AN: Here is chapter 10! The second chapter on the Thief Arc, hopefully by next chapter I should be able to include more exciting things and pick up the pace of the fic a bit. I got half of 11 planned out already because there was other stuff I wanted to include into this chapter but the sections kept getting longer and I decided to leave for next chapter. I did not get to the part with Jun I wanted to add here because as the scenes were longer than I thought they would be I was not able to fit it in because lots more happens before then so that will be at the end of chapter 11 lots of action going on in this chapter though it is not really exciting. Hopefully next chapter I can make up for it. Just so you keep it in mind, chapter 9 was the beginning of the Thief Arc and this one should set the stage for what is to come and how Aki is getting deep into things he should have left alone.

I still own nothing

Betaed by fifteenfeb


Ride The Wind Chapter 10

Asami's men were, in all honesty, freaking out. The two that had been in the shop were joined by another, who had been stationed outside the shop, and had no idea how Akihito had gone pass him when he had his eye on the shop the whole time. It all came down to a quick game of three out of five rock-paper-scissors to try to figure out who among them would be the unfortunate soul to make that much dreaded phone call, informing the boss that his wayward lover was nowhere to be found and had all but vanished into thin air.

They had circled the ramen shop several times, trying to find some sort of clue and coming out of the alley, interrogating any person who happened to be standing by as to the whereabouts of the blond menace. They kept coming back into the shop and demanding from the man who spoke to Akihito any recollection of immediate future plans spoken by the boy. Nothing, that was all their efforts gave them, and it has been an hour since the willful blond vanished. Asami would not be pleased when whoever ended up losing the little game reported, that it had taken them so long to contact him.

As if by art of magic, or some sort of dark curse looming over their heads, the sound of a phone ringing drew their attention. One of their phones was ringing with the ringtone they all had set for Kirishima so they knew not to let the phone ring too long. As they all panicked patting their pants simultaneously in order to figure out whose phone it was, they realized the idiocy of having set all their phones to the same ringtone for the same person. At least two out of the three would have saved themselves the mini heart attack they were experiencing as they tried to find out who the unlucky man was.


Something told Kirishima Kei that there was something amiss with the boss' lover. It might have had to do with the fact that the men Suoh's assistant had selected to tail and protect the troublesome brat were thirty minutes late in their hourly report. By the darkening mood forming a heavy cloud around the boss and the way that the man kept glancing at the clock discreetly behind the trembling Politician begging for favor before them, which had nothing to do with Asami's initial sour mood but added to secretary could tell that the boss too, was getting a bit impatient and preoccupied with the lack of information about Takaba's whereabouts and activities.

Asami watched to clock one more time before he gave the bespectacled man a quick glance. With a short nod, the secretary excused himself from the meeting room and took out his phone as soon as the door closed behind him. He called the number of the first person from the three on Takaba duty that came up on his phone.

The phone rang.

For two minutes and forty-six seconds.

It was longer than any of Asami's men ever dared to let their phone ring when they knew the call was from him. It immediately alerted Kirishima that indeed something was not right, he could already guess that Takaba had managed to slip pass the men. He had gotten so used to the boy not pulling disappearing acts since Jun had become the boy's personal bodyguard that a feeling of annoyance and a bit of anger settled on him. If Asami was not his boss, a person he respected greatly and was infinitely loyal to, if the man was not his best friend since childhood, Kirishima knew he would have smacked the man on the back of the head for, albeit temporarily, ruining a perfectly good thing. With Jun, the boy was manageable and without Jun, to somehow magically instill some sense into Takaba, the boy went off on his own to do gods only know what and get into trouble causing them all great headaches.'If only I could harness, distill, and bottle whatever sorcery Sumewari uses to keep that brat in check, I could use it to make my life so much easier.' Thought the secretary with a tired sigh.

With a deep breath, he settled his momentary anger at his friend and listened to the shaky voice at the other side of the line when it had finally picked up.

"Kirishima-san, what can I do for you?" Said the shaky voice.

"Omeda-san, why has no one from your team contacted me to give the hourly report? You are almost one hour late."

