Title: My three annoying teachers

Universe: High school meaning none Naruto/ninja universe.

Summary: It was cliche. It was forbidden. It was also kind of kinky. Yet here they were, teachers and friends competing over a student. An honor student no less. They had to be insane yet somehow they just didn't care anymore. (I'm pretty sure someone helped me writing the summary and edit a bit of the story, but I don't remember right now .)

Rating: M (For future lemons and cussing, ehm :P )

Status: Non completed, will be a multi-chaptered story.

Parings: SakuAka and some Sakucentric(meaning other than the akatsuki may appear such as Kakashi, Haku, Gaara, Kiba etc) but main focus on SakuSaso, SakuDei, and SakuIta. (but that doesn't mean the other sakura parings won't have screen time, 'cause they will have screen time with our dear blossom. xD)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or their characters, but this plot-idea is mine alone! XD ( I haven't read anything like this! Well I don't think I have...have you?)

Sakura's schedule;


8-9.10 am Mathematics

9.20-10.40 am History

10.50-12 am self studies

12-12.40 am lunch

12.40-14.40 pm art


Home studies


(the other days, with her schedule will be updated soon!)

My three annoying teachers

chapter 1; second term start!

Now it was my second year of high school. I was a seventeen year old girl, but my mom liked to call me an adult teenager while I was convinced I was not near stature. Sure I had a smart brain, but I could act childish when I felt like it. I wasn't fond of adults, standing next to one made me feel inexperience. So, why not act like the child you are?

I was on my way to school. An ordinary high school, really. The only thing that was different with just our school was that all the teachers were male, although the school was for both sexes. There were three teachers who annoyed me the most out of everyone at the school. I could not understand why I was so angry, turning mad with rage by just looking at them. I had them last year and now I hoped that I would be free from their clutches. But no, he up there has never liked me so why should he listen to my prayers now?

Well let me start with my math teacher Uchiha Itachi. I knew who his brother was and I confess that I had feelings for him and that was some years back when we were kids. My feelings for him has subsided. Sasuke ignored me and acted like a jerk towards my younger years. Now I didn't exchange a word with him, he wasn't worth my precious time. Anyway, why I didn't like Itachi was that he always had cold eyes (like his younger brother), he showed emptiness on the outside, and probably there was nothing inside either, just darkness. That was what I believed and still he had not shown me wrong, so maybe I was correct the entire time?

Then there exists my history teacher Akasuna Sasori. Now this man was nothing as cold as Itachi, he would actually speak (more than Itachi anyways) to the students, explaining and such. But, he did had a kind of temper while Itachi was just cold and Sasori-sensei never seemed interested in helping us, it looked like he wanted to be left alone, and not disturbed. Sometimes I could swear I heard him mutter some ungrateful things about having stupid students. Thank god I never needed any help, well when I did, I spoke to a teacher who would actually be kind, and help me. And this teacher was a school nurse even though he was male, but he did look like a girl; he had long, smooth, dark hair while for his eyes had a brown shade, and his skin was a silky white. The school nurse was indeed a male, you could tell when you heard his voice. It was dark and masculine.

The third teacher, compared to the other two, was much kinder to us. He taught art. Art was my favorite subject next to athletics, I have always had a thing for running. It made all my thoughts go away until it would flow into my head once more. Getting back to the main subject shall we, as I said before I adore art, especially drawing. Drawing was one of my talents and that was mostly all I did on art class. Once, on a Thursday evening Deidara-sensei confronted me, and asked me to do a sculpture. He told me he would be so kind and teach me. I of course declined, sculptures weren't my thing, and beside it was just so hard. It annoyed the hell out of me when he did it so easily while I sucked and couldn't even make a ball out of the stupid clay. That was only a small pice of why he annoyed the shit out of me. Deidara-sensei was the only teacher that flirted with students on campus. It disgusted me so, every time my eyes looked their way I was near puking.

That was my three very annoying teachers. My first lesson had to be math with Itachi-sensei. Bleh, hated to call them for sensei, they didn't even act like a proper teacher should be! But what can I say about it, even the headmaster didn't listen to a word I said. Probably cause he had known those three, and the rest of the teachers all his life or something like that. I couldn't even remember his name, maybe cause I never did spoke to him, expect for that time when I tried to make them all three suspended from the school grounds. Of course, as usual it didn't go my way. I stopped trying to talk some sense into that principal. I'll have to just make a ticket of my own for them to leave.

This wasn't the time and place to talk about my teachers. My class would start in five minutes, I noticed when I side glanced at my watch which was tight around my right wrist.

