AN: I know that I should be updating "When The Unexpected Happens" (I'm sorry I really am and beg for your forgiveness for taking so long.) I swear to you I have not abandoned the story. I am simply mind blocked at the moment with where I want to take things because to tell you all the truth the fic seems to have gotten will of its own and developed in a different direction than what I first had in mind and I am waiting for inspiration to strike me regarding where to go from where the story is now. I have about half of chapter 6 done and hope to finish it sometime soon. In the mean time ideas for one-shots (that may or may not become two-shots at some point) do keep arriving and I hope they at least wet your appetite until I can finish chapter 6. I am pretty sure there will be some spelling mistakes, sorry about that… English is not my first language and sometimes spell-check doesn't cut it. Like all my other stuff this is self betaed.

I still don't own Finder Series.


Ride the Wind

The door to the small café opened with the ring of a bell. On a corner at the end two young men wave and smile at the blond who just entered the premises. The blond smiled back and with a small wave of his hand directed his steps in their direction. Pulling the chair he sits before them eying their shakes with interest. 'Too bad I'm completely broke this week.' He thinks with a sigh, oblivious to the waitress coming their way. The young woman places a butterscotch-caramel milkshake adorned with a juicy red cherry in from of him, gives him an interested look, smiles and walks away.

Panic rises in his mind as he realizes his friends must have ordered for him when he told them he would arrive in five minutes, problem is; he is broke and can't even pay for a stupid milkshake. 'God this is embarrassing… although… I could always use the card Asami gave me. Hell no! What am I even thinking? There is just no way I will use his money, no way! Heaven only knows how I will have to pay him back.' He shudders at the possibilities as if an icy wind had gone up his spine.

His friends were having a blast watching him have an internal battle with himself and in their minds they insert little pieces of inner monologue to accompany the multitude of expressions crossing Akihito's face. They give each other a knowing look and wordlessly decide it is time to take their friend out of his misery.

"Aki-chan, relax and enjoy your milkshake, our treat." Kou with a smile on his face pushes the milkshake closer to Akihito.

"Thank you guys! You are the best, but seriously Kou, you have got to stop calling me Aki-chan. It annoys the hell out of me." Akihito takes the offered treat and hums in pleasure at the taste.

"You know, for someone dating a rich lady you sure are broke quite often." Comments Takato eying his friend as he enjoys his own shake.

"That's because he is too proud to take money from someone. Aren't you, Aki-chan?" says Kou

"More like I like to be independent and not have to count oh her charity. I'm not a kept woman thank you very much, and cut it out with the 'Aki-chan' I'm not a girl!"

The blond man's temper is starting to boil and soon he would blow up at them. As fun as taunting their irascible friend was they had other things to discuss and seeing as Akihito is always so busy with 'work' - which somehow did not reflect on his budget - this was the only chance they had to talk about the topic.

"Cut it out you too! We have stuff to talk about." Said Takato halting their arguments.

"Oh, right. Sorry Takato. What did you guys want to talk to me about?" Akihito was curious as to the topic of the conversation and had been wondering about it all day long.

"Well, straight to the point then. Are you going to the 'thing' this year?"

"What thing?" He asked looking at them curiously.

"What do you mean? What thing? THE thing" they both said astonished he had forgotten.

He blanched visibly as understanding reached him. Panicking he looked around hoping no one was paying attention to their conversation, and trying to figure out if any of the people in the café worked for Asami. He leaned forward and spoke his next words in a whisper, his friends leaning forward as well to be able to hear.

"Guys I am not going there anymore. I left that part of my life behind and so did you."

"Come on Aki, you did not go last year because you were 'too busy' and the year before that because you were out of the country. What was so important anyway? And why are we whispering to begin with?" Kou asked.

He could not tell his friends that his little 'trip' out of the country was not as much as trip as it was getting kidnapped and raped for weeks and that being 'busy' meant he was being screwed into the mattress by Asami for hours on end. He certainly could not tell them that he had to be careful about this conversation because the possessive bastard might have someone following him at this very moment.

