This is a short clip that takes place after 'King of the Damned'. I crept of the reservation for a short while and this is what my imagination threw out there for those who would like to read. So fellow travelers take this short journey with me and please if you can take a moment and review, I'd love to know what you think.

"Look, I'm glad it worked out ok, I am. I'm glad the blade is giving you strength, calm or whatever. Dean I gotta say-I think the blade is doing something else too."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like something to you. Look, I'm thinking-until we know for sure we're going to kill off Crowley, why don't we store the blade somewhere distant; lock it up somewhere safe. Ok?"



Sam looked at his older brother with deep concern and a certain amount of fear. When Dean had told him about how the blade made him feel, it caused his stomach to churn. Did he not see how it was affecting him? What he called calm, Sam called emotionless, uncaring, distant, brutal, and soulless.

The blade was taking his brother away from him, it was destroying any hope for them to reconcile. What was really scary, Dean didn't seem to have a clue it was happening. Each time he held the blade, he became more like a puppet for it. He saw the rage, hatred and blinding fury that came out in him when he killed Abbadon. That was not Dean, that was not his brother who would pick him up when he fell, who would bandage his wounds when he bled, who would sacrifice himself when he died, no, that person was not his brother.

Neither of the passengers of the Impala said a word the rest of the drive to the bunker. Sam looked out the window racking his brain on what he should do. Should he confront Dean, make him see what was happening to him, how he was changing.

The only thing on Dean's mind was drive, get to the bunker and he could hold it again. He felt that hum again, calling to him, teasing him, alluring him, he wanted to feel the power and the strength course thru his body. He wanted to feel invincible.

Dean pulled into the underground garage, into his favorite parking spot. Before the car was put in park, Sam was out of the car and heading into the bunker. Clasped in his hand wrapped in cloth was the blade, his blade. Dean frowned as he watched his brother quickly stalk away.

Sam knew he had to hide it, he knew he couldn't let Dean use it again. As soon as Dean pulled in the garage, he was out of the car and heading deep into the bunker. They still didn't know exactly how large the place was, there were still rooms they had not opened, but Sam had searched a few without Dean and had discovered a hidden chamber. It was by sheer accident he stumbled across it and was glad now that he hadn't told Dean its location.

Sam headed down the corridor toward the dungeon and turned left going deeper into the storage area. He glanced back several times and didn't see Dean following him, thankfully, he let out the breath he was holding. Quickly ducking into the far door on the left, he made his way to the back of the room and pulled gently on a shelf. It opened revealing a small storage room with shelves. Sam hurriedly took an empty box and put the blade in it, sealing it tightly with tape. He put it down on the lower shelf among some other boxes as far back as he could push it. With that done, he closed the panel, checked to be sure no dust had been disturbed, looked around making sure nothing else looked touched, and hurried toward the kitchen.

Dean was sitting at the table sipping a glass of whiskey eyeing Sam as he walked back into the room. His eyes tracked Sam's movements as he poured a cup of coffee and looked into the fridge for something to eat. Sam could feel the penetrating eyes of his brother digging daggers into his back. He felt a cold chill run down his spine as he straightened up and closed the fridge door.

"Where you been?" came a rough, deep voice from across the room. If he didn't know it was his brother, he would of thought someone else was talking to him.

"No where." Sam answered moving to pour creamier in his coffee.

"You would have thought the devil was on your heels by the way you bolted from the car."

"Just needed to use the bathroom."

"Bathroom." Dean smirked not buying it for one minute.

"Yeah, someone's going to need to make a food run, we're almost out of everything." Sam continued trying to change the subject. He knew what Dean was thinking and wanted to avoid the subject as long as possible.

"Well, maybe you should go get some air then." Dean said sliding his keys across the table toward Sam.

Sam watched the keys stop just to the side of his cup. He looked down at them and then up into the face of his brother. There was no emotion showing on his face other than that dead, brooding stare.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." Sam agreed picking up the keys and getting up. "I'll be back."

Dean didn't respond just drained his glass as Sam made his way up the steps glancing one quick time down at Dean.

Once he was sure Sam was gone, he got up and walked down the hall toward the bedrooms. Standing outside of Sam's bedroom, he slowly pushed the door open. He looked around carefully before stepping in the room.

Sam struggled with the bags in his hands as he made his way down the stairs and to the kitchen. He sat the bags on the counter and began to pull items out putting them away as he went. He glanced around, but didn't see Dean. Furrowing his eyes brows, his mind began to work overtime, maybe he just went to lay down. It was a long drive back, so he had to be tired.

Sam walked slowly down the hallway toward their bedrooms. He stopped for a moment in front of Dean's door and glanced in not seeing him. He paused at the bathroom and listened but was met with silence. Turning the corner, he stopped in front of his bedroom. The door was open and from what he could see, it looked like a tornado had set down in there. There were clothes thrown in the floor, his bed had been stripped, the closet was open and most of the hanging clothes were in the floor and sitting in the corner in the shadows was his brother.