'It's your own fault Saku,' this person here was my inner, another personality tucked into my mind.

"Shut up," I said sternly, I wasn't up for her little games.

'Suit yourself, but remember dear, I'll never leave you as I am you,' inner could be pretty much creepy and sometimes I really wished I wouldn't be hearing from her. Talking to yourself at any place and time would be told as abnormally. If anyone saw me and heard what I said to myself they would think I'm crazy. And I was probably insane. Of course I'm nuts when you're actually talking to another person that resided in your mind and will probably never go away and leave you alone. Such was my life with a different personality living in my brain alongside with myself.

'Oh and Saku-chan~ Two minutes until the gate closes and you'll be late to Itachi-senseis class. Hopefully we will get a detention in the first time of our lives! Oh, and, and he can be naughty to us too, right?' I forgot to mention that she was a sex-maniac, while I was nothing like her.

Remembering that I would be late, I started running towards the gate almost shutting. I fastened my speed and made through it barely. I halted my steps and breathed in all the air my lungs could muster. It was a long time since I had a good run to school which would take my breath away. I was just glad I made it in time, now it was the classroom left on my list. Whatever I do, I would clearly be late. The classroom was far from the entrance to the school building and you needed to walk on many stairs as well.

Breathing normally now, I trudged over to the entrance doors of the high school. As soon I stood outside of it I pulled the two big doors aside and slipped inside swiftly. To no surprise the corridors were vacant of any person, meaning class has already started. To make sure of how much the time was I looked at my watch.

"8.05 am," only five minutes late so far, hopeful it wouldn't get to ten minutes or fifteenth.

I continued my way to the classroom, stepping on the stairs, walking to the next floor. Though my class resided on the third floor. I had one more staircase to go. When I finally got of the stairs to the third floor I saw my classroom's door open. It surprised me for a bit as it would always be closed at 8 am. Maybe I was lucky and the teacher hadn't even come yet. My legs started moving towards to the room in a slow pace.

I came to a stop outside of the classroom,"Inner," I whispered beneath my breath with a tinned blush across my cheeks, recalling what she told me earlier. "what exactly do you mean that Itachi-sensei will be naughty?"

'finally,' the other person heaved a tired sigh at me. 'I thought you wouldn't remember Saku-chan. That you forgot about me! But thank god you got it through our head. What I meant was let sleep with him, maybe he's awesome in bed? What do ya think Outer-chan?' at some very odd reason I could hear the smug smirk in the meaning of her words.

I immediately felt my heart race and my cheeks heat up. "I won't sleep with him, ever in my life will I do. He's a teacher and I am a student, do you really think we could be together? And besides I told you already I don't even like Itachi-sensei," I muttered angrily and embarrassed, I thought I got used to her rants but apparently I did not.

"Well," I heard a cough coming in front of me, nervously I bent up my head and was met with black ice-cold orbs. I gulped down the saliva in my mouth and kept silent. "you do not need to like me Haruno-san, but is that a reason to skip my class?"

"I-I wasn't really skipping..." I mumbled quietly.

"What was that Haruno-san?" his eyes were locked to mine, it felt like he looked through my very soul and they were so cold and empty, showing nothingness. It scared me how he could be so empty and at the same time terrifying. It was always hard to see when he was in a bad mood, but now I could feel a dark aura leaking out from him.

"N-nothing s-sir!" I shrieked due to being startled. His presence was overwhelming yet he snuck up on me so easily. It made him that much more intimidating.

Him inspecting me before speaking again didn't help either. "Come to my office after school let's out for the day. If you understand then I suggest you hurry to your next class." I would never complain about him being silent again. Hearing him talk so much made him seem like a predator who no longer hid himself from his pray simply because there was no longer a need. The prey was cornered and the predator sounded like he was gloating.

I nodded, though what he was saying didn't register until I walked into the classroom to find that nobody was there. What the hell? I looked up at him questioning the situation. Our eyes locked for what seemed like a century before I had to look away. His eyes were so cold I thought they might freeze.

Then the weirdest thing happened. He put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me until I was back out of the classroom. His touch seemed like such an intimate one that it has easily danced on the border of inappropriate. He looked down at me and bent down till his breath washed over my ear as he spoke. "My class has already ended, Sakura-san."

"I-I-I see." His presence and his touch were overpowering me and making me stammer despite being someone who had never stuttered till now. I'd never been singled out like this.

"If I recall correctly, your next class is with Sasori-san on the first floor." His breath was still tickling my ear. "If you don't hurry you'll be late again Sakura-san."