"I'm sorry I did not make it guys, but I can't go there anymore. There are circumstances…"

"Come on Aki. It's our thing, the only thing we have left from the time we met. It's kind of like a tribute to all we went through back then and it is important to us." Takato reminded him.

"Fine! I will do my best and try to make it this year." He said exasperated.

"Good because there were a lot of disappointed people when you did not show up last year and Takato is already not going to be able to go." Said Kou with a hopeful look.

"Wait, you are not going Takato? Why? You are the one pushing me to go."

"I can't go this year because someone…Thanks for that by the way…" He says giving Kou a pointed look. "Told my wife were we were going thinking she would not know about it. Which she didn't, but her younger sister did and when she mentioned it to her sister last weekend and was told about what happens there she freaked out and told me I could not go to such places or engage in such activities, so my cover for this year was blown wide open and she will no longer buy the 'guy's' weekend story."

"I said I was sorry about that already, you will not let this go will you?"

"I know, I know. Is just that I wanted the tree of us to go together this year and I was looking forward to seeing Aki do his thing... since he decided to go AWOL the last two times."

"I did not go AWOL!"

"Rrrright, sure you didn't." The sarcastic remark came from Kou.

"Anyway…" said Takato "there was this kid who was going around issuing challenges and screaming from the top of his lungs that T.A. has not been coming because he is scared to find out he is no longer number one. The nerve on that kid I tell you… I wanted to crush him myself for his stupidity, but you know with my eyesight and all I would probably make a fool of myself these days and Kou is more of a cheerleader than anything else, besides T.A. will defend his title this year."

"HEY! I am not a cheerleader, I am moral support and the only reason I can't do anything is because the last time I nearly killed myself and realized I am not as good as I used to be. I know when to retire with grace. So it all rests on you Akihito, teach that greenhorn who rules the streets."

"I'll see what I can do." Akihito answered defeated. "But don't expect too much. Where do I have to be and when." He asked with a sigh.

"Tonight, midnight at the meeting point in Arakawa river. Man, you seriously are out of the loop lately."

"Be there for the show," Reminded Kou "half the battle is fought there."

Takaba had no idea how to make sure he could get away with going there and he had practically no time to think about an excuse.


Asami was just done closing a deal when his phone began vibrating. He pushed his phone toward Kirishima who took the phone, flipped it open, and saw the call was coming from 'kitten' over a picture Akihito in a cat costume with he could have done with not seeing, ever, but the boss had made it the screensaver to the phone. "Takaba-kun, please wait a moment." He said while Asami said goodbye to his business associates.

By the time Asami got to the phone Akihito was beyond anxious. He was hoping that Asami would be reasonable and let him go out without having to send his gorillas after him. Ditching the gorillas meant that Asami would send in the big guns, meaning Suoh, and there was no away that he would escape that man.

"Asami, do you think there is a way you could have your men leave alone for one night. Just one night, I am getting fed up with having them follow me around all the time and would like to have sometime by myself with the guys."

Asami raises a suspicious brow and looks at his lover with penetrating eyes. He had learned that every time Akihito wanted to be without someone tailing him bad enough to bring up the subject in front of him, the kid was up to no good and will probably cause a mess of epic proportions that he would end up having to clean up later. Though he thought that maybe this time was different, that is if it was true that he was going to be with his friends as opposed to perched on rooftops and fire escapes.

Regardless of whether or not the boy was going to be out with his friends engaging in some non-dangerous activities – as tends to happen because his friends are honestly boring – he would rather have someone to watch over his property since he tends to find trouble wherever he goes.

"Tell me Akihito, is there something specific you and 'the guys' are doing tonight?"

"Well, nothing particular. I mean we are just going to hang out and um hang out and stuff. Just me and the guys hanging out." Akihito stuttered through his explanation and Asami did not believe him one bit.


"Why not! Seriously Asami, I'm sick of having those bozos following me around all the time. Can't I just have one night? Please."


Akihito knew of one sure way he could get away with not having people following him around but it was going to cost him. The price was high but Takato and Kou were counting on him. He would probably hate himself for the best part of a year for even suggesting it, hell he could not even believe he had thought about it… it was time to use 'the secret weapon'. He had been saving it for an emergency but he figured it was time.