"Dean what the hell!" Sam exclaimed throwing his arms out as he stepped further into the room.

"Where is it Sammy." came a gravely voice that made his skin crawl and stopped him in his tracks.

"What Dean?"

"You know what, where did you hide it?"

"It's safe, we don't need now and I didn't want anyone else getting their hands on it."

"You didn't think I couldn't handle that?"

"I didn't want you to have to handle it." he said softly.

"Why, you don't think I can control myself?"

"Look, I'm worried about you, that blade, I'm not sure what it's doing, but you're changing man, and not in a good way."

"Maybe I'm becoming better, maybe I'm becoming less needy, stronger, better and you can't take it."

"Dean, this is not you." Sam began as Dean slowly stood up and stalked his brother. Sam watched the body language of his brother change. He stiffened as he drew back inching his way toward the door. Dean was on him so suddenly he didn't have time to deflect the blow that knocked him backwards.

"I'm only going to ask one more time." Dean growled wadding his brother's shirt in his hand and jerked him forward bringing him within inches of his own face. "Where did you put my blade."

"It's not your blade." Sam slurred slightly from the split lip. He felt blood run down his chin as he tried to pull away from his brother.

"Where-is-it?" he screamed slamming his fist into Sam's face with each word. Blood began to drip from cuts and his nose as Dean drew back to throw another punch.

"Dee, pleaseā€¦" Sam cried out as he put his hands up to protect his face.

"I want it." he said pushing Sam back onto his back and slowly pulling out a knife from his pocket. Sam's eyes widened as he watched Dean open the blade and look back at him with a rage that would not be stopped until it got what it wanted, blood, warm, coppery, wet, red blood. Pushing himself backwards toward the door, Sam tried to get to his feet and away from his brother.

Sam got a hand on the door frame and pulled himself up stumbling out of the room. He used the wall as support and made his way toward the common room.

"You can't run from me Sammy. Might as well give it up." Dean called following him out the door with the knife gripped so tight in his hand his knuckles were white. He walked purposefully after Sam determined he would get the location of his blade.

As he entered the common room, he saw Sam leaning against the table holding his Taurus out in front of him pointing it at Dean. Dean stopped short and his scowl grew darker when he saw the gun.

"Stay back Dean, I don't want to hurt you." Sam's voice quivered.

"You won't shoot me Sammy, I'm your big brother, now put down the gun." he instructed him.

"I will, if you don't put the knife down." he said speed dialing his phone.

"Who you calling Sammy?" Dean cautioned trying to work his way around Sam.

"You need to get here now." Sam yelled into his phone. He watched Dean carefully as he made for the stairs and the outside door. Dean made a leap and Sam fired at him grazing his arm, but stopping him long enough for him get up the stairs and open the outside door.

"Sonofab*tch!" Dean scoffed getting to his feet. He heard a flutter and slight breeze as Cas appeared beside him placing his fingers on his forehead. Dean's eyes rolled back in his head as Cas grabbed him and guided him to the floor.

"Sam? What's going on?" Cas asked looking a Sam's battered face and the gun shot wound in Dean's arm.

"Dean went crazy, the blade is taking him away from me."

"Where is it?"

"I hid it so Dean couldn't get it." Sam said wiping the blood from his eye.

"I was afraid this would happen. It is pulling him deeper in, making him want it more."

"What can we do? How do we stop it?"

"As long as he has the mark, there's not much we can do." Cas said looking down at Dean's prone body.

"There's got to be something. Cas. Look can the blade be destroyed? If there's no blade, then the mark would be useless right?"

"I do not know, the yearning may be so strong, it will consume Dean completely."

"And if that happened, would he be lost to us?"

"There would be no turning back, even now if the mark is transferred to another, I do not know the damage that has been done to Dean's soul."

"No Cas, I won't give up, there's got to be something we can do." Sam said madly more determined than ever. "Can you keep him under for a few hours?"

"Yes, if I had my true grace, I might be able to help him." Cas said helping Sam drag Dean to the dungeon. They laid him on a cot in the room. Sam took a blanket and covered Dean's body before closing the door and locking it in place. He leaned back against the iron door and grimaced as a stray tear slipped out of his eye. He bowed his head swallowing hard as emotions overtook him and he doubled over clenching his sides sobbing.

Cas watched the young Winchester sob quietly for his older brother. He gently laid a hand on his shoulder, knowing he could not take away his pain and suffering.

"We will find a way to save your brother Sam." Cas offered.

Sam straightened and wiped his face on his shirt sleeve. He took a deep shaky breath before saying, "I need to get the first aid kit to bandage his arm."

Do I stop or do I continue? What do you think?