Mercedes stared into the mirror trying not to cry. Her emotions were all over the place but she was happy. She was ready. Sam was it for her. She sighed looking over to all her friends wondering how they got there. How she got there. She fixed her veil and Tina walked over to her.
"You look beautiful Cedes. Sam is a lucky man."
"Do you think I was wrong for inviting his parents? I mean I know they were horrible and what they did was and should be unforgivable but these are his parents. He wants them there even if he is mad."
Tina hugged her. "You have always had a big heart Cedes and in this case your heart is telling you that no matter what Sam's family is important to him so it's important to you."
Santana walked over adjusting her dress. "I still think you are loco for inviting them but hey you forgave Man hands so I know I shouldn't be surprised at anything you do anymore."
Mercedes went to chew her bottom lip but Kurt stopped her. "Diva they just did your Makeup stop with that nervous tick thing."
"Kurt I need you to go tell Sam that I invited his parents, if you don't he will think that they showed up to mess the wedding up."
Kurt nodded kissing her cheek and walking out the room. Mercedes glanced at herself in the mirror again and wondered how she got here. How she got to this point. Her mind went back to that summer she shared with Sam and a broad smile graced her face.
Ten years ago.
Mercedes smiled sitting at the lake in Sam's arms. This was one of the only free nights Sam had and he planned a romantic picnic at the lake for the two of them. He picked her up, and she packed the picnic. Just sandwiches but Sam loved it even more. He held her in his arms lacing his fingers through hers. Mercedes looked out into the water feeling at peace. She looked over to Sam and beamed,
"Sam this is perfect. Everything is. You make me feel like I am special."
"You are special Merce. And beautiful and amazingly kind. You make me feel like it doesn't matter if I am homeless or dumb."
Mercedes moved from between his legs and glanced at him. "Sam you are not dumb or homeless. You may not have a home but home is where the heart is. It's where your family is and where love is."
Sam smiled shyly. "So is that why I feel like I am at home when I am with you?"
Mercedes blushed. "Why does it sound like you are saying you love me?"
Sam took both her hands in his am took a breath, now seemed like the perfect time to tell her how he felt.
"Mercedes, you have no idea how amazing you are. Before Prom, before Nationals when you first found out about my family and me you came over with cookies and gift certificates. You helped babysit and helped me with my homework. I started to have feelings for you. I wanted to ask you to Prom but I was embarrassed. So when you asked me to Prom I was so happy, and scared and nervous. I wanted to ask you to dance all night but I didn't think someone like you would say yes. But seeing you at that table I just knew it was then or never.
Asking you to dance was the best thing I could have ever done. Then in New York when I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes. I know it's only been a month and I know that I tend to rush things. But I haven't been so sure of my feelings since that whole thing with Quinn and I have tried to stop myself from saying this because I wanted to be sure. I wanted to be sure that what I felt was what I felt."
"Sam what are you saying?"
"I am saying that I thinkā¦ No I am saying that I know I love you I am in love with you Mercedes. You don't need to say it back I just needed to tell you because I-"
Mercedes leaned in and kissed Sam gently on the lips. "I love you too Sam."
Sam smiled pulling her to him and taking her lips to his. He kissed her passionately allowing his tongue to caress hers as he laid her on her back. Mercedes wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. His hands moved to the hem of her shirt and she slowly pulled away.
Sam sat up running his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry I got carried away."
Mercedes reached his shoulder. "Sam, no it's ok I just. We haven't had the talk and I think now would be the best time to have it."
Sam stared at her and nodded. "Ok talk to me."
"Sam I want to wait until I am married to have sex for the first time. I know it's unconventional for a teen especially at McKinley when everyone is changing partners but this is what I have to do for me and if you can't deal with that or you don't want to be with me I understand."
Sam pulled her closer to him and kissed her tenderly. "Baby I will wait as long as you need me too. I don't care about being with you sexually I just want you."
Sam pulled her back and they laid back against the blanket looking at the stars. "I think waiting until we are married could be fun."
"Until we are married?"
"Uh huh, I can see it now. We can have it at night, on the beach."
"No church?"
"Water seems more our style. The lake seems like our spot so why not get married on the beach?"
Mercedes smiled. "Ok the beach it is. I can see it now, the moon reflecting on the water. Our parents sitting in the front."
"My dad and Stevie will be standing up with me."
Mercedes beamed turning towards him. "And it will be perfect."
Sam leaned in and kissed her. "You are perfect."
Back to Present.
Sam stood at the end of the makeshift isle with a wide smile on his face. He couldn't wait to make her his wife. His face dropped when his father appeared. Sam walked down the aisle to his parents and moved them to the side.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He said in hushed tones. "You are most definitely not welcome here."
Dwight sighed. "Mercedes invited us."
Sam shook his head. "The hell she did. You kidnapped her, made me think she left me, why the hell would she invite you?"
Because that is the kind of person she is." Sam turned to see Kurt as Kurt continued. "Mercedes knows that no matter what your family is important to you. She loves you and she is doing this for you."
Dwight cleared his throat. "I apologized to Mercedes and I need to apologize to you. Sam when I lost my Job you had to grow up in ways that you shouldn't have. I have been so scared that you resented me and I didn't want your future kids to have to go through what you did. Do I forced girls on you who I know would follow instead of lead, who would do as I wanted for you? I should have just cared about you being happy. If you want us leave I will leave but your mother was just supporting me as she has done the entire time we have been married. Don't let her miss out because I screwed up."
Sam closed his eyes taking a deep breathe. "If Mercedes invited you here then you might as well stay but trust me when I say you have not earned my trust or earned my forgiveness."
Sam turned away and stood up front, Mercedes meant well he knew that, and he also knew that she just wanted him to be happy. The music began to play and he smiled over to Puck, Mike, Blaine, Stevie and Artie, as Tina, Santana, Brittany, Quinn and Kurt walked down the aisle one by one. Mercedes appeared and all eyes were on her. Her beautiful gown was simple and yet elegant for a beach ceremony. She walked the isle barefoot, wishing she had her heels just so she could be taller. She smiled taking in the sight of her soon to be husband. She took his hand after kissing her father on the cheek and sighed as he Minister began talking.
She and Sam opted to go the tradition route and smiled as Sam repeated his vows to her.
"I, Sam Evans, choose you Mercedes Jones to be my wife, to respect you in your successes and in your failures, to care for you in sickness and in health, to nurture, and to grow with you throughout the seasons of life. And I need to add that I love you, I feel complete with you Mercedes. I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you."
Mercedes couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes. She wiped her eyes and smiled widely, and was glad that she went with the waterproof mascara. "I Mercedes Jones, choose you Sam Evans to be my husband, to respect you in your successes and in your failures. To care for you in sickness and in health, to nurture and grow with you, throughout the seasons of life. Sam you are the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of our life together."
Making their way to the reception hall in the Hotel, Mercedes beamed because everything was perfect. Sam pulled her to him and kissed her neck as they danced to "Love" by Music Soulchild.
"You know I have been a really good boy. But you in this dress, the way you feel in my arms, is really trying my patience. I need to have you."
Mercedes shook her head. "Sam, we can't leave in the middle of our reception."
"Says who? I want you, I have wanted you since I was 16 years old. That is over ten years. I think I deserve to kidnap and have my way with you."
"Baby I am your wife now. I promise if you stay just long enough for us to eat and cut the cake you can have your way with me all night long."
"All night long?"
Mercedes smiled pulling him down to her and placing a slow deep passionate kiss. "Oh yeah all night long."
Sam smiled widely. "Ok everyone let's get to the cake."
Sam pulled her towards the Cake table with a broad smile.