Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Except my charming personality ;)
Thank You to all those you reviewed and followed/favorited! It means a lot! Please continue to review! It really builds my confidence and helps me know what people want out of this story!
Oh also on another note, I realize that some of the ways I describe ASL might be confusing. I have been taking ASL for months now so descriptions that might makes sense to me may be confusing to those who have no taken ASL. If you are interested in knowing that a sign looks like there is a website called signingsavvy . com It is not the most reliable source for looking at ASL but it is very good for basic things. If one of my signs does not match what you see there it is because there are not than one way to sign certain things!
Anyway check that out and I hope you like this chapter!
Chapter Three: All this time I was finding myself
It was hours later when Dean confronted Kadin on what was going on. Jason had left after a quick dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, and Sam had headed up stairs to shower after the three boys had watched another movie.
"What's going on?" Dean demanded as soon as Sam had left the room turning to face Kadin with unhidden panic on his face.
"Listen Dean-" Kadin started with a sigh pulling out a beer from the fridge and sitting at the kitchen table with a thump.
"No, no you don't get to 'listen Dean' me. I want to know what is wrong! You don't get to keep these things from me remember?"
"I know, I know. I just didn't want you to freak out in front of Sam." The placating voice Kadin used did nothing to calm the rattled teen and Dean started to pace his hands clenched at his sides.
"What-" Dean began
"It was the CPS" Kadin explained, cutting right to the chase.
Dean instantly froze. They hadn't had to deal with the CPS for years, after Sam had been adopted into the family they had mostly left the Winchesters alone only. Why would they be calling now? Was it something to do with Sam? With him? He was only seventeen, wouldn't be turning 18 for another few months yet
"Why!? They don't think they can take him away do they! They can't! He is fine here! Better than he was with his fuck-up parents! And I'm almost of age! They need to get the fuck out of our business!" Dean crossed his arms, hugging himself and clenching his fists shaking slightly in the middle of the kitchen.
"Dean! Hey, hey!" Kadin exclaimed standing and grabbing Dean's shoulders "No one is taking you or Sam anywhere understand!"
"Then what's going on?" Dean demanded pulling from Kadin's grasp and glaring up at the older boy.
Kadin heaved a sigh plopping himself back into his vacated chair and rubbing his neck before beginning. "They called to say they got some anonymous phone call about one of us being hurt in this house. They don't believe anything could be wrong! But they need to come check up on us."
"What the fuck!" Dean exclaimed starting to pace running agitated hands through his hair. The idea of Child Protective Services coming to his house always made him edgy. When his Dad had taken him and Kadin, the idea of the CPS finding you and taking you to a bad place had been ingrained into his mind. Kadin and him had never been placed in the CPS's care, they had spend five hours in a police station waiting room as they waited for their grandparents but never had actually experienced what it was like to be taken from all family members. And while Dean was eternally grateful for the CPS's involvement in Sam's case he still had the irrational fear that someone was going to come and take him and his brother away.
"Listen, I already called Nana and Pop's and they know what is going on, but they just spend eight hours in a car getting to the funeral. Unless they leave right now they aren't going to get back in time." Kadin was starting at his brother as he spoke. He too was very uneasy about the idea of being check up on by the CPS, but more because they thought there was something to be checked up on. "Plus the woman on the phone told me that its just going to be a quick check up you know? I'm listed on your and Sam's guardian list so its going to be fine. Nothing is going on so we have nothing to be worried about okay? Nana and Pop are going to come home as soon as they can. It all okay Dean."
"Who called to say something about us anyway! Nothing is happening! Sam is fine!" Dean seemed to have not heard a word his older brother has said still pacing across the kitchen floor
"Dean, Dean! Stop!" Kadin stood again stopping his brother's pacing with a hand on his arm "It's going to be fine! We don't even know if Sam has anything to do with this! And nothing is going on okay! But listen," His voice lowered and he shook Dean's arm to get his full attention "You need to talk to Sam okay? Tell him what is going on? Everything is going to be fine! But if you are freaking out he is going to freak out alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I can do that. Okay." Dean seemed to snap out of whatever panic induced haze he had entered and ran a hand across his face before pinching the bride of his nose. "I'll talk to him. I've got this. He won't freak out, nothing is even going on!"
"Absolutely Dean, everything is fine. Now go to bed, they are coming at nine-thirty tomorrow morning so try and sleep tonight yeah?"
"Yeah dude I'm going." Dean said, too uneasy about the whole thing that he didn't even bitch about having to get up at the unholy hour of nine am, as he started to trek towards the stairs.
John Winchester cursed as he slammed the truck door closed on his coat jacket before ramming the door back open and slamming it shut, this time jacket free. His boots hit the muddy grass with his purposeful strides as he made his way towards the dark church. Ignoring the grand front door completely he made his way around the church to the rectory entrance remembering where to go from years before.
When he reached the small wooden door he stood for a moment, wondering if this was the best idea, if he should just turn back and do this mission on its own. Shaking those thoughts away John banged on the door with three hard hits.
There was a brief pause before John heard footsteps from inside. Then a call of "Just a moment" before the door swung open.
Jim Murphy had aged in the past years John had left, but he still had the same glimmering eyes and light smile. Both of which instantly vanished when he realized who was standing at the refectory door.
"John! What are you doing here?" Jim asked, opening the door further allowing the light from inside to fall fully on the man before him.
"Jim," John said a smile falling across his wore features "it's good to see you."
The pastor squinted at John as though trying to look right through him, whatever he saw there he frowned at, but he still stood aside and allowed the wandering Winchester to enter the bright room.
Jim closed the door softly behind the man before bustling over to the small kitchen and flicking on the large black coffee pot. John had taken a seat at the small wooden table and was looking around the small room with a soft smile on his face.