"I-I'll b-be g-g-going now," damn me and my stuttering!

I put my hand on top of his and pulled it away, then I left, my cheeks still hot from the sensation, and hurried down the stairs.

Minutes later I was down on the first floor again. There was no sign of anyone, don't tell me I would be late again?

"This is all you're fault I'm late for history class. Stupid inner," I muttered furiously, having her in my mind made my life worser than it already was.

Now when I think about it, I'm glad Itachi didn't hear my whole sentence. What would happen if he did? Detention or worse kill me? I guess I got lucky. What big luck I have, haha. I should stop being sarcastic...

'What? It was your own fault. How could you say that about a hot and stunning man like Itachi! You can't be me, how could you not fall for that beauty?' there she was again, ranting on like usual.

"That was not what I meant..." I growled maniacally below my breath. "Don't make this harder then it already is!"

'Whatever... Hey if you keep on talking with me won't you be late to that hot red head's lesson? Maybe he'll give us detention too! And then rape us,' I sighed at inner for being such a sex-maniac.

"I doubt that Sasori would do that," I told her with a small nod of my own.

"Do what Haruno?" I felt a dark presence loam behind me, his voice sounding like a poisonous snake. I was for big trouble now and it's all thanks to my other lovely personality. I so loved being sarcastic.

"N-nothing," I uttered in surprise.

"Then tell me your reason for skipping my class, Haruno. If the reason is good enough I won't let you sit behind after school. " he said with a bored tone as he got in front of me and blocked my view.

"Um..." I hesitated to answer. How could I tell him that it's cause I've been talking with another personality in my head and I forgot the time. He would think I was crazy to talk with myself. " I have no reason to skip your class Sasori-sensei." I was banging my head mentally against an invisible wall for not coming up with a better excuse.

"Then see me after school and bring your books, you may go now," he sounded annoyed, I bet he had something else planned and now he had to deal with me. Why am I so stupid, he'll kill me painfully now!

"Sasori-sensei," I said nervously and gained his attention, his eyes looked impatiently. He never did like waiting in the first place and here I was lingering. "I have to go and see Itachi-sensei too..."

"So it wasn't only my class that was skipped, Haruno? Very well. you can meet me as soon you're done there."

"Thank you," I bowed my respect even if I didn't respect him at all!

I couldn't be that girl I always was in class, like ignoring their help and glare at them trough the corner of my eyes. Face to face was to much for me, it was easier afar.

As my head was lowered, I heard footsteps echoing trough the ground until it disappeared completely.

"There he was gone, now I need to go to Kakashi-sensei's class," I murmured and started to run around in the corridors until I was finally there. The clock was 10.48 am, just in time for the lesson to begin. I entered the classroom and saw all my classmates. A girl with long blond hair held in a high pony tail waved at me. I then proceeded to go there.

"Hi Sakura," she greeted with a bright smile.

"Hi Ino," I nodded in acknowledgment.

"What's been up with you girl? You missed both Itachi-sensei and Sasori-sensie's classes!" she said loudly enough for my ears to bleed.

I covered my palm over her mouth and hushed her quietly while looking around the room incase anyone was listening. It seemed like no one heard, thankfully for Ino. I returned my green eyes on her blue ones. It looked like she mumbled something, I retreated my hand back so I was able to hear her talking.

"Damn you Sakura," she huffed, her lungs probably lacked of air. "and besides they already know you have skipped class or whatever you did."

I glared at her. "That doesn't mean you need to shout so loudly Ino-pig!"

"Forehead-girl," she shot back towards me and flared a winning smirk at my face.

We called ourselves by names when we argued, though even if we argue a lot she's still the best friend I could ever have.

"Class," our self studies' teacher called us out from our argument. "start studding now and Haruno Sakura-san, Itachi-san and Sasori-san want you to work on your math problems along with your history assignment."

Our self studies teacher was named Kakashi-sensei and he never really bothered with us. He always let us do whatever we wanted to do. It was something odd with him, he always wore a mask across his face expect for his gray eyes and he had gray hair. Talk about old... but he was only in his twenties or so I've heard.

"Yes," I yelled back and sighed. My eyes turned to Ino with tiredness. "already got an history assignment?" I asked her while I looked down to look for my bag but couldn't find it. "Ino do you know where my bag is?"

"Yes we have, Sasori-sensei said that we'll be punished if we wouldn't give it back in time. Oh and the due is this week on Wednesday," Ino glanced down towards me as I looked for any sign of a black leather school bag. "tch, tch Sakura you didn't enter with a bag, you were empty handed. Forgot it perhaps?"

