Disclaimer/ AN: Hey there folks, I recently watched Divergent, and got back into the story (a lot) So I decided to make this. It happens before Tris, but after Four's initiation. It centres around an OC of mine, and her initiation experience (and maybe a little romance with a certain Dauntless leader.)

I own nothing of the Divergent trilogy that you recognize and mostly everything you don't. So without further ado, here's the story. Please read and review because I love your comments, criticism, and over all feedback.

Today was the day. It was the day I finally got to choose; the day my life would finally start. I could finally live how I wanted to live.

I smoothed out my pleated black skirt and adjusted the collar to my starched white blouse. My eyes danced across the mirror, nervously checking and rechecking the anxious girl who sat before me. My hands skimmed my hair for the third time since the clock struck 10:45, fingers gliding through my long coffee tresses. Normally my hair would be confined to a tight braided bun, to keep it off my face, today I was allowed to leave it loose. Today I was finally allowed to let my hair down. I ran my hands through one more time, relishing in its freedom. I heard a knock on my door. Interrupted.

The only problem with Candor was how open it all was; how I was never just alone. I could certainly speak my mind, and I loved the freedom I was alloted to do so, but with everyone speaking their minds, it could get unavoidably invasive. I had my business but someone always had to make it their business too. I was all for sharing, but when everyone is just waiting for their turn to speak, why bother opening up at all. The door opened with a presumptuous creak.

My hair slipped through my fingers and cascaded down to my waist as my mother entered. Her emerald eyes inspected my appearance, and though dressed in my best outfit, I felt naked. I always felt naked under the scrutiny of my Candor born mother.

"Andreyna," my mother sighed, "your hair is everywhere, I can't see your eyes."

My eyes, the only feature my mother deemed acceptable, were a pale moss green, that came from the slate of my father and the emerald of my mother. My mother swept all the hair from my face with her precise hands smiling into my reflection. She never thought I was pretty. She'd always tell me to wash my face as if the dusting of freckles would simply wipe away, to pull my messy hair off my face, or advise against sucking my lower lip because my lips were too swollen to begin with. My eyes were the only feature she would ever praise if only because they were sharp enough to cut through her shield.

"It's my choosing ceremony mother. I will wear my hair how I want." I replied simply.

I saw her purse her lips as she always did when I did not let her have her way. Some days I would give in, if only to keep peace, but today was my day. I didn't feel like getting pushed around.

"Very well. We will be leaving shortly and we simply must be punctual," After brushing my hair off my face one last time she swept out of my room, leaving me to my thoughts.

Today I would be choosing the Faction in which I would spend the rest of my life. I would not be choosing Candor, after sixteen years of blunt candidness I knew it was not for me. I felt absolutely no desire to join the Abnegation, even on my best day I wasn't a 'people person', not to mention I avoided the Factionless like the plague. Amity was my ideal Faction when I was little, I dreamed of wearing a flowy, worn red dress and romping around the apple orchards with the sun on my freckles. Once I grew up and realized how vapidly sweet the Amity were and how cruel I could be that dream died out quite quickly. I would gladly sell my soul to Erudite if it meant I could spend my days drowning in literature, but I dreaded the stuffy conversation and mental pissing-matches that the Erudite at school fancied. The Dauntless were in a word fierce, and I longed to have the confidant encompassing air that filled one up and satisfied their need for adventure, but I would never be that brave, I couldn't even tell my mother to back-the-hell-off. I felt a piece of each Faction pulling me in and in the same moment other parts of it chewing me up and spitting me out.

My Aptitude Test was an event I shuddered to think about. Given the choice between meat and a knife, I grabbed the knife without thinking, cutting my simulation-self in the process. Then I heard a growl from behind and whirled around to face a vicious dog, baring its teeth and seemingly daring me to make a move. Taking a tentative step back it charged me. Without thinking I raised the cold silver knife and felt the blade sink into the dogs chest. Turning, I brought the dog down with me and collapsed over its warm, motionless body. I heaved out a dry sob as the room around me became fuzzy and translucent. I should have just grabbed the meat. Why didn't I? The room around me came back into focus and in the back of my mind I tried to rationalize that the dog wasn't real. It was just a simulation. But it felt real. It felt like I'd killed the dog, like I'd dug my knife between its little ribs. I choked on another sob as I thought about what I'd just done. Barely hearing the calm Erudite woman say my result. Dauntless.

That day I'd been sent home due to emotional stress. That night I'd cried myself to sleep, ashamed that I'd ever used the knife. I cried for two more nights after that, but looking into my reflection at the puffy pathetic eyes that stared back changed something in me. It was either the dog or me. Self preservation had kicked in and I'd come out on top, I was still here. I had my life in front of me, and I refused to spend it crying my heart out.