"So," Jim finally asked taking a seat across the man and looking into his eyes "What is going on."
John grinned, his eyes flashing in the soft light before he leaned forward on the table. "I found him."
"What?" Jim said a puzzled expression covering his face "what do you mean?"
"The one who killed Mary. I've found the last of his kind."
"John," Jim started his eyes soft "I know you think it was a demon, but you have to remember-"
"No!" John shouted, "You don't get to tell me that it wasn't a demon! You don't get to say that not when I've killed them! Not when Singer practically admitted Mary had connections to them!" John was standing at this point, fists clenches at his side his expression sharp, his eyes crazed.
"Whoa! Hey, hey! John!" Jim stood putting his hands forward in a placating manner "I'm not saying anything Just tell me what you found alright? We will go on from there."
John took three deep breaths, his eyes screwed shut before he was ready to speak again. He lowered himself back into his seat and rubbed a hand over his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's been hard you know? I just… its hard."
"Yeah John I know its alright. Why don't you just tell me what you found." Jim's voice was calm but his eyes were weary as he observed the disgruntled man before him.
"It's all here." John explained gesturing to the folder he had placed on the table "generations of people, demons, and fires following them I've traced them all. All the unexplained fires in this area in the last fifty years, they all have a connection to this family!"
Jim pulled the folder towards him and began flipping through the documents.
"It doesn't make sense sometimes, some of them just living in the same town, maybe just bumped into each other on the street, but after an encounter there is a fire, that kills the whole family or even just one member! This is real Jim! You have to see that!"
"I must admit there does seem to be some connection-"
"And the signs of a demon are everywhere!" John interrupted pointing at some of the pictures spilling from the folder. "At almost every fire there was sulfur, demonic signs, or deaths happening in strange ways. I'm not making this shit up Jim! This is real!"
"Alright, but if there is a connection between this family and demon fires, what is the connection with Mary?"
"Look, look here." John frantically sorted through the paper picking them up and pushing ones he didn't want aside "Here, look at this! Mary was near the kid that day of the fire!"
Jim looked at the paper. It was a medical form filled out by Nurse Mary Winchester. It dealt with a small child, having a terrible fever. The form was the basic medical paper, dealing with the type of medication the boy was being given. At the bottom of the page there was a small note saying "Child abuse?" in Mary illegible scrawl.
"Okay, okay John I admit-"
"But Jim this is not even the worst part this child, this "Sam", he is with my children Jim! This demon child is living with my boys!"
"John this kid, he was six months old when Mary died and nothing has happened to the boys since he has lived with them right?" John nodded and Jim continued stacking the papers carefully and placing them back in the folder. "So the child probably has nothing to do with it John, for all you know it could be the kids parents, how do you know-"
"That's the thing Jim, the parents. I looked into the whole thing and there were no fires or anything before this kid was born! Nothing, once this Sam was born fires followed them everywhere! And then there is this, the police report the day the kid was taken away."
"Why was he taken from his parents?" Jim asked as John pointed to various document shoving them aside before he could even read what they said.
"That's not important, but he was taken to the hospital and the parents were brought to court for something. The courtroom caught on fire! See! Right here! No one was killed but you cannot tell me that, this is not a lead."
"Alright John I see what you are saying, but this kid he is a good boy. I've checked up on Dean and Kadin since you have been away, and Sam, he is a sweet kid, really nice and polite, and there hasn't been any demon activity around the house that I can see."
"Jesus christ Jim! Open your fucking eyes! There were no signs before these people died either! This demon has to be killed! He is going to hurt my boys! He killed my wife! Why aren't you supporting me on this! God damn I thought you were going to be on my side!" John stood up kicking the chair he was sitting in aside, anger pulsing through his veins his previous calm completely abated.
"Woah John calm down, this is the anger that got yourself into the hospital in the first place. I know there is something wrong, but are you really sure you should be out? You are not going to be able to help your boys is you are in this state. Why don't you just let me call-" The Pastor was standing, hands held up in a surrendering way, not wanting the man before him to feel threatened, as he spoke is made his way over to the corded phone hanging on the wall.
"No! I know what I am talking about! Damn it Jim!" Rage was clouding John as he pulled out a gun from his back pocket "You either help me get ride of this fucking demon spawn or you are just like the bastards who locked me up! I've found the spells I know what needs to be done to get the demon from the boy."
"John, you needed help. The hunt was making you irrational! You murdered four innocent people!"
John's eyes were hard, unfeeling. His body language tense, shoulder shaking with the strain of holding himself back from jumping at the man before him. The only still part of his body was the hand that held the gun, steadily following the pastor's movements. His voice was unemotional as he spoke and the light shining on his face made him seem almost unearthly as he uttered the last words the poor pastor would hear.
"They were in my way. Just like you are now."
The gunshot rang through the church with a heartless finality.
Dean couldn't sleep, all manner of horrible thoughts pounding through his scull. He had told Sam what was going on and surprisingly Sam seemed much calmer about the whole thing than Dean was. He had repeated what Kadin had said, that nothing was wrong so they had not reason to take him away. Dean knew that both his brothers were right, but it didn't stop the panic that had a hold on his heart. Sam, seeming to know that his brother was worried had smiled softly and hugged Dean with all his might wanting to instill some of his own confidence into his older brother.
That had been hours ago and now both boys were in Sam's room, cuddled up together on the small bed. Absent-mindedly Dean ran his hands through his brother's long locks.
"I promise you Sam. Nothing is ever going to happen to you. Not while I am around." Dean whispered to the ceiling squeezing his eyes shut and praying he could keep that vow.
So guys what do you think? We are getting into some action! Oh John so confused and crazy… sigh…
Please Review! It is what keeps me writing!