"Damn," I swore under my breath. "How will I work on my history and math works!"

"Sucks to be you," she smirked and giggled.

"That's not funny you know! And Sasori-sensei told me to specifically bring my book with me, ugh, why me..." my shoulders slumped down in defeat.

'Omg! We will get an even greater punishment now! And hey, now when we can't do that history thing we'll get punished then too!' inner was cheering with drinking alcohol, celebrating my misfortune.

"Ugh," I groaned feeling my head throb in pain, I raised my arm high up in the air, my eyes glued to the masked teacher.

Without even looking he called my name. "Yes Sakura."

"My head hurts Kakashi-sensei. I need to go to the nurse office." I announced, my left hand massaging my throbbing head.

"You may go," at first he looked me into the eye before he agreed to it.

I said my small thanks and got up from the chair, leaving, getting out of the classroom. I sighed in relief and walked fast towards the nurse office. Thank god it was really close to the self studies classroom.

Standing outside of the half open door leading to the health room, I leaned on the door frame and scanned the room for the nurse. He wasn't there, the white room was vacant. My shoulders sunk down in place. I placed my left foot on the carpet and soon the other one joined. Moving into the room I shut the door closed behind me with a hard push of my knuckles.

'Hey,' inner came to life, oh how I loved my life. 'where's Haku? He's the only one that can make us happy and help us too! He's even more beautiful then me, ugh.'

"You mean us with that statement I suppose, inner?" my eyes hardened while my hands clenched in anger.

'No I don't. I mean me Saku, as you can see I'm more stunning then you.'

I sighed, 'this was getting quite annoying...'

'You know I can hear your thoughts right?'

"Ugh I don't care! And you told me we are the same freaking person!" I really didn't understand why her words were getting on my nerves, maybe cause I have been bullied the worse kind. I don't even want to remember...

'Ok, ok I'm sorry Saku. You are me and I am you, so we're the same.'

"When did you get so understanding?" I asked her, questions rising.

She pouted in a childish way. 'I have always been understanding, but you took no notice of it girl.'

"Well I'm sorry," I couldn't help the grin to make it's way up to my face as I rolled my eyes in a teasing manner.

I got an angry look from inner in return. It just made me burst out into giggles. Here I was laughing all alone, seeing me now I would clearly be called a maniac.

"Sakura-chan?" that voice, it was so familiar...I spun around to be met with a brown shade while his hair was black and long. The nurse had gotten back from whatever he was doing earlier.

"Haku-sensei, " I said with a dazzling smile across my red plump lips.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me with concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine," I smiled. "just got a headache sensei."

"Did something happen on your first day of school Sakura?"

"Hehe" I laughed for a bit. "Yup." I summarized my morning for him. I had expected some worry so it was no surprise when his usual concerned look flashed across his too beautiful face.

"Will there be anyone else in detention or just you?" Haku asked as he went to get some ibuprofen for my headache.

"I think just me, but what difference does it make? They'll find some way to tick me off whether someone else is there or not." I stated matter of factly.

A dark look flashed across the nurse's face for a moment. In the next instant it was gone and I thought that maybe I was imagining things. I do talk to an inner on a daily basis so it was definitely possible.

Haku made his way over to me and petted my head in a big brother fashion. "I just don't want you to be arrested for killing your own teachers." He teased.

I pouted. The way he talked you'd think I had a criminal record somewhere.

"Haku-sensei," I whined childishly, as he only laughed in response to my disbelief, and combed through my pink locks, with his fingertips. "I wouldn't kill them... Maybe hurt them, sure, but kill..." I murmured, glancing at him with my famous puppy eyes, and then an idea shot through my head, and grinned evilly towards him. "Haku-sensei, can I skip Deidara's lesson in here? Tell him, I'm sick or something, please?" I begged, faking a few tear drops leaving my eyes, as I also pretended to feel hurt.

"Sakura..." he started and I only coughed in reply, swinging to the sides of the bed, as if I would pass out any minute now. "Sakura..." He called me again, but I ignored it with an inward smirk, and fell down towards the bed, my eyes closed.

"Sensei, I'm hurting, it hurts," I repeated, throwing the back of my hand above my forehead, and faking it all. I felt curious wash over me, so I had to quirk one eye open, and glance to him. I was not surprised at all, to see that he was worried about me, and when he heaved a low sigh, I mentally cheered in my mind. I had just won this round and it made me quite happy as well. I saw how Haku-sensei, went over to grab a hold of the phone. He clicked a few buttons, before he put it to his hear, and then waited for someone to pick up.