"So, um… If you let me go out with the guys tonight I…"

"You what Akihito, spit it out already."

"I promise you two hours on your secret room… and… I will be cooperative."


"WHAT? NO!" Akihito screamed into the phone.

"Three hours, willing and compliant."

"Two and a half." The blond bargained.

"Three hours or there is no deal."

'For the guys Akihito, for the guys…' Akihito kept repeating to himself.

"Ok, three hours. No guards, no tails, no one following me around. Tonight I'm free to go out with my friends without having to look over my shoulders. If I see any of your men around the deal is off and I'm sleeping at Kou's for a month."

"Have fun kitten, don't do anything stupid or get yourself into a dangerous situation." Akihito could practically hear the smug smirk on the man's voice and before he could say anything Asami had already ended the call.

Asami smiled a wide grin the likes of which he had never smiled before. 'Well, this is shaping up to be rather interesting night.' To the side of the room Kirishima and Suoh looked at each other and trembled slightly as the look of sadistic glee made the man look like the Cheshire cat. Whatever the brat had agreed to they were just glad they did not have to see it.


'What have I just agreed to? The guys better appreciate the sacrifice my body and especially my ass has just made for them… not that I will tell them the specifics of what I had to agree to do to be able to go to that place tonight, but still. They better treat me like I'm a god at least for a year.'

Akihito took a quick shower and walked to guestroom/darkroom to take a wooden trunk out from behind ten cardboard boxes. He put the trunk on top of the bed and grabbed a frame with a picture of Kou, Takato and himself in their high school uniforms. Akihito took the frame apart and pulled out a small key that way hidden inside it, opened the trunk and took out its content.

He arrived on his vespa at the storage unit soon after leaving the penthouse and after opening the door he pushed his vehicle inside. Two years what used to be his pride and joy had sat there in neglect. He hoped the thing was still in the condition he left it and after checking it thoroughly he was glad he had continue to come from time to time to give it maintenance even after he had left that life behind. He knew that after Asami entered his life he had neglected the machine but thankfully either Kou or Takato still came from time to time to check on it.

Checking his watch he noticed it was already ten thirty. He had to leave if he wanted to make it in time for the show before the event.


At Sion, Asami looked at the clock before finishing looking over a contract with a new company. A soft nock pulled him from his work and his assistant entered the office shortly after.

"Asami-sama, we have to leave now if you want to be on time to see if that kid has what it takes for the job."

"Hm, I will be finishing this tomorrow."

"Pardon my boldness sir, but you really don't have to go to this kind of event. I am more than capable to assess this person and see if he can be useful."

"Its fine Kirishima, I have nothing else to do tonight and this will entertain me a bit."

"What about Takaba-kun, won't he be at home waiting for you?"

"He is out with his friends today."

"Do you need me to find out where?"

"No, leave it. We made a very advantageous deal today and that would only ruin my fun."

Kirishima saw that disturbingly sadistic grin for the second time that day and decided to drop the subject as he followed his boss out of the building and into the BMW. Besides nothing big was going on in the underworld lately and he was sure the brat won't get into too much trouble on one night… or so he hoped.

They arrived at an abandoned building on Koto, near Tokyo Port at ten forty five and parked behind it. A man was waiting for them and guided them into the building, he led them up the stair to the third floor and opened a door bowing to Asami and indicating he could enter. The room was wide and almost bare save for a wide couch, a comfortable chair and a table with an ashtray, ice, a decanter with golden liquid in it and a glass tumbler. The couch and the chair faced a glass window that made up almost the entirety of the wall. From his position at the chair Asami could see everyone already gathered outside the building and those who were just arriving. So far Asami had not seen anyone that caught his interest.

"Where is the kid?" Asami asked the man.

"He is over there sir, the one in neon green." Said the man pointing at the person in question.

"He better be as good as he thinks he is."

"He is good sir, very dependable. Capable too. I'm sure he can do what you need him to." The man had high hopes for his friend and if he was hired by Asami for the job he hoped to get a handsome cut from the pay. He had invested a lot on this kid and now was the time to get something in return.


