Hello people of Fanfiction! If you don't know who I am, my name is Tytonic and I write mainly for The Underland Chronicles. I highly suggest you check out my other stuff, I think most of you will like it. This story is a concept I have seen many times, but I have failed to see it for this book series. So, any and all feedback is encouraged and appreciated, See ya'll later! Enjoy!

See you guys later,


Warning: This story is a high school AU. If you fail to understand, look it up.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of The Underland Chronicles, only the characters I make up and the plot itself.

Regalia High

Chapter 1: Jinxed




Gregor Groaned as his alarm clock blared in his ear. Reaching over, Gregor hit the snooze button on the alarm, and allowed himself to drift off, right back to sleep.




Gregor's eye twitched in annoyance. Reaching over, he whacked the off button, and rolled out of bed, crashing into the floor. With reluctant movements, he slowly pulled himself to his feet, where he proceeded to stretch, causing cracks and pops to come from his stiff joints.

Walking over to his mirror, he inspected himself in order to see how crappy he appeared. Looking like a total mess, Gregor waked to the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, Gregor began to scrub himself down, in hope of improving his appearance. After his soothing shower, Gregor walked back into his room to discover that his alarm clock was screaming at him, again.

Gregor sighed, and mumbled under his breath, "Freaking thing never works right. . ."

Gregor trotted over to the wall, and yanked the clocks plug out. It was the only way to get the thing to shut up, aside from smashing it. As good as smashing it sounded, he needed it to wake him up for school on time.

"School, school, crap! Today's the first day of school!" Gregor panicked, as he began to throw on cloths. "Don't want to be late on my first day; really want to stay on the teachers good side this year."

Tying his shoes on, Gregor sprang up, and ran downstairs to grab some breakfast. Popping a piece of toast in the toaster, Gregor sat patiently on the counter, waiting for it to pop out. As he was waiting, he heard a crashing and tumbling noise, and watched as his six year old sister, Boots, tumbled out from the staircase. A few seconds later, his twelve year old sister, Lizzie, stepped down the last step.

Lizzie walked over to Gregor, leaving boots lying on the floor. "Are you ready for school?"

As Lizzie was speaking this sentence, the toast popped out, and Gregor shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Gregor looked back to Lizzie once he had it in the toast in his mouth. "Hmm? rreay ahh Ia'll evea ee."

Lizzie rolled her eyes at Gregor, and began to chuckle as she realized that boots had fallen asleep on the floor. It wasn't a problem for boots, since she was in kindergarten and it didn't start for another few hours. Lizzie, however, was a different story. She was far smarter than he average twelve year old, and she had skipped from sixth grade all of the way to tenth, so she was in the same grade as Gregor.

It constantly got on his nerves, how she could outsmart him at almost anything. The only thing that he could really beat her at was video games, and anything physical. Oh, and you can;t forget eating; he could eat a horse and still be hungry.

Swallowing his food, Gregor decided to ask Lizzie a question, "You nervous? Your only twelve, it might be a bit difficult for you, you know, tenth grade and all."

Lizzie glared at him. "You know I'll be fine. Your fine, and we both know I'm smarter than you."

Gregor chuckled for a few moments before responding, "True, but that's not what I meant." Lizzie gave him a questioning look. "I mean the actual grade. We're all sixteen and seventeen, and your only twelve. It might get a bit rouge for you."

"Well if it does, I'll be fine. Should something happen, you'll be there anyway." She replied.

"How do you know that? We haven't gotten our schedules yet, and won't until we get too school." He countered.

Lizzie took the other piece of toast out of the toaster, and began to nibble on it. "Mom requested that we have all of the same classes together, just in case."

"Oh." Gregor replied.

His mom wasn't home at the moment. She had to get up very early in order to go to work. Ever since two years ago, when his dad had gone missing, his mom had been hard-pressed on making enough money to keep the family going.

"So, are you nervous?" Lizzie asked. When Gregor shook his head she replied, "What about that girl? Luxa, was it?"

Gregor just looked at Lizzie in amusement. "You think I could like her? She way is too full of herself. I admit, she is pretty, but definitely not my type."

