Author's Note: My friend told me I would be an asshole if I left the story as it was so I did write a short epilogue! It's quite different from the story but it's the happiest ending I could give you guys.

This is the last chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters.

I knew you weren't supposed to remember who you had been in a past life, I knew it wasn't possible. But I did, I vaguely remembered who I used to be...well that's not entirely true. I didn't know my old name, I didn't know what I looked like, hell I didn't remember my parents or if I had done something exceptional with my life. I didn't know any of that.

All I knew was that I was in love.

I fell in love with a girl and I never stopped. I don't remember feeling as happy as when I was younger and I had no idea what occurred, only that she didn't stay with me yet I didn't know why. There were so many questions I wish I had an answer to; why had she left me? Why hadn't I loved again? Why didn't I know anything else about my old life? Like I said, I had a lot of questions about this past life of mine.

But the most important one was who she was. It irked me beyond belief that even if I knew I had loved her unconditionally I couldn't know who she was. I didn't remember what she looked like, I didn't know if we were of the same age when we fell in love. I didn't know who her family was or if she loved me as much as I loved her…

I didn't know her.

All I know are these feelings I feel when my mind conjures up a thought about her. Occasionally I'll get mental images of luscious black hair or these incredible pale eyes. I remember she smelled like vanilla and that every time she looked at me I felt like my heart would burst.

It was weird, I concluded. No one around me seemed to remember anything about their past lives, no one was supposed to. But I did, and that had me wondering if I was supposed to do anything with it. For the past 23 years of my life I have unknowingly looked for this girl.

I didn't think it was a waste of time, I still don't because she felt like my soul mate even if I hadn't yet met her. I knew she was out there for me to find. I felt it like how I felt my love for her. It was the only obvious and certain thing in my life. It was the only thing I was sure of.

I needed to find her.

My best friend questioned my intentions all the time. I wasn't a virgin and I had dated other girls, plenty of girls in fact. But what he didn't understand is why I had never kept any of them around, why I had never tried to get married or start a family with someone who could make me happy. It was simple for me, it was because they wouldn't make me happy. Not as happy as I knew this unknown girl would make me and I wasn't one to settle, I never was that type of guy.

Sighing I examined my wrist like I always did when thoughts of her came tumbling in, there was a faint mark on my left wrist. It wasn't particularly big and my parents had told me it was a birth mark but I wasn't sure I believed them.

Although faint I could tell it was the infinity symbol with some characters on the edge. More times than not I wished I could make out the letters, I was sure they were initials. Initials of the girl I so desperately wanted to find.

I didn't know what it was supposed to feel like when I found her, I wasn't even sure if I would feel anything in her presence. But I will find her, even if it is the last goddamn thing I ever do, I will find the girl who stole my heart.


It was early in the morning on a Friday. I hate Fridays. My work friends would always want to go out in the night and I was tired of meeting girls I knew I would never be with, I wasn't meant for them and they weren't meant for me. It was as simple as that.

I decided today would be a good day to walk to work, it was sunny but not too hot and I worked a 20 minute walk from my apartment. It would prove to be the best decision I would ever make.

I was half way to work when I noticed I would be late if I didn't pick up my pace so I cursed and sped up, settling into a light jog. I was lost in thought again, thoughts about the girl who unknowingly haunted my every day dreams.

"Umph." I hear and about a second later there's a girl on the ground beside me. It takes me a few seconds to realize the reason why she's on the ground is because of me.

"Shit." I say and rub my neck with one hand while the other helps her up. I notice this to be my left hand and my so called birth mark seems more prominent than before. I try to ignore it as best as I can and I look at this girl. Something about her is hauntingly familiar and I hold my breath when I see the look in her eyes.

They aren't pale or lavender, her hair isn't dark black almost blue. She's nothing like the girl I had been getting glimpses of but I knew it was her. She tilted her head when she noticed my staring and I coughed awkwardly. "Sorry, about that. I didn't see you there." I grin and hope she isn't freaked out.

She laughs slightly, something inside me melting when I hear the soothing sound. "It's quite alright." She tells me and she smiles.

I was sure then, with that smile that this was the girl. It stirred the exact same feelings as when I thought about her. I almost held my breath so as to not lose my cool around her, but I had been looking for so long. I couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

"So, umm." I sound so awkward and so unlike myself.

"Is that a tattoo?" She blurts out as she looks at my wrist, my brain freezing as she says the words.

I stare at it blankly for about a minute before I get my tongue back. "Not really, just like a birth mark or something."

Her eyes light up and a water colour blush spears on the bridge of her nose. I can't help but think it's so familiar. Everything about her felt familiar. I snap out of my trance when she starts to speak. "I have one too." She tells me with a big smile and lifts up her right wrist.

There on her pale skin is the faint mark of an infinity symbol, some initials in the corner. I hold my breath. Had she remembered that she loved me? Did she know that I loved her? That I had always loved her?

"Funny huh?" She laughs slightly and I feel my self-esteem lower a bit. She hadn't remembered me like I thought.

I nod slightly with a sad smile on my face. She seems to notice because next thing I know her delicate hand is on my cheek. "I've been looking for you." She tells me in a soft, gentle voice.

It made my body shake in a whole new way. My face makes way for the biggest grin I had ever felt. "It took you long enough to find me." I retaliate, making her blush increase in colour.

"Sorry." She apologises with a teasing smile. "It's hard finding someone you've never met."

I laugh in agreement. "I know! I've searching everywhere I've been." I admit. Her blush becomes slightly darker. I feel confidence and I run with it, it was who I was. "I think I've loved you for a long time." I say honestly and hope she doesn't think I'm some sort of freak.

Again her head tilts to the side, as if she were in deep thought. Her face has a frown on it and just as I'm about to apologize it splits into a beautiful breath taking smile. One I had only previously seen in a dream. "I've missed you."

I smile. She had known just like I did that we were meant to be. That we had not been able to live out our previous love and that this would be our second chance.

I take her hand in mine, completely forgetting about work or being late. Nothing mattered anymore, I had found her. I had found my happiness. "So…" I start as I walk to my favourite bakery shop, she seems to have no objections. "What's your name?"

She laughs, honestly the most graceful laugh I had ever heard. "I'm Hinata."

Hinata! The name sounds perfect, it sounds…right. "Well Hinata, I'm Naruto." I grin at her and her eyes seem to light up as I mention my name. "We're going to do it right this time. You and me." I tell her though I barely register the words that came out of my mouth.

I turn to look at her and she's already looking at me. "That's a promise." She nods and I smile at her answer.

She was meant for me and I was meant for her. Even if we weren't able to live out our love in our past lives we would do it now and what a great life that would be.

The End.

Author's Note: Pssst, just a heads up Naruto said that line in last chapter and she did too, in her letter. Gaah, I hope this suffices. I tried to make them happy.