, he let the hot water fall on his muscular and powerful body. He grabbed a random shampoo and washed his bloody hair, for a second time that day. When he was finished, he glanced down and found a razor, perfect for shaving the stubble which began to grow along his jaw. He soaped his entire body and cleansed it with a torrent of extremely hot water which almost burned his pale skin. He heard a knock on the door and turned his head to see Law enter with a neatly folded bundle of clothes. He explained it was a clean pair of boxer shorts and a towel as quickly as he could without tripping over his own words before dashing out of the bathroom, like a rabbit making a run for it after foolishly entering the lion's den.

Eustass stepped out of the shower, leaving puddles of water behind him as he walked towards the orange fluffy towel and began drying his skin. His flesh acquired a red glow due to the boiling temperature of the water. Once dry, he turned his attention to the provided shorts and immediately realized they were too small for him... His crotch felt uncomfortably constricted and he found it miraculous the material didn't rip. He sighed. "Who the fuck can wear those? Dwarfs? Kids? Really..." Suddenly the door opened and Eustass whirled to see an awkward Law shifting his weight from foot to foot, obviously uncomfortable. Perhaps that was because he was only wearing a towel around his hips...

"What the fuck do you want?" Eustass asked in his usually polite fashion.

"Tell me, did you use a razor to shave?" It wasn't like Law to be so vague and that should have been enough to ring Eustass' alarm bell, but he was oblivious to it.

"Yeah. Why? You said I could so I used the one in the shower."

That was the final straw for Law. He tried desperately to hold in his fits of laughter but he failed miserably and when he turned back to the uncomprehending red-head, he was clutching his stomach much as Eustass himself had been a little while back. 'No... Don't laugh or he'll kill you.'

"Why's that funny?" Eustass growled, his irritation plain to see. He hated being the bud of a joke, especially when he had no clue as to what the joke even was.

"No... It's not..." But Law's mirth told another story...

"Tell me or I punch you in the face! I hate when someone's making fun of me!" His strong hands settled on Law's shoulders in what was supposed to be an intimidating action but the brunet burst into a fresh wave of laughter.

"Ok, but promise not to hit me! I forgot to tell you something..." He trailed off and Kidd shook him, not too harshly.

"Tell me what?! Spill it already!"

"Not to shave your face with the razor in the shower because it's the one I use for my...how do I put this delicately?... genitals..."

Eustass' face when suddenly pale, the acquired heat from the shower cooling in the snap of a finger, and his eyes opened impossibly wide. He yanked Law by the throat and lifted him off the ground, his face becoming red once more but this time from chaotic fury.

"Are you fucking telling me that I shaved my face with your dick razor?!"

"Yes... Quite funny isn't it? Now put me down or I call the Marines if you hit me." He smiled sweetly but the threat was real enough and they both knew it.

Eustass scowled but did as he was told when an idea popped into his mind. He grinned in a way which made Law very uncomfortable.

"But what kind of man shaves their genitals?" He was implying a gay man and Law rolled his eyes, having already anticipated this obvious jibe at his masculinity.

"That's the difference between you and I, man and stupid under-developed gorilla." He smiled again but Eustass' grin only became larger. Not the reaction Law had expected and he managed to hide how unsettling it was.

Said gorilla got closer to the far thinner Law and, with one flick of his wrist, yanked the towel from Law's hips away, leaving him completely exposed. The latter immediately attempted to hide his manhood with his hands, his expression caught somewhere between a shocked gawk and a murderous glare.

"What's your probl-?!"

Eustass grasped Law's wrists and pulled them up, pressing them into the wall, one on each side of Law's head. The brunet became afraid and couldn't quite stop the shivers of fear moving along his body like electric shocks. His hands tightened into fists while the other openly compared the size of their two members.

"It looks like there's only one man here..." Eustass smirked, clearly proud of himself. He was sure it was crystal who truly had the advantage here from now but he wasn't done until he made Law admit it.

"Shut up!" Law's face was blushing furiously with embarrassment, his fear instantly replaced with anger.

"That's cute." Eustass easily held both of Law's wrists with one hand and he moved the other along his jaw line, his fingers playing with the man's goatee.

"Let me go." He didn't try to fight because he knew the difference in physical power was too great between them but his cold eyes promised one hell of a payback.

"Only if you ask me nicely, baby boy ~" Eustass' taunts clearly hit the mark when Law's blush turned ten shades darker.

"Asshole! I'm not a ba-! I mean, please mister Eustass...let me go..." He tried to mask his rage but he wasn't fooling anyone.

"I like when people talk to me that way..." Hell, he liked to feel superior. And Law noticed that. He finally let the smaller man go and walked out of the bathroom without a care in the world while laughing in that despicable way that Law was getting used to but still hated.

The brunet felt humiliated. It was the first time someone did something like that to him. He walked to the shower and let the hot water immerse his body. "Is it even legal to have an oversized cock like that?!.." Yes, he felt humiliated and he felt like all his masculinity had disappeared in the blink of an eye... He took his sweet time but eventually he had to leave the comfort of the shower and he turned the faucets off with a heavy heart.

He crept back to his bedroom and dressed in a baggy sport suit, as if ashamed of his body all of a sudden. After drying his hair he went to see the only thing which could comfort him, no matter the situation. "My darling princess..." He took her from her bed and he hugged her, then kissed her on the temple. She was sleepy and didn't really react to Law's presence but her existence was enough for him.

"Should I kick out that animal after what he did to me?"

Wowowow, hot moment spotted xDDD
As you can see I changed my name from Sashiimi to = Mademoiselle Nabu. So don't panic about it.
I hope you liked this chapter, I can't tell you when the next will be published (My exams are from 10 June to 26 June) I have to control myself from writing to study more lol
Please letting a review will always be cool for me, even bad one ! :D
See you in the next episode ~

Mademoiselle Nabu.