"My apologies Kirishima-san, we…"

"When did you lose him?" The secretary interrupted. His day was getting worse by the minute, Asami would not be pleased that they had not only failed to keep track of Takaba but also had failed to inform him immediately. Someone was going to end up with his permanent residence changed to the bottom of Tokyo Bay, this was not a mistake he want repeated, Asami always had to know everything that was going on with his belongings.

"Shortly after our last report, he went into the bathroom and didn't come out. We waited for about twenty minutes before we decided to break into the bathroom and found him gone. It has been about one hour and fifteen minutes since we realized he had climbed out of the bathroom window and disappeared."

'Amateurs, I knew they were still too green to be in charge of the brat. Suoh will have to get rid of his assistant when he comes back, that man has no clue whom to send to this kind of assignment.'

"If it has been over one hour, why did it take so long for you to inform me? Anything that happens with Takaba must be informed to me or Suoh right away. Asami-sama will not be pleased with your performance in this task. He would likely want to see you personally and decide what to do with you. A more experienced and reliable team will be there to take your place and find out clues regarding where the boy went, you are to come back to Sion and report to Asami-sama's office as soon as the team gets there." The cold tone Kirishima spoke with let the men know there was not a single thing they could do to get out of the mess they dug themselves into. It was not the fact that they had lost Takaba, the kid was like an eel and slipped through the watch of everyone but Jun. It was that they had not informed their superiors as soon as they realized Takaba was gone. An organization like theirs valued accuracy of information highly, not knowing what is going on can cause a world of problems if they were not prepared and the blond seemed to be able to sniff out trouble miles away and jump right into the center of it. No, failing to report was something that just wouldn't do, especially concerning Asami's troublesome lover.

He had hung up before the man had any chance to say anything and went to inform Asami, the meeting was likely to be over by now so the man would be in his office. On his way to the boss' office, he called five men who had more experience in Takaba duty than the ones waiting at the ramen shop and sent them to look for the blond.

With a short knock, he announced his presence and after hearing his boss say 'enter', he entered the spacious office and faced the golden-eyed man before him.

Asami watched him with intense eyes and he needed no more prompting to deliver his report.

"Asami-sama, the new team in charge of watching Takaba-kun lost him about one hour and twenty minutes ago. They failed to report at the appointed time and are unable to find information on Takaba-kun's whereabouts."

Asami's face went harder than usual, not a single muscle was moving and his voice was flat and cold.

"Did they fail to report because they were being attacked or just neglected to report in order to delay facing consequences of losing their charge?"

"It appears it was the latter, sir."

"Hn, have them come see me as soon as they get here."

"They should be on their way by now, sir; I sent a more experienced team to search for Takaba-kun."

"After I speak with them, have the team leader disposed of and the other two locked in a holding room in the basement. They are Suoh's men so I will leave their disciplining to him after he comes back from his errand."

"That is very… generous… of you, Asami-sama. It was their first assignment and this will serve as an example for the future, they know they will not be as lucky the second time."

"Hn. Kirishima?"

"Yes, Asami-sama?"

"Who chose these men to watch over Akihito?"

"Suoh's new assistant, he is still looking for a suitable second to take care of business while he is out on assignment since Sumewari-kun was assigned to Takaba-kun and he was the one Suoh had his eyes on."

"Have the assistant disposed of as well; I cannot have people assigning men to duties they are not ready for. Have Yamamori take charge as temporary second until Suoh comes back, the man seems capable. Suoh can decide if he wants to keep him or select someone else after he sees the man's performance."

"Are you sure, Asami-sama? Yamamori is still somewhat new to the organization, it would be a very quick jump to the top if he keeps the job."

"Nothing that hasn't happen before, all my men should know that the capable rise fast within the ranks and strive to be better. He has been working for me long enough for me to know where his loyalties reside or is it that you question his loyalties? Seeing as you have no doubt about his skill."

"No, Asami-sama, both his skills as well as his loyalties are unquestionable. I will inform him right away and take care of the assistant."

Asami lowered his eyes back to a document he was reading, clearly dismissing the secretary, and the bespectacled man left the office after bowing. Suoh would likely be at the main branch of the imports and exports regulation office by now which meant he should be back in Sion soon and be able to help in the search of Asami's missing hissing cat.