From his spot before the glass window Asami could see the people below competing against each other, drinking, talking and he guess some discretely getting high. He had been sitting on the chair for close to an hour now disinterested on most of the happenings outside the building. He still had to see the skills of the kid in neon green as he appeared to have been bickering with a young man sitting on a crate to the side. He pulled his eyes from the window and concentrated on his whiskey and cigarette, his patience was growing thin and he was about ready to leave when everything outside suddenly quieted down.

Those who were competing against each other had stopped and the ones cheering on the sides were no longer showing and laughing. It was as if all sound had been sucked out of the ambient. Asami lifted his gaze to the window once more and realized all eyes were directed to the pile of crates. More accurately, to the kid in neon green who now engaged in confrontation with a young man on a black outfit with red and golden designs. The newly arrived man was standing with his back toward the building and Asami could not see his face. He was too far away to hear the conversation but judging by the scowl of hatred coming from the kid in neon green, the new comer had said something to piss him off.

The young man on black put on his helmet and walked to his bike while the kid in green did the same. There was something about the way those leather pants hugged that perfectly round ass as the new comer walked away, something on the way he walked and the way he stood defiantly that made a rush of sexual hunger sit on the pit of Asami's stomach. People rushed out of the way and cleared a big space for them at the center of the crowd.

'Finally, some entertainment' He thought as the kid in neon green began to show off.


Akihito arrived at the meeting place at eleven, there was already a large group of people gathered there, some of them were already putting up a show. He knew that the ones he had to watch out for would show their skill at the end, when they had already sized up the rookies. Kou had been right, half the battle is won at the meeting point as they all showed their skills and intimidated the competition into avoiding you at the main event.

At the sound of the new arrival many of the bystanders turned to see who it was. It was a modified black with golden and red designs Ninja ZX-6R and as soon as it made its appearance the crowd grew loud in excitement. He had his trademark look and everyone knew who he was, golden hair spiked with the tips colored red, tight black leather pants, black leather jacket with the same red and gold designs as his bike on it and on the back of the jacket the initials T.A. on bold red letters. He got off the bike and walked toward Kou who was sitting on some crates looking very annoyed as he talked to a kid who looked to be somewhere between eighteen and twenty one.

The kid was wearing the most blinding neon green outfit and was clearly pestering Kou if the look on his friends face was anything to go by. When he reached them the look of mocking amusement on the kid made him want to slap the haughty smile off his face.

"What is going on here?" He asked directing his question at his friend and completely ignoring the self-righteous youth.

"Ah, T.A. this is -" Kou began but was interrupted mid-sentence by the mass of neon green.

"Tatsuba Seiji" He said as he stretched his hand before Akihito. "It's nice to finally meet the legend. You should have stayed away from this place and retired quietly old man. At least you would have stayed undefeated. I suppose a man like you would not release the title of 'King' though.

'Who the hell gives their real name in a place like this? This kid is so over his head in his delusions of grandeur. He must think he is a celebrity or something, and why the hell is he calling me an old man? I'm twenty five for fuck's sake! God, I hate kids now a days they always think they are the shit.' Thought Akihito as he studied the self assured youth standing before him and left the hand hanging in between them for so long the annoying brat lowered it without receiving a handshake in acknowledgment.

"You know Tatsuba-kun; the thing is; I am not here because I don't want to release my title. I am here because I will not release the title to someone unworthy." Answered Akihito while looking at the smug kid up and down with a look of disgust.

By this point he wanted to teach the boy a lesson, to teach him that he was still wet behind the ears and nock his bravado down a few notches. Somewhere at the back of his head a small voice said 'so this is how Asami feels every time I call him old man, no wander he likes to ascertain his 'dominance' for hours on end after the word lips past my lips.' He decided to ignore the voice though and concentrate on the matter at hand.