"Andreyna!" My mother called from what sounded like the front hall, "It's time"

Oh dear. I looked to myself one last time. I didn't look like any certain Faction, but I knew I no longer looked like the Candor I had played the part of for sixteen years.

I stepped out from behind my mother and into the light of the cold circular room. Finding my seat among the other anxious faces that shone through the sea of black and white, I waited for my mother to file in next to me. I felt a tinge of guilt knowing I'd be leaving her today, alone. Although we never saw eye to eye, we were all each other had. I smirked to myself, Faction Before Blood I suppose.

My eyes glazed over as Janiene took the stage and the Ceremony began. Name after name were called. Faction after Faction were chosen. Yet here I sat still undecided.

"Andreyna Call," I heard a crisp voice call out through the opaqueness of my mind.

Shit. Butterflies erupted within me and I stood shakily. Maneuvering through the audience I took the stage and took in a deep breath. Steading my self I walked quickly to the five bowls in the centre of the room. Candor, Erudite, Amity, Abnegation, Dauntless. I picked up the blade that sat on the table and sharply slit my palm. The room was silent, I was frozen in place. My eyes flitting back and forth between the bowls. I shut my eyes and let out my breath in a strong huff. My arm swung out and my mind was racing as I squeezed my palm over the bowl. I had finally made the decision and I hoped to hell it had been the right one. My blood hit the hot coals with a fulfilling hiss. The black clad crowd to my right exploded into roaring appreciation and I grinned ear to ear. I walked off the stage to my new seat hastily, I was met with smirks, smiles, and even a few hearty back pats. Grinning into my palm as I sucked the blood off my cut and watched the rest of the ceremony.

The Choosing ended and the fun began as the Dauntless around me stood and rushed to the exit. I was swept up in the crowd that was now running, full out, down the stairs to the exit. I guess we were going home now. I laughed loudly, letting go and running with the passion I'd never known I could feel. The wind rushing through my open hair, and the hollers of Dauntless around me. Cries of elation. The group ahead began scaling metal pillars the held the train tracks. Some were slowing and then climbing with skill, but most were simply jumping from the ground to the pillar and scaling it with reckless professionalism. I opted to stop and find my footing as I climbed cautiously to the top, never looking down.

Clambering over the top of the pillar, I found myself surrounded by Dauntless on the train platform. I knew from observation that we'd have to jump onto the train, while it was moving. I pushed the danger to the back of my mind as I heard the call of a girl, struggling to make it to the crowded platform. Reaching out my hand I felt her tight grip on me as I pulled her towards the centre, away from the edge.

"Thanks. I'm Nadia," She smiled, I felt her smile takeover my mind and found myself smiling widely back to her. Great she was happy, and infectious.

"No problem, I'm Andreyna. You ready to hop a train," I laughed. Hopefully my nerves didn't reach my voice. She just laughed.

"Not even close, but I love that nervous feeling, you know what I mean"

"Yes, oddly enough I know exactly what you mean,"

"You're pretty chill for a Candor," She teased, her smile growing to unveil dimples and gleaming white teeth. Her blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair fitted her like a glove. But the faded yellow cotton sundress did not.

"And you're pretty wild for an Amity," I laughed. Motioning to her out of place wardrobe.

"Always have been," She winked "Now hurry or we'll miss our ride,"

She was right. The train was coming in full speed around the corner and the seasoned Dauntless members had begun running along the tracks, gaining momentum for the jump.

I took off at full speed, my skirt and blouse making it a challenge. A handle caught my eye to the right and I grabbed it mid leap. I felt hands around my waist pulling me in and the full compartment swallowed me. I'd made it. I heard a wild laugh to my left and grinned. Nadia had made it too. Her yellow sundress stood out against the black around us.

"I doubt I'll ever get tired of that," She sighed contently. The adrenaline obviously affected us quite differently. I felt electrified. And I loved it.

We spent the remainder of the short train ride talking animatedly about the Choosing Ceremony and the Factions and family we were leaving behind.

"Get ready!" a man yelled above the noise. I watched in awe as the doors opened and Dauntless members began throwing themselves off the fast train. They were flying, each and every one of them completely in their element. I wanted to find myself in my own element. I saw them land, powerfully on the roof ahead and I backed up to take my flight. One, inhale. Two, exhale. Three, GO. I flung myself from the wall of the train at a run and jumped as my feet ran out of runway. I was flying for seconds but it felt like forever. I fell to the roof and rolled across the gravel. So I wasn't graceful yet; I was fully intending to practice this as much as possible. I stood and brushed myself off, joining the group of thirty-something initiates around me. A mess of black, blue, white, and yellow.

"Alright Initiates listen up," Looking up to the owner of the dangerous velvet voice, my heart thudded to a stop and then revived with a breakneck tempo. My mind, body, and soul were humming.

Holy shit. Who was that.