Heyo! How are you all today? I kinda like these little fics so i will post them here! Unfortunately they are kinda short...

Oh, well! I hope you like it!

Italics are tumblr posts as this is a highschool/tumblr au

Today we had class, I took like, five pages of notes and I now have a hand cramp. Soul took a five hour nap, and now is not tired. It's 11 at nights do he won't let me sleep. It could be worse, I mean, we are watching a movie on the couch at his mansion sized house and he made buttery popcorn. And before he left to go to the bathroom his arm was around my shoulder... What should I do?! I want to snuggle with him?

Maka heard the toilet flush and clicked post before closing the tumblr app on her phone. She wasn't lying about wanting to cuddle with him. He was warm, nice, and her crush. What more could she want?

At this point in her musing Soul had came and sat down right beside here once again, dropping his arm over the back of the couch (this happened a lot, he would put his arm behind her on the back if the couch and somehow it would fall over across her shoulders). He had turned all the lights off in his way over here and had now just unpaused the tv, the action movie on screen moving to life.

At was at this point that her phone started to light up. At first it was just things a like "scentlessflower liked your post" and "gunmetalgiraffe reblogged your post" but then it changed to things like "scentlessflower replied to your post today we had class... And said "doooo it!" " And "gunmetalgiraffe relied to your post... "Jump in his lap and stick your boobs in his face" ".

Maka squeaked and hid her phone from view. Before abruptly deciding to go to the washroom. She scurried away, turning on the lights as she went, tomato read and clutching her phone.

Soul, was kind of confused. He knew that his best friend was an awkward little nerdling, but this was a new level of weird.

So Soul did what he usually did when Maka was being weird. He checked her blog.

Soul had been following the Angelofdeath42 since he had stole her phone and saw her tumblr app. He had created his own account the very next day and had meant to tell her, but he found out after visiting her blog for the first time that she talked about him a lot on there. That made knowing her URL really useful, he could see if he did anything to upset her, could see what she wanted for her birthday, when she was sad, anything her would ever need to know. Don't get him wrong, it hurt that strangers online knew these things and he didn't (or at least he wasn't supposed to...) but still it was a valuable resource.

But back to the post at hand. She wanted to do the cuddle thing with him. She wanted to cuddle with him. Him. Fuck yes.

Oh! She posted something even newer, also why the hell was she blogging in the bathroom? Anyway... Apparently people told her to shove her tits in his face.

He had very few problems with that.

Aww, she wasn't gonna do it. Damn. She was gonna try to end up in his lap though. Well, that would be good!

Soul grinned as Maka came back, turning of the lights as she went.

When she arrived at the couch he reached up and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into his lap.

Fuck yes.