Everyone else had stopped showing off by now and they were more interested in the confrontation developing between the 'King of the Streets' for eight consecutive years and his challenger. Though Tatsuba had developed a following and Takaba had not come to any of the events for two years most people – old comers and newcomers alike – preferred the title out of Tatsuba's hands. The kid was exasperating enough without the title of 'King' inflating his already outrageous ego.

"Let's get this over with old man. I'm getting tired of talking." Said Tatsuba.

"Fine by me kid." Answered Akihito putting emphasis on the word 'kid'.

As he headed to his bike after putting his helmet on. The bystanders had cleared a space for them at the center of the crowd and they drove their bikes to it. Akihito signaled Tatsuba to go first since he was the one challenging.

He circled Akihito a couple times before lifting his bike on its back wheel and making three circles before lowering the front wheel and waiting for T.A. show what he got. Akihito smiled under his helmet. He repeated Tatsuba's move, except he did it better. Akihito lifted his bike on the back wheel as well and made four circles with his bike but while Tatsuba had had both legs on the pedals Akihito had one foot on seat and another extended out and almost touching the ground as the bike went around on its back wheel and tilted to the side.

Again Tatsuba lifted his bike on the back wheel, both legs on the leather seat and made about five circles as he held on to the bike with both hands. Akihito did the same but chose to use only one leg as he held on to the bike with the opposite hand.

Tatsuba lifted the bike one more time and drove forward for about five feet without using his hands to hold on. When he was done Akihito lifter his bike placed one foot at the edge of the seat, tilted his body to the side of the bike, lifted his other leg on the air and held on to the side of the front wheel as his bike rapidly spun around about eight or nine times.

The process repeated various times and each time Tatsuba did something Takaba did it better and cooler. People shouted and screamed supporting both of them almost equally in the beginning but now most of the encouragement went to Takaba. In the end Takaba won the battle with a surprisingly daring move that could have killed anyone not as nimble and with less balanced than him as he pulled the craziest stunt they had ever seen while supporting his whole bodyweight on one hand and holding on to a spinning bike with the other.

The battle had been won but the war and the title would be decided on the race and Takaba Akihito will be damned if he allowed such a pick to defeat him.


Asami watched the display of skill with interest yet two things quickly became painfully obvious to him. First, the kid in neon green was not the best as he had been promised. Second, the young man in black was not only more skilled and experience but also clearly insane.

"Soji-san, you told me your boy was the best. From what I am seeing you lied to me." He said fixing golden eyes on the trembling man.

"Asami-san, I swear I did not mean to lie. That man he is going up against has not been coming to these things for two years and is very hard to contact. The man is retired, I swear." Soji did not expect T.A. to appear and ruin his chances at getting some substantial money from Asami. 'Of all the times that man could have shown up, he had to appear the day Asami is here to watch Tatsuba and make a fool of him.'

"If he is retired as you say, why is he competing against your boy at this moment? A retired man has no need to go to the extents he is going through to make sure he embarrasses your boy in front of the crowd." Asami could tell by the way the man in black used a better version of the kid in neon green's stunts that the intention was to embarrass and teach some humility to younger one. He was angry that Soji had tried to deceive him by showing him someone that was though good, not the best.

"Well, maybe he wanted to have last spin or something. Like a tribute of some sort." Soji was sweating bullets and cursing Tatsuba in his mind. He kept telling the arrogant prick to stop taunting the T.A.'s friends every time he saw then lest the man actually showed up and taught him a lesson. But nooo… in his unending arrogance the stupid brat had not heed his advice and not here was the man himself serving him defeat and shame on a silver platter. Of all days it had to be today, as if the gods themselves had set this up to teach him how wrong he was in believing himself the best.

"Who is the man in black and why is he here then?" he asked curtly pulling him out of his internal reverie.

"I don't know much about him personally Asami-san. All I know is that he goes by the initials T.A. and that he has been called 'The King of the Streets' for the past eight years because he has been undefeated in both the stunts and the race. He used to run with two friends but they don't ride anymore. He has not been coming for two years Asami-san, I thought he was going to come ever again and out of all the other ones down there Tatsuba is the best. Everyone knows that, that is why I suggested him instead of any other person. Please, I did not lie to you I just didn't know this person still rode or that he was coming today. He might still not be as good as he was, what you need is the best rider. Skillful, fast and capable of avoiding obstacles and police alike; get in, get out, deliver and disappear. Tatsuba can still do that; you'll see Asami-san. You can still use him. " Soji pleaded to Asami again trying to save his neck and Asami quickly grew tired of his voice.

