Hi guuuuuys! :D
Sorry Iit's been a while. Just thought I'd post a little update to say I'm in the process of writing the first chapter/interlude for the sequel! (Cheers, throws confetti) I'm hoping to have it up by the end of the weekend. (Hopefully! At the moment it's 5k words but still got a bit of the between now and then to write) In the mean time I thought I'd post these omake I meant to post at the end of the last chapter but completely forgot. :)
Several weeks later, Rin and Yukio stood Iin the foyer of a bank that Rin had broken into a mere few weeks prior. He hadn't had a chance to really look at the building and was spinning around every few paces to take in the grandiosity of the building, making himself dizzy in the process.
"Take it easy! You're still recovering!" Yukio scalded, pinching the bridge of his nose. Rin ignored him but regretted it when his head started to spin and he had to stand still for a few seconds.
"Rin..." hermione said in exasperation, joining Yukio in mothering the half demon ever sinse he was discharged from hogwarts infirmary and ordered to rest.
"Hay! I gotta see if this Malfoy guy was telling the truth!" Despite his protests he slowed to a walk and settied for just looking around in ower. "Those are the wierdest looking goblins I've ever seen," he uttered.
"Rin don't be rude!" Yukio almost flushed in embarassement for his supposed-to-be- eleer brother's childish antics and followed Harry to the main reception desk. He handed over the deed and they where lead into another room where they where given a key and made to sit in a strange, fairground like contraption. After an exciting ride that had Rin laughing and Yukio a sickly shade of g3een, they stopped by a cave like crevice with a huge round door with many bolts and security mechanisms. The goblin thay had driven them here took the key off Yukio and used it to open the grate. Inside was a huge cave like vault with a small area tuat was piled high with gold, silver and bronze coils the twins had started becominf used to. Rin's eyes widened comically and he immediately jogged to the small fortune, practically dancing on the balls of his feet. Even Yukio had a hard time containing his shock, he had worked out a conversion for the magical world's currency and had a good idea of just how much money they had aquired, well, Rin had aquired for them.
"Yuki? Yuki...YukiYukiYuki!" The bluenette started dancing from one foot to the other, eyes practically popping out of his head.
"Rin don't do it. I know what you're thinking."
"Can I? CanIcanIcanICa-"
"NO! Stop being chi-"
"Tough shit!" With that Rin belly flopped onto the pile of gold and sent coins scattering in every direction and started laughing like a mad man. Yukio sighed. "WE'RE RICH!"
Anyways, I don't wanna give too much away but the first chapter isn't going to be particularly exciting but, like with this fic, I hope y8u will stick with me to the end :D (it still makes me squee everytime I see how many reviews, followers and faves this got! I honestly love you guys!) I'll post a note here to say i4's been posted :D
See you guys before the weekend is out!
X Aneki X x