"Ah hello Deidara-sensei, this is Haku, the nurse. I am having Haruno Sakura from your class, rest in the infirmary. She has a stomachache and feel a bit nauseous, so I do not think it is appropriate for her to join your classes, my apologizes. " with that said, Haku-sensei said his goodbies to Deidara-sensei, and hung up.

A few moments of silence passed and he turned to stare at me, with an distress expression tilting his face. "You will have to join Deidara's detention later, to be able to keep up with the class, or so he said."

I only nodded as answer, I was too tired to care that I had to go to that blonde teacher's detention too. None the less, I had an real bad feeling about all of this... Like something would happen at their detentions... They might want to break me, but I will not go down so easily, and that is for sure!

'OMFG SAKURA, I must say I really LOVE YOU, right now! I mean, first, we'll have to go to Itachi-sensei's detention, gosh that sexy guy~ I fucking want that piece of meat to myself! Really! And after that, we shall meet the red head, Sasori-sensei~ He's another piece of hottie, ain't he Sakura? And then, we have Deidara-sensei! Who wouldn't like having that guy's face close to your own,' I took notice of Inner getting back to her own little perverted word, as she explained all of her plans to me, and I only rolled my eyes to her chants.

"Like I said... I do not like any of them, stupid inner," I muttered silently, into the bedsheets, so Haku-sensei wouldn't be able to hear me.

"Sakura, I'm going out for a bit, have a good rest," he told me kindly, earning my attention, and then I saw him smile before he took off.

I smiled as well and did a small waving to him, seeing the door getting shut as he exited the room, I relaxed my shoulder blades of finally being alone. I couldn't help but feeling tensed earlier, since Haku let out an unfamiliar aura, when he had finished talking with Deidara-sensei.

'This was about time,' I thought, while stretching out my arms in the open, and yawning for a bit. 'Taking a nap, doesn't sound so bad after all.' with that thought, I stripped off of my shirt, bra, and pants, only leaving my panties on. I was a person, who could not fall asleep with clothes on, nor with a bra on. I never really liked how tight a bra was put at my breasts, oh well, I was too lazy in the moment to care, if anyone would see me like this. Haku wouldn't be back for probably awhile and rarely anyone entered the infirmary while he was gone. He after all usually put notes on the doorframe.

I made myself ready for bed, yawning a last time, and crawled beneath of the bed covers. But as I was laying there silently, trying to fall asleep, I heard the twist of the doorknob, and the dragging of the door. I did not move any of my muscles, my eyes snapped closed, and I only used my ears to listen for anything abnormal.

"There she is mhm, Sakura-chan dares to miss my class, " the familiar voice of Deidara-sensei entered my eardrums and I almost gasped out of surprises, but stopped myself before I made any sounds.

"Indeed, I have a special gift for her, since she missed my class so openly," and that was Itachi's angered voice, who would have thought, that that emotionless bastard could sound pissed! God damn it, why did my inner had to be so horrible, and destroy everything for me...

"Sakura dear, you should regret missing my lesson," Sasori stated calmly, sounding somewhat bored as he spoke, and I could feel his stare on my shielded back. "Why is her clothes lying on the floor?" he noted to himself and then chuckled slightly, making me more puzzled.

"She's naked, is that what she expected us too? Seems like our little honor student, expected this," he said with a small laugh erupting from his lungs.

"Ah, Sasori, you're right! She does look like she's fighting for us, doesn't she ?Mhm, if I knew she was a naughty girl like this, I would have already deflowered her with my essence," Deidara said with proudness hinted at his voice and I blushed at once, at the words he said about me, and himself..

'Omfg, it's finally happening! They, they're here to attack us outer-chan! They're going to sleep with us! FINALLY! I have seriously waited for this in ages!' Inner screamed inside of my head, making an headache appear beneath of my skull bones. I only growled back inwardly and clutched the bedsheets underneath of my hands.

"Well then, it is time for the show..." Itachi said, sounding cold, and deviously, to whatever would happen to me... 'Oh god, somebody help me!'

Chapter 1; end

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first chapter of this story, I have started on this one ages back, but been lazy to finish the first chapter.. So here we go, I hope you guys will enjoy reading it~

Reviewers are much appreciated! :D

And if you did enjoy it, please take a look at my other story "A life in prison", I have just updated it with the third chapter~ Much thanks and hugs from me!

Now what do you think will happen to our dear blossom? Is she in for danger or what?! Oh no! Sakura-chan! xD