A/N; smut warning, you have been warned.

Not one week after finishing Hogwarts was their first Order meeting. The group apparated as close as they could to Dumbledore's safe house and with wands drawn; they made their way up the path to the innocuous cottage. It was partially hidden by the low hanging trees and its façade was overrun with ivy vines.

Upon entering Hermione recognised faces from school. Frank and Alice Longbottom who had been a few years ahead of them, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes and Emmeline Vance who had all been in Ravenclaw, Benjy Fenwick and Caradoc Dearborn from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor; respectively, a year above them.

There were some older witches and wizards she wasn't familiar with, but she recognised Alastor Moody; having seen his photograph regularly in the Daily Prophet.

"So, this is the last of them Albus?" Moody questioned shuffling forward, his wooden leg scraping across the floor.

"Indeed Alastor. Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus and Hermione Lupin." He stated gesturing to each of them in turn.

"More ruddy Gryffindors, aren't they?" he questioned, snorting when Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "I have enough trouble with the bloody Prewett twins." He glared at the two men standing in the corner.

"Oh come on Mad-Eye," said one, smiling broadly.

"We know we are your favourites," said the other, pretending to blush. The two of them snickered, while Moody just growled.

Taking seats around the table, the meeting started. They discussed movements of known Death Eaters, possible targets of attacks, current number of losses taken. This continued for several hours before the meeting drew to a close. Several senior members were to be sent on scouting missions and they would reconvene in a month's time.


Back at the Potter residence Hermione was spread out across Sirius' bed, Sirius playing with her hair.

"Vix?" he asked as he pulled one of her curls straight, then letting it spring back.

"Yes Padfoot?"

"Did you maybe think about getting out own place?" Hermione rolled onto her stomach, raising her brow at him.

"And how, pray tell are we going to do that? Being in a secret order doesn't exactly pay well," she said dryly.

"Well, besides the money I have that my Uncle Alphard left me; I have some houses."

"You own houses? Since when?"

"Since we graduated, I wasn't entitled to them until I finished."

Hermione pondered the question. She wasn't against moving into a house with Sirius. Her only concern was leaving Remus behind. Sirius seemed to be reading her thoughts.

"They're only a street apart, so maybe Remus could move into the other one. If he doesn't want to live with us."

Hermione grinned, crawling towards him to kiss him gently

"It seems you've thought of everything Mr Black."

"Kind of had to, seeing as after Prongs and Lily get married he intends for them to move into the family house in Godric's Hollow."

"I love you," she said with a smile.

Hermione picked up her wand from the bedside table using it to lock the door and cast a few silencing spells. Sirius looked at her curiously, smirking lightly. He pulled her close, his hands exploring under her shirt, his thumbs briefly touching the underside of her breasts, as his kissed her. Her mouth opening in response as he tasted her lip with his tongue, the drug that was her lips pulling him in. She pushed against him, and he held her a little tighter. Her nails begun to creep over his sides and drag gently on his back in a way that was making it difficult for him to think clearly.

Hermione reached her hands for the hem of his t-shirt, pushing it up to reveal his lightly muscled abdomen. Sirius pulled his shirt up over his head, breaking their kiss briefly before rolling on top of her, supporting his weight on his elbows.

He kissed and nipped his way down the side of her neck, undoing her shirt buttons as he went. He swiftly unhooked the clasp on her bra, completely exposing her. He gently licked and sucked at each nipple before he made his way down her pale stomach, peppering it with kisses before sliding off her skirt. Hermione revelled in the heat of his kisses and her hands fumbled to find his belt buckle.

His fingers danced over her skin, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Favouring one elbow he managed to remove his pants. Hermione's eyes looked over him, the muscles on his stomach, the tattoo across his ribs and the lean muscles of his arms. She let out an audible gasp as his hand made its way past the band of her underwear and to her centre. Shivering in delight as he drew lazy circles around her clit. Their kisses became more frantic as he gentle removed his hand, sliding of the last of her clothing. She realised that during his ministrations he had managed to remove his boxers. He leaned back over her and she felt him press into her. Instinctively her legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him in. He groaned as she pulled him in, his length pushing against her wet folds. He didn't think he had the strength to resist her.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eye dark.