As it turned out Tatsuba did lose the race, at one point near the end he tried to grab the T.A. and pull him of his bike but it appears as if the man in black had sharp reflexes and heighten awareness as he ducked the hand avoiding being pulled off. Then he sped ahead lifter his bike on the front wheel and made a tight circle just as Tatsuba caught up to him effectibly hitting the other with the back wheel on the shoulder and throwing him off the bike to then finish the race all others were left behind.

The man in black got off his bike and was instantly surrounded by the crowd who cheered and called his name while the other limped to the crates while pushing his bike. Tatsuba was skilled, but he was not the best and Asami only hired the best.

Asami looked at Soji and fixed his golden eyes on black ones.

"Bring this T.A. person to me."

"But Asami san, what about Tatsuba-kun?"

"Do not make me repeat myself Soji or you will be doing what I asked with a bullet on your leg." Said the yakuza with an icy tone before taking a slow drink from his glass.


He had won. God it felt so good, the rush and the excitement, the adrenaline coursing through his body and the cheering of the crowd. He had forgotten what it was like to come to these events. He knew this races and the gambling and other stuff that went on during them were illegal and the idea that the police could arrive at any moment and they would have to run for it was undeniably exhilarating. He was a thrill seeker and he could not deny it, it was the reason he loved his job so much, the reason why he found Asami so exciting and was so fascinated by the man. Takaba Akihito was not made for a boring normal existence; he was made to push the boundaries of luck and his own limits.

He was surrounded by the loud mass of people congratulating him. Soji, the man Kou told him ran the bets on these events approached him.

"T.A.-san, someone important would like to meet you." The man said.

"What for Soji-san?"

"Well, you see… today's race was like an interview of sorts. The man needs the best rider for an important job and since you won the race I guess you are the most suited."

"I'm not interested." Akihito gave a sure reply, whatever this 'important' person wanted him to do, he was sure he did not want any part of it.

"T.A.-san at least hear the man out and give him a direct reply. It's the right thing to do."

Akihito sighed heavily before motioning to the man to go before him as he followed Soji into the building. They went up the stairs and stopped at a door on the third floor. Soji opened the door and entered, Takaba entered right behind him but Soji's body prevented him from seeing the people inside.

"I brought T.A. sir." Said Soji as he moved out of the way.

Simultaneously Takaba looked at the familiar golden eyed man as the man narrowed said golden eyes angrily at him. Their eyes locked for what felt like hours to Akihito.

A soft "Fuck" escaped the young man's mouth as he realized he was in deep shit. Soji looked from one man to the other in curiosity and fear when Asami's cold and sharp as a blade order had him practically running out of the room.

"Out, all of you." He said to the rest of the people in the room while still holding his lover's gaze.

On his way out Kirishima could not help but think that perhaps believing Takaba to be able to stay out of trouble for one night was just asking too much.

"So," Asami began anger clear in his voice. "Nothing particular, just going to hanging out with your friends and doing stuff. Just you and the guys hanging out." He repeated Akihito's words to him earlier that night. The blond gulped and began to tremble slightly, however Akihito would never go down without a fight.

"What are you doing here? You, you! You broke our deal and had me followed didn't you?" Akihito accused with what he hoped was righteous anger.

"That is where you are wrong Akihito. I, unlike you, kept every word of our agreement my reasons for being here are purely business related and us meeting here is nothing more than a serendipitous encounter. You on the other hand not only lied to me but did what I specifically asked you not to do when I told you not to do anything stupid or get yourself into a dangerous situation. Which if I must explain, your little stunts out there fall into the category of things that are stupid and dangerous." Asami was now standing before Akihito; his eyes were alive with anger.

He pulled the boy by the arm and tossed him on the couch pinning him down with his own body.