Suoh was leaving the office at the top of the imports and exports regulation main branch building. In his hand was a black briefcase containing information useful to create new trade routes into Japan and through the waters surrounding it, but that was not all the briefcase contained. Inside were the details about the new trade arrangement between Japan and South Korea, who in turn, had extended the deal to Kazakhstan of all countries. It gave Asami routes all the way from Japan to smack in the middle of Central Asia and Europe, right next to Mikhail's territory.

There was no professional courtesy for someone who tried to steal your merchandise and the annoying blond peacock was about to find out why you just do not mess with Asami Ryuichi, Souh was looking forward to it. Asami had found out some rather interesting information about the director of international trade and 'convinced' the man it was in his best interest to quietly hand the secret information to him. Suoh was the only one he could trust to pick up the briefcase since Asami preferred to have Kirishima with him at all times.

He rode the elevator down as he listened to the men stationed all around the building report that all seemed clear and there was no suspicious activity or vehicles for a block radius. Confident that the delivery of the very important information was going to go well, he stepped out of the building's lobby and into the sidewalk to the limo that awaited him. All he had to do now was cross the sidewalk, cross the street, sit down in the backseat of the limo, ride in the secured vehicle to Sion and deliver the briefcase into Asami's hands. Simple and easy. He should have known better.

No sooner he has stepped into the sidewalk, a black bike was speeding through it making civilians jump out of its way and making it straight for the blond behemoth. Guns came out and started shooting at the black clad rider from across the panic created by them made people run in all directions and bump into the bodyguard, preventing him from reaching the limo before the bike reached him. It all happened too fast to make sense of, one second the body of the rider was hit by a bullet right on the chest without seeming to stop him and the next, Suoh's head was being hit with the back wheel of the bike right on the temple, the man just leaned and picked up the briefcase from the floor as Suoh's mind drifted into nothingness. The bike sped away expertly dodging frantic civilians, the men at the other side of the street trying to shoot carefully as not to hit innocents. It was clear someone knew the streets were going to be filled with the lunch crowd making it hard for them to take the biker down without killing any of the civilians and this was going to be the only window of opportunity to steal the briefcase.


Akihito felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest through his mouth. The adrenaline pumping in his blood was giving him a high he had not experienced in a very long time. He felt bad for hitting Suoh on the head but he had already formed a plan to make it all better, the guilt about stealing from Asami was almost making the adrenaline rush not worth it, almost. Besides, if he did not do this job then someone else would have and Asami would have lost whatever it was he sent Suoh to pick up, forever. With him being the one taking the package, at least the man would have a chance at recuperating it.

He rode the streets at impossible speeds, dodging cars and people alike as he alternated from the streets to the sidewalks in his quest to lose the cars following him. He wanted Asami to have a chance at recuperating his property but he did not want to get caught in the process and if he wanted to keep his neck, head and torso attached to each other, he needed to make this seem real. No one could know he was double crossing the client, it would mean death for him and his contacts at the worse and at the least the loss of all trust in their services and reliability. She would kill him if he ruined her family business, plus he did not feel like getting into the bad side of the thieves' guild. He needed their information for his assignments from time to time as well as their tunnels and pissing them off would ensure he lost all privileges and favors he had accumulated over the years. Having every thief and pickpocket in Tokyo pissed at him was not a good prospect for his life and health.

He would reach the meeting point and ride his decoy to the safe zone. From there, he would head to the drop point and hand over the briefcase. Then he would head to the closest entryway underground city's tunnels and take them straight to the shop where he would collect his payment. But, between here and there, Asami would get what he needs to secure the package for himself.

Akihito turned a sharp corner and went through an alley to come out on a different street. There it was, the decoy's meeting point, less than a block from where he came out was a large white cargo truck with the words "Sakako Moving Co." printed on it. Its back was open to him like a hungry mouth waiting to swallow him whole and the ramp coming out of it looked like a large tongue ready to taste him. Next to the ramp, was a thin young man smoking a cigarette and looking inconspicuous in the camera at the corner of the building. He moved to the left as Akihito approached from the right and rode the ramp up into the back of the truck.