"If you go all honourable on me now I will hex you into next week," she stated, her nails digging into his back.

He grinned at her as he entered. It was torturously slow, and Hermione whimpered slightly as she felt him fill her, stretching her. Her back arched and she let out a low moan.

"Holy fuck," Sirius muttered. Feeling her wrap around him so completely, it was like uncaging the animal within him. Taking a moment to regain his composure, he began to sliding himself back and forth. Her body shivered again underneath him, her heels digging into the back of his thighs urging him on. She moaned as he began to move harder against her.

"Sirius..." she managed to hiss out between kisses. Hearing his name on her lips, spoken with that kind of lust spurred him on.

He pressed into her harder and faster, her nails dug into his arms as she was pushed into completion. She let out a shriek as her orgasm took her at full force, the sound drove Sirius over the edge, beyond the edge, fuck it he was hang gliding and he shuddered as he too finished. He slid out of her, leaning his forehead against hers and they both struggled to find their breath.

Hermione looked up at him, smiling as she pushed his hair out of his eyes. He grinned in response, kissing her gently on her nose before rolling off her and onto his back.

"I should make offers with houses more often"

"Yeah, you found my weakness" she chuckled back, rolling onto her side and placing her head on his chest, snuggling into him. They lay there for a while, Sirius drawing patterns into her arm.

"Sirius?" she asked, lifting her head to look at him. He looked up at her from his pillow, marvelling at how beautiful she looked with her hair mussed and her lips swollen.

"What's up?"

"Do you want to go again?" she questioned nervously. He smirked at her, lifting himself of the bed and kissing her passionately.

"That is a ridiculous question," was the reply as he attacked her neck. She squealed in response. It was going to be a long night.


Hermione and Sirius discussed future living arrangements with Remus the next day.

"Move in with you?" Remus said questioningly. Hermione picked up on her brothers' discomfort.

"Or Sirius has another house a street away if you wanted your own space."

Remus looked at them both. While he loved being with his sister, he didn't know if he could stomach living in the same house as the two of them, particularly if the bite mark on Sirius' neck was anything to go by.

"After the wedding," Remus finally stated; "I think moving into separate places would be a great idea." Hermione smiled widely at her brother. She knew it wasn't an easy choice for him.

They weren't able to talk much more about it as Lily came rushing down the stairs and grabbed Hermione's arm. Dragging the other girl from the kitchen she quickly said,

"Come on, you need to get dressed. We're going out, we're going dress shopping." Hermione giggled as the red head marched her to her room.

Half an hour later, the pair were in muggle London. Mrs Evans met up with the two of them outside an unassuming store, but Hermione could clearly see large amounts of lace and tulle beyond the front windows.

Once inside they were snatched up by a sales assistant who began asking Lily a million and one questions about the day, the setting, the groom and on and on. It wasn't long before Lily was given some dresses and gently pushed into a dressing room.

The first dress she came out in had gigantic tulle sleeves. Hermione looked at her incredulously.

"If you turn your head can you actually see anything?" She asked

"Um, no – they're kind of like blinders on a horse," was the reply as Lily turned in full so she could see her friend and her mother. Mrs Evans shook her head and Lily made her way back to the fitting room.

The second dress, again had puffy sleeves but these were more reserved. The entire body of the dress was made to fit tights and the dropped waist was encompassed with large satin bows.

"That's interesting dear," Mrs Evans spoke up, looking at the dress. Hermione bit her tongue and covered her face to stop herself from laughing out loud.

The next few dresses made similar impressions. Eventually Hermione stood up from the small couch that she and Mrs Evans had been sentenced to by the sales assistant and began perusing the racks herself. 5 minutes later she handed Lily a dress, told her to go put it on now and sat back down with her friends' mother.

As Lily immerged from the dressing room, both Mrs Evans and Hermione smiled. Lily grinned back pulling her long hair behind her ears.

"I think this is the one"