"Akihito, why must you toss my heart around like this? Isn't it enough that you won't quit that job of yours for the sake of your safety but now I even have to be wary of this sort of things? Do you really want me to lock you up where you won't be able to see anyone you care about just so that I can be sure you won't get hurt? Now you are even lying to me, do you not understand that want to keep you safe because I…"

Asami went quiet suddenly and looked away from hazel eyes wide in surprise. This was as close as the man had ever gotten to saying those three words and right now to him knowing the feeling was there was enough. Akihito lifted his hands and cupped Asami's face in them turning it so they could look into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry Asami. For lying to you but this is who I am, I like the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline, you already knew that. I promise you this though, I will never again lie to you and I always will be careful so that I don't get hurt. I am sorry for making you worry."

The blond boy pulled Asami into a sweet kiss that quickly became a passionate one as their mouths fought for dominance. Soon Asami took the lead and his hands traveled the boy earnestly as if he wanted to make sure nothing had happened to this precious body of the person he cared the most about. To Akihito every touch felt like an admission of how much Asami truly did care about him and at this very moment he felt like the most loved person in the world.

Asami kissed his chest, somehow the man had taken of his jacket and shirt and he had not even realized it. The man had that power to get you so wrapped up in him that you suddenly found yourself naked or close to and did not even know when it happened. A gasp followed by a quiet moan escaped Akihito's lips as the golden eyed man licked then pulled one of his nipples with his teeth while he lightly pinched the other.

He let go of the boy to get in a more comfortable position to get the leather pants off. As much as Asami thought Akihito's ass looked delicious on them, the thing was a nuisance when it came to take it off. He pulled them down to the blonde's knees along with his underwear and flipped the young man around so he was on all fours on top of the couch. He wet three fingers with his mouth and began to prepare his lover. By the time the second finger was in Akihito was writhing and trembling with the need to be filled fully by Asami. When Asami inserted the third finger the most wanton and lewd sounds came from that luscious mouth and the man almost lost it. He released himself from his pants and penetrated the boy almost in one go. As he fully sheathed himself within the photographer a lustful moan and a lascivious groan filled the room.

"Move, please… I can't take it anymore." Said his young lover.

Asami had tried to give him time to adjust to his girth and it had been a monumental effort to keep still, this wanton request shattered his control and he began to pound mercilessly and fast into the boy.

"Asami, Asami, Asami" in his ecstasy the boy called his name over and over as he reached his climax. Asami still hard inside him despite having reached orgasm at the same time Akihito did continued to fuck the slim young man into the couch until he released himself into the tight canal two more times.


They had just walked into the penthouse when Asami led Akihito into the bedroom. He opened the door to the secret room and his lover gave three steps backwards.

"Asami, you can't possibly want to do that now. We just had sex!"

"We had a deal Akihito and I don't remember any clause as to when I get to collect my part of it." Asami pulled Akihito into the secret room and smiled deviously at him.

"Brace yourself Akihito; you won't get any sleep tonight. After I'm done with you here I still have to punish you for tonight."

Akihito gulped as all color left his face and he looked at Asami with a horrified expression. Any protest that might have come out of his mouth was dexterously silenced by a searing and dominating kiss as the door to the secret room closed behind him.

Asami was sure he would go grey at an early age, either that or have a heart attack but the more he learned about his feisty kitten the more he realized that despite his never-ending speeches about justice and the law, Akihito had been a little delinquent in more than one way before they met. Akihito was a thrill seeker and he understood that was what held them together before emotions got involved. His lover was still a box of surprises to him and he was more than happy to enjoy learning each and every one of them. He would still punish him tough; after all he was a zealous owner and did not like his property engaging in dangerous behavior and oh how he enjoyed punishing his Akihito.


Wow this is my longest story so far. It took me FOREVER to write this thing and I had to find some bike stunts videos to be able to make it somewhat realistic. I just hope I did a decent job describing what they looked like... some of them were absolutely insane. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this fic. Please leave reviews and tell me what you think, your review make my day and give me encouragement to keep writing as well as some ideas for my next stories. Thank you for your support.