The young man promptly pushed the ramp up and closed the trucks door efficiently, hiding Akihito and the bike inside the truck's trailer. Seconds later, a bike almost the same as the one he was riding passed by being caught by the turning camera, timing was everything and Akihito's had been perfect. Six black cars turned into the street almost the same second the bike passed the camera and followed it down the street. Later on, when Asami's men checked the camera feed after figuring out that they had chased the wrong person, they would be clueless as to when or where their thief lost them.

The truck turned on and began to pull out of the spot it was parked on. Inside, Akihito was changing gears and switching bikes. His chest hurt from the spot he had been shot and as he took off the bulletproof vest to check it out, a deep purple bruise was already forming. Bulletproof vest bruises were bruises Asami was intimately familiar with; he would have to stay away from the condo for a couple of days. It was the perfect time for impromptu camping with his friends he supposed, he would invite Jun. If Jun was around, Asami was less likely to send for him, giving his bruise enough time to fade a bit. He looked at his watch as he felt the truck move slowly through the crowded Tokyo streets, he still had five minutes to dress and two to contact Asami if he wanted to give the man enough time to get to the drop off point with his goon army. Right after he had disappeared from the site of course, he was cutting his escape from the prop of point a bit short though, because he had to make the delivery seem real and create no doubt about himself. Gokudo did not suffer traitors and he was too attached to his life to let it go.

Twenty minutes later, the truck stopped at an empty parking lot at a park and let him out. He drove for ten straight minutes before he took a short detour into an underground parking lot, stopping his bike right in the middle of the main entry and took out a burner phone he had paid in cash for. He knew the number by memory so he did not have to waste precious seconds searching for it, not that he could have anyways since he had turned off his phone the minute he entered the ramen shop's bathroom and she had made him leave his phone at the bike shop before he left. He entered the number and sent a quick text message making sure it was worded in a way that would not make the golden-eyed man suspect him as the sender.

Lost something, Asami-san? Perhaps you should check out Tokyo Port's general cargo section on the construction material terminal before your property gets packaged between construction materials and shipped to where your hands can't reach. You have thirty-five minutes.

He sent the text and looked at the clock on the phone. He broke the phone and with a bit of gas from the bike, set it on fire before exiting the parking lot to the secondary door and driving through back alleys gaining time lost while he was sending the message. He had two minutes to reach the next checkpoint at the marked time to not arise suspicion that he has stopped somewhere. Akihito took all the shortcuts he knew of and made it through his check point with seconds to spare, he was right on schedule.


In Shinjuku, Asami was already assembling a task force to hunt down the man in the bike and recuperate the briefcase. Suoh had already woken up and had been issuing orders left and right with anger in his voice. Kirishima felt his phone vibrate, indicating a text had been received and his eyes opened wide as he read it before he passed the phone to his boss. Akihito was not stupid, he knew that the amount of people who knew Asami's personal phone number was a very limited one, it would not take the man five seconds to run down the list and figure out who sent the message, so he sent it to a number many people were previous to; Kirishima's phone number, because he knew no one talked to Asami before first going through Kirishima.

Asami gave the orders for his men to get into the cars and head to the provided address. There would be a first group arriving with guns and bulletproof vests to circle what he thought was most likely a bait left for him, and a second group which he would be part of to surround the ones who were likely to ambush the first group. Once the bait was taken down and enemy was surrounded, trapped between the first and second group, Asami's men would take as many as they could down leaving the important-looking ones and several others for interrogation. He would have the valuable information in his hands within minutes of arriving at the location. No one would escape him.


This chapter had definitely be one of my longest as of late, it just kept growing. Anyways feel free to let me know what you think and what you hope/think will happen, I'm curious to know where you think this might go.

Secret Admirer chapter 7 is two thirds done so I should be able to finish it tonight or tomorrow if I am allowed the time to sit down and write. Expect the chapter sometime between tomorrow afternoon and Sunday night.

Here is the next stuff coming up:






And a sequel to Turn Off The Lights called Henna as well as a sequel to Other Me called On The Prowl. I felt like working on this storylines but it is slow going so I don't know how soon I will have them done, just wanted to know they were coming so you are on the lookout for them.

That's it for now; I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Check out my original work on Fiction Press if you have some free time, I have the same handle name as on AO3 and
