Dust filled the air over the smoking field of a great battle. Both sides, Lions and Crocs by the looks of it, had cleared out many hours ago. Now, all that remained were a few circling Ravens, looking for material to salvage amongst the wreckage. But there is also another figure. A tall eagle with crimson red feather tips on his wings leaned on his golden hammer, in a deep conversation with Razar.
"I will make you a good deal, yes? You help us clean up this merchandise, and you get to keep five percent. Does that seem fair, my friend?"
"I'm sorry, Razar", the eagle replied. " But I was here to create wreckage, not to sort through it. Besides, I'm tired and I need to rest my wings. Some other time, maybe?"
"Of course, Epyphanises, my most valued customer! Have a good flight, yes?"
The friendly eagle gave Razar a grin, followed by a salute. Then he took off into the sky, Heading for Mt. Cavora.

But what Epyphanises did not know is that Razar had not been there only to scavenge. He had been hired by the Croc king's sister, Crooler, to find out how that shifty mercenary eagle managed to pass Mt. Cavora's protective force field. It was unknown to even the wisest of eagle scientists how he did it. Razar ha been sent to bring back as much information as possible, because the Crocs wanted to tap into the Chi reserves.


Rogon was unsure of what to do. He did not want to disappoint Eris, but he had to let her know. The problem was that he had overheard her calling him "simple" in a conversation with Laval, so he had decided to move on. He had already found a good-looking female rhino, named Rhibena, who had expressed interest in him. He decided to send Eris a very apologetic letter, which did not mention what he had heard so that she wouldn't feel bad.


As he soared through the calm skies, laced here and there by a few white wisps of cloud, Epyphanises thought he heard something coming from the top of a tall tree, but it came from too far away for him to make out what it was. He decided to fly down and take a closer look.

The quarter raven landed on a branch overlooking a woodland trail. Below him, some gorillas walked by, "duding and bogusing" their way through a conversation about the latest Speedorz race. Just as he was about to take off, he thought he heard a sob. It was coming from a bush near the trail.


Eris had received Rogon's letter and, as usual when she got emotional, she immediately burst into tears. Rogon had friendzoned her? After all they had been through together? She flew out of her window and sailed through the air, sobbing and heading for the forest. She found a comfortable looking bush and landed face first in it, still crying.

After a few hours, she had pretty much gotten a hold of herself, and just wanted someone to talk to. She thought about flying over to Laval, but he had always secretly mocked her for her relationship with Rogon. She heard a group of gorillas passing, but they seemed busy. Oh how she wished she had soneone to talk to!


Epyphanises carefully sneaked up to the bush, his hammer 'Mjoelnir' raised, in case it was needed. He bent the branches aside slowly, so that whoever or whatever was inside wouldn't notice. But when he did see who was inside, he dropped the hammer in disbelief.
"Eris?" he enquired, still shocked, "is that you? What are you doing here?"
Eris was startled by this surprise visit from a fried that he had not seen in years.
"Piff? Wow, it's been a while! The last time we met was when you-" she cut herself short, not wanting to remind herself and Epyphanises of the fateful day.
"-Left the tribe?" The quarter raven finished her sentence for her. "Wow, that was four years ago. So what brings you so far away from the spire?"
"I-"(she hesitated for a while, wondering if she could trust him and if she should tell him the whole story, but she did not see any harm in it, so she told him everything).
Epyphanises was left speechless by the amount of emotion that he heard in the young eagle's voice.
"... But I think we have both moved on successfully. I guess it was just a small crush" Eris finished, blushing bright red and wiping a tear off her cheek. She had gone to school with Epyphanises and had always had a thing for him, and she basically just told him she was vacant.
"Wow, that's quite some story. Are you sure you're gonna be alright?"
"Yes, I suppose so..." Eris sighed
Epyphanises gave her a friendly pat on the back.


Razar had heard the whole conversation from his hiding place. He had gotten bored and was about to fly back to the crocs and say that he could find nothing, when Epyphanises promised to meet Eris at the next big Speedorz event and left with a friendly wave. Sure enough, he was headed straight for Mt. Cavora.


Epyphanises Flew home quickly, passed Mt. Cavora's shield by flying up through the waterfall,

Note to reader: this only works if you have never used Chi in your life, and intend to do no harm on the inside

And sat down in his cave. He went straight to bed, but lay awake for many hours wondering about Eris.
She had seemed so weak and helpless, but she had still soldiered on. 'How very typical' He thought with a chuckle, and fell asleep.