Lizzie rolled her eyes and laughed. "Whenever you talk to her, your always bickering. It's so bluntly obvious that you like her."

Gregor turned and began to walk out he door. "I'm not taking dating advice from my twelve year old sister."

Lizzie rolled her eyes, again, and walked out the front door. She had to run slightly to catch up to Gregor, since he was a foot and a half taller than her and took larger steps. Once she had caught up, she paced herself beside him. It took but a few minutes to get to larry's house. When they were in front of it, they waited for a minute or two, ignoring the crashing sounds coming from within the house.

After another thirty seconds, the door shot open, and Larry sprinted out, panting slightly. "Sorry guys, couldn't find one of my shoes. Dog put it in the flower pot." This earned a few chuckles from Gregor and Lizzie.

Larry didn't question why Lizzie was going to school with them, because he already knew, however much he disliked the idea. He didn't like having a twelve year old around who was smarter than him.

After a few more minutes, Gregor, Larry, and Lizzie came too Angelina's house. Unlike Larry's house, there was no crashing noises coming from within. Neat and tidy, Angelina came strolling out. She gave everybody a hug before greeting them. Gregor couldn't help but notice that the hug she gave him was slightly longer and more intimate. It was common knowledge that Angelina liked Gregor, she had since 6th grade, when they first met. The thing is, Angelina didn't know that her feelings were common knowledge.

She also happened to be convinced that Gregor liked her back, but that he was to scared to ask her out. Because of this, she would drop hints like crazy, and get confused when he ignored them.

Gregor was the only person that knew, but Larry really liked Angelina. Normally, he would be mad at Gregor for getting in the way, but he knew that Gregor didn't like her. Many people also happened to think that Gregor was gay, because he never asked a girl out. He knew he wasn't gay, and he ignored the insults. It was just that he had never found a girl that he liked. He did think that Stellovet, one of the popular girls, was really pretty, but she had a really bad personality, and already had a lot of boys lusting after her.

Aside from her, who he wouldn't ask out, even if she was lusting after him, there were no girls he liked. There was Luxa, but they would always fight when they talked, which was not common, and he hardly liked her in any way, aside from her looks, which were better than average, but not that pretty.

As Gregor and his friends finally arrived at the school, they were just on time. Walking in, they all discovered that they had the same home room. They had neglected telling each other who's home room they had until now. Perhaps they just forgot.

As they all went into home room, Gregor looked at everybody, seeing if he knew any of them. The only people he recognized were Luxa (it just had to be her, didn't it?), Aurora (Luxa's best friend), Henry (Luxa's dickhead cousin), Ares (Henry's best friend), and Howard. Gregor disliked everyone of them, save Aurora, who he didn't know enough about to judge. Howard seemed as bad as Henry, hardly enough to judge him, but enough nonetheless.

Gregor took a seat in the very back, along with the rest of his friends. Luxa and her friends, all the most popular kids in the school, took seats on the very back as well, albeit on the other end of the row.

It took a few minutes for the teacher, Mr. Vikus, to enter the room. As he entered, everybody instantly took their seat. Mr. Vikus was a very nice teacher, and one of the most respected. Because of this, very few people were mean to him, or broke rules around him.

The very first thing he did was walk around and assign seats. Gregor's heart sank when all of his friends were placed in the front right, while he was in the very back left.

Can't get much worse than this. He thought. His heart sank even farther when all of Luxa's friends, got placed around him, and Luxa got placed right next to him.

Just had to jinx it, didn't I?

With his luck, he will have Luxa next to him in all of his classes. No, that was far to unlikely. I just jinxed it again. Great, now I'm gonna. I really need to stop with this jinxing thing.

This was going to be a long year.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. This is an iffy idea, the whole high school thing. Well I really like the idea myself, and I'm gonna stick with it. I know Vikus's name wouldn't be Mr. Vikus, but as far as we know, underlanders might not even have last names, so what was I suppose to do? I have a lot of plans for this story, so look out for another chapter sometime soon! So, as usual all feedback is encouraged and appreciated, so give me any and all ideas! See you guys later!

Question: What do you think the main conflict will be in this story?

See you